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Characters / Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers

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The Rescue Rangers

    The Team 

  • Depending on the Writer: How exaggerated their personalities or quirks are in certain episodes.
  • Five-Man Band: The Rescue Rangers themselves are headed up by co-founders and partners Chip and Dale, their mutual love interest the Gadgeteer Genius Wrench Wench...Gadget Hackwrench, and the Little Guy, Big Buddy duo of Zipper and Monty.
  • Family of Choice: Chip and Dale were already together at the start, though the nature of their relationship on the show and whether they are just very close friends or actually related is left ambiguous. Along the way they pick up Monterey, Gadget, and Zipper — two mice and a house fly — and despite their difference forge a new family. By the end of the Boom! comics Foxglove has also joined them.
  • Karmic Trickster: While usually not getting revenge on people who antagonize themselves, they bring this down on the various crooks they encounter while helping others on their cases, often subjecting them to a brutal Humiliation Conga in the process.
  • The Power of Friendship: The Rangers' close-knit Family of Choice and friendship allows them to take on threats many times their size (including humans and other large animals). And any time one of them tries to go it alone the others are always there to remind them that they're stronger together than they are apart.
  • Spanner in the Works: Usually how the Rangers foil the human crooks. Surprisingly, the first time the Rangers foil Fat Cat's plan was completely by accident; they were only after the ruby he was wearing and didn't even care about what he was up to.
  • They Fight Crime!: It seems like the Rangers are even better at this than the police.
  • True Companions: They may squabble and bicker, but are devoted to one another, and will stand together to the end.
  • Walking the Earth: Although the Rangers live in a City of Adventure, their cases have taken them all over the world, and even outer space (in "Out to Launch").
  • We Help the Helpless: As it says right in the theme tune: "No case too big, no case too small." The Rangers take on the cases that human authorities can't or won't, whether it means finding a lost kitten, or stopping a boatload of sealife bent on global destruction.
  • We Work Well Together: After stopping Klordane, Monty, Zipper, and Gadget were about to go back to their normal lives, much to Chip and Dale's disappointment. When a little girl was heard saying her puppy was missing, they decided to stay to help and became a permanent team.

Dubbed in French by: Béatrice Belthoise
Dubbed in Japanese by: Roko Takizawa (official dub voice), Kenyuu Horiuchi (TV Tokyo dub)
Dubbed in Latin American Spanish by: Dolores Muñoz Ledo

The leader of the Rescue Rangers.

  • Adaptational Heroism: In the Classic Disney Shorts, Chip and Dale were usually depicted as troublemakers whose karmic enforcement was mostly just revenge over someone slighting them. In the series, they are altruistic crime fighters, with their mischievous streak much more downplayed.
  • Adaptational Seriousness: Chip is far less carefree than he was in the classic shorts. Although, in the first ten minutes of the pilot movie, he is shown to be as much a fun-loving goofball as Dale is. It's only when the responsibility of clearing Detective Drake's name falls on him and Dale that he gets notably more serious.
  • Adventurer Outfit: His default outfit is a bomber jacket and Fedora of Asskicking, meant to evoke Indiana Jones.
  • Agent Scully: Chip is perhaps the least likely to immediately accept supernatural explanations for strange goings on. Most notably when he scoffs at Cassandra's predictions in "Seer No Evil." Even after the first few begin to come true, he dismisses them because of the Prophecy Twist involved.
  • All Work vs. All Play: All Work to Dale's All Play. Chip is very serious-minded and focused, and though he does have a few vices such as his detective novels, he's nonetheless the less likely to unwind and goof off.
  • Amateur Sleuth: A big fan of the 'Sureluck Jones' method, and usually the one to notice and interpret clues.
  • Ambiguous Disorder: While Chip is often the Only Sane Man, he's also Not so Above It All with his own personality quirks. In particular, he's a Control Freak who demonstrates a good bit of Super OCD. He doesn't like not having a plan, and takes it to the extreme of even preferring to plan out his downtime down to the minute.
  • Anthropomorphic Shift: Chip is much more animal-like in the classic Chip 'n Dale shorts. The change to Chip and Dale fighting crime in a Mouse World alongside humans has led to a more anthropomorphic take on the character, including wearing clothes, walking upright more frequently, and much less emphasis on animal-like behavior.
  • Badass Adorable: Chip does some pretty fearless things, but ask female Rangerphiles in particular, and they're likely to tell you how cute he is.
  • Cartoony Tail: He has a short tail that ends in a point, sort of like a deer's tail, as opposed to resembling a real chipmunk's tail, which is longer and bushy.
  • Catchphrase: Chip coined, and is the one who most often uses, their rallying cry, "Rescue Rangers away!"
  • Clothing Damage: Chip's hat is subject to considerable abuse, getting flattened, crushed, rumpled, singed, caught in gears, chewed up, and just simply worn out from exposure.
  • Cloudcuckoolander's Minder: He's mostly this for Dale, trying to keep him focused on the mission when Dale himself would rather be goofing off, and on-track when his mind begins to wander, usually with a bit of Percussive Maintenance or calling him out when he's about to do or has done something incredibly stupid. To a lesser extent for Gadget, as well, being the one to usually rein her in when she starts to go off on a tangent.
  • Control Freak: He's not really comfortable unless they have a plan, and he's not totally comfortable until he's the one giving directions.
  • Deadpan Snarker: He's usually the one to comment when something particularly ludicrous happens. Dale gets the brunt of it.
  • Detective Animal: A crime-solving chipmunk. Chip demonstrates the best deductive reasoning of the cast, and is more often than not the one to piece together the clues the others find.
  • Determinator: Chip will absolutely not stop until the case is solved, or if his friends are in danger. Even when he had a prediction of the future hanging over his head that ended in his apparent death he refused to give in, with only a brief hesitation when faced with the final prediction. Notably, Chip is the only member of the team to have never undergone a 10-Minute Retirement.
  • A Dog Named "Dog": He's a chipmunk named Chip. Of Mice and Mayhem hangs a lampshade on it.
  • Dope Slap: Subjects Dale to this in the form of bonking him on the head after he does or says something stupid. Every now and then Dale gets to give one back.
  • Expressive Ears: Chip's ears will often wiggle when excited. Especially during his Ship Tease moments with Gadget.
  • Fedora of Asskicking: In as much asskicking as a series like this would allow, as he's probably the most physical Ranger after Monterey.
  • Furry Ear Dissonance: Zig-Zagged. Chipmunk ears are slightly pointed, located to the sides of the head, behind the eyes. When Chip's hat is off, his ears are more to the rear and close together. However when he puts his hat on his ears are closer to where they would normally be on a real chipmunk.
  • Furry Reminder:
    • Most of the time Chip is bipedal and completely human in his behavior. However occasionally he will drop onto all fours to run for an extra boost of speed, or for climbing up other surfaces like a real chipmunk.
    • Chipmunks have cheek pouches. Gadget takes advantage of this in Boom! Comics issue 5 by stuffing a bunch of gumballs in Chip's mouth to fill them up as part of a plan.
  • Genre Savvy: Not nearly to the same extent as Dale, however in "Pound of the Baskervilles" Chip makes great use of his encyclopedic knowledge of the Sureluck Jones mystery novels to solve the case (it's helped by the fact Jones' author pretty much based his house on the books).
  • Great Detective: Played with: it's his aspiration to be one but isn't quite there, and sometimes he laments the mundanity of their cases. Nonetheless, he wears an appropriate fedora, and even possesses a chipmunk-sized magnifying glass. He's also the one on the team who would rather investigate on cases rather than jumping right into action, and his role model is the fictional detective Sureluck Jones.
  • Half-Dressed Cartoon Animal: He wears a bomber jacket and fedora, but no shoes or pants.
  • Hammerspace: Not as egregiously as Gadget and her tools, but Chip is able to pull some surprisingly large objects from his inside jacket pocket, from a coiled length of rope, to a magnifying glass some twice his size!
  • The Hero: While the show may be an ensemble cast, with every member getting A Day in the Limelight, Chip most fits the trope. He's The Leader and the one who basically keeps the team functioning, is brave and cool-headed under fire, and even in his worst Jerkass moments is very seldom completely wrong. He's not as strong as Monterey but more than holds his own in a fight, nor as smart as Gadget but is still quite intelligent and clever.
    Dale: Hey, Guys! I can lead you; I just need to follow in the footsteps of a true hero!
    Gadget: Chip?
  • Heroic Resolve: Chip can get beaten and battered, but he will still keep going. Most on display in the finale of the Boom! comics: It's taking every ounce of strength he has left to even stand after being poisoned by the Order of the Quill, but it still doesn't stop him from confronting the Danger Rangers long enough for Foxglove to free the other trapped Rangers.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: With Dale. They annoy and drive each other up the wall, but are loyal and devoted friends nonetheless. Notably, they began the series together, and are the only two characters who have appeared since the first episode.
  • Hypocrite: Calls Dale's comic book obsession stupid, while himself being a huge Surelock Jones fan.
  • Improbable Weapon User: He has no compunctions against using any random thing he finds lying around in a fight when needed. Up to and including launching a piano (with Dale's help) at Monterey when they fight in the pilot.
  • In-Series Nickname: "Chipper," most of the time by Monty, but Dale uses it occasionally, as well. Even Tammy picks it up to his annoyance.
  • Interspecies Romance: Chip is a chipmunk, who is romantically attracted to Gadget, a field mouse.
  • Jack of All Stats: Chip isn't as strong and skilled a fighter as Monterey, but still more than holds his own in hand-to-hand. And while Gadget may be smarter overall, Chip is probably second on the team in raw IQ, while also not being saddled with the foibles that prevent her from fully applying her intellect to best effect.
  • Jerkass Ball: Crosses this line in a few episodes, perhaps most notably in "Adventures in Squirrel-sitting", "Pie in the Sky", "Le Purrfect Crime," and "Dirty Rotten Diapers".
  • Jerkass Has a Point: While Chip can overreact when he loses his temper, especially with Dale, many times he's not exactly wrong, either. For example in "Adventures in Squirrel Sitting," Tammy's Precocious Crush on Chip often put her and her sister harms' way, and directly interfered with the team's attempts to solve the case at several points.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He's usually the one with the bad attitude, and can be impatient and short-tempered. However he nonetheless cares deeply for his friends and the well-being of others, and when it comes down to it will ultimately always try to do the right thing because it's the right thing.
  • The Leader: Fairly subtly, since he occasionally passes the job to other characters whenever they'd do it better. However Chip has the lead more often than not, and the others often look to him for direction. Chip is also the best at leveraging the unique skills of the other Rangers to where they're the most effective.
  • Lightning Bruiser: He's not as strong or tough as Monterey, but can more than hold his own in a fight. He's also much fasters and more agile.
  • Limited Wardrobe: Chip is very seldom seen without his trademark fedora and bomber jacket. The main exceptions are when he's in disguise, or in his dressing gown and nightcap on his way to bed.
  • Motor Mouth: When he and Dale really get into it, he begins to speak quickly, and his voice gets even higher-pitched. Doubles as a Mythology Gag; he basically begins talking like he and Dale did in the classic shorts.
  • Mythology Gag: When he and Dale get into a particularly heated argument, their voices get higher and faster until they begin talking like they did in their classic shorts.
  • Nerves of Steel: It takes a lot to rattle Chip to the point of panic. Perhaps the only other Ranger who's cooler under fire is Monterey, who is a Boisterous Bruiser and Leeroy Jenkins. No matter how dire the situation, Chip can almost always come up with a plan to get the crew out of it again.
  • Not so Above It All: As serious as Chip can be, he has his moments. He'll chastise Dale over his obsession with horror movies one episode, and then will geek out when he realizes a case has brought him to the home of his favorite mystery writer the next. He's also not above hitting back at Dale if Dale pulls a prank on him, or even playing things dirty if Gadget is involved.
  • Only Sane Man: With the possible exception of Zipper, he's the only team member who can stay focused.
  • Punched Across the Room: Essentially how he and Dale meet Monty for the first time.
  • Punny Name:
    • Chip and Dale themselves are a pun on "chippendale"—that is, Chippedale the furniture makers. The all-male exotic dance troupe of the same name is alluded to in "Double 'O Chipmunk" after Dale has taken off his spy tuxedo, wearing nothing but a bowtie.
    • Chip is also one on "chipmunk".
  • Precocious Crush: Chip is the object of the younger Tammy's affections. Chip himself views their relationship as strictly platonic, verging at times on seeing her as an Abhorrent Admirer.
  • Private Detective: While this is basically what the Rangers are in general, Chip most exemplifies it. He usually takes the lead on their investigations. And he has the Fedora of Asskicking to complete the image.
  • The Reliable One: An odd example in that he also pairs this with being The Leader and (ostensibly) the main character. A big part of the reason Dale (and to a lesser extent Monterey) can goof off, Monty can Leeroy Jenkins into trouble, and Gadget can be...well...Gadget, is because Chip is there to keep them focused when the time comes. He's the best on the team at leveraging their individual talents to best effect, has few foibles that distract him from the task at hand, is level-headed and cool under pressure, and almost always has a plan.
  • The Rival: Throughout the series Chip had a strong rivalry with Dale for Gadget's affections. Both were attracted to her, and they often squabbled over her attention. As shown in "One Upsman-Chip" they could extend their rivalry to other matters, as well, such as who was able to "Got ya last!"
  • Running on All Fours: Chip will drop down to all fours to run for an extra boost of speed, or to more easily scale surfaces more like a real chipmunk.
  • Ship Tease: While Chip and Dale are both openly attracted to Gadget, Chip probably gets the most teasing with her of the pair, and never has another clear love interest as Dale does with Foxglove.note 
  • Shipper with an Agenda: He pushes Dale into Foxglove's wings during "Good Times, Bat Times" to get him out of the way of his own pursuit of Gadget.
  • The Smart Guy: While not the smartest, he's still second after Gadget in overall intelligence. And unlike Gadget, he's not overly burdened with her Cloud Cuckoo Lander tendencies, so also tends to be more observant and on the ball, and less prone to Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!. Additionally, while Monty usually charges right in without thinking, and Dale's plans tend to rely more on Refuge in Audacity and making it all up on the fly, Chip prefers to think things through ahead, and is the team's go-to strategist.
  • Straight Man and Wise Guy: The Straight Man to Dale's Wise Guy.
  • Super OCD: Chip plans everything, which often leads him to butting heads with Dale and Monterey — as well as Monty's father — over their preference for simply winging it. It notably leads to a conflict with Dale in "Shell Shocked," when Chip has their entire vacation planned down to the minute.
  • Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: Indiana Jones outfit, that is, dark brown aviator jacket plus fedora, and will occasionally wear a suit. No hair other than his fur.
  • Through a Face Full of Fur: Gadget and Tammy have both made Chip blush on occasion.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Constantly fights with Dale. But at the end of the day, they're always still Heterosexual Life-Partners.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Occasionally on the receiving end (most often from Gadget) when he really grabs the Jerkass Ball. Most often when he gets too impatient with Dale, but also happened at his harsh (albeit not entire unjustified given Tammy put herself and the rangers at risk) scolding of Tammy for meddling with a case in "Adventures in Squirrel-sitting," or not wanting to take Midge's case in "Pie in the Sky" because it was "too small" for him.
  • Whip It Good:
    • Some of Chip's early concept art included a whip, which doesn't actually get used in the show. However he does often carry around a coil of rope which he uses in much the same manner as Indiana Jones and his bullwhip, thus evoking the trope.
    • At least one cover for the Disney Comics series that ran concurrent with the show's original broadcast depicts Chip with a whip (he's never shown using one in any of the actual stories).

