Joint Research Network of Hokkaido University・Tohoku University・Tokyo Institute of Technology・Osaka University・Kyushu University

Network Joint Research Center for Materials and Devices

Frequently Asked Questions

About the "Network Joint Research Center for Materials and Devices"

What is the "Network Joint Research Center for Materials and Devices"?

This is a Project approved in 2009 By the Ministry of Education that established a system making possible applications for joint researches in order to promote the studies in the field of “Materials and Devices”. It promotes joint research between 5 Research Institutions: Research Institute for Electronic Studies of Hokkaido University, Laboratory for Chemistry and Life Science of Tokyo Institute of Technology (former Institute of Natural Resources), Institute of Multidisciplinary Research Institute of Tohoku University, Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research of Osaka University, Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering of Kyushu University.

  • Applications for Joint Research with staff members of 5 participating Institutions are welcome from research scientists of National, Public and Private Universities, as well as of Industrial Enterprises.
What are specific features of the "Network Joint Research Center for Materials and Devices"?

This is a network of 5 Research Institutions scattered around Japan (Institutions: Research Institute for Electronic Studies of Hokkaido University, Institute of Multidisciplinary Research Institute of Tohoku University, Laboratory for Chemistry and Life Science of Tokyo Institute of Technology, Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research of Osaka University, Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering of Kyushu University). It makes possible joint usage of abundant human and equipment resources of these 5 Institutions.

What research fields are included?

Nano Systems Science (Research Institute for Electronic Studies of Hokkaido University)
Substance Creation Development (Institute of Multidisciplinary Research Institute of Tohoku University)
Material Histochemical (Laboratory for Chemistry and Life Science of Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Nanoscience and Devices (Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research of Osaka University)
Materials Functional Chemistry (Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering of Kyushu University)

About Rsearch Programs

What is the "Cooperative Research" ?

This is a Joint Research started after application specifying a theme, which is connected to the field of “Materials and Devices” (it is not necessary to specify exact contents of the theme) and Staff members wishing to carry out this Joint Research. Please use the following reference to get details on the main Research Themes, list of staff members arranged according to their research fields, etc.

※The applicant and the staff members designated for the Joint Research must belong to one of the 5 institutions of the Joint Research Center.

What is the "Facilities Utilization" ?

This is application for a joint research theme that involves usage of equipment belonging to the 5 participating Institutions.

What one must do to join the Project?

Submit application, choose collaborators, who must agree with the text of the application. Please submit the application by the following link. (Closed)

How to Apply

How application can be made?

Please use the Electronic Application System. (Closed)

What is a procedure in a case when the same research is supposed to be continued in the next year?

Since a new selection procedure must be applied, please do a new application for the joint research in the next year.

Is it possible to submit several applications in the same research area (from the same laboratory)?

Yes, it is possible if the theme of research is different.

Is it possible to submit applications from several areas (laboratories) on the same theme?

Yes, it is possible. Please apply after consultations with accepting staff members responsible for the research area.

Are applications from abroad possible?


If the applicant is a foreigner, what is the application procedure?

Please let the accepting staff member to make application on your behalf. When the results of the selection will be known, the accepting staff member will let you know them.

Are there any other ways to apply except for using the electronic application system?

As a rule, the electronic application system must be used. If there are any difficulties with the use of the electronic application system, please inform the head office of the Center.

About Agreement and participating researchers

Is it necessary to apply personal stamps of the applicant and Director of the institution at the Agreement?

Yes, it is. However, if the Applicant is a foreigner, please apply his signature together with the signature of the Director.

Who exactly qualifies as the Director of Institution for signing the Agreement?

In the case of University, the Head of the corresponding Faculty. In the case of enterprise, the Head of Department.

Is it necessary to take a classe on "research ethics" before starting a joint research?

NJRC do not provide research ethics education, though applicants are required to sign an agreement that includes engaging in appropriate spending of research expense, and complying with obligation as below:

What to do if the contents of the Agreement are not approved?

Please, immediately inform the Accepting Researcher, as well as the responsible official from his Institution. 。

Who should be listed as participating researchers?

