Anyway, without further ado, let’s go to the part 3.
As i mentioned in my previous post on this blog, even though the ncu cucks (Personalityinkwell, JosefMengelecel and Draestyn) were banned from .club, it really didn’t help at all, considering that most users on .club are boot lickers of Personalityinkwell and his “friends” and I became the scapegoat of those fuckers.
I know a lot of users that stated that they decided to leave .club because of the amount of ped0 posts, witchhunt and harassment, all promoted by Personalityinkwell and his sex slaves, but hey… what help you sleep at night!
Since I had no more reason to continue in that shithole, I decided to leave. I was looking for others forum to past my time when I came across one called I already knew about this forum for a while, but only after the .club incident i decided to make an account there. When I noticed that some users who left .club are in, I had the brilliant idea to tell them about my battle with the ncu cucks and of course; about the leaked pms between gamedev and inkwell. Yes, I told them about my battles and the leaked pms… yes, they loved!
One day I was minding my own business posting on, when suddenly a wild autistic appears!
At first I thought it was it was personalityinkwell since he was regurgitating the same shit that inkwell spits.
Since this guy was annoying me I decided to go back at club to make a thread titled inkwell followed me in, to serve as bait to see if I could get a clue about who is this guy.
I was told that inkwell never made a account in, but I was skeptical. AccountError made a post telling that the the write style it was similar to phreddy… who is this phreddy guy?
this guy:
Later on phreddy admited that it was him that created that account to harassed me on, but lets talked about phreddy another time. this guy need a whole blog post dedicated to him!
Since I put my feets again in the unholy grounds of .club it didn’t take long for the anencephalons users to start attacking me, but this was good because I had a excuse to start troll them.
Good times! Also, I notice that our good old low T friend Mainländer was back.
Yes ladies and gentlemen fagländer was still a mod despite all the shit he did.
I also noticed there were a lot of alts popping up in .club with the sole objective of troll the forum.
I was thinking with myself: Why dont join the fun!? At this point i just wanted to troll that forum to oblivion until I get banned from that wrecked place.
And what was the reaction of the retards?
Why dont they just log off forever? Oh yeah, they wanted attention! Pedolainder later banned me and he was very proud of this achievement.
When he banned me he probably came even harder in comparison when he came for cp. I talked about the “congress” in the part 1 of the saga “KEVIN LOGAN VS BLACKPILL.CLUB”, as I said before the congress is “a secret group chat of some users that gamedev judges to be trustworthy”. After puppetlainder banned me, he said some stuff in there as long some users… lets see what they had to say.
Now, I know what you are thinking!
>But Kevin, how are you able to view private conversation if you got banned?
Well… not of your fucking bussiness
After getting banned I immediately started creating tons of alts to troll that fucking forum, at first I decided to leaked the entire conversation of the congress to the normal users since I had then archived, and this was what I did!
As a friend said to me and I quote: “Onces again gamedev uses you as a scapegoat for everything instead of taking some responsibility for his weak indecisive actions. Now with you out of the way and things apparently cooled down, he makes a thread where he tags all the ncu users that left, and “wonders” if the situation could be amended. Or in other words his trying to subtly ask them to come back because his forum is dying in activity.”
His futile attempt to bring those retards back not only failed miserably, but also made him a target for witchhunt
In my previous post on this blog, I talked about my experience in with those ncu guys and how they blatant tried to make .club in a NCU 2 and also I talked about their loyal castrated dog “Mainländer”. Now let’s talk more about those ncu guys… Who are they? What are their ultimate goals? Are they actually federal agents or just a bunch of retards? All those questions I will answer now!
As I said in my previous blogpost “KEVIN LOGAN VS BLACKPILL.CLUB: MAINLÄNDER STRIKES BACK”, the main perpetrators of all this shit was Personalityinkwell, JosefMengelecel and Draestyn (also now as Facial Marxist)… of course that those fuckers had the help from other users, but for now I will focus on the three Stooges.
Let’s start with JosefMengelecel Draestyn: those two are originally users from incel dot co (now known as incel dot is). In their time in there they would always make pro p&do threads and start fight with users that don’t liked those p&do posts (basically the same shit that they did in .club). In their time on .is they framed and successfully banned .is user xeryes29 and tried to do the same thing with other user “Nekopan”.
Their thread “exposing” xeryes29 was just them faking a bunch of discord screenshot “exposing” him of having a girlfriend (yeah, you can get banned from an incel forum if you have a gf).