Voiced by: Corey Burton, Andy Samberg (2022 live-action/CGI movie)
Dubbed in French by: Philippe Videcoq
Dubbed in Japanese by: Minoru Inaba (official dub voice), Kōichi Yamadera (TV Tokyo dub)
Dubbed in Latin American Spanish by: Arturo Mercado (main voice), Cristina Camargo (some episodes)

Co-founder of the Rescue Rangers.

  • Adaptational Heroism: In the Classic Disney Shorts, Chip and Dale were usually depicted as troublemakers whose karmic enforcement was mostly just revenge over someone slighting them. In the series, they are altruistic crime fighters, with their mischievous streak much more downplayed.
  • Agent Mulder: Dale firmly believes in aliens, ghosts, and other supernatural phenomena, in large part because of his love of cheesy SciFi and horror movies.
  • Air Guitar: To an Iron Goose music video on TV. Yup, Dale's a metalhead.
  • All Work vs. All Play: All Play to Chip's All Work. While Chip is often laser-focused on work, Dale is anything but, and looks for any way possible to get out of it so he can goof off and have fun.
  • Anthropomorphic Shift: Dale is much more animal-like in the classic Chip 'n Dale shorts. The change to Chip and Dale fighting crime in a Mouse World alongside humans has led to a more anthropomorphic take on the character, including wearing clothes, walking upright more frequently, and much less emphasis on animal-like behavior.
  • Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?: Dale will often respond to questions about what someone is thinking with Ask a Stupid Question... sort of answers, usually resulting in a bop on the head from Chip.
  • Badass Adorable: While not as often as Chip, he has his moments whenever he's actually able to pull himself together and get motivated. Most notable when he takes on Sewernose in a sword fight, and proves to have quite a skilled sword-arm.
  • Big Eater: Of acorns as usual, but he also has a major sweet tooth.
  • Bumbling Sidekick: Dale is the comedy relief in the series. He's not nearly as intelligent as Chip, and is often clumsy.
  • Balloon Belly: In "Out To Launch".
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: He may be clumsy and eccentric, but he is really good in things he is good at, like crossdressing, and at times where he can apply his near-encyclopedic knowledge of pop culture.
  • Catchphrase: Wowie zowie! whenever Dale is particularly excited or awed by something.
  • Cartoony Tail: He has a short tail that ends in a point, sort of like a deer's tail, as opposed to resembling a real chipmunk's tail, which is longer and bushy.
  • Cloud Cuckoo Lander: The most extreme case on the team. He doesn't have much of an attention span, and often lives in his own, weird little world.
  • Criminal Amnesiac: In "Le Purrfect Crime", amnesiac Dale is convinced by Maltese de Sade's henchmen that he is the gun-munk "RamDale in order to use him against his friends.
  • Crossdresser: Not ordinarily. On the other hand, when a plan calls for disguises, somehow he's the one thinking 'dresses'.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Dale is a lazy slacker who loves nothing more than goofing off and having fun. He's also not the brightest member of the team. However he's always there when his friends need him, and while he may not have Chip's gift for strategy, he's able to improvise some highly effective plans in a pinch.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Not as often as Chip but he'll usually deliver a one-liner when Chip goes off and yells at someone.
  • Disguised in Drag: Dale pulls this trick off more often than any of the other guys. And he's extremely good at it, too: One of the few times Gadget openly displayed any consideration over her own appearance was when Rat Capone suggested he found Dale (disguised as his new moll "Tootsie") in drag more attractive.
  • Dope Slap: More often than not on the receiving end from Chip over something stupid he says or does. On the rare occasion he gets to do it back.
  • Drives Like Crazy: Steers the Ranger Wing into a jetstream on its maiden flight. He probably spends the least time of any of the Rangers at the controls of one of their aircraft. Even when Gadget rigs up a wing suit so he can fly with Foxglove he ends up crashing it almost immediately after ignoring the suit's weight limits by scooping up Chip.
  • Easy Amnesia: In "Le Purrfect Crime", Dale loses his memory when a falling Paris souvenir hits him on the head. Later on, Chip gives him a bonk, and his memory is back.
  • Fun Personified: His only consistent interest is in having a good time.
  • Furry Ear Dissonance: Dale's ears are always drawn more towards the rear of his head and much closer together than they would be on a real chipmunk.
  • Furry Reminder:
    • Most of the time Dale is bipedal and completely human in his behavior. However occasionally he will drop onto all fours to run for an extra boost of speed, or for climbing up other surfaces like a real chipmunk. He also has a particularly strong fondness for acorns.
    • Chipmunks have cheek pouches. Gadget takes advantage of this in Boom! Comics issue 5 by stuffing a bunch of gumballs in Dale's mouth to fill them up as part of a plan.
  • Genre Savvy: Dale loves pop culture, and on several occasions he's applied his love of fiction to the current situation to good effect.
  • Half-Dressed Cartoon Animal: Dale wears a Hawaiian shirt, but no pants or shoes. It becomes the source of a gag in "A Fly In The Ointment" when he and Gadget swap bodies, and Gadget freaks out and fashions a paper cup into a makeshift skirt.
  • Hard Head: Whenever the Rangers need someone to use their head, it's almost invariably Dale. It's even discussed in the pilot movie: when the Rangers are waylaid by some falling debris, Dale quips that he's fine because it all landed on his head.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: With Chip. They annoy and drive each other up the wall, but are loyal and devoted friends nonetheless. Notably, they began the series together, and are the only two characters who have appeared since the first episode.
  • Hidden Depths: Despite being lazy, not too bright, and an extreme Cloud Cuckoo Lander, Dale can be a surprisingly clever quick thinker. He's unnervingly good at pulling off Disguised in Drag, and in "A Case Of Stage Blight" reveals he's quite a gifted swordsman.
  • Implausible Fencing Powers: In the showdown fight in "A Case of Stage Blight", Dale, a chipmunk, has to fence against Sewernose de Bergerac, an alligator several times his size with a weapon several times as large as his. Dale wins.
  • Improbable Weapon User: He has no compunctions against using any random thing he finds lying around in a fight when needed. Up to and including launching a piano (with Chip's help) at Monterey when they fight in the pilot.
  • Interspecies Romance: Dale is a chipmunk, who is romantically attracted to Gadget, a field mouse. Later in the series he also begins to fall for Foxglove, a bat.
  • Kid-Appeal Character: Dale's the one who enjoys comic books, watches scary movies in secret, doesn't see the point in cleaning his room, etc. etc.
  • The Lancer: Where Chip is serious and focused, Dale is laid back and just likes to have fun. Dale seldom takes the lead, but when he does their leadership styles couldn't be more different (Chip being a planner, Dale just winging it).
  • Let's Get Dangerous!: On a couple of occasions Dale has been the team's only hope, in which case he always sets aside the jokes and rises to the occasion. However he'll save the day readily, but then return to his habitual lazy joking attitude.
  • Malaproper: Occasionally on the show, but to the extreme in Fan Fic. He even "resembles that remark" on screen.
  • More Dakka: RamDale and his Decaffeinator, a hand-cranked gatling gun that shoots coffee beans.
  • Motor Mouth: When he and Chip really get into it, he begins to speak quickly, and his voice gets even higher-pitched. Doubles as a Mythology Gag; he basically begins talking like he and Chip did in the classic shorts.
  • Mythology Gag: When he and Chip get into a particularly heated argument, their voices get higher and faster until they begin talking like they did in their classic shorts.
  • Named Weapons: In "Le Purrfect Crime", when Dale is the Criminal Amnesiac RamDale, he calls his crank-operated coffee bean gun with the drum magazine on his back "The Decaffeinator". Both the gun and its naming are a Shout-Out to "Old Painless" from Predator and to Arnold Schwarzenegger's use of the self-same gun in Terminator 2.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business:
    • In "Adventures in Squirrel-sitting", Dale himself was actually angry and disappointed in Chip for his harsh treatment of Tammy. Dale even bonks him on the head.
    • In "Mind Your Cheese and Q’s", he gets angry at Monty twice; first because he ate his cheese from cheese sandwitches and second time because Monty got cheese attack and wasn't helping to rescue Gadget.
  • Plucky Comic Relief: Dale is the least serious of the group, and is always ready with a joke. He also tends to suffer the most slapstick, and is the most overtly comical member of the team. And he gets right back up and keeps going.
  • Punched Across the Room: Essentially how he and Chip meet Monty for the first time.
  • Punny Name: Chip and Dale themselves are a pun on "chippendale". If that isn't obvious enough, see the scene in "Double 'O Chipmunk" after Dale has taken off his spy tuxedo, wearing nothing but a bowtie.
  • Refuge in Audacity: Most of the time Dale makes things up as he goes along. When he does have a plan, it's so over the top it runs on this. On at least one occasion Chip has outright asked whether Dale is insane when he revealed his plan. And Dale completely owned up to it.
  • Relationship Upgrade: The Boom! comics heavily imply that Dale and Foxglove are indeed in a relationship.
  • The Rival: Throughout the series Dale had a strong rivalry with Chip for Gadget's affections. Both were attracted to her, and they often squabbled over her attention. As shown in "One Upsman-Chip" they could extend their rivalry to other matters, as well, such as who was able to "Got ya last!"
  • Rubber Man: During his brief stint as 'Rubber-Bando'.
  • Running on All Fours: Dale will drop down to all fours to run for an extra boost of speed, or to more easily scale surfaces more like a real chipmunk.
  • Sharp-Dressed Man: Dale when he imitates his role model, the super-spy Dirk Suave, and dons a white tuxedo. You may ask yourself why, on the other hand, Dale's idea of dressing up is a Jon Arbuckle-style "clip-on suit". But then again, that's Dale.
  • Ship Tease:
    • Dale is openly attracted to Gadget, and while not as often as Chip he nonetheless had a few moments moments of direct teasing between them (such as catching her when she falls off a flying carpet, and the infamous "Red Dress" scenes in "Double-O Chipmunk.") It was enough that the Ship-to-Ship Combat got very hot during the early days of the Internet.
    • "Good Times, Bat Times" introduced a new love interest in Foxglove, with whom Dale was heavily teased throughout the episode (particularly as Foxglove's flirtations were much more overt). As the internet fanbase expanded, Foxglove has become the favored Ship for Dale among the fans. The Boom! comic all but makes them an Official Couple.
  • The Slacker: He's greedy, lazy and usually ignorant (which does make him handy when exposition is required) and prefers to goof off than actually work.
  • Smug Super: He got pretty overconfident during his time as 'Rubber-Bando'.
  • Stock Scream: He always had the same scream, and it oddly never sounded like his normal voice.
  • Straight Man and Wise Guy: The Wise Guy to Chip's Straight Man.
  • Sweet Tooth: His love of candy comes up in a number of episodes, and he often reacts to chocolate the same way Monty does with cheese.
  • Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: Red and yellow Hawaiian shirt. He is also in possession of multiple suits (sans bottoms) with bowties.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Having watched too many late late night movies, Dale spends half of "Last Train to Cashville" sleepy or actually asleep, thereby causing the other Rangers to be captured by Fat Cat. Upon realizing this, he decides to go against the rotund feline and his goons alone for the other half.
  • Took a Level in Dumbass: Dale already isn't the most educated member of the team, though he does display a degree of savvy (especially when he can apply his considerable knowledge of pop culture to the case). However on a number of occasions he's just plain dumb as a brick.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Downplayed, but Dale reacts to chocolate the same way Monterey does with cheese.
  • Tuxedo and Martini: Double-O Dale - sans Martini, of course, but his role model Dirk Suave and the gimmicks built into his tux make up for this.
  • Unabashed B-Movie Fan: Just about every movie Dale watches on TV is a B-movie at best.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: He and Chip often squabble, sometimes even coming to blows when arguments get particularly heated, but they care for one another deeply.
  • What, Exactly, Is His Job?: When Gadget is listing what each of the other Rangers brings to the team in "The Case of the Cola Cult" she has to stop and think for a second regarding Dale before deciding on his "good sense of humor".
  • Would Hit a Girl: He jabbed Su Lin in the rear end in with a qiang.
  • Wrestler in All of Us: He once put his alien clone in a Boston Crab.
  • Xanatos Speed Chess: Unlike Chip, Dale very rarely thinks thinks through ahead of time. Most of the time when he puts a "plan" in motion he's just making things up as he goes. And he can still pull it off.

    Gadget Hackwrench 
Voiced by: Tress MacNeille
Dubbed in French by: Virginie Ledieu
Dubbed in Japanese by: Naoko Matsui (official dub voice), Mina Tominaga (TV Tokyo dub)
Dubbed in Latin American Spanish by: Ariadna Rivas

A young female mouse and the team's pilot, mechanic and inventor.

