
The Tech Talk

Making awkward tech conversations with kids slightly less awkward.

Firefox is here to help you out with some starter topics to get things rolling. You got this!

Keep scrolling for The Super-Official Family Tech Agreement


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Meet your kid’s data clone

Deep within a big-tech data science lab, a copy of your kid (who also won’t make their bed) is being frankensteined together based on their internet usage.

What to do:

  • Keep data private by turning off location services for apps.
  • Opt into “Ask app not to track” if your kid is using an iPhone.
  • Set Firefox as the default browser to block ad trackers from sneaking data.

Mental Health

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The never-ending storrrrrries

Does your kid get stuck down endless, algorithmic rabbit holes where time and space and homework cease to exist?

Be sure to discuss:

  • Many apps are designed (by evil geniuses) to suck them in. It’s not your kid’s fault.
  • Consider instituting “charging breaks” or curfews for their phone/device.
  • Talk about how their social apps make them feel.
  • Think about turning off some or all notifications.


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Ugh, trolls amiright?

Internet trolls can be brutal on kids, especially kids who post to social media, where their fears and feelings are an easy meal.

Nested hearts in a rainbow of colors 12 Likes, 27 Friends, 6 Comments

What to do:

  • Discuss implementing a “positive comments only” rule.
  • Talk about how publicly posted pictures can be misused.
  • Block users who are offensive, bullying or negative.
  • Agree to report online bullying to school administrators.

Public Wifi

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An extra sloppy scoop of public wifi

Lots of schools offer free wifi to students, but they also offer sloppy joes in the cafeteria. Both can be pretty sketchy.

Why should u care?

You don’t have to be a genius-level hacker to snag private information from people connecting to open networks. The technology is cheap and readily available.

What to do:

With all the unlimited data plans out there, it’s best to just use your provider’s cellular data rather than public wifi. But if there’s no reception or data is an issue, get a trustworthy VPN and activate it before you connect to the network.


We heart
all families

Firefox is made in part by lots of real-life, tired yet strangely optimistic parents, and we’re backed by an awesome non-profit too.


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A quick word about passwords

“I’m in!” says the hacker who just crossed saying that phrase off his bucket list after he guessed your kid’s pet-name password.

Example form: Log-in

Example username:

Example password: MrFlounder_Sweats_Clam_Chowder77

Example password: I_eats_thechowder77

Generate a secure password in Firefox or create a fun, random passphrase instead of a password. Make it alphanumeric and at least 12 characters long.

Private mode

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The private browsing mode paradox

On the one hand, private browsing can make it harder for advertisers to track your kid *dramatic pause* but it also erases their browsing history.

Things to talk about:

Note: Private browsing might be the elephant in the room or it could be a thing they haven’t discovered yet. Proceed with caution.

Consider talking about dangers of things like adult content in a way that’s appropriate for their age.

Something to think about:

There are plenty of parental control/internet monitoring apps available, but is installing one really the right move? There’s actually a lot to consider.


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The Super-Official Family Tech Agreement

You made it! Now, it’s time to chat!

Be sure to discuss and sign this family agreement. Then your next move is probably hanging it on the refrigerator, huh?

Download PDF