Yuki Matsuzaki 松崎悠希

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Yuki Matsuzaki 松崎悠希
Actor - LA/JPN Letters from Iwo Jima, The Pink Panther 2, The Man in the High Castle, voice of TMNT's Usagi Yojimbo 出演作: 硫黄島からの手紙→野崎、ピンクパンサー2→ケンジ、パイレーツ4→ガーヘン
Los Angeles/Tokyolinktr.ee/yukimatsuzakiJoined January 2016

Yuki Matsuzaki 松崎悠希’s Tweets

[39/🪡] OP:"The account compiling this thread is compiling tweets with biased translations to revive discrimination against an already extinct minority in the modern world." Me: a WHAT minority? I bet you become "color blind" the moment you land in the US twitter.com/bukkake_mentai
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The account compiling this thread is compiling tweets with biased translations to revive discrimination against an already extinct minority in the modern world. Please help us never to trust his malicious and mean-spirited translations and revive hateful discrimination. twitter.com/Yuki_Mats/stat…
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[39/🪡] OP:"The account compiling this thread is compiling tweets with biased translations to revive discrimination against an already extinct minority in the modern world." Me: a WHAT minority? I bet you become "color blind" the moment you land in the US twitter.com/bukkake_mentai
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The account compiling this thread is compiling tweets with biased translations to revive discrimination against an already extinct minority in the modern world. Please help us never to trust his malicious and mean-spirited translations and revive hateful discrimination. twitter.com/Yuki_Mats/stat…
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I translated some of the worst Japanese Tweets about minority representation so that YOU can experience what it's like to be a minority in Japan who has to live through this. Those Tweets start at 9/🪡. It's the DEFINITION of cesspool. The fandom can use some cleaning. RETWEET.
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Yuki Matsuzaki 松崎悠希
[THREAD🪡] I asked Japanese Golden Kamuy manga/anime fans to publicly call for Ainu representation in the live-action film currently being made... and guess what happened? THEY HATED THE IDEA. They say it doesn't matter as long as the Ainu girl(Asirpa) is portrayed funny. *sigh* twitter.com/Yuki_Mats/stat…
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[38/🪡] Hey, I have this craziest idea. What if we hold an open casting call? I KNOW! It sounds INSANE! But no need to worry about the cost bc... I'm willing to pay the entire cost of holding an open casting call for Asirpa. So, what's the hold-up now? twitter.com/Zmove8/status/
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Replying to @ImaniJess @HandspikeAuthor and 4 others
The problem is the disregard for the character "Asilipa". It is doubtful that an Ainu actor who knows Ainu culture and is also a teenage girl exists. Furthermore, it must fit the image of Ashilipa. This is a "live-action Golden Kamuy" story, not an original Ainu film.
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[THREAD]🧵 Now that the column that I called out Hollywood for being racist is out in public, let me give you some examples of some of the horror stories I had to endure. If you haven't read the article yet, please do so first. Okay, buckle up everyone! 1/
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[THREAD🪡] Due to Twitter's design, you can only see 30 tweets at a time. If you want to continue reading though these cesspool of tweets I received for calling for minority representation in Japanese media, CLICK THIS TWEET. RETWEET. THIS. IS. NOT. O.K.
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Yuki Matsuzaki 松崎悠希
[THREAD🪡] I asked Japanese Golden Kamuy manga/anime fans to publicly call for Ainu representation in the live-action film currently being made... and guess what happened? THEY HATED THE IDEA. They say it doesn't matter as long as the Ainu girl(Asirpa) is portrayed funny. *sigh* twitter.com/Yuki_Mats/stat…
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this is because GK isn't good Ainu representation: the mangaka exclusively works with museums and researchers (represented by the state) and not Ainu activists (who are often at odds with museums) and the work is reflective of this relationship
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Yuki Matsuzaki 松崎悠希
[THREAD🪡] I asked Japanese Golden Kamuy manga/anime fans to publicly call for Ainu representation in the live-action film currently being made... and guess what happened? THEY HATED THE IDEA. They say it doesn't matter as long as the Ainu girl(Asirpa) is portrayed funny. *sigh* twitter.com/Yuki_Mats/stat…
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“Yeah, just like all those classical Western films.” ↑たしかに!!! 映画をあまりたくさん見ない私ですら、「ティファニーで朝食を」が思い浮かぶ。 最近だとコーダとか日本でもsilent(まだ当事者俳優見てないけど)とか、世の中どんどん変化している。「無茶苦茶」ではない。
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Yuki Matsuzaki 松崎悠希
[25/🪡] OP: "Mr. Matsuzaki's demand of GK casting real Ainu is absurd. I mean, the voice actor who's voicing Asirpa isn't Ainu, and all those classical Japanese films didn't use Ainu people either." Me: Yeah, just like all those classical Western films. twitter.com/METHIE34/statu
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[23/🪡] OP: "They say Ainu roles should be played by Ainu actors, but Black actors are allowed to play elves. As a former filmmaker, I wonder how they cope with these contradicting theories." Me: Umm... wake up. Elves aren't real. They're not minorities. twitter.com/Opi/status/158
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