  • 10-Minute Retirement: In "The Case of the Cola Cult". Gadget quits the team after several inventions in a row fail quite spectacularly, the others (except perhaps Chip) lose confidence in her, and she slips into a Heroic BSoD feeling there's nothing else she has to offer. It lasts until she finds out that at least one of her inventions was sabotaged by the Big Bad, who has captured the others, and she sets out to rescue them.
  • '80s Hair: Her big hair is certainly a sign of the times in which the cartoon was made.
  • Absent-Minded Professor: Mechanical engineering, computer science and vector analysis are easy. Remembering that you're in danger is hard. Gadget is also so often focused on the "big picture" that sometimes she inadvertently forgets minor but important details, such as not considering that she ought outfit the Screaming Eagle with skis for a landing on snow and ice until Monty makes a comment about it after the fact, leading to the aircraft's destruction.
  • Action Girl: With Monty and Chip on the team she doesn't have to display it often, but there are episodes in which she takes a direct hand. In "The Case of the Cola Cult", she becomes a one-woman (well, mouse) army, driving a mouse-sized war machine and armed with a suction-cup crossbow and a magnet she can use to reflect metal projectiles back at their throwers. She single-handedly takes down nearly a dozen attackers and the Big Bad while simultaneously rescuing the other Rangers.
  • Ambiguous Disorder: Gadget has to stop and remind herself about normal social conventions when she first meets Chip and Dale, frequently just plain forgets them anyway, is possibly Oblivious to Love and most of the time appears not to recognize the fact that she's actually quite attractive (especially to Chip and Dale), and is prone to bouts of poor self-esteem as both an inventor and pilot. She can be quite scatter-brained and forgetful even of important things that aren't related to her current task, is easily distracted, and has a tendency to fall into rambling Motor Mouth tangents, leading Monty to snark in an aside that her "elevator doesn't go to the top floor." She's also a ridiculously intelligent and brilliant Gadgeteer Genius, capable of building almost anything the team needs at any given moment in that moment, including building a fully-functional airship out of the wreckage of her father's plane and whatever trash she found lying around.
  • Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!: Gadget is easily distracted, especially by anything mechanical or technical. She also acknowledges in the pilot she has a staggeringly high IQ and that she gets bored easily.
  • Badass Adorable: She's hilarious when she gets angry, but she also tends to win when that happens. Not only can she engineer an infinite number of ways to utterly destroy you if you piss her off, but she may also be stronger than Monterey, and has demonstrated on several occasions she's more than capable of handling herself in a fight.
  • Badass Bookworm: Although Gadget is the brains of the group, she gets along well when it comes to intervening physically, demonstrating a good physical shape.
  • Balloon Belly: In "Out To Launch", the Rangers eat so much aboard the spacecraft that they all show much rounder shapes while relaxing and digesting. This does not exclude Gadget, she looks like she's pregnant.
  • Bamboo Technology: Almost all of Gadget's inventions are built (no pun intended) on this trope, with almost everything being scavenged from trash and junk she finds lying around. The Ranger Plane was built from a bleach bottle, while another type of bottle was used to build the Ranger Wing. Spools, pencils, paperclips, knives, forks, plates, flashlights, batteries, garbage cans etc. She can literally build anything from anything, from small tools up to a full-functional spaceship.
  • Bare Your Midriff: A couple episodes have her in a midriff-baring T-shirt and shorts outfit rather than her usual coveralls. One in which it's an abnormally hot heat wave, and again in "Gadget Goes Hawaiian," where the team is on vacation in tropical Hawaii.
    Gadget: Well, not what I'm wearing right now, obviously. Other things I wear. Well, not all of them. Some of them. Beach things and things.
  • Barefoot Cartoon Animal: In contrast with her teammates, who are Half Dressed Cartoon Animals.
  • Berserk Button: Gadget really doesn't like salesmen. She built a Booby Trap Death Course in her home at the airfield for no other reason than to keep them out, and when she first meets Chip and Dale suspiciously asks them if that's what they are.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Gadget is normally kind, sweet-natured, even-tempered, and prefers to avoid violence. However when pushed too far she will snap. And you do not want to get on her bad side when she finally loses her cool. Just see "The Case of the Cola Cult", which features her going into full Action Girl mode to rescue her friends.
  • Breakout Character: Gadget is pretty much the most popular character on the show, by a considerable margin (evident from the number of her tropes compared to the others alone). And for a while was Disney's most popular female character period, surpassing the likes of Minnie Mouse and Ariel. In fact when discussion began about bringing the Rangers into the DuckTales reboot, the original plan was only to use Gadget because of how beloved she was by fans, until the showrunners and Disney decided to allow for all of the Rangers to appear.note  To this day, there's still a Gadget-themed rollercoaster in Disneyland. There's even a cult that worships Gadget in Russia. No, seriously.
  • Buffy Speak: Once in a while she loses the thread of what she was saying, and falls into babbling jargon that doesn't have any particular meaning.
  • Catchphrase: She has several:
    • "Golly!" is sort of a catch all, usually in response to something unexpected or unusually impressive. However she also slips it into everyday speech as if it were a Verbal Tic.
    • "Should," specifically in regards to whether or not what she's doing will work. Which the Rangers have become savvy enough to recognize usually means it will not, and to run like hell.
    • "No Problems," which is more or less synonymous with "Should," and with much the same results.
  • Cloud Cuckoo Lander: At times Gadget exists in her own little corner of reality. She suffers from bouts of Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny! with difficulties focusing for any length of time, and frequently doesn't pay much attentions to real-world concerns. As Monty put it, "Gadget's elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor."
  • Compressed Hair: She has a long and luxurious Furry Female Mane that somehow fits completely tucked inside crash helmets and even under wigs that are just as long.
  • Cool Garage: Gadget's old home in a World War II bomber plane wreck, complete with dozens of death traps against intruders and a dynamite-driven catapult for her father's plane.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Not typically - it's more common for her to pick up whatever's lying around and turn it into the device she needs. But there have been occasions, such as with the glass cutter.
  • Damsel out of Distress: Thanks to her intelligence, resourcefulness, and penchant for being Crazy-Prepared, Gadget can frequently get herself out of trouble as often as she needs one of the others to help her.
  • Depending on the Artist:
    • Gadget's hair color tends to vary, ranging anywhere from yellow to orange. According to Tad Stones her hair was designed to be sandy-blonde, but they were often limited by the color palette.
    • Although her original model sheet stipulates a pinched waist for a feminine shape, it also specifies that her legs should be kept rodent-like. In practice this tended to vary, and the artists gave her much more human-like legs in "Gadget Goes Hawaiian" and during the Red Dress scenes in "Double-Oh Chipmunk." In general, the more fanservicey her outfit, the more human-like she tends to be drawn.
  • Depending on the Writer: Her Oblivious to Love tendencies can vary by episode. In some (such as "Catteries Not Included" and "Parental Discretion Retired"), she not only recognizes, but appreciates Chip's affectionate gestures.
  • Derailed for Details: Gadget will often go off on a rambling tangents about the subject at hand whenever she loses her train of thought. These rants are known as Gadgetisms.
  • Distressed Damsel: Gadget is captured or kidnapped in a number of episodes. Sometimes she needs a rescue. Other times she has little trouble getting herself out of danger on her own.
  • Ditzy Genius: She can make almost everything from almost anything, including rebuilding a plane out of garbage, and a functional spaceship from a garbage can, but she simply does not register that in certain circumstances, certain behaviors are socially necessary or unusual.
  • Drives Like Crazy: Gadget is a much better pilot than she gives herself credit for, but she nonetheless makes it more exciting for the others than it needs to be. It also extends to any other vehicle she operates, such as the Ranger Mobile (though to be fair bits and pieces had fallen off ahead of time).
  • Dude Magnet: Both Chip and Dale fell in love with her at first sight. She's also caught the eye of villain Rat Capone, who keeps urging her to sign up with him.
  • Even the Girls Want Her: Glitch of the Danger Rangers is obsessed with her!
  • Everyone Loves Blondes: Gadget is generally depicted as blonde, (though Depending on the Artist may veer almost into redhead) and Chip and Dale frequently squabble over her attention. She weaponizes it in "Double O'Chipmunk," when she dressed as a spy with a red dress, heels and a blonde(r) wig. She looks very sexy to Dale (and later to minions of that episode's Big Bad).
  • Expy: Tad Stones says her personality was based on that of Jordan Cochran, the Genki Girl nerd of the 1985 film Real Genius.
  • Fully-Dressed Cartoon Animal: Gadget consistently wears clothes over her entire body (Err, almost, anyway). In fact, her reaction to her realization her head had been transposed onto Dale's body was to scream and cover his lower-portions with a makeshift skirt.
  • Fur Is Skin: Gadget's fur is significantly lighter than the others, and is uniform in color, lacking distinct dark and light patches. It leads one to wonder whether she even has fur, besides her Furry Female Mane (Tad Stones once said she does, and it covers up her tattoos).
  • Furry Female Mane: A rather extreme version mixing '80s Hair and long hair to dramatic effect. It provides a former image for the trope page.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: Her main niche on the team. She's the one who provides all the Rats of NIMH-style improvised technology - radios, submarines, blimps...
  • Genki Girl: She's very cheerful and energetic.
  • Goggles Do Nothing: Played with. She does wear them over her eyes occasionally when flying the Ranger Wing, but the show is rather inconsistent on this, and it's no excuse to be wearing them on her head all the time. Additionally, even when she is wearing them, the other Rangers are usually just fine without any goggles at all.
  • Good Is Not Soft: Gadget is ordinarily the kindest, sweetest, and most even-tempered member of the Rangers. She generally doesn't like violence, and prefers to find a peaceful resolution to conflict. However if you push her too far, she will put every point of her ridiculously high IQ towards obliterating you.
  • Grappling-Hook Pistol: Gadget's suction-cup crossbow, which comes up in a few episodes. She even uses a suction-cup pistol in "To the Rescue".
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Gadget is innocent, (often to the point of naivete) kind, and young, and is established to be quite attractive. Enough that even other species find her desireable. Her hair color tends to vary a bit due to Depending on the Artist, but according Tad Stones was intended to be a sandy-blonde, and is frequently a sort of goldenrod color.
  • Hammerspace
    • First is the glass cutter that's longer than herself in "A Creep in the Deep", and that she carries stashed away in her coveralls when she has to cut glass (yes, she seems to know that in advance). Not that it leaves a dent or something.
    • She also produces a raft from nowhere in "To The Rescue, Part 5".
    • Then there's the head light in "Shell Shocked".
    • One of the most baffling examples is in "Double O Chipmunk", where somehow produces a roll of "microfilm" (which, relative to a mouse, means it's the size of her whole torso) while in her infamous slinky red dress disguise.
  • Head-Turning Beauty: Chip and Dale were both instantly smitten with her the moment they met. And while she was still dressed down in her overalls after having just tried to kill them for trespassing before she recognized Monterey, to boot. More than a few other males have reacted in kind, including Rat Capone, while Tammy immediately considered her The Rival for Chip's affections. She dons a slinky red dress in "Double-Oh Chipmunk." Dale melts instantly on seeing her, and all it took was a coy roll of her shoulder to drive a mook mad with lust (along with the brainwave-controlled tank he was connected to. That's right, Gadget's so hot she made a tank pull a Wild Take).
  • The Heart: None of the Rangers better exemplify what they stand for than Gadget. She's at all times kind and compassionate, willing to go to great lengths to help others, and is always quick to call out one of the Rangers when they fail to live up to those ideals.
  • Heartwarming Orphan: A little older than the standard example, but who doesn't feel bad for her when she looks at a picture of her Disappeared Dad and tears up?
  • Heroic BSoD: Gadget has demonstrated on a number of occasions (such as "To The Rescue" and "Cola Cult") that she may have issues with her self-esteem, and as such is more prone to falling into one of these after a particularly bad failure than the other characters.
  • Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Tiny Girl to Monty's Huge Guy.
  • Humanoid Female Animal: Gadget is by far the most anthropomorphic of the group, especially compared to other mice on the show. She's a Barefoot Cartoon Animal who is otherwised fully dressed at all times (to the point she reacts with embarrassed shock when she gets a Body Swap with Dale, and improvises a skirt from a paper cut) with flowing hair, and is most frequently treated as if her Fur Is Skin.note  Her figure is distinctly feminine, with a narrow waist, wide hips, and her chest shaped in a way evoking breasts
  • Improvised Lockpick: She will occasionally uses her tail as a lockpick.
  • Innocent Blue Eyes: Gadget has pale blue eyes. She's also sweet and gentle, and innocent, often to the point of naivete.
  • Innocent Fanservice Girl: While downplayed because of the lack of nudity, the trope is in full force in "Battle of the Bulge," when Gadget steps out in her (very 80s) spandex workout suit, complete with Sexophone. Chip and Dale (until then reluctant to work out) practically fall over themselves to join her, and yet she doesn't seem to notice their reaction.
  • Interspecies Romance: Gadget is a field mouse, and is pursued romantically by Chip and Dale, who are chipmunks. Gadget's own feelings are ambiguous, but at least a couple episodes suggest she at least reciprocates Chip's interest. She also demonstrated an attraction to Sparky, a rat.note 
  • Lady in Red: In "Double 'O Dale" and "Mind Your Cheese And Qs" as part of her femme fatale disguise. The former is one of the few times that she shows awareness of her own sexuality (though later she notes that it's all "part of the act").
  • Lethal Chef: Referenced: Dale tells Foxglove that Gadget's cuisine always tastes like machine oil.
  • Luminescent Blush: Gadget combines this with Through A Facefull Of Fur, usually when she's flustered by romantic attention from one of the guys (most often seen with Chip).
  • MacGyvering: Gadget's preferred means of dealing with a given problem is to take a variety of nearby things and kludge them together into a device relevant to the task at hand.
  • Meaningful Name: In STEM circles, a "hack" is an inelegant or unconventional but effective solution to a problem. And of course, "gadget" aptly describes many of her smaller inventions.
  • Missing Mom: While Gadget's father Geegaw is mentioned and shown in a picture during the pilot, not a word is said about her mother, and she never appears during the series.
  • Morality Chain: A downplayed example, but Gadget is usually the one who reins in the Jerkass tendencies of the the guys (especially Chip, and occasionally Dale)
  • Motor Mouth: When Gadget gets going on a tangent she doesn't stop. Case in point in "Shell Shocked," when she starts rambling about how the hermit crabs whose shells were stolen will "be much less crabby. I mean, still crabs, but not so crab-like. Well, wait, still crab-like, since they are crabs after all."
  • Ms. Fanservice: A much more conservatively-dressed version than is typical, so on the surface you might not think so. On the other hand, those coveralls don't do much to disguise her figure, and her Genki Girl personality, intelligence, and Wrench Wench qualities provide their own Fanservice. And that's before you count the infamous red dress scenes. There's a very good reason that Gadget is the Breakout Character of the show, who even has her own religion (yes, really).
  • Nice Girl: She's innocent, kindhearted and selfless.
  • No Plans, No Prototype, No Backup:
    • Parodied: When a situation presents itself needing some new invention to resolve, often times Gadget will draw up blueprints for it on the spot.
    • Played straight: Gadget has a habit of testing out her new inventions in the field without ironing out any of the bugs first. Hilarity Ensues. Most notably demonstrated in the oft-mentioned "The Case Of The Cola Cult."
  • Non-Mammal Mammaries: Non-Human Mammal variation. Gadget clearly has a very feminine shape, with a narrow waist and prominent curves at her chest (suggestive of breasts) and hips. It's especially evident in her infamous "red dress" scenes; in some shots and angles she sports actual cleavage.
  • No Social Skills: Gadget is a bit scatter-brained, and often demonstrates a poor grasp of how to interact with others in normal social situations. In the Five-Episode Pilot she even has to stop and remind herself what she's supposed to do after introducing herself.
  • Obliviously Beautiful: Played With. Most of the time Gadget doesn't seem to realize the effect she has on others, (especially Chip and Dale) and the closest she gets to dressing up is a flower in her hair. And then you have "Double-O Chipmunk," where she openly uses her appearance to advantage (first while playing the Femme Fatale for Dale, and later using it on a mook). Ultimately the series never addresses how much she knows she's considered attractive.
  • Oblivious to Love: In most episodes Gadget doesn't seem to be aware of the boys' interest in her, although "Catteries Not Included" and "Parental Discretion Retired" have brief scenes that seem to indicate that she is not only aware of Chip's interest in her, but seems to enjoy (and possibly reciprocate) his attention as well. She was pretty obviously attracted to Sparky (from "Does Pavlov Ring A Bell?")... but he was even more Oblivious to Love.
  • One-Mouse Army: What she turns into when pushed too far, armored vehicles and advanced weaponry (for rodents anyway) optional, but to be expected.
  • One of the Boys: She is never shown to have any real female friends, doesn't wear cosmetics or jewelry, and her interests are anything but "girly". Even so, though, she isn't exactly what you would call a "tomboy."
  • Parental Abandonment: Geegaw's disappearance is unexplained and her mother is simply never mentioned, but To The Rescue shows that Gadget was effectively orphaned and took it hard.
  • Punny Name: Gadget Hackwrench is certainly fitting for a Gadgeteer Genius inventor and mechanic.
  • Reluctant Fanservice Girl: In "Double O Chipmunk:" After she, Monterey, and Chip are captured by the Villain of the Week, Chip has her seduce the guard — Gadget is currently wearing her slinky red dress for her Femme Fatale disguise — as part of a plan to escape. Gadget objects quite vehemently at first,note  but ultimately relents once convinced it's their only chance.
  • Rule 34: Poor Gadget is the subject of a lot of such material. Entire organizations within the fandom exist to oppose it. (Tammy and Foxglove, as well as the other Rangers, have their own fair share - but nowhere near the amount Gadget has.)
  • Science Hero: Hilariously true to the trope. If a solution doesn't exist, she makes one.
  • She Cleans Up Nicely: To carry the role of the classic Femme Fatale in "Double O Chipmunk", Gadget switches to a slinky red dress, a blond(er) wig, heels, makeup etc. There was also her time she, Chip, and Dale dressed as gangsters in "Mind Your Cheese and Q's". Subverted in other instances when her idea of "dressing up" is a flower in her hair. Another subversion is that the series itself makes no attempt to suggest she needs to clean up; Chip, Dale, and even Rat Capone all find her attractive in her every day attire (to which the fanbase would agree).
  • She's All Grown Up: Referenced in "To The Rescue." Monty mentions he hasn't seen Gadget since she was a little girl, and Gadget remarks she's grown up some. Chip and Dale are both duly impressed. It's much straighter when we see Gadget as a cute-but-awkward little girl in flashback scenes from the Boom! comics series.
  • Ship Tease: She has many of these moments with Chip and Dale, more often the former. During the early days of the internet, which was the main ship could get...heated.
  • Shy Finger-Twiddling: Variant. Gadget is prone to clasping her hands in front of her at her waist and shrinking down into the collar of her coverall when one of the guys is flirting with her (again, usually seen with Chip, such as in "Parental Discretion Retired" and "Seer No Evil"). May or may not be accompanied by a Luminescent Blush.
  • Skewed Priorities: There was a time when she considered brakes on vehicles overrated. Part of it is simply her bouts of absent mindedness, and getting so caught up in things she forgets something minor yet still important (such as forgetting to outfit the Screaming Eagle with skis for operations on snow and ice prior to a trip to the Arctic).
  • The Smart Girl: She is the brains of the group, describing herself in her debut as having "a mind-bashingly high IQ".
  • The Smurfette Principle: The main cast of five has only one female.
  • Super Strength: She can hoist up Chip with one hand while Dale and Monty are hanging underneath him.
  • Steven Ulysses Perhero: Gadget is a Gadgeteer Genius.
  • Stronger Than They Look: Gadget is no taller than Chip and Dale, and although by no means waifish, her character design is generally more slender and lightly-built overall. However she's known to at least be stronger than Dale (she could easily carry a piece of equipment over her head that Dale struggled just to lift). Several episodes indicate she may even be stronger than Monterey; in the pilot she was able to lift up Chip by his jacket front with one hand while Dale and Monty were hanging from him.
  • Stupid Good: Surprisingly enough for the smartest member of the group, Gadget is kindhearted almost to a fault and can have moments of this. In at least one episode ("Dirty Rotten Diapers") it got the Rangers seriously beaten up by the Villain of the Week when she tried to push them towards a "kinder and gentler" approach to dealing with their adversaries. Although take advantage of her trusting nature and she will put every weapon at her disposal to grind you into dust once she finds out.
  • Techno Babble: She'll start in on this at times. Some of it rarely makes sense, and are fondly called "Gadgetisms" by the fanbase.
  • Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: She's the only Ranger with eyelashes, and possesses a luxurious Furry Female Mane. Her fur is much lighter than the others', and her character is designed to evoke an hourglass figure with a narrow waist and wider hips and chest, suggesting breasts. Her coveralls are lavender instead of the regular blue. If she has to dress up for an occasion, or if she goes to the beach, she wears a flower in her hair. When it's hot outside, she bares her midriff in combination with pink shorts. Not to mention the infamous red dress.
  • Through A Facefull Of Fur: Whenever Gadget sports a Luminescent Blush it naturally doubles as this.
  • Tomboyish Name: Insofar as 'Gadget' implies a gender at all.
  • Toon Physics: Pretty much the only reason most of her inventions work is that this trope is in full force. For example, her rubber glove spacesuit in "Out To Launch" would have likely exploded: Since the suit was pumped full of air, the glove would have expanded rapidly the moment she left the Rangers' improvised spaceshipnote  due to Boyle's Law, as seen in this demonstration. With nothing to constrain the suit's expansion, it would likely have continued expanding until it ruptured altogether.note 
  • Took a Level in Badass: When she changes into Orange Gadget in "The Case of the Cola Cult".
  • Verbal Tic: Gadget slips "Golly" into much of her everyday speech, even in casual conversation.
  • Where Does He Get All Those Wonderful Toys?: Gadget is the where. She builds all of the Rangers' vehicles and equipment, so if there's some gizmo or device they pull out over the course of a case, Gadget is the one that built it.
  • Wrench Wench: A do-it-yourself machinist/electrician usually clad in lavender coveralls. While not the Ur-Example, she may be one of the Trope Makers, at least where Western Animation is concerned, as there were very few examples in the medium who predate her. Even in other forms of fiction female mechanics were quite rare, and Gadget's mechanical aptitude is one of the things that helped her establish such a large fanbase for that reason, to say nothing of actually influencing many young girls and women to seek careers in science and engineering.

