2022- We Decide FujiOK SDGs to 2030
2017 March 20,We make start Scholarship of The world’s No. 1 newspaper company “Nikkei”
for A motivated students in Nepal
Nihon Keizai Shinbun
Asian Review by Nikkei
日経中文聞 by Nikkei
The Financial Times by NIKKEI
2016 June 30:BeSmile! Charity Live in Nepal
Japan Embassy Certified Japan Nepal 60th Anniversary Project (JAICA sponsored)
-日本ネパール国交60周年記念事業・復興支援コンサート- 外務省リンク
2015May20 Support activities for victims of the earthquake in Nepal ネパール大震災復興支援活動
Fuji Ok Japanese (Native) Language Center Pvt.Ltd
Charbahill,Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel:9860282414 (am11:00-Pm16:00)