Won’t somebody please think of the fictional children?

Humanity never tires of surprising me with their idiocracy. Apparently NPCs were disgusted by the fact that there are mods that allow you to perform s&xual acts with kids on “The Sims” games. Keep in mind that these mods have been around for years, but it’s only now that people decided to be angry about it.

Anyway, here is some videos talking about p&d0 mods in sims

archive: https://anonfiles.com/R6L5h955u9/Modders_are_Sneaking_ComputersParts_in_Games_Now_zip
archive: https://anonfiles.com/L8K8he50u7/Talking_about_some._INTERESTING._Mods._Brutal.mp4_zip
archive: https://anonfiles.com/P7Hah954uc/EA_Addresses_EXTREMELY_disturbing_Sims_4_Mods._.mp4_zip

Here is a archive of a thread on twitter that is now deleted about this subject: https://archive.is/QuM22

I don’t know what is more funny, the fact that people are overreacting about this or the fact that they are thinking that a petition is gonna resolve something!

Offensive content in mods or rom hacks are nothing new! Back when nes romhacks were still in their youth a lot of offensive romhacks were created. Many of these romhacks contained themes like racism, n@zism, r@pe and even ped0phili@! 

You don't believe me? Well take a look in this romhack of the game little nemo 

Warning: NSFW

archive: https://archive.is/ii8Uz

As you can see, mods with questionable content are nothing new, just like NPCs disgusted by the existence of these mods.

Something that intrigues me, it's the fact that they are only angry about the fact that this types of mods are on sims games, but totally ignore the fact that games like Fallout, The Elders Scrolls, Stardew Valley, A Hat in Time and others games also have "C"heese "P"izza mods.

This is just my guess, but I genuinely think that these people are only concerned about the reputation of the franchise with the existence of this types of mods, and not the with the moral dilema involved in this matter.

Comments like these also reinforce my theory.

One thing that I would like to remind you guys, is that we are talking about a video game! If there are no real people involved in this, why all the fuss?

I also love the fact that when it comes to defending the integrity of fictional children, these retards are faster than light to do their pseudo-activism, but when it comes time to defend real children, these hypocrites don't move a finger.

None of you fuckers actually care about justice, morals or any other shit, you guys only wants to preach at people to feel superior, larping as a moral crusader while been such a degenerate like the creators of these types of mods.

I wonder where was these fuckers when I was being severely bullied and isolated at school? Hell, they would probably participated in mentally tortured me.

Now something that really infuriates me, is that this bullshit generated a typical discussion of the... "maybe we should regulate this!", and by "we" it's mean the "goverment".

Link of the article:
archive: https://archive.is/J6KcK

In the article in question, the "female" author... yes, this shit could only came of a women mouth... she start saying that her only problem is with p&d0s mods, but later on she said that "maybe we should take a look at violence mods, if it is too extreme and if trigger someone"... Ha! Are you guys seeing the danger?

Let's start banning this type of mods, and later on others types of mods, and later on any mod that offend someone should be banned!

So I have a question for you guys... what is allowed and what is not?

Oh yeah, before I forget, it looks like EA took note of this nonsense and said the following:

"These types of mods have deeply disturbing content, are not authorized by EA, and their use violates our User Agreement. If we detect players using this kind of mod content, they will no longer be able to play the game and will face permanent EA account bans."

archive: https://archive.is/Mb4d8

Now, I really want to know how EA gonna detected if the player is using these types of mods. I believe this was just small talk to pretend that they are going to take action. Now let’s suppose that they have some way of detecting that the player has installed a “no-no” mod in his game… what will they do about people who have pirated copies of the game?

Well, anyway, it seems like this shit happened from January to February of this year, and it seems that there is no more news of this. I believe the those people got tired and turned their attention to something else.

Uma consideração sobre “Won’t somebody please think of the fictional children?”

  1. Normies have zero issues with n@zism and c#mmie propaganda in Ubishit games. They only want to remove copes for low status men, that’s why they complain about objectification of fictional femoid characters and fictional children.

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