    Monterey Jack, aka "Monty" 
Voiced by: Peter Cullen (season 1 and first part of season 2), Jim Cummings (the remainder of the series and pilot), Eric Bana (2022 live-action/CGI movie)
Dubbed in French by: Georges Berthomieu
Dubbed in Japanese by: Eken Mine (official dub voice), Yuzuru Fujimoto (TV Tokyo dub)
Dubbed in Latin American Spanish by: Jorge Roig Sr.
Monty under normal conditions...
...and during a "cheese attack".

An adventure-loving, red-haired and luxuriantly moustachioed Australian mouse who spent years traveling the world before a chance meeting with Chip and Dale during their first case.

  • 10-Minute Retirement: He quits the team in anger after an argument over Chip's preference to have a plan rather than rushing in during "To the Rescue, Part 4." He does it again in "Love Is A Many Splintered Thing" when the others (especially Chip) try to warn him about Desirée, but he refuses to take notice.
  • Acrofatic: He doesn't look like much of an acrobat, but he's just as skilled and agile as the others at getting around.
  • Adventurer Outfit: Monterey Jack has the normal aviator outfit, with cap, goggles, and a longer coat like those worn by many early pilots.
  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: Monty's mother Camembert Kate in "A Lean on the Property", up to and including baby photos and calling him Cheezer.
  • And This Is for...: In "Three Men and a Booby" Monty yells "This is for the Parmesan we left behind!" before launching a plunger at a cage with the mother booby.
  • Awesome Aussie: Virtually fearless, extremely strong (by mouse standards) and always ready for more adventure.
  • Badass Baritone: Out of all Rangers, his voice is the most sonorous one (which is kind of by default since the other Rangers are either voiced by a woman, have their voice pitched up, or both). This is more evident when Peter Cullen and Jim Cummings voice him.
  • Badass Family: Cheddarhead Charlie and Camembert Kate (both of whom appear in the series) can kick just as much ass as he can.
  • Badass Longcoat: Early concepts of Monterey Jack, then called Colt Chedderson, show him in an open trenchcoat. His final version wears something not that much shorter.
  • Badbutt: Well, he is a tough guy and an adventurer. But he sometimes bites off more than he can chew, and it remains unclear whether his tall tales of past adventures are more than just that.
  • Bare Your Midriff: Just like his female teammate, he wore a midriff-baring shirt in "Gadget Goes Hawaiian" as part of his beachwear, ironically in one of the few ocasions when he wore pants.
  • Berserk Button: In "A Creep From the Deep", there's a Running Gag where Monty's tail is "slammed, singed, kinked, and crushed." When an octopus yanks on it, he goes ballistic.
  • Big Eater: Especially when it comes to cheese.
  • Big Fun: Next to Dale, he's the most cheerful and fun-loving member of the team.
  • The Big Guy: Monty is the largest of the group, standing at least half a head taller than the others, as well as being just plain larger all around. He's also the strongest.note  Monty is also the most likely to seek out a physical confrontation with the villain, even if they're substantially larger than him, and has even managed to manhandle Fat Cat.
  • Boisterous Bruiser: Relentlessly cheerful and the only member of the team to seriously consider hand-to-hand combat against some of the (much bigger) villains.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Whenever he smells cheese, he goes into a trance and (sometimes) causes a path of destruction in his wake. The local police precinct recognize him from the many times he's stolen cheese slices off their sandwiches and burgers, cheese hunks from the mouse traps, and even a bag of cheese-flavored popcorn.
  • Characterization Marches On: It's subtle, but after To The Rescue he starts to appreciate teamwork and Chip's plans. And compared to earlier episodes, he seems to have better control over his cheese attacks in later episodes.
  • Dating Catwoman: Monterey Jack in "Love is a Many Splintered Thing," and he never even knew it. His old flame and ex-fiancée Désirée D'Allure returns, and he's completely smitten again. This makes him oblivious for two things: One, she's a criminal now (and may always have been). Two, she's out to kill him and his friends.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Not as often as Chip, but he likes to make side comments to Zipper when somebody's being foolish. He's especially quick to remark on Gadget's...eccentricities.
    "Isn't friendship grand?"
  • Defeat Means Friendship: How Chip and Dale met Monty. He picked the fight, they had staying power.
    Monty: [recovering from the piano the chipmunks launched at him] Y'know, I'm beginning to like those guys.
  • The Determinator: Monty is The Big Guy, and the physically most powerful and toughest of the Rangers. He doesn't back down from a fight, and no matter how many lumps he takes he will keep coming. Especially when cheese is involved. Nothing will keep him from it, even if the entire rest of the team is restraining him, and he's been known to smash through walls, barriers, and even mousetraps to get it. And when his friends are in danger, you do not want to be standing in his path. In the episode "Zipper Come Home," Monty was even willing to get himself sacrificed so Zipper could be saved.
  • Dinner Deformation: An episode has Monterey Jack unwittingly eating a piece of dehydrated cheese. When it rehydrates in his stomach, he's comically stretched out into a large brick shape.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: Monterey Jack trying to quit cheese in "Mind Your Cheese and Q's" is probably the closest thing Disney (or any American TV show, animated or otherwise) has ever done to doing an addiction show that wasn't Anvilicious.
  • Edible Theme Naming: Monterey Jack and his entire family are named after cheeses.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: His mom still calls him "Cheezer".
  • Emotional Bruiser: As Gadget puts it, Monty can be a very sensitive mouse. He is not afraid showing his emotions.
  • Expressive Ears: Monty's ears tend to droop down when he is sad or afraid. Occancionally, his ears perk up when he is exited.
  • Fiery Redhead: Well, he is red-haired mouse with a brash attidute.
  • Follow Your Nose: Played straight by Monty during his cheese attacks. Exaggerated on "Out of Scale", when Dale throws a chunk of Limburger cheese into a toy truck, commenting that Monty will love it. Of course, Monty smells it and goes into "cheese attack" mode — until he finds the shrink ray gun and attempts to drag it back with him, only to have the smell of Limburger literally drag him away. Monty fights it — until the smell taps him on the shoulder and goes up his nose.
  • Funetik Aksent: The Disney comic series used this method as a reminder of his accent. Much less prevalent in the Boom! series.
  • Goggles Do Nothing: Only few times he has used the goggles of his aviator cap. There's even one scene in which he wears his usual googles on his aviator cap plus a second pair over his eyes.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: Monterey and Zipper are almost always paired up together, and are deeply devoted to one another. They make their first appearance together in "To The Rescue Part 2," having already been traveling together for some time.
  • Hot-Blooded: He's a brash Boisterous Bruiser who loves a good fight, and jumps into everything he does with zeal.
  • Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Huge Guy to Gadget's Tiny Girl.
  • Hypocritical Humor: Despite often being overwhelmed by his own desire for cheese, he's been known to look down on others for having similar reactions to other foods, such as in "Dale Beside Himself" and "Chocolate Chips".
    "It's disgusting the way some people lose control!"
  • Informed Species: Supposed to be a kangaroo rat, at least in the concept art. Only difference is that he had hair-tuft at his tail.
  • In-Series Nickname: His teammates often call him "Monty".
  • It Was a Gift: The Boom! comic reveals that Monty's cap and goggles were a gift from Geegaw.
  • It's Personal: The reason Monty joins Chip and Dale against Fat Cat is because the latter sunk his living-place.
  • Land Down Under: He was born in Australia, speaks with a heavy Steve Irwin-esque accent, and his speech is laced with faux-Aussieisms.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: Varies a bit by episode: when 'look before you leap' is supposed to be the lesson of the show, Monty's the bad example.
  • Limited Wardrobe: He's almost never seen wearing something other than his jacket, turtleneck, and pilot's cap. Even when he is meant to be in disguise, he usually wears it over his normal outfit.
  • Love Makes You Dumb: Monterey Jack couldn't see what the other Rangers were trying to tell him about Desiree being linked with the recent crime they were investigating, because he was too smitten with her to see otherwise. It eventually leads him to temporarily quit the team.
  • Lucky Rabbit's Foot: Monterey Jack of has one among his many good luck charms. Bear in mind that he's a mouse, and the rabbit's foot is quite large in comparison to him. Chip comments that it couldn't have been very lucky for its previous owner...
  • Mad Love: Monty when he reunites with Desiree, despite the fact that Desiree doesn't seem like she loved him in the first place.
  • Made of Iron: Mousetraps can't stop him from getting the cheese bait. The wire frame bends to his physique's shape when it snaps. Monty doesn't even register the trap springing on him.
  • Mighty Glacier: Acrofatic he may be, but Monty is nonetheless the slowest of the Rangers, and relies more on his raw size and strength in a fight.
  • Mind-Control Eyes: As depicted above, his eyes get swirly when he smells cheese to show that he loses his mind.
  • Mysterious Past: Monty's always referring to his adventurous past - a few snippets of which do become relevant.
  • The Navigator: Unsurprising, considering the number of times he's been around the world, and is shown to be skilled at navigating by the stars.
  • New Old Flame: Désirée D'Allure in "Love Is a Many Splintered Thing", sort of.
  • No Pronunciation Guide:
    • The Latin American Spanish dub, who was dubbed in Mexico, pronounce his name as Monterrey Jack, after the Mexican city of the same name, since the voice actors didn't get the memo about Monterey is named after a brand of cheese. To be fair, that brand of cheese is obscure in Mexico and many Latin American countries.
    • Strangely enough, in the Japanese dub, his name is pronounced and spelled as Montarii Jack (モンタリー・ジャック), despite the cheese itself is spelled in Japanese as モントレー・ジャック, very likely because the voice actors tried to pronounce his name using pseudo-English phonetics instead, and, like the Latin American case, the cheese itself wasn't very well-known in Japan at the time.
  • Noodle Incident: Monty only half-remembers the adventures he's been on, and there was an incident involving cheesebread and Gadget's father, Geegaw, that led to a friendship dissolution. Then there's the matter of Monty's cheese attacks — how exactly did Monty come to have them if it's not genetic (both his mom and dad have been shown in the series and there were no signs of either Cheddarhead Charlie and Camembert Kate having them).
  • Papa Wolf: He is implied to be much older than the other Rescue Rangers and is very protective of them.
  • Punny Name: Monterey Jack (a real type of cheese). This has carried in some forgein dubs as well.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Fiery red to Zipper's more calmer blue, espicially in the pilot when they were a duo.
  • Runaway Groom: He missed out on his own wedding to Desiree D'Allure because he had a cheese attack and chased after a cheese truck that was parked across the street.
  • Spell My Name with a "The": El Monty Grande in "When Mice Were Men." In the French dub his name is Jack le Costaud, which is literally Jack The Strong.
  • Stock Scream: More like stock gasp. Oddly it sounds more Chip's gasp.
  • The Storyteller: Almost everything he encounters reminds him of a previous exploit. Although his memory isn't the best.
  • Stout Strength: Overweight: Check. Gadget even tries to get him to lose some weight. Strength: Check. He's easily the strongest Ranger (barring the occasional Rule of Funny with Gadget).
  • Strong Family Resemblance: He does look a lot like his father Cheddarhead Charlie (who coincidentally was voiced by Jim Cummings. "Parental Discretion Retired," the episode that introduced Cheddarhead Charlie, was one of the episodes that had Peter Cullen as Monterey Jack). Difference is however that Charlie's hair is gray and he is a little bit shorther than his son.
  • Super Strength: Courtesy of cartoon physics, he's definitely got more lifting power and leverage than his size suggests. He's even able to swing Fat Cat around by the tail.
  • Super Swimming Skills: As shown in To The Rescue he is really good swimmer; he was able to get a ship in a bottle from his house that sank into ocean without much issue.
  • Supreme Chef:
    • For example, in "Short Order Crooks", he keeps a diner running with his family recipe cheese chowder. That stuff is so good that it keeps a whole police station coming back for more.
    • The only problem the Rangers have with his cooking and bakery are the sheer quantities he whips up.
  • Team Chef: Monty. If something has to be cooked or baked, he does it. If not, he does it anyway. Downside: Unless it's bakery, his recipes are always cheese-based. And he tends to bake so many walnut walleroos that you can't help but wonder just how big an oven Gadget has installed at Rescue Rangers Headquarters.
  • Team Dad: He's the eldest and most experienced of the Rangers, and is quick to offer life advice to the others. However he's also pretty irresponsible for this trope, being almost as likely to goof off as Dale, or get into trouble because of his Hot Bloodedness.
  • Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: Lantern Jaw of Justice. Half of his fur is much darker than Gadget's. Dark green turtleneck. Kind of a Badass Longcoat. Also, his mustache. His hair is usually well-groomed, only that you can't see it under his aviator cap which he wears pretty much always.
  • Theme Naming: Monty's name, as well as his parents', are taken from cheese. "Cheezer" sort of fits in here, too.
  • Top-Heavy Guy: And heavy he is, for a mouse at least.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Cheeeeezzzze!!! His absolute favorite cheese is Brie 86.
  • Verbal Tic: Monty's various faux-Australianisms, particularly words such as "crikey." He also often slips in the British/Australian endearment, "love," when addressing females, particularly Gadget.
  • Walking the Earth: Before joining the Rangers, Monty wandered from place to place looking for adventure, as evidenced by the destination stamps on his trunk. He eventually settles down with the team.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Cheese. He has no control over himself when he smells it, and will pursue the scent to its source, even if it puts him or his friends in danger.
  • Who's Laughing Now?: In Puffed Rangers, Monty gets accosted by a gang of alleycats where he fled for his life. By episode's end, when he got grown human size, he decides to enact sweet revenge on the same alleycats who tormented him.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Or in this case, cats (though kittens don't bother him, nor do cats who actually want to do him harm like Fat Cat).

