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Investor | Entrepreneur | Financial Education Advocate | Author
Scottsdale, Arizona, USArichdad.comJoined April 2009

therealkiyosaki’s Tweets

SAVERS ARE LOSERS. 25 years ago, in RICH DAD POOR DAD I stated savers are losers. Today, US debt in 100s of trillions. REAL INFLATION is 16% not 7%. Fed raising interest rates will destroy US economy. Savers will be biggest losers. Invest in REAL MONEY. Gold, silver & Bitcoin.
TIME FOR POOR TO GET RICH. Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETF & Real Estate crashing. As PREDICTED Middle class being wiped out. Silver moving sidewards. Silver to stay at $20 for 3-5 years, then climb to $100 to $500. Everyone can afford silver even poor. Accumulate silver now.
Stop watching pro football. I hate racism. Being Japanese American I know there are racists yet America is not systematically racists. The NFL with their racist slogans on their helmets just lost a fan. If pro sports are so WOKE why aren’t there more Japanese pro athletes?
I agree BLACK LiVES MATTER. I also believe All LIVES and ALL LIFE Matters. All life is spiritual a gift from god. That is why I stated racism is a scar on our souls…regardless of our race, gender, or financial status.
RACISM is a scar on our human spirit. I know there are racists in America. Being Japanese American I have experienced racism; yet America is not SYSTEMATICALLY RACIST. The REAL RACISTS are the rascists teaching Critical Race Theory in schools. Stop racism. Stop teaching CRT.
HIRE A COACH. Poor dad was a teacher. He told people what to do….even if could not do what he told others to do. Rich dad was a coach. He asked me to do only to do what he was doing, coaching me through the process. Lesson: Amateurs hire teachers. Professionals hire coaches.

