Maturity: “the ability to respond to the environment in the appropriate matter. This is a learned rather than instinctive ability.”
Maturity means no longer relying on a carer to look after your needs. Maturity allows independent decision making and being responsible in choice of actions. Contrarily, immaturity is a time when one can not yet handle these more adult decisions; one is still learning from their carer how to function in the world.
Based on this definition, several key aspects stand out. Firstly, the SJ types seem to best suit this ideal of the mature type. Sensory types are known as practical, down to earth, realistic and detail orientated. They are also quick at picking up real world skills. From these characteristics, sensory types are likely to develop the ability to survive in the real world much more easily then the more dreamy intuitive type that is not as focused on the real world. Additionally, judging types are organised, planning types that are known for their decision making abilities. Therefore, SJ types are the most mature types.
This is where it gets tricky- the ESFJ, ESTJ, ISTJ and ISFJ “duty fulfilling” types are all equally likely to be mature. Therefore, I shall make a list of the four different maturity types:
- ISFJ “stable type” at their peak, the ISFJ is practical and sensitive, showing great consideration for others. The Si allows them to follow known laws, customs and skills that allow them to make adul
t decisions, whereas the Fe helps them understand others. Their IJ nature means they never lose their cool and are therefore the most stable type of the four types.
- ESFJ “care taking type” much like ISFJ’s, ESFJ’s at their healthiest stage understand other people much like ENFJ types due to their Fe. However, their Si allows them to provide practical knowledge and warmth that makes them the care taking type, therefore one of the most mature types of all.
- ESTJ “protecting type” with their extroverted Te, this type is good at creating systems and orders to protect their families and society. Often parents or law enforcers, these mature types are the types many look up to for fairness and order (Te/Si combination) which makes them a mature and responsible type.
- ISTJ “hardworking type” their Si and Te means they develop a hardworking, organised value system that ensures that they will work hard to achieve what they need. This high achieving, logical and concrete mind sight makes them an independent and responsible type.
Therefore, the ISTJ, ESTJ, ESFJ and ISFJ types are the most mature types. Remember, this isn’t to say the NP types are the most immature or that other types are immature! It varies much between different people, this is just a generalisation based on one person’s perspective on maturity! You can read about the awesome aspects of the other types on my other blog entries!
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