Voiced by: Corey Burton, Dennis Haysbert (2022 live-action/CGI movie)
Dubbed in Japanese by: Akemi Okamura (official dub voice), Voiceless (TV Tokyo dub
Dubbed in Latin American Spanish by: Arturo Mercado

A tiny bluish-green housefly and a long time friend and sidekick of Monterey Jack.

  • 10-Minute Retirement: He quits after beeing blamed for ruining Monty's cooking (even though Gadget is the one who did it) in "Zipper Come Home."
  • Badass Adorable: Tiny even by the Rangers' standards, but pretty dauntless.
  • Balloon Belly: In "Out To Launch" the Rangers eat so much aboard the spacecraft that they all show much rounder shapes while relaxing and digesting.
  • Fingerless Hands: Close to it: his hands are mitten-shaped.
  • Forgot I Could Fly: Has to be reminded he has this ability sometimes.
  • Four-Legged Insect: He only has four legs, and barely resembles a real fly.
  • Fragile Speedster: He's a very fast and agile flyer, however he's ''still' only a fly, so when he does get hit it tends to put him out of the fight.
  • Heroes Want Redheads: He's very attracted to the red-headed Queenie. Never mind the fact that she's a bee with hair...
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: Monterey and Zipper are almost always paired up together, and are deeply devoted to one another. They make their first appearance together in "To The Rescue Part 2," having already been traveling together for some time.
  • Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Queenie is quite a bit taller than him. How tall is subject to Depending on the Artist, as she's anywhere from twice his height to as tall as Gadget. Justified as Queenie is a queen, which are quite significantly larger than other bees, to say nothing of a house fly.
  • Massive Numbered Siblings: We meet Zipper's family for the first time in the Boom! comic. His family is enormous Justified since he's a fly, and insects tend to have enormous broods to begin.
  • Non-Dubbed Grunts: More than 95% of Zipper's dialogs in the German dub remained English. This does qualifly in other dubs as well.
  • One Head Taller: Queenie to Zipper. Your Size May Vary Depending on the Artist, though.
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: While Zipper is the smallest of the Rangers and by no means the strongest, he's still considerably stronger for his size than he looks. That said, in a physical altercation his most valuable asset is using his speed and agility to Attack Its Weak Point or otherwise harass or distract an opponent (IE, tugging on whistkers, eyelids, etc.) so one the other Rangers can put the real hurt on.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Monty's red, which was more evident in the pilot.
  • Requisite Royal Regalia: He dons this when he is crowned king of a bug tribe in "Zipper Come Home", and is decked out even beyond that: They have a housefly-sized ermine cape for him.
  • Shoulder Teammate: Zipper is usually seen on Monty's shoulder or on his head, even occasionally on his hand.
  • Stealth Pun: Zipper is a fly. This is never referenced in the series.
  • Super Strength: Well, call it "higher than realistic fly strength".
  • Team Pet: Of the group.
  • Timmy in a Well: His main job in the Rescue Rangers.
  • Tiny Guy, Huge Girl: Downplayed, and very subject to Depending on the Artist, however he's generally at least a head shorter than Queenie.
  • Token Flyer: Zipper is the only one of the Rangers with innate flight. The others rely on Gadget's constructs to get airborne.
  • Undying Loyalty: Especially to Monterey Jack; he outright refuses to leave him alone on the iceberg in "A Chorus Crime". And in "Love is a Many Splintered Thing" Zipper is seen crying at Monty's picture because the latter left the team.
  • The Unintelligible: Zipper can speak, but his speech is incredibly fast and high-pitched. Monty can interpret, and the other Rangers seem to be able to get the gist.


    Aldrin Klordane 
Voiced by: Alan Oppenheimer
Dubbed in French by: Jean-Claude Donda

A crime lord who faked his death and returns to exact a dastardly plan to rob the city’s gold reserve while kidnapping his rival Detective Donald Drake.

  • Acrofatic: Not the most svelte of criminals, but did a pretty decent downward rail grind (on an actual train rail) with dress shoes.
  • Arc Villain: Of the five-part series pilot and the first criminal the Rangers bring to justice.
  • Basso Profundo: Thanks to his voice actor.
  • Evil Redhead: Already a crime boss, Klordane arranges for the theft of the Cluchcoin Ruby, enlist the Mad Scientist, Professor Nimnul in his plan and frame Drake for his misdeeds.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: Thanks to Alan Oppenheimer.
  • Faking the Dead: Said to have died a year before the pilot episode, but because the police Never Found the Body, Det. Drake believed he was alive. Drake was right.
  • Fat Bastard: Aldrin Klordane is not particularly thin, and is the city's top human criminal.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Speaks respectfully but is a scheming criminal who threatened to assasinate Nimul with an elephant gun for loosing the Clutchcoin Ruby.
  • Humiliation Conga: Just as he’s about to escape scot free with the Clutchcoin Ruby and three train cars worth of gold, the Rescue Rangers (i.e. the chipmunks Nimnul and his theif Percy warned him about) arrived. First Chip and Dale pulled on his tie to his chin on one of the train’s levers. Then Gadget dropped a hot coal on his foot. Monterey Jack then dislodges the hatch to the coal car behind him to bury him. After he recovers, Zipper, drenches him with water from the engine’s tank. A furious Klordane speeds up the train only for the Rangers to put it on the wrong track. As the train careens to a dead end, Klordane flies through the air as Plato locks on his “Crime Bite” on his rump as they and the Rangers land right in the office of the Chief of Police.
  • Man of Wealth and Taste: Decked out in a green business suit with pinstripes.
  • Meaningful Name: Aldrin and chlordane are both types of pesticides, and he's in a show about rodent heroes.
  • Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Aldrin Klordane. Named after toxic chemicals used as pesticides.
  • Never Found the Body: Klordane is presumed dead at the start of "To The Rescue," but Drake cites this trope word for word in disbelief.
  • Prefer Jail to the Protagonist: After his Humiliation Conga and Villainous Breakdown caused by the Rescue Rangers with Plato still bitting him, he begs the Chief of Police to take him to jail.
  • Punny Name: His name comes from two types of pesticides.
  • Redhead In Green: He's an Evil Redhead decked out in a green business suit with pinstripes.
  • Right-Hand Cat: Fat Cat was his before his capture.
  • Starter Villain: The Rescue Rangers' defeat of him is their first case, and in turn spawns their other major threats, Fat Cat and Norton Nimnul.
  • Supervillain Lair: He refits the cave beneath the bank vault into this in "To the Rescue, Part 5", which is also an Elaborate Underground Base.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Looses it when the Rangers get the better of him, then he is bit by Plato.
  • Wicked Cultured: He’s a manipulative master thief who dressed to the nines and spoke with in a sophisticated manor.

    Fat Cat 
Voiced by: Jim Cummings, Tom Wyner (in Fire Safety Adventure PSA short film)
Dubbed in French by: Bernard Tiphaine
Dubbed in Japanese by: Masayuki Kato (official dub voice/1st voice), Yosuke Naka (official dub voice/2nd voice), Yu Shimaka (TV Tokyo dub)
Dubbed in Latin American Spanish by: Eduardo Borja

A fat, felonious, grey tabby cat and one of the Rescue Rangers' most frequent antagonists.

  • Arch-Enemy: If any one character serves that role to the Rangers, it's Fat Cat. Beyond the natural "Cats and Mice" (and chipmunks) conflict, Fat Cat is one of their most frequent adversaries. Additionally, It's Personal for Monterey after Fat Cat destroyed his home, and Fat Cat presents a far more direct threat than Nimnul. While the Rangers frequently stop his schemes, and Nimnul himself is apparently aware of the Rangers in a way that most of their human adversaries aren't, his effects on the Mouse World are more or less coincidental whereas Fat Cat is a more direct fixture within it.
  • Bad Boss: His treatment of his henchmen is… less-than-stellar. He makes them do all the grunt work with no compensation, berates them at every opportunity, and even gets physically violent if they get on his nerves or screw up, with Mole being his favorite punching bag. Though to be fair, his frustration with their stupidity isn’t unjustified.
  • Big Bad: He drops in and out of focus but, after his master is sent off to jail, Fat Cat sets off on his own and he and his gang become the Rangers' archememy, appearing more often than any other villain except possibly Nimnul.
    • Big Bad Ensemble: With Klordane in the pilot. Fat Cat is Klordane's Right-Hand Cat but he also pursues his own agenda and is more or less just along for the ride.
  • Cats Are Mean: In a show where the heroes consist of two chipmunks and two mice, it's natural that some villainous cats are going to show up.
  • Cats Are Snarkers: He often snarks at the stupidity of his minions.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Mainly to his minions.
  • A Dog Named "Dog": No points for guessing Fat Cat's species (though it's also got a double meaning as he is a wealthy animal businessman/criminal too).
  • Dragon Ascendant: Following Klordane's defeat in the pilot.
  • Dragon with an Agenda: Even when with Klordane, Fat Cat had his own gang and plans running at the same time in the Mouse World underworld.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: As shown in the Boom! comic: Fat Cat may be a criminal mastermind, and his casino is crooked, however do not try to rob him or his patrons, he will not take it well. The only reason Professor Foo Foo avoided getting rendered into cat food was because Fat Cat wanted his teleporter, and Foo Foo promised he could offer him something even more useful.
  • Evil Is Hammy: Fat Cat is a Vincent Price Expy. Or more precisely, a Professor Ratigan Expy, and devours the scenery in every scene he's in.
  • Evil Is Petty: In "Flash the Wonder Dog," where he attempts to destroy the titular character's reputation simply because he wants a cat protagonist instead. When a bird is then given top billing, Fat Cat personally deals with the matter himself.
  • Fantastic Racism: He HATES dogs.
  • Fat Bastard: Fat Cat is not only tall for a cat, but also on the chubby side, therefore appropriately named by his former owner Aldrin Klordane. And he is one of the two main villains, perhaps even more gruesome than Norton Nimnul who is just plain crazy. He has an almost identical cousin in Paris named Maltese de Sade who is just as evil as him.
  • Large Ham: From his evil lair to his maniacal laugh.
  • Man of Wealth and Taste: He has a whole Villain Song about it in the pilot.
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: His voice and appearance is modeled after Zero Mostel, with some Sydney Greenstreet and Vincent Price thrown in for good measure.
  • Punny Name: "Fat Cat" has two appropriate meanings. The first is, literally, a fat cat. Fat Cat is also a slang term originally referring to wealthy political donors, but in more common parlance is a rich, greedy, and corrupt individual able to live off the work of others.
  • Right-Hand Cat: Was one to Klordane before going solo after Klordane was arrested and incarcerated in the pilot.
  • Stock Animal Diet: Being a cat, he's not above trying to make a meal out of the mostly rodent Rangers. He tried to eat Monty live in episode 5 of the pilot and in "Adventures in Squirrelsitting," attempted to drop both the rangers and their two charges into a cat food processing machine.
  • Surrounded by Idiots: Which he complains about loudly.
  • Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: He not only wears his whiskers as a mustache, he also sports a combover.
  • Uncanny Family Resemblance: He has an identical cousin in France, Maltese de Sade.
  • Uncatty Resemblance: Looks like his former master Aldrin Klordane— or is it the other way around?
  • Villain Song: Fat Cat gets two in the series. The first one is in the pilot, and the second one, called the "Fat Cat Stomp", is in "Adventures in Squirrelsitting", which was supposed to be played as a distraction to smuggle the titular squirrels out of the casino. It fails when Fat Cat sees through the ruse and busts the Rangers before they can leave.
  • Wicked Cultured: After the pilot, he is never seen without his suit, plus he operates a casino with a rather luxurious office.
  • Would Hurt a Child: In "Adventures in Squirrelsitting", Fat Cat orders his mooks to drop Tammy and Bink into his factory's cat food production line.

    Fat Cat's Gang
Voiced by: Jim Cummings (Wart), Peter Cullen (Mepps), Corey Burton (Mole, Snout)
Dubbed in French by: Jean-Claude Donda (Wart, Mole), Gérard Hernandez (Mepps, Snout)
Dubbed in Japanese by: Mitsuaki Madono (Snout, official dub voice), Kenichi Ono (Snout, TV Tokyo dub), Ikuo Nishikawa (Wart, official dub voice), Ikuya Sawaki (Wart, TV Tokyo), Shigeru Chiba (Mepps, official dub voice), Kazuya Tatekabe (Mepps, TV Tokyo dub/first voice), Ritsuo Sawa (Mepps, TV Tokyo dub/second voice onwards), Masahiro Anzai (Mole, official dub voice) Sukekiyo Kameyama (TV Tokyo dub)
Dubbed in Latin American Spanish by: Arturo Mercado (Snout), Raul Aldana (Mepps), Francisco Colmenero (Mole)

Fat Cat's gang of dim-witted mooks that aid him in his schemes.