Archives of the thread “An agecuck on here turns out to be a major fakecel”
As soon as they managed to get xeryes29 banned, they tried to do the same with Nekopan, but some users pointed out some inconsistencies in their fabricated evidence.
After people find out that JosefMengelecel fabricated those discord screenshots with the help of his friends/fuckbuddies Zensfy and Draestyn, he made a pathetic thread titled “Our reasons and motives” where he desperately tried to sound reasonable for being a scumbag.
When I saw this shit, all my suspicions of him being a federal agent vanished… It’s pretty clear that he is just an idiot! If you guys are wondering… yes! They are just a bunch of stupid teenagers.
Now, the next guy that I will talk about is not an edgy teen, but a fucking “adult”. Currently this dude has 26 years, but he has the mentality of a hysterical 14 year old girl. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you “personalityinkwell”, the biggest schizo drunkard that I ever seen in my life!
His entirely personality consists in non-stop age of consent threads, start fight with users because they don’t agree with him, such the cock of mass sh00ters like Elli0t R0dg&r and just be a unlikeable fagg0t!
Those are screenshots of his old account in, I already show some examples of him start fight with users in the “KEVIN LOGAN VS BLACKPILL.CLUB: MAINLÄNDER STRIKES BACK” and I not in the mood to show this again.
Anyway, since those fuckers are making .club an unbearable shithole and I was tired of their shit, I start to make some bait threads for them and every other users in their side react.
The first one was entitled as “Everyone in here is a fucking larper”, where I only say the true.
I don’t need to say that this thread generated so much butthurt, it was kekfuel!
Thanks God that gamedev was so kind to screenshot his entire conversation with inkwell for me, because now anyone can see how much of a pathetic creature inkwell is. Gamedev told me to not post this in the forum, just to keep between us, but I couldn’t resist, so I made a deal with him… If I saw inkwell starting shit with anyone, I would leak the pms. Of course, inkwell being the attention whore that he is; he was already starting shit with a user called “ScornedStoic”. So I decided to leak the pms and mass tag a bunch of users in one thread!
Man, that thread was fun! After I had my fun pissing off inkwell and his lackeys, gamedevcel told me in discord that he was kind of pissed that I leaked the pms and told me to stop picking fights with inkwell. It was pretty clear to me that he would never remove those fuckers, even though they literally are the responsible for many users leaving .club. Well guess what? I also decided to leave… but not because of the ncu fagots, it was because of gamedev himself. Dude was too much of an incompetent to run any community, and I was tired of all this shit. I said this to him:
but seriously gamedev you suck in terms of leadership, you pretty much betrayed your original uberbase by letting those faggets do whatever they wanted in your own forum. It’s like a father seeing his daughter being r@ped by several guys and saying… “Don’t be too brutish! Use a condom at least.”
I don’t hate you and I still want to be friends with you, but you know you that you literally destroyed your own community. Hidden, darkmst, tamaki, among others leave because you don’t know how to managing a forum and more will also leave. If you’re okay with that I won’t offend you or hate you, but I have no doubts that is going to ruin.
Gamedev told me that he “thinks” that he tolerated those ncu guys for too long and that he would ban them; however I didn’t believe in his words. Gamedev went to the “Ban discussion thread” saying that he would ban inkwell, Josef and Draestyn and stated the reasons… I would show a screenshot, but the thread was lost as long a lot of posts after the forum got reported and have a big data lost, the only back up that gamedev had was of july 2021 (I will talk about this in the future).
Well, Gamedev was doing a fucking circus; I knew it that he wouldn’t ban them. Dude rarely if ever wants people banned; even if someone got banned by some mod he would later unbanned them. Later on I saw that the three stooges got banned, but guess what… it was just a temp ban!
Just in case if you want to know, it wasn’t gamedev that banned those fuckers, it was another admin named “ghost”. How do I know this? Not of your fucking business.
Since it was pretty obvious that those fuckers would return, that the majority of the retard user base hate me (those ncu guys had a lot of cocksuckers) and that the good users already left; I decided to get out of that hell! But unfortunately, my destiny was already written. I would have to come back to that wrecked place to travel a battle with not just some users, but with the forum itself! But this story is for another time.
Oh yeah I forget to talk about Draestyn. Well, here is a screenshot of one his alts in .is!
