Time to Index Capital Gains

WSJ Freelink End Inflation Tax

This should not be a partisan issue, or Rich vs Poor, it is right versus wrong.

With high inflation back, it’s time to complete the Reagan tax reforms that indexed tax rates on income to inflation.

$100K invested in 2000 would, even with no real growth in the businesses, be $171K today. Selling the stock in those businesses now would result in capital gains tax on $71K income that is entirely imaginary.

It is wrong, and should end.

Lying Liars Gotta Lie


This right wing LIE is a good example of how MAGA-Republicans distort reality for the dubious political gain of agitating their base. The CDC adds Covid vaccination to their recommended childhood immunization schedules while making it clear that the actual requirements are up to state and local officials. This grain of truth becomes a mandate and an example of big government usurping the roles of parents. It would be laughable if it were not so damaging.

The Alex Jones Verdict Shows the Danger of Defamation Laws

Source: Mises Institute.

The Alex Jones verdict is fundamentally wrong.

In a free society, a private citizen saying things that other people are free to ignore is not punishable by law. In a society which does not respect free speech, however, merely saying words is apparently grounds of levying fines of hundreds of millions of dollars.

One might even say the verdict is morally wrong, but perhaps it is enough to question the legitimacy of defamation as a legal theory.

Biden’s Political Manipulation of the Oil Supply

WSF Freelink Biden’s Political Use of SPR

Biden and the Democrats are manipulating the oil market for political gain and doing it with stunning incompetence.

You might remember during the pandemic, Trump wanted to buy oil for the SPR at $24/bbl to keep fracked shale wells from being damaged by shutting them down, and the Democrats blocked it as a ‘bailout for big oil,’ Bet Biden wishes those wells were still in production now..