  • The Brute: Mole and Snout share this position.
  • Butt-Monkey: Mole.
  • Cats Are Mean: Averted with Mepps, who is notably more mellow than his boss.
  • Characterization Marches On: With Mole. In "To the Rescue", Mole's stupidity is downplayed and his lines are mostly intelligent and lucid, to the point where he notes that Klordane will be mad if he discovers the ruby's disappearance, and even questions Juice Lee's ability to handle himself in a fight, forcing the Siamese Twins to put Juice Lee up against a pack of pirahnas to demonstrate the fish's fighting ability. Compare that to (chronologically) later episodes, particularly in "Last Train to Cashville", where Mole is so dim that he barely understands that he and his comrades are stealing gold bars.
    Mole: Gold? What gold?
  • The Ditz: Mole is particularly stupid, although none of them are all that bright.
  • A Dog Named "Dog": A mole named Mole.
  • The Dragon: Wart (who holds this position mainly by being the least stupid).
  • Evil Sounds Raspy: Mepps, though he sounds more meek and whiny than threatening.
  • Eye-Obscuring Hat: Snout wears one. Le Sewer, his Suspiciously Similar Substitute from "Le Purrfect Crime", wears one as well.
  • Furry Reminder: Moles being expert diggers comes into play in the episode "A Lean on the Property", where Fat Cat recruits a whole crew of moles to dig tunnels under the city and cause buildings to topple over, so he can drive out the humans and take over, with Mole leading the operation.
  • Goldfish Poop Gang: At their worst, they are this. If not for Fat Cat's leadership, they'd hardly be a threat.
  • Manchild: All of them have the maturity and wits of little children, and often show childish interests.
  • Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal: Mole, who is Fat Cat’s favorite punching bag, actually gets fed up with him in the episode "A Lean on the Property" after Chip “accidentally” makes Mole realize that if Fat Cat’s latest scheme is successful, the latter will become an even greater tyrant and thus, Mole and his crew turn on their boss. But because Status Quo Is God, Mole returns as Fat Cat’s henchman in all subsequent appearances.
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: Wart's voice is very similar to Peter Lorre.
  • Out of Focus: For whatever reason, Snout is absent in about half of Fat Cat’s appearances, which includes the five-part pilot “To the Rescue”.
  • Simpleton Voice: All of them have variations of it, but Mole in particular, who has your typical Fat Idiot voice.
  • Token Competent Minion: Wart can be better trusted to handle complicated tasks than the dimwitted Mole and Mepps.
  • Too Dumb to Fool: In "One-Upsman-Chip" Dale tries to convince Fat Cat's henchmen to let him go because he has psychic powers by having them think of a number between 1 and 3 and guessing that they are thinking of the number 2. Most of the henchmen are amazed that he was right. However, he somehow wasn't even close to Mepps the cat's number, so he doesn't get released.
  • Took a Level in Dumbass: Mole started out at least halfway competent. But it seems like a Big Bad Surrounded by Idiots was easier to write, so he ended up being Flanderized into an idiot barely above Mepps' level of intelligence (and Snout, the cleverest of all, was Put on a Bus).
  • You Dirty Rat!: Snout, who is a (very large) rat.
  • Your Size May Vary: They are notably prone to this, ranging from being half the size of Fat Cat to barely being larger than the Rangers, sometimes from scene to scene. This is particularly noticeable with Mepps, who is a cat.

    Professor Norton Nimnul
Voiced by: Jim Cummings
Dubbed in French by: Gérard Hernandez
Dubbed in Japanese by: Toshiya Ueda (official dub voice), Mahito Tsujimura (TV Tokyo dub)
Dubbed in Latin American Spanish by: Arturo Mercado

The Rangers' other major enemy and a mad scientist who once worked for Aldrin Klordane. Unlike every other human in the show, he's definitely aware of the Rescue Rangers and their constant interference.

  • Alliterative Name: Nimnul is brought to you by the letter 'N'.
  • Bad Boss: As seen in "Catteries Not Included" towards his robot dogs and "Fake Me to Your leader" towards his giant bugs.
  • Bald of Evil: Balding of Evil to be more accurate, as he still has some hair around his temple.
  • Broken Pedestal: As far as his former lab rat Sparky is concerned. Sparky genuinely believed in Nimnul and respected him, only to discover that he was using his work for evil purposes and to hurt people.
  • Butt-Monkey: Particularly when working for Klordane, who mocks and abuses him, and starts the artificial earthquake by throwing him against the gelatin mold to trigger the vibrations. And even when he strikes out on his own, you can expect him to suffer some Amusing Injuries during the course of the Rangers' efforts to stop him.
  • Cardboard Prison: Despite being arrested in every episode, he inexplicably returns to hatch a new evil scheme.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: He has fully embraced evil, flat-out calling himself an evil scientist.
  • Complexity Addiction: His plot from "To the Rescue" is a prime example: Create a laser, which would in turn create a giant gelatin mold, which would then be used to cause an earthquake under the US Gold Reserve, for Aldrin Klordane to steal the riches inside.
  • Cut Lex Luthor a Check: Justified. Professor Nimnul is clearly a brilliant scientist, so why doesn't he just patent his inventions, sit back and watch the money roll in instead of constantly picking fights with a group of rodents? Because his ideas and inventions are so out there that nobody takes him seriously and write him off as "mad", even though they actually work.
    • In "The Pied Piper Power Play" he tried to sell his potato generator to the power company, but they just laughed at him.
    • In "Catteries Not Included" he mentioned that he attempted to sell his cat-powered generator to the power company, but they laughed at him again.
      • Subverted when he tried to go straight in "Rest Home Rangers" by showcasing his invention at an expo, only to have it backfire, after which he swears revenge on everyone who laughed at him.
    • In short the only person to have ever believed in Nimnul's crazy inventions was crime boss Aldrin Klordane, who himself was a bit crazy.
  • Deadpan Snarker: He can occasionaly be quite sarcastic expecially when dealing with stressfull situations.
  • Dude, Where's My Respect?: A lot of his evil schemes are driven by a desire to be taken seriously by people. And while he was working for Klordane, he would frequently demand to be given what he saw as his due respect.
  • The Dragon: To Klordane in the pilot. Nimnul's science and inventions were the means by which Chlordane robbed the US Gold Reserve and he's far more involved in Klordane's scheme than Fat Cat.
  • Evil Is Hammy: Nimnul makes up for his lack of size with even more ham than anyone else in the show. Doesn't work quite as well as intended due to his lisp, but still.
  • Evil Redhead: He's a redheaded Card-Carrying Villain Mad Scientist. Then again, so was the script writer Bruce Talkington whom he was modeled after. The red hair combined with the style of lab coat he wears, makes him resemble a middle-aged balding Dexter.
  • Four Eyes, Zero Soul: A very arrogant, entitled, evil Mad Scientist who wears big, thick glasses.
  • Four-Fingered Hands: He appears to have only four fingers on his hands, despite every other human character in the show having five.
  • "Get Out of Jail Free" Card: Either that, or he's just really good at breaking out of jail.
  • Handy Remote Control: Nimnul frequently has one of those on himself.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: This is the most often way his schemes fail.
  • Lab Coat Of Science And Medicine: The old-timey kind that's completely closed up in front and buttons off to one side.
  • Large Ham: One of the largest in the series.
  • Laughing Mad: His grating giggling is quite distinctive. Although he hates it when his robot dogs laugh at him, saying only HE'S allowed to laugh.
  • Mad Scientist: He starts with his Nimnul Fruitquake, an earthquake triggered by a gigantic jelly mold that he created for his employer, the villain Aldrin Klordane. He then proceeds with proposals for alternative electricity sources, namely cat fur and a gigantic potato, one of which is rejected while the other one backfires. After that, he uses his inventions for his own criminal purposes.
  • Morally Ambiguous Doctorate: Norton Nimnul experiments with everything from meteorology to rodent hypnosis, but always puts this knowledge to criminal ends.
  • The Napoleon: He appears to be about three feet tall. Of course, since he's human, he still towers over the Rangers as much as any human would tower over mice and chipmunks.
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: According to a "Making Of" special it was revealed that Nimnul was a caricature of Bruce Talkington (1949-2000), who wrote for Rescue Rangers and several other The Disney Afternoon series. Seeing the "real" Nimnul is rather uncanny.
  • No Indoor Voice: He follows the villainous ham tradition of the monologue.
  • Not-So-Harmless Villain: Bizarre inventions and daft plans aside, Nimnul is actually one of the Rangers most dangerous enemies as he's actually aware of their presence compared to some of the other human criminals they go up against.
  • Overlord Jr.: Nimnul's nephew Normie. He even looks like a much younger version of his uncle.
  • Plot Technology: Just about anything he ever invents. One of the only devices to ever return is the Gigantico Gun.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: His behavior and even frequently his language is very reminiscent of a bratty child.
  • Supervillain Lair: His lair in "Catteries Not Included", "The Pied Piper Power Play" and "Normie's Science Project".
  • They Called Me Mad!: He actually uses this classic line during the weather machine incident.
  • Top-Heavy Guy: He might be short, but even then his legs are way too tiny.
  • Weather-Control Machine: One of his inventioned featured in "Weather or Not".

    Rat Capone 
Voiced by: Jim Cummings
Dubbed in French by: Jean Claude Donda
Dubbed in Latin American Spanish by: Humberto Vélez (1st voice), Arturo Mercado (2nd voice onwards)

A rat crime boss styled after the gangsters of The Roaring '20s. His gang includes mouse strongman Arnold Mousenegger, and a lizard named Sugar Ray Lizard.

  • Abhorrent Admirer: On several occasions Rat Capone asks Gadget to be his moll. Gadget is not interested.
    Rat Capone: If it ain't my favorite little treasure! Why don't you toss these losers overboard for a winner, Dollface? You could be my first mate.
    Gadget: How'd you like a swift kick in the poop deck?
  • The Ahnold: Subverted in that Arnold Mousenegger is only like Arnold in name and body build. He doesn't have the Austrian German accent, the gap in his teeth, or any movie references about him.
  • Dub Name Change: In Germany, Sugar Ray Lizard is known as Neujahr Stallone ("Neujahr" is the German word for the day after Sylvester, as in Sylvester Stallone.)
  • Dumb Muscle: Arnold Mousenegger is not the smartest of Capone's mooks (more like "brain-dead muscle" in his case).
  • Gangster Land: Where Rat Capone pretends to live, complete with the appropriate accent.
  • I Have You Now, My Pretty: Capone has pulled this on Gadget a couple times when he captures her, and Once per Episode tries to get her to agree to be his moll.
  • Joisey: Capone has a very strong New Jersey or New York accent, befitting his 1920s gangster motif.
  • A Man of Wealth and Taste: He's pretty much the rodent counterpart of Fat Cat: A major gangster in the Mouse World who runs an upscale nightclub. Most of his crimes center around boosting her personal wealth.
  • Shout-Out: Capone himself is named after the notorious gangster Al Capone. Arnold Mousenegger is a play on the name of Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Sugar Ray Lizard is a reference to famed boxer Sugar Ray Leonard.
  • You Dirty Rat!: Not only does he qualify as one, but he uses this exact phrase as an insult towards other characters, regardless of their species.


    Sergeant Spinelli 
Voiced by: Jim Cummings
Dubbed in French by: Gérard Hernandez
Dubbed in Latin American Spanish by: Francisco Colmenero

A stocky man who serves as the sergeant at the Rangers' local police station.

  • The Bad Guys Are Cops: He's not a bad person by any means, but he hates seeing the Rangers romping around the station. Justified in that he doesn't know what they're actually up to.
  • Big Eater: He is often shown to be eating something. If Monty can smell that there's cheese in it, he'll attempt to steal it.
  • Last-Name Basis: His first name is never revealed.
  • Tenor Boy: Thanks to Jim Cummings who lent his high-pitched voice as Sergeant Spinelli.

    Officers Muldoon and Kirby 
Both voiced by: Peter Cullen
Dubbed in French by: Gérard Hernandez (Muldoon), Jean-Claude Donda (Kirby)
Dubbed in Japanese by:
Dubbed in Latin American Spanish by: Luis Puente (Muldoon), Raul Aldana (Kirby)

A pair of police officers who report to Sergeant Spinelli.

  • Badass Baritone: Thanks to Peter Cullen.
  • Big Guy, Little Guy: Played with. They're both around the same height, but Muldoon is skinny, whilst Kirby is muscular.
  • Donut Mess with a Cop: They're guilty of this in "Short Order Crooks".
  • Eye-Obscuring Hat: Muldoon's hat usually covers his eyes.
  • Last-Name Basis: They're only ever referred to by their last names.
  • Minority Police Officer: Kirby is black.
  • Those Two Guys: They're the only officers on the force to get any real attention. Whenever the Rangers have a stake out atop a police car, it's always Kirby and Muldoon's. If the police get called in anywhere in the Rangers' city, Kirby and Muldoon will always respond.

Other Recurring Characters

Other characters who have appeared multiple times across the animated or comics series.

     Stan Blather 

  • Kent Brockman News: He is a parody of both Dan Rather and Walter Cronkite.
  • Oh, Crap!: In Out to Launch he made note about the spaceplane about to fly into the control tower but panics once he remembers that he IS in the tower and makes a run for it.

     Cheddarhead Charlie & Camembert Kate 
Voiced by: Jim Cummings (Charlie), Tress Macneille (Kate, first appearance) Fran Ryan (Kate, second appearance)
Dubbed in Japanese by: Hiroshi Masuoka (Charlie, unknown version)
Boom! comics appearance

Monterey Jack's adventure-loving parents.

  • Action Dad: Cheddarhead Charlie, the prime example.
  • Action Mom: Camembert Kate, to the point she is consired as legendary by the Rangers.
    Chip: Only your mom? Why, she's Camembert Kate!
  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: Monty's mother Camembert Kate in "A Lean on the Property", up to and including baby photos.
  • Awesome Aussie: Like their son.
  • Badass Baritone: Charlie, maybe even more than his son Monterey.
  • Badass Family: Cheddarhead Charlie and Camembert Kate are both just as capable of kicking butt as their son.
  • Badass in Distress: In the "World Wide Rsecue" arc of the Boom! revival. They're attacked by a mob of crabs under control of the ARS, and it takes a rescue by Monty and the team before they are dragged into the ocean.
  • Boisterous Bruiser: Charlie is even more of one than Monterey, being much more like Monty was before his Character Development throughout "To The Rescue."
  • Deadpan Snarker: Camembert Kate in "A Lean on the Property" has a few snarky moments. Not too suprising since her son has his snarky moments too.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Before having a focus episode all to herself, Kate cameoed at the end of "Parental Discretion Retired."
  • Edible Theme Naming: Monterey Jack and his entire family are named after cheeses.
  • '80s Hair: Camembert Kate had this kind of poofy hair when she first appeared.
  • Good Parents: They clearly love their son Monty.
  • Happily Married: Their relationship isn't extensively developed in the series, as they only appear together briefly at the end of "Parental Discretion Retired,". However the Boom! comics establish they maintain a close and healthy relationship.
  • I Kiss Your Hand: Cheddarhead Charlie kisses Gadget's hand when Monterey introducts her. Gadget is visibly flattered. Chip is not amused.
    "Ah, a delicate rose among the ragweed."
  • My Beloved Smother: Downplayed examble in "A Lean on the Property"; Kate is strict mother to Monterey and she doesn't like his plans because hers "are better". But eventually she sees that Monterey has accomplished as a Rescue Ranger.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: Cheddarhead is perhaps even worse about charging in half-cocked than Monterey himself. Eventually he comes to acknowledge the Rangers' teamwork and strategy has its place, but isn't for him.
  • The Load: Cheddar ruins the plans by charging in without a plan. He over hears the team talking about kicking him out because of it and quits so they don't have to.
  • Secret Handshake: Charlie and Monty have one, which includes double highfives, shaking tail and a funny dance.
  • Walking the Earth: Although Monty has settled down with the Rangers, Chedderhead and Kate are still roaming the world seeking out adventure wherever they can find it.
  • Women Are Wiser: Kate tends to plan first, unlike Charlie and Monty.
  • You Don't Look Like You: In her first appearance, Kate had much lighter fur and diffrent outfit.

Voiced by: Deborah Walley
Dubbed in Latin American Spanish by: Martha Ceceña

A pink bat who starts off as an assistant to an evil amateur witch named Winifred alongside a crotchety snake named Bud and a dim-witted spider named Lou. A One-Shot Character in the cartoon, Foxglove becomes a recurring character, and ostensibly a Sixth Ranger, in the Boom! comics series.

