In my previous post on this blog, I talked about my experience in with those ncu guys and how they blatant tried to make .club in a NCU 2 and also I talked about their loyal castrated dog “Mainländer”. Now let’s talk more about those ncu guys… Who are they? What are their ultimate goals? Are they actually federal agents or just a bunch of retards? All those questions I will answer now!
As I said in my previous blogpost “KEVIN LOGAN VS BLACKPILL.CLUB: MAINLÄNDER STRIKES BACK”, the main perpetrators of all this shit was Personalityinkwell, JosefMengelecel and Draestyn (also now as Facial Marxist)… of course that those fuckers had the help from other users, but for now I will focus on the three Stooges.
Let’s start with JosefMengelecel Draestyn: those two are originally users from incel dot co (now known as incel dot is). In their time in there they would always make pro p&do threads and start fight with users that don’t liked those p&do posts (basically the same shit that they did in .club). In their time on .is they framed and successfully banned .is user xeryes29 and tried to do the same thing with other user “Nekopan”.
Their thread “exposing” xeryes29 was just them faking a bunch of discord screenshot “exposing” him of having a girlfriend (yeah, you can get banned from an incel forum if you have a gf).
Archives of the thread “An agecuck on here turns out to be a major fakecel”
As soon as they managed to get xeryes29 banned, they tried to do the same with Nekopan, but some users pointed out some inconsistencies in their fabricated evidence.
After people find out that JosefMengelecel fabricated those discord screenshots with the help of his friends/fuckbuddies Zensfy and Draestyn, he made a pathetic thread titled “Our reasons and motives” where he desperately tried to sound reasonable for being a scumbag.
Archives of the thread
When I saw this shit, all my suspicions of him being a federal agent vanished… It’s pretty clear that he is just an idiot! If you guys are wondering… yes! They are just a bunch of stupid teenagers.
Now, the next guy that I will talk about is not an edgy teen, but a fucking “adult”. Currently this dude has 26 years, but he has the mentality of a hysterical 14 year old girl. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you “personalityinkwell”, the biggest schizo drunkard that I ever seen in my life!
His entirely personality consists in non-stop age of consent threads, start fight with users because they don’t agree with him, such the cock of mass sh00ters like Elli0t R0dg&r and just be a unlikeable fagg0t!
Those are screenshots of his old account in, I already show some examples of him start fight with users in the “KEVIN LOGAN VS BLACKPILL.CLUB: MAINLÄNDER STRIKES BACK” and I not in the mood to show this again.
Anyway, since those fuckers are making .club an unbearable shithole and I was tired of their shit, I start to make some bait threads for them and every other users in their side react.
The first one was entitled as “Everyone in here is a fucking larper”, where I only say the true.
I don’t need to say that this thread generated so much butthurt, it was kekfuel!
Archive of the entire thread
Don’t think that I stopped there, I made a other thread to bait those fuckers
Archive of the “How a NCU user get their prey”
Those bait threads indeed worked in my favor because inkwell pm gamedevcel in discord begging him to ban me.
The entire pms
Thanks God that gamedev was so kind to screenshot his entire conversation with inkwell for me, because now anyone can see how much of a pathetic creature inkwell is. Gamedev told me to not post this in the forum, just to keep between us, but I couldn’t resist, so I made a deal with him… If I saw inkwell starting shit with anyone, I would leak the pms. Of course, inkwell being the attention whore that he is; he was already starting shit with a user called “ScornedStoic”. So I decided to leak the pms and mass tag a bunch of users in one thread!
The thread
Man, that thread was fun! After I had my fun pissing off inkwell and his lackeys, gamedevcel told me in discord that he was kind of pissed that I leaked the pms and told me to stop picking fights with inkwell. It was pretty clear to me that he would never remove those fuckers, even though they literally are the responsible for many users leaving .club. Well guess what? I also decided to leave… but not because of the ncu fagots, it was because of gamedev himself. Dude was too much of an incompetent to run any community, and I was tired of all this shit. I said this to him:
but seriously gamedev you suck in terms of leadership, you pretty much betrayed your original uberbase by letting those faggets do whatever they wanted in your own forum. It’s like a father seeing his daughter being r@ped by several guys and saying… “Don’t be too brutish! Use a condom at least.”
I don’t hate you and I still want to be friends with you, but you know you that you literally destroyed your own community. Hidden, darkmst, tamaki, among others leave because you don’t know how to managing a forum and more will also leave. If you’re okay with that I won’t offend you or hate you, but I have no doubts that is going to ruin.
Gamedev told me that he “thinks” that he tolerated those ncu guys for too long and that he would ban them; however I didn’t believe in his words. Gamedev went to the “Ban discussion thread” saying that he would ban inkwell, Josef and Draestyn and stated the reasons… I would show a screenshot, but the thread was lost as long a lot of posts after the forum got reported and have a big data lost, the only back up that gamedev had was of july 2021 (I will talk about this in the future).
Well, Gamedev was doing a fucking circus; I knew it that he wouldn’t ban them. Dude rarely if ever wants people banned; even if someone got banned by some mod he would later unbanned them. Later on I saw that the three stooges got banned, but guess what… it was just a temp ban!
Just in case if you want to know, it wasn’t gamedev that banned those fuckers, it was another admin named “ghost”. How do I know this? Not of your fucking business.
Since it was pretty obvious that those fuckers would return, that the majority of the retard user base hate me (those ncu guys had a lot of cocksuckers) and that the good users already left; I decided to get out of that hell! But unfortunately, my destiny was already written. I would have to come back to that wrecked place to travel a battle with not just some users, but with the forum itself! But this story is for another time.
Oh yeah I forget to talk about Draestyn. Well, here is a screenshot of one his alts in .is!
That’s all folks, until next time!
Uma consideração sobre “Kevin Logan vs Part 2: The NCU menace”