Two Russians manoeuvring the globe-spanning American monoculture; currently in armchair war reporter mode | Follow us on telegram:
Radio Deza is BACK. New ep about the battles of Konotop/Orsha & how they play into the national myth of Ukraine/Belarus, especially regarding Cossacks in Ukraine & the idea of "European Poland vs Asian Muscovy".
Your 2nd favorite show on the RWA network: Kirill talking about obscure history, political theory, conspiracy theories & assorted esoterica. This one is part I of a new series - taking a look at the national mythology of various limitrophe states & how it distorts actual history.
bla bla we're not party to the conflict bla bla we can't let Putin win because that would mean we live in a world where authoritarian regimes can use military force to achieve their goals bla bla Ukraine is "sovereign" bla bla, just the same crap he always says
NATO will not participate in the war in Ukraine, because "the war will end before Ukraine passes all the necessary procedures to join the Alliance," said Mikhail Podolyak, advisor to the head of the Presidential Office of Ukraine
>Zelensky formally applying to NATO in "expedited procedure"
>Stoltenberg "unprecedented announcement" later today
Did we get too cocky, nothinghappeningbros?
I could say something about cynicism, or evil, or hypocrisy, but I'm tired of that, I just hope the next Kalibrs and Shaheds find their targets well, as they did last night.
This convoy was shelled while waiting in line to cross from Ukrainian-held territory into Russian-held territory, i.e. these were pro-Russian refugees, i.e. Russians, i.e. "the stupid orcs shelled themselves again", as they are known to do.
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Russians made alternative #Netflix and named it Zetflix. The website says that «Zetflif let you watch Netflix premieres for free».
They steal and do not even hide. And they seems to be proud of it.
Eduard Limonov, a Kharkov native. Sad he didn't get to see 2022.
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A must watch video from Ukraine in 1992.. it's eerie how accurate this man was 30 years ago when he predicted the likelihood of a civil war in Ukraine. Take a listen.