  • Achievements in Ignorance: Foxglove is able to perform a considerable number of aerial long as you don't make her remember she can't.
  • Ascended Extra: In issue #1 of the Boom! comics revival she was in a splash page that suggested a literal Sixth Ranger status; #2 highlighted her relationship with Dale just prior to the Rangers' departure on their new adventure. She later saved Chip and Dale in #7, so her ascension to Sixth Ranger is all but confirmed.
  • Badass Adorable: She is a very cute little bat who starts off the episode not being able to carry the weight of a chipmunk, and by the end finds herself able to carry a BRICK.
  • Bat Out of Hell: Subverted Trope. She's one of the nicest, most likable characters in the entire series.
  • Cloud Cuckoo Lander: Not nearly to the extent as Dale or Gadget, but Foxglove can at times be a little, well, batty. It usually manifests in her simply forgetting she's incapable of something...and then suffering the consequences when she remembers.
  • Cute Clumsy Girl: For a flying animal, she has a bad habit of falling painfully to the ground, usually as a result of realizing she's breaking the laws of gravity.
  • Cute Little Fangs: Part of the overall design in producing a 'harmless villain' bat.
  • Feather Fingers: She uses her wingtips, not the foreclaws which a real bat employs as makeshift grippers. Her wings even seem to morph into hands and back into wings, depending on what's required by the plot.
  • Girl of the Week: She has a crush on Dale, but she does not reappear in the series. She does return in the official (but short-lived) comic revival.
  • Gravity Is a Harsh Mistress: She can carry anything while flying as long as nobody points out that it should be impossible for her, at which point she plummets.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Though admittedly she was a reluctant heel to begin with.
  • Honey Trap: How she's first introduced. Foxglove takes advantage of Dale's attraction to her by flirting quite heavily with him to manipulate him towards Freddie's ends. However Foxglove pretty quickly falls In Love with the Mark and pulls a Heel–Face Turn.
  • I Just Want to Have Friends: She's introduced as a very lonely character whose only 'friend' is her manipulative boss. When she meets Dale and the other Rangers, she finally gets some real friends.
  • In Love with the Mark: Part of what triggered Foxglove's Heel–Face Turn. Even though she wasn't a bad person to begin with, she was nonetheless playing the role of a Honey Trap to manipulate Dale. However her attraction and feelings were genuine.
  • Love at First Sight: She falls for Dale the moment she sees him fall, literally, and saves him from becoming a messy divot in the ground.
  • Minion with an F in Evil: She starts out as one of Winifred's minions, but she barely even gets started before she switches sides.
  • Relationship Upgrade: The Boom! comics heavily imply that Dale and Foxglove are indeed in a relationship.
  • Sixth Ranger: While she never becomes this permanently in the series, she's featured extensively in the Boom! comics (especially the second arc). She's this more often than any other One-Shot Character in Fan Fic.
  • Stalker with a Crush: She comes on a little too strong to Dale at first.
  • Stationary Wings: Subverted at the end of "Good Times, Bat Times". She takes a moment to stop flapping in order to fawn over Dale, only to fall.
  • Super Strength: Lampshaded by Dale, who is surprised that a bat could hover while carrying his weight. She promptly realizes he's right and they both plummet to the ground. It becomes clear later in the episode that she does possess this, as seen when she is able to level out a nose-diving Rangerwing by PUSHING it, and when she's able to hover carrying a BRICK, something far heavier than a chipmunk, and then Dale again. Then again, Foxy may be able to carry anything as long as she isn't told that she can't. By the Boom! series, she's able to successfully carry Chip and Dale together, albeit with some difficulty and only for a short distance.
  • Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: Her fur is kind of two-tone pink. Also, that tuft of hair between her ears that stands in for a Furry Female Mane. Plus eyelashes.
  • Token Good Teammate: Foxglove is a Minion with an F in Evil, is a very sweet and kind bat, and was only working for Winifred because she genuinely thought Freddie was her friend.
  • You Said You Would Let Them Go: Her interest in saving Dale leads to a classic use of this trope.

    The Pi-Rats 
A crew of rodent pirates who alternately befriend and come into conflict with the Rangers.
  • Affably Evil: They're actually on generally sociable terms with the Rescue Rangers, but the second the sea rats suspect the heroes are coming after their treasure, they get very murderous.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: In their Boom! comics appearance, courtesy of Fat Cat and the ARS. The Rangers immediately realize something is wrong because while they've had their conflicts with the Pi-Rats in the past, it's usually the result of a misunderstanding and the two groups are typically on friendly terms.
  • Friendly Pirates: They are pretty nice people, until they think someone is after their treasure.
  • A Pirate 400 Years Too Late: The Pi-Rats are rodent "pirates" on a sailship like those who used to roam the Caribbean. However, CDRR takes place in the late 20th century. That said, if Jolly Roger is to believe, at least some of the Pi-Rats are actually several centuries old.
  • The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: Justified in their first appearance since they're stuck at the bottom of the ocean, and don't have anything to do except periodically search for their own treasure (which never moves, and they always know right where it is). However even afterwards, they don't really do much in the way of piracy.
  • Punch-Clock Villains: The Pi-Rats aren't truly villainous, and in fact verge on The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything. In fact they're generally friendly with the Rangers, but can turn nasty if they feel their treasure is threatened.
  • Ruthless Modern Pirates: They completely tie the trope in knots. While they may talk the part, they actually veer more into The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything. Additionally, while they're operating in the modern era, their design evokes The Golden Age of Piracy.
  • The Smurfette Principle: There is only one female rat in the Pi-Rats.
  • Talk Like a Pirate: Especially Jolly Roger, who even refers to the Rangers as "me hearties" in "Chipwrecked Shipmunks".

Voiced by: Noelle North
Dubbed in Latin American Spanish by: Araceli de León

A fan of the Rescue Rangers, especially for Chip. She later becomes a nurse in the Boom! continuation.

  • Abhorrent Admirer: Tammy doesn't want to take "no" for an answer in her pursuit of Chip, with her ranging from Stalker with a Crush at best, to this at worst.
  • All Love Is Unrequited: She had a huge crush on Chip, however he doesn't reciprocate. In part because even for their species Tammy is presented as just a kid, and also because her single-mindedness veers between Stalker with a Crush and Abhorrent Admirer. That said, when Chip finally gets fed up with her pursuit he reacts far more harshly than she really deserved, leading to one of his biggest Jerkass moments on the show.
  • Barefoot Cartoon Animal: Blouse, pants, barefoot.
  • Big Eater: Not as much as Bink obviously, but she's still extremely gluttonous.
  • Bratty Teenage Daughter: She seems to be quite a handful for her mother to cope with.
  • Fiery Redhead: In order to prove to "Chipper" that she's at least as much Ranger material as Gadget, she takes on Fat Cat with no more company than her toddler sister Bink.
  • Girl of the Week: She has a crush on Chip, but she does not reappear in the series. Also downplayed in that her attraction is rather one-sided, and though Chip takes responsibility when she gets herself captured trying to impress him, he doesn't reciprocate. By the time she returns in the Boom! series her interest has been downplayed.
  • Humanoid Female Animal: Bipedal, largely clothed, human-like hair.
  • Improbable Food Budget: It's a wonder that she can not only support her gluttonous self, but also her sister who eats 100 times her body weight for breakfast!
  • Love at First Sight: Tammy falls for Chip the moment she sees him.
  • Mad Love: Tammy falls head over heels for Chip to the point where she endangers the other Rangers, her sister, and herself.
  • Precocious Crush: She has one on Chip, often verging into outright Stalker with a Crush.
  • Sixth Ranger: She often becomes one in fanfic, but not quite as often as Foxglove.
  • Smitten Teenage Girl: Played for laughs. Chip is extremely uncomfortable with this.
  • Stalker with a Crush: Her attraction to Chip often verges on this, as she continually ends up interfering with the case during her pursuit of Chip.
  • Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: Tammy possesses a feminine figure with a narrow waist, a Furry Female Mane, and eyelashes. Although her default outfit is a bit more tomboyish, the colors are still more traditionally feminine.
  • Through a Face Full of Fur: Though her fur is quite dark, you can still see her blush after Chip caught her.
  • Unknown Rival: Tammy views Gadget as The Rival for Chip's affections. Gadget herself doesn't even notice this.

One-shot characters

Characters who appeared only once in the animated series

Voiced by: Noelle North

  • Big Eater: The epitome of this trope! She's only a toddler, but she eats all the time. She eats a whole apple (which is like 3 times bigger than herself) in one bite and she's still hungry, then she's shown eating a lot throughout the episode after that. It's even implied that she frequently eats up to 100 times her own weight for breakfast. And she doesn't hesitate to steal food off people's plates. Her appetite is insatiable, she cannot be full, she's not as much a glutton as she's just a slave to her bottomless appetite. She eats than the whole Goku family combined!
  • Deliberately Cute Child: Yep, in her case it's to get food.
  • Establishing Character Moment: One of her first scenes has her stuffing her face and demanding more food!
  • Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: She's a toddler, so eyelashes and a dress will have to do.

     Desiree D'Allure 
Voiced by: Sindy McKay

Monterey's former fiancee and love interest, who's really a criminal gang leader.

Voiced by: Jim Cummings
Dubbed in French by: Jean-Claude Donda
Dtz in his normal form
Dtz's Dragon Form
Opening Credits
Dtz's various forms from left to right (Rabbit, Chair, Slime, Spring)

A Shapeshifting Alien who gets into Mischief.

  • Doppelgänger: One of Dtz's characteristic is his ability to shapeshift into exact copies of another being. As demonstrated when he becomes Dale.
  • One-Shot Character: Dtz is only featured in this episode only but, appears in the opening credits
  • Shapeshifter Baggage: Dtz's shapeshifting ability to turn himself into anyone, anything, and any size is shown throughout the episode as early as the first few opening scene. Where Dtz is shown as a rabbit. Then when Dtz encounters Dale he disguise himself as a chair which still shows him with his ear fins, after being confronted by Dale he becomes slime in order to escape Dale after which when that fails Dtz attempts to flee but the pulling from Dale on Dtz's tail forces Dtz to turn into a spring which still has Dtz having his head at the top of the spring and his tail attached to the spring. Which in turn Dtz shapeshifts into a Dragon form that is ten times bigger than Dale. In all his forms Dtz maintains his default alien color scheme of Yellow, Red, Orange and Biege.

Voiced by: Deborah Walley

A nefarious Hawaiian mouse who looks exactly like Gadget. She's due to become queen of her tribe, but must complete three difficult — and dangerous — challenges to do so.

  • '80s Hair: Naturally, she has the same hair as Gadget.
  • All There in the Manual: The official press kit supplied the fans with information such as one possible official spelling of Lahwhinie's name (namely Lahwhinie). The official press kit was not even intended for the public.
  • Accidental Misnaming: While pretending be Gadget, she constantly misnames Chip, calling him "Chop", "Chirp", and "Chap".
  • Appease the Volcano God: Part of how Lahwhinie is able to con her village: She figured out that the volcano is actually just a prop for the local human resort, and is able to manipulate the valve which controls it to make it look like she's blessed by the gods.
  • Barefoot Cartoon Animal: A Hawaiian-style wrap and no footgear.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: She uses her resemblance to Gadget to trick the Rescue Rangers into thinking she is Gadget. Beyond that, she acts much sweeter than she actually is as part of the deception, and when the switch is revealed she gets downright nasty.
  • Blackmail: She traps the other Rangers inside the fake volcano which she controls, and kidnaps Zipper to force Gadget into completing the final and most dangerous trial for her or else.
  • Buffy Speak: She describes her tools with this, leading to the other Rangers correcting her. And somehow it still doesn't tip them off that's something's wrong (though in Chip and Dale's cases she liberally applies Distracted by the Sexy to keep them off-balance).
  • Decoy Damsel: Part of how she operates is to portray herself as innocent and in need of aid. It's how she ropes Gadget into helping her originally.
  • Distracted by the Sexy: Combined with Fake-Out Make-Out, this is how she manages to keep Chip and Dale from questioning her too closely and spoiling her charade.
  • Fake-Out Make-Out: She distracts Chip and Dale a couple times this way, to keep from answering awkward questions.
  • Femme Fatale: She has no problems using a little sex appeal and outright making advances on Chip and Dale to achieve her goals.
  • God Guise: A variation: She doesn't claim herself to be a goddess, but she does manipulate a gas-powered volcano that's part of the local human resort to make it appear she has the blessings of one.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Exploited. Lahwhinie uses her resemblence to Gadget — including her blonde hair — to manipulate the Rangers to her ends.
  • Hoist by Their Own Petard: After her true colors are revealed, Lahwhinie tries to use the volcano to extort her people to make her queen anyway by turning it up to full power. Gadget, however has stuffed it full of marshmallows, which explode out and bury Lahwhinie, humiliating her.
  • Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Her boyfriend Shake'a'bake'a is several times her size.
  • Humanoid Female Animal: Say it with us: bipedal, largely clothed, human-like hair.
  • I Broke a Nail: In her very first scene she gripes about this when she shuts off the mechanical volcano. She's also considerably more vain than Gadget.
  • Identical Stranger: She looks almost identical to Gadget, though it takes considerable Distracted by the Sexy to cover up her radically different voice and personality. How Monty was fooled is another matter.
  • Ink-Suit Actor: Her voice actress, Deborah Walley, pretty much redid her role as Gidget from Gidget Goes Hawaiian.
  • Jerkass: Gadget is sweet-natured and compassionate. Lahwhinie is very much not, being a selfish Manipulative Bitch. She outright takes advantage of Gadget's desire to help others to facilitate the switch, and has no qualms toying with Chip and Dale's attraction to distract them from her real identity.
  • Light Is Not Good: She has the same light coloring and blonde hair as Gadget. However while Gadget is Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold, Lahwhinie is selfish, conniving, and manipulative.
  • Loophole Abuse: She tries to pull this on her tribe using Exact Words. They only tell her she has to survive the challenges, and she decides there Ain't No Rule against getting a doppelgänger to do it for her.
  • Manipulative Bitch: She's perfectly content to take advantage of anyone if it gets her what she wants, and is not at all a pleasant person. She manipulates Gadget into doing her trials for her by preying on her readiness to help others, and toys with Chip and Dale's attraction to keep them from exposing her.
  • Meaningful Name: Regardless of how you spell it, her name is a play on "the whiney" and she tends to do an awful lot of whining.
  • My Nayme Is: Go ahead, try to spell her name correctly. See Spell My Name with an S below.
  • No Matter How Much I Beg: Lahwhinie knew Gadget would try to escape when the dangerous challenges started, so she tells Shaka Baka that she's scared and might chicken out, but wants him to make sure she goes through with it.
  • Off-Model: The artists and animators can't even keep her hair color consistent in one episode.
  • One-Shot Character: She appears in one episode only.
  • The Scottish Trope: The spelling of her name sometimes leads to this.
  • Show Some Leg: One of Lahwhinie's go-to methods of manipulating others to do her bidding, or distract them from asking awkward questions. It works extremely well on Chip, who at one point is reduced to literally floating with a dazed smile on his face while Monty keeps pushing him back to the ground.
  • Spell My Name with an S: Apparently it's All There in the Manual somewhere (said manual being extremely hard to come by), but no one is 100% sure just how her name is really supposed to be spelled. The Writer's Bible spells it "Lahwhinie", the DVD subtitles spell it "Lawhinie" which is just how most people spell it, and some closed-captions during TV airings spell it "Louwhiney". That's three practically official sources which contradict each other. No wonder every other Rangerphile has come up with yet another spelling. The German synchro actually managed to give her a new name that is just as unspellable.
  • Take a Third Option: Lawhinie's solution to the three deadly challenges is to not do them, and she tricks Gadget into taking her place; when the village chief finds out, he considers Lahwhinie's solution and her attempt at Loophole Abuse — the requirement was for her to survive the challenges, but not to be present during them — as cheating.
  • Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: As Gadget's Identical Stranger she has all the same as Gadget herself, with a flower in her hair as a regular part of the character model.
  • Twin Switch: She tricks Gadget into switching places with her so she wouldn't have to be put through the ceremonial tests that would qualify her to be queen of a Hawaiian tribe, reasoning through Loophole Abuse that it only says she had to survive.

