Enigma Browser
A privacy-friendly browser made in PascalABC.NET, made by me, Michael Agarkov.
It's based on IE, but that's only better for privacy, since you can tweak a lot of settings!
It's distributed with the BSD 4-Clause License, so you have the freedom to release your own versions with your own modifications, for you to feel the full freedom while using it! (Just follow the EULA and don't break it)
It's size is also lesser than a megabyte, which makes it be very compact and perfect for your small laptop ;)
I hope you like it, and you will make use out of it!
For the source code, I recommend using PascalABC.NET version 3.4.2 build 2050, because it's the version I use, and the version it is compiled in. You can get it here: https://tinyurl.com/PascalABCNET
For the installer, I recommend using Inno Setup 6.0.5, because it's the version I use, and the version it is compiled in. You can get it here: https://tinyurl.com/InnoSetup605