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LIAR: Biden’s IRA, Inflation Reduction Act has nothing to do with inflation except cause more inflation. IRA is a socialist WOKE, tax & spend GREEN NEW DEAL will RAISE INFLATION by reducing power of dollar, increase debt and taxes. Don’t be WOKE. Be AWAKE to LIARS like Biden.
2008 was great time to get rich. Everything went on sale. Borrowed millions of dollars buying real estate bargains. 2013 I published Rich Dads Prophecy predicting BIGGER crash coming. THAT CRASH is HERE. Millions will be wiped out. Pls do not be one of them. Time you get richer.
Its not WHAT’s IN YOUR WALLET!? It’s WHATs IN YOUR HEAD? All markets crashing: Real Estate, Stocks, gold, silver Bitcoin. Middle class wiped out by higher oil inflation. Yet Rich are getting richer. Difference in head not wallet. Change WHATS IN YOUR HEAD FIRST…then get richer.
ARE YOU A CAPITALIST? A Person who produces goods or service for millions of people at fair prices. ARE YOU A SOCIALIST? A Person who takes from producers & gives to non producers. ARE YOU A COMMUNIST: A Person who takes everything from everybody and gives it to the government.
MOST IMPORTANT JOB: Flew in Vietnam as Marine Gunship pilot. Went down 3-times. My most important job was not to kill. Most important job was to bring my crew home alive and in one piece. Pilot training allowed me to do my most important job. That’s the power of real education.
FBI search Trumps home unconstitutional. 4th Anend states: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers & effects, against unreasonable searches, seizures, shall not be violated & no Warrants shall issue…” Please read 4th. 4th protects Trump, you & me.
2-IMPORTANT SKILLS of an an ENTREPRENEUR: 1. Ability to SEE the FUTURE 2. PREPARE to profit from the future. My VISION of the FUTURE. Desperate DEMOCRATS will run Michelle Obama against TRUMP or DeSantis. If she wins, what will you do? I’d buy a lot more gold, silver & Bitcoin.
OPENING My CLOSED MIND. I don’t invest in things Fed or Wall Street print. TIME to OPEN my MIND. After listening to Harry Dent, I am buying US Treaury 2-year bonds. Also Jim Rickards is calling for the biggest crash in history to occur Sept 21, 2022. Please check both men out.
Chrystia, you're a fraud and a fascist. We all know the "vaccines" don't work.
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Chrystia Freeland
I got my second booster shot at my local drugstore this evening. If you are 18 and over in Ontario, you too can get your second booster! And thank you to all of the pharmacists across Canada who are continuing to keep us healthy and safe. 💉
Why are Biden and Democrats asking for billions of dollars to hire 87,000 new IRS agents? Why are they asking these 87,000 new agents to be armed and prepared to US deadly force? Why did the FBI raid Trumps home yet lose Hunter Biden’s laptop? Does that spell GESTAPO?
FBI raiding Trumps Mar a Lago home proves America has been taken over by academic Leftist Nazis. Congress passes bill to hire 87,000 more IRS agents. The FBI and IRS are modern America’s Gestapo. Are you and me next? Protect you, your family, home and wealth.
When fighting in Vietnam, I was not fighting for Republicans or Democrats. Marines and our military fight for FREEDOM. It saddens me to see our FREEDOMS being stolen, especially our FREEDOM to LAUGH OUT LOUD. Today I fear laughing out of fear of hurting someone’s feelings. SAD.
BRAVEST PEOPLE in the world are NEW PARENTS and NEW ENTREPRENEURS. They are the bravest because the global elites work against them, making their lives harder and riskier. They the most important because they are the future. Children and entrepreneurs are the FUTURE. Bless them.
DO NOT CARE for Nancy Pelosi yet respect her for flying to Taiwan. She has been Taiwans advocate for years. Unlike Joe and Hunter Biden who are Communists Chinas best trading partners. Need more leaders like Pelosi not more Biden’s.
“WHAT DID SCHOOL TEACH you about money?” Wonder why? Hitler said: “Let me control the text books and I will control the state.” Hitler responsible for death of 35 million Euro deaths in Europe, civilians, soldiers, minorities, Jews.
EQUALITY is Marxist “Woke BS.” “Everyone gets a trophy BS.” Does that mean if I play golf against Tiger Woods he must let me win? If I run for President I must win? Every dollar I earn I must share w/7 billion people? Equality: Marxist BS taught by Marxist school teachers.
BIDEN BS. Although stats prove we are in a recession BIDEN’s team of BS artist want us to believe this recession is a “transition.”BIDEN’s BS team intentionally destroying the GREAT USA. Biden’s team are Marxists traitors. I wtote Capitslist Manifesto to fight back. Lets FIGHT!!!
FYI Gold Silver Ratio oldest tracked rate in history: For 20th Century the gold:silver ratio was 47:1…47 oz of silver=1 oz gold. Today 85:1. Why I suggest “buy silver.” For $25 bucks everone can buy a silver coin. Don’t take my word for it. Study. Become rich. Don’t be a fool.
Q: What is BEST investment VAUE TODAY? A: silver. Gold over $1700 and silver falls to $20. I do not touch paper gold or silver ETFs. I only want real gold or silver coins. Silver is an industrial precious metal. Gold is not. Do not take my word for it. Study precious metals
75% OF ALL DEMOCRATS do not want Biden to run for a second term. Before running Biden…Democrats should have heeded JORDAN PETERSONs warning: “if you think TOUGH MEN are dangerous, wait until you see what WEAK MEN are capable of.” Never has one party & one man so damaged US. Sad.
People losing trust in Media. I lost faith in media as a Marne Corps pilot in Vietnam. In the 1970’s I listened to CBS & NBC reporting on battles I fought in. It was fake news. Fake news described US fighters as losers . We fought for freedom. Fight for fredom not lies
FYI. LOSERS watching stock market. Real problem is in bond market. Bond market 40 times larger than stock market. Please pay attention to bonds, not stocks. Major crash to come. Take care.
US Bond Market crashes. Biggest bond crash since 1788. China’s RE bond market crashing. Over 90 million empty condos in China. Bond markets bigger than stock market. I am buying more gold, silver now,and waiting for Bitcoin to go lower.
WARNING: Inflation may lead to Greater Depression. Real estate crashing. Foreclosures up 700% from last year. Lays offs starting. Dominos falling. Is your work…or company you work for vital to economy? Are you necessay? If you are…you will do well. Take care.
Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas nominated swimmer of the year. I guess that clears the way for men to hangout in high school girls toilets. Is this what you want? If not say something. Speak out. Fight back. As US Marines say “Semper fi.” Forever faithful. Speak up. Stay free.
Great news. Armed gunman intent on mudering shoppers in Indiana Mall “neutralized” by armed civilian. Innocent lives saved. I was shot at many times in Vietnam and had a gun put in my face 3- times in US. As Dirty Harry said “Feeling lucky. Make my day.” I am armed 24/7. Are YOU?
Jim Rickards made his most important announcement today. It’s about the most treasonous act in US history Biden’s Executive Order 14067. It’s communism in its purest form, the creation of CBDC Cental Bank Digital Curreny. Stay awake. Tune in to Rickards. Tune out Biden Take care
Biden in Saudi Arabia begging them to increase oil production. At the same time he cuts oil production in US killing Americas poor and middle class with inflation. Joe “senile” Biden, Hunter “laptop” Biden and Jill “taco” Biden are “cartoons” proving aliens exist.

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