Voiced by: Danny Gans
Dubbed in French by: Luq Hamet

  • Absent-Minded Professor: Played with a bit, since he's an absent-minded test subject. However, he seems to have picked up a lot of electrical engineering in the course of his work, and certainly he considers himself a scientist of a sort.
  • Amusing Injury: He's suffered so many shocks that he's a living capacitor.
  • Berserk Button: When he found out Nimnul was using science for evil purposes, he was pretty ticked off.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: By Professor Nimnul, who uses him to rob banks. When in this mode, he will attack whoever is threatening to interfere with Nimnul's schemes.
  • Broken Pedestal: He genuinely respected Nimnul, and refused to believe the Rangers when told he was evil. He's appropriately enraged when he learns the truth.
  • Cloud Cuckoo Lander: Pretty bad. It seems to have eased up once he stopped receiving daily electroshock.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Yellow-haired and (when sane) an honest, decent guy.
  • Hot Scientist: At least as far as Gadget is concerned.
  • Innocent Blue Eyes: He's a basically good guy and has blue eyes.
  • "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: While he's under Nimnul's influence and about to kill Chip and Dale by electrocuting them, they appeal to his affection for Gadget, asking him what she'd think of what he was doing. It works (although he still drops the wires he was using on himself for an Amusing Injury).
  • Lab Coat Of Science And Medicine: He wears a rat-sized lab coat with the collar turned up (and nothing else).
  • Nice Guy: He helps the Rangers out in his first appearance without being asked and without expecting any reward, seems completely oblivious to Chip and Dale's hostility towards him where Gadget is concerned.
  • Oblivious to Love: He may be this even more than Gadget, and largely misses out on the fact she's attracted to him.
  • One-Shot Character: He appears in one episode only.
  • Put on a Bus: At the end of his episode, he and Buzz (a guinea pig who'd also been used by Nimnul) leave to go work at MIT. Gadget was sad. Chip and Dale were relieved. (Sparky had, without any real effort, drawn Gadget's attention.)
  • Shock and Awe: Suffers from pent-up static discharges. Pretty resilient when it comes to touching bare wiring, too. While Brainwashed and Crazy, he can and does use this as a weapon against his enemies.
  • Shout-Out: Sparky is based on Dr. Emmett L. Brown from Back to the Future.
  • Spear Counterpart: To Gadget, in a lot of ways. Both are Cloud Cuckoo Lander Absent-Minded Professors who are Oblivious to Love. However while Gadget is this as a result of simply being Gadget, in Sparky's case it owes a lot to the amount of voltage he's absorbed.
  • Sheep in Sheep's Clothing: Sparky is very suspicious to the Rangers(Especially a jealous Chip and Dale) as the lab he works in belongs to Professor Nimnul and he defends him from the Rangers. So he's in on Nimnul's plot right? Nope! Turns out he was brainwashed the whole time and as soon as he gets proof Nimnul is evil, he quickly turns on him.
  • Steven Ulysses Perhero: Sparky is a walking, talking capacitor, he gives you X-Ray Sparks when you shake hands without proper insulation. Also, his hands have different polarities, and he can create sparks between his index fingers.
  • X-Ray Sparks: His skeleton shows up now and then when he's zapped.
  • You Dirty Rat!: Averted. Although, yes, he is a rat, he is sweet, kind, moral and completely innocent of any complicity in what Nimnul uses him for.

    Flash the Wonder Dog 
Voiced by: Rob Paulsen

The star of a popular television show who plays a crime-fighting supehero dog. He is eventually framed by a jealous Fat Cat, forcing the Rangers to help prove his innocence.

  • Becoming the Mask: Initially he only plays a popular television hero. When Fat Cat threatens to harm his TV co-star, he ends up becoming a hero for real.
  • Broken Pedestal: He becomes one to Dale after Dale discovers he isn't isn't really an action hero, and ironically enough actually gets scared pretty easily. He later becomes a Rebuilt Pedestal when he ultimately overcomes his fears and saves Conrad Cockatoo from Fat Cat.
  • Cowardly Lion: While he's deathly afraid of heights and gets easily frightened, when Fat Cat tries to hurt a friend of his he snaps and drops his cowardice, tackling the criminal.
  • Frame-Up: Fat Cat captures him and frames him for a crime spree.
  • Heroic Dog: He plays one on TV. Eventually he becomes one for real by the end of his episode, to the point that Chip considers him an honorary Rescue Ranger.
  • Irony as She Is Cast: In-universe, he plays a heroic crime-fighting dog, but he's actually quite cowardly, with most of the action his character does in the show being filmed by a stunt dog.
  • Nice Guy: While he may not (initially) be as much of an action hero as his TV persona, he's still shown to get along with his co-workers well, and when he learns of Dale's disappointment in him, he feels terrible and wishes he could make it up to him. He also forgives his producers for turning against him when they fell for Fat Cat's frame job.
  • Took a Level in Badass: He spends most of the episode he appears in scared for his life and being chased by his former fans. After Fat Cat takes his co-star hostage and threatens to kill him, he saves his co-star and exposes Fat Cat's crimes.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: His most crippling fear is of heights. He eventually overcomes it.

Boom! Comics

Characters who appeared only in the Boom! Comics continuation.

    Danger Rangers
Clockwise from top right: Glitch, Digger, Scratch and Sniff, Orgo

A band of Evil Counterparts to the Rescue Rangers, led by a mouse named Glitch.

  • Always Someone Better: Glitch's view of Gadget. Part of her scheme for revenge involves humilating her and the Rangers to prove that she is the smarter one.
  • Arc Villain: Glitch is the main villain of the second arc, having assembled the Danger Rangers for no other reason than to fulfill her vendetta against Gadget.
  • The Big Guy: Orgo is the biggest and strongest of the Danger Rangers, serving as the Evil Counterpart to Monterey.
  • Cultured Warrior: Orgo is quite eloquent and erudite, which contrasts him even more with Monterey and his heavy faux-Australian slang.
  • Dark Chick: While the only one who seems to genuinely view her as The Heart of the team is Orgo, she nonetheless fills this role as being the only girl, as well as Gadget's Foil. An unusual example in which she is also the Big Bad of her arc herself.
  • The Dragon: Orgo serves as Glitch's second in command, with Scratch, Sniff, and Digger largely being hired muscle. While he's as much a Psycho for Hire as the others, he's the only one who seems to show a hint of genuine consideration for Glitch's own feelings about what she's doing.
  • Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: Glitch's coloration evokes this trope; her Furry Female Mane is black or dark brown, and her fur is a pale gray.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Glitch and her team seriously underestimate and fail to account for just how important The Power of Friendship is to the Rangers, ultimately culimating in their defeat when Chip offers himself up as a distraction despite barely being able to stand so Foxglove can free the rest of them.
  • Evil Counterpart: The team is this to the Rescue Rangers as a whole, however each also serves as a direct counterpart to one in particular:
    • Glitch is The Leader, however as the team's Gadgeteer Genius she's mainly the counterpart for Gadget. Additionally, it's Glitch's resentment of Gadget that leads her to form the team in the first place.
    • Scratch and Sniff are two rats, who largely serve this role to Chip and Dale. However rather than The Leader and The Lancer, they're mainly just muscle.
    • Orgo is The Big Guy, and the counterpart to Monterey.
    • Digger is a beetle, and is this to Zipper.
  • Exit, Pursued by a Bear: Or in this case, an owl; the Danger Rangers decide to abandon Glitch to her fate, and are smugly trying to slip out when Zipper pops in leading the very angry, and hungry, owl they almost fed the Rangers themselves too.
  • Fur Is Skin: Typical of female mice, Glitch lacks the sort of countershading we see on Chip, Dale, and Monterey, and her fur is noticeably lighter in color.
  • Fully-Dressed Cartoon Animal: As opposed to Gadget, who doesn't wear shoes.
  • Furry Female Mane: Glitch has short and messy black hair in addition to her fur.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: Glitch isn't on Gadget's level, but she's nonetheless a very intelligent and inventive mouse.
  • Gangster Land: Scratch and Sniff wear suits with a fedora and bowler hat to evoke this trope.
  • Goth: Glitch's design evokes this: Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette with a choppy, assymetrical short Furry Female Mane, multiple piercings in one ear, black and red as her main colors, big chunky boots, an metal belt and cuff on her tail.
  • Half-Dressed Cartoon Animal: All of the Danger Rangers except for Glitch
  • Humanoid Female Animal: Glitch is bipedal, sports a black or dark brown Furry Female Mane, and is a Fully-Dressed Cartoon Animal.
  • I Just Want to Have Friends: Glitch's motivation for putting together the Danger Rangers and destroying the Rescue Rangers? When she and Gadget were children, Glitch didn't have the same kind of support that Gadget had. When Gadget apologizes for not helping Glitch out back then, Glitch instantly breaks down and asks Gadget to like her.
  • Jerkass: An entire team of them. The Danger Rangers have no real loyalty to Glitch, and are Only in It for the Money, and delight in using the cruelest methods available to take the Rescue Rangers down. They're also damn smug about it, too. This is especially the case for Scratch and Sniff.
  • Me's a Crowd: Digger has a bunch of duplicates, which he uses for spying duties, as well as in a Totem Pole Trench to set the rangers up for the ambush at the Order of the Quill. It's unclear whether they're clones, multiple beetles who just happen to look the same, or part of his extended family.
  • Non-Action Big Bad: While Glitch is the leader of the Danger Rangers, she prefers to sit back and allow the rest of the team and her tech to fight for her. This further contrasts her against Gadget, who is usually right alongside the guys, and is someone you really, really don't want to push into fighting back.
  • The One Who Wears Shoes: Glitch is the first straight example of this in the whole franchise. While some characters wore shoes for special occasions — tap-dancing penguins need shoes, after all — no other animal in the series wears shoes as part of their regular outfit.
  • Only in It for the Money: The Danger Rangers only follow Glitch because they're being paid. Though they're also very much enjoying taking down the Rescue Rangers. But once it's clear their check is gone, they're more than happy to abandon Glitch and go their own way.
  • Psycho for Hire: Although the Danger Rangers are only following Glitch because they're being paid, that doesn't stop them from very much enjoying taking out the Rangers. This is especially the case for Scratch and Sniff.
  • The Psycho Rangers: The Danger Rangers were essentially this to the Rescue Rangers. Glitch, fueled by her envy and hatred of Gadget, put the group together to take the Rangers down and prove she was better than Gadget.
  • Punny Name: Scratch and Sniff, taken together, for... scratch 'n' sniff.
  • Redemption Rejection: As a result of the comic's abrupt cancellation, Glitch runs away rather than accepting Gadget's olive branch to take her on as an apprentice, and it's never revealed whether should would have completed a Heel–Face Turn or not.
  • Reptiles Are Abhorrent: Orgo is a bad-tempered and rather sadistict turtle.
  • The Resenter: Glitch is deeply envious of the support system Gadget had as a child, and this resentmentment festered and drove her desire for revenge.
  • Smug Snake: They don't even bother hiding what they're doing from the Rangers, delighting in the fact that there's nothing they can even do about it. And when they abandon Glitch in the finale, they're practically laughing as they walk off. At least until Zipper turns up with the owl...
  • Stalker Shrine: Glitch maintains one for Gadget as part of her obsession.
  • Stalker with a Crush: In #8 Glitch really wants Gadget to like her and has even built a shrine to her.
  • Team Pet: Digger shows intelligence, but not real sentience. And while Zipper is The Unintelligible, he at least speaks. Digger never says a word.
  • Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: Glitch has a female shape like Gadget, a Furry Female Mane, and eyelashes.
  • Token Good Teammate: Glitch isn't actually a bad person, as opposed to the Psychos For Hire that make up the rest of the team. She's just lonely, angry, and a little misguided. She begins to break and have second thoughts when Gadget apologizes for not being there for her almost as soon as she remembered who Glitch is, and almost doesn't go through with things until the rest of her team learns she "captured" Gadget, forcing her hand.
  • Unknown Rival: Gadget doesn't even remember Glitch at first, so is confused just why she has a vendetta against her.
  • Villain: Exit, Stage Left: Glitch's hired thugs try to pull one once the Rangers have beaten them; as they're only in it for the money, they're more than happy to abandon her to her fate to save their own skins. Cue Zipper arriving with an owl.
  • Worthy Opponent: Orgo honestly admits to admiring Monty's devotion and friendship for Zipper during the lawnmower attack. In fact while he's not a nice guy by any means, he's the only one (other than Glitch) who isn't a complete sociopath.


An older bat living in Brazil. He's Foxglove's father.

    Professor Foo Foo

A rabbit inventor who was once an associate of Gadget's father, and helped develop the ARS.

  • Dirty Coward: He's an extremely timid and nervous rabbit, and sold out to Fat Cat for no other reason than to save his own neck after Fat Cat caught him robbing the gamblers at his casino.
  • Evil Genius: Not evil per se, but he is a greedy and selfish person who uses his knowledge for his own gain. Gadget outright tells him her father warned her about him for that reason.
  • Forced into Evil: The only reason he's helping Fat Cat with the ARS is because he was dumb enough to try robbing his casino patrons, and Fat Cat would kill him otherwise.
  • Heel–Face Turn: ...Ish. He was never really evil and Fat Cat was essentially extorting him for control of the ARS, but Gadget's "The Reason You Suck" Speech suggests he had been crooked for some time. However at the very least he regretted his part in Fat Cat's plan and was greatly relieved when the Rangers arrived to put an end to it.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: He's an inventor who helped Geegaw develop the ARS. He also developed other devices such as a hand-held teleporter.
  • Mad Scientist: Less mad than Nimnul, but he's still a scientist and inventor who uses his creations for a bit of petty thievery, which apparently goes back at least to the days he was working with Geegaw.
  • Minion with an F in Evil: He's not evil, but is still a crook. Otherwise he's a shy, timid rabbit inventor, who made the really stupid mistake of trying to rob Fat Cat's patrons and was essentially blackmailed into providing him with technology to save his own skin.
  • Nerd Glasses: Foo Foo wears a pair of spectacles as part of his Mad Scientist skin pack.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: On the receiving end of one from Gadget, who chews him out over his greedy, self-serving nature.
    Gadget: Professor Foo Foo...I...I know I've heard of you. That's right. Dad mentioned you! When he did it would always come with a warning. What was it? That's right, it was was, "Be careful of how even genius can fall to vice."
  • Shout-Out: His name, and the fact he's a rabbit, is a reference to the children's song Little Bunny Foo Foo.
  • Smart People Wear Glasses: He's a scientist and inventor, with the glasses as part of the package.
  • Teleport Spam: He invents a teleporter and uses it to rob Fat Cat's casino.
  • Too Dumb to Live: He decided it was a bright idea to steal from Fat Cat. The only reason he got out of it in one piece was because he had something better to offer than his furry hide.
  • We Used to Be Friends: He was once a friend and associate of Gadget's father, and helped him develop the ARS. Something (likely the fact he was ultimately a crook who used science for his own gain) happened to sour the relationship, because Geegaw would always warn Gadget about him.