Researches from the laboratory of the Applicant.

Can someone not listed as a participating researcher take part in the research?

No, that is not possible. If you need to add participating researchers, please apply to the representative of the Center office.

Is it possible to include a graduate student to the list of participants of a joint research? (Insurance issue)
It is possible under condition that the graduate students obtained insurance both of "Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research (PAS)" (with an additional coverage for commuting accidents) and "Liability Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research (LSR) ".

Post-selection Procedure

How the starting and finishing points of the joint research can be defined?

Joint research begins after the Accepting Researchers are selected. The joint research is considered to be finished after submission of the final report.

What can be done if it is necessary to change the contents of a successful application (duration, affiliations or titles of the participants)?

Upon informing the Accepting Researcher, please inform the responsible person in the office of the Joint Research Center.

What about budget for the selected research?

The amount of budget for every research field will be notified. This budget can be used for travel expenses or purchase of spendable materials, e.g. reagents necessary for the research.

What official procedures are required?

After beginning of the joint research, main administrative procedures should follow those accepted in the research facility in which the research is carried out. Please inquire in your institution.

During the progress of the joint research projects of the type A or B, is it possible to cover travel expenses other than those required for visiting the cooperating institutions?

Although the main purpose of using the travel expenses is to cover the travels letting the Principal Investigator visit and carry out research in accepting institutions, in the case of the A or B type research projects, other types of travel expenses can be also covered. This includes for example attending joint seminars of the alliance members, e.g. meetings of the Principle Investigators of the 5 research institutions for a team discussion of the current research, presentation of the research results on the meetings of the alliance institutions, or for reporting the results at the scientific meetings of the specific research fields.

Can Accepting Researchers of the A or B type projects use the budget for covering travel expenses?

In the case of A or B type projects, travels of the registered participating researchers from the laboratory of the Accepting Researcher can be covered upon an agreement of the Principal investigator.
Representative examples are:

  • Accepting Researcher visiting the laboratory of the Principle Investigator for the purpose of joint research.
  • Principle Investigator and Main Accepting Researcher are visiting together the institution of another Accepting Researcher.
Can the fact of being selected a Next Generation Young Researcher be included in the CV?

Please make a record of being nominated as“Outstanding Student Researcher”through the duration of the research.

Publishing Research Achievements (About Acknowledgement)

When publishing research achievements that have been supported by NJRC, how should researchers make sure to indicate it that the obtained as a result with supported by NJRC?

Examples of the appropriate format for the indication in the acknowledgments are given below. (Please remember to include this in the acknowledgement)

  • Cooperative Research Program
  • (Example) This work was performed under the Cooperative Research Program of "Network Joint Research Center for Materials and Devices."
    (Example in short)This work was performed under the Cooperative Research Program of "NJRC Mater. & Dev."

  • Extended Research Program_A、B
  • (Example)This work was performed under the Research Program of "Dynamic Alliance for Open Innovation Bridging Human, Environment and Materials" in "Network Joint Research Center for Materials and Devices".
    (Example in short)This work was performed under the Research Program of "Five-star Alliance" in "NJRC Mater. & Dev."

  • Research Program for Next Generaton Young Scientists
  • (Example) This work was performed under the Research Program for Next Generation Young Scientists of "Dynamic Alliance for Open Innovation Bridging Human, Environment and Materials" in "Network Joint Research Center for Materials and Devices".
    (Example in short)This work was performed under the Research Program for Next Generation Young Scientists of "Five-star Alliance" in "NJRC Mater. & Dev."

  • Research Program for CORE Lab
  • (Example) This work was performed under the Research Program for CORE lab of "Dynamic Alliance for Open Innovation Bridging Human, Environment and Materials" in "Network Joint Research Center for Materials and Devices".

  • Facilities Utilization
  • (Example) This work was performed under the Cooperative Research Program of "Network Joint Research Center for Materials and Devices."
    (Example in short)This work was performed under the Cooperative Research Program of "NJRC Mater. & Dev."