In case anyone doesn’t know, I was an active member of a forum called “”. I said I “was” an active member because I got permabanned from there… Thanks God!!! The reason of why I got banned from that place and the reason of why I now despise that place as also some of their members, I will tell you guys now.
It all start in Aug 29, 2020 when I receive a private message in from user “Slap”, he send me the link of a site called “”.
The link was actually of the first forum using the vanilla engine, later on we migrate from there for a new forum because people wanted the XenForo engine. Anyway, the reason of the creation of the forum was because the admin of the forum started banning a lot of users, so they decide to make their own forum. The founder of the is a user called “gamedevcel” (also a banned user from .net). in the early days was somehow a comfy forum, at least for me and some others users. Sure the forum is infested with drama, the moderation team is atrocious bad, and gamedevcel administration abilities are extremely questionable, but was still fun to post in there. But everything change when the ncu f@ggets attacked!
What are the ncu guys, you may ask? NCU is a forum filled with edgy ret@rds, a lot of them are banned users from NCU stand for “Non Cucked Uniteds” (yes, I am not kidding, they unironically call their forum like that). Their forum consist of nonstop age of consent thread, worship Nazis, racial baits, worship r@pists, and crying about being banned from
Since their forum is a dead place they decided to migrate to greener pastures aka .club. As soon they enter .club they already started with their shit. They blatant tried to make .club in a NCU 2 with their nonstop AOC threads, edgy posts and even started witch hunts against users that don’t share their hivemind mentality. One of the worst things that those brain-deads did was filled the forum with… I shit you not… They made various thread about wanting to do illegal acts with little girls!
Despite all their destructive behavior, gamedev did absolutely nothing to put a stop in them. In any forum those fuckers would be banned in day one, but in .club they are allow to stay and drive any potential good user away. And guess what? They did drive a lot of users away from the forum with their shit! And yet, gamedev did nothing about it. It’s like he doesn’t take his own forum seriously.
He meant “whining” not winning
That was his response about my complaints about those p&dos threads that those ncu guys are making. His weak ass response made me so angry that I reply with this:
Gamedev later reply that “maybe” I was right and he should do something about it… and then he proceeds to do nothing about it! After that I knew it that the only one that could get rid of those parasites was “me”! I had an account in ncu, so I decided to do a little search in that forum. I quickly found a thread very interesting in the private section:
The op in question “spiritanimal” is a user and a mod in club, as we can see in this screenshot, that mf sold us out for a bunch of edgy retards just to have the pleasure to be a mod in their forum. Mf even has the audacity to say that accounterror should be demoted just to have personalityinkwell as a mod. Accounterror wasted a great part of his time searching for good users to post in .club, many of them left .club due gamedev incompetence and because of the toxic behavior of the new users. I was furious! I immediately show accounterror the screenshots and needless to say he also got pissed. But this was good, because we have a proof against the ncu cucks, not that we really need a proof since it was pretty obvious that they are trying to sabotage the forum, but it was good anyway.
Accounterror made a thread exposing those ncu fuckers. The thread got the attention of many users but later after; I guess an hour, gamedev quickly show up and locked the thread.
After that gamedevcel talked with us in the congress (a secret group chat of some users that gamedev judges to be trustworthy) that he is not gonna ban the ncu users anyway, since he is also a “lolicel” as well.
The fact that gamedev still wouldn’t get rid of those guys that are clearly trying to take control of his own forum, even after proof being show to him, made me realize something… gamedev knew about this all along! Another evidence that gamedevcel knew about the plan of the ncu cucks to mold his own forum for what them seen fit, is the fact that gamedev is a mod in NCU.
Here we can see a account named “Aeternum” asking people to join In case you still didn’t get it, Aeternum is gamedev account in NCU (duh!). There’s other evidence that this is his account, but then again, he doesn’t even hide it. Anyway, after that realization I have it enough, I decided to leave .club. I wrote a “goodbye” message in my profile.
Didn’t even care to elaborate, I was tired of that shit. Later gamedev notice that I was leaving and decided to take some “action”.
He state that p&do threads would be deleted for now on, but he still wouldn’t ban those ncu cucks, especially Draestyn (also now as Facial Marxist), JosefMengelecel and personalityinkwell.
Even if they couldn’t make more p&do threads, they would still promote witch hunts against users that they don’t like. Their shit behavior was intolerable! Because of them, .club got a reputation of being a p&do forum. They also would shit on .club a lot, but still they would be more active in there than in their own forum.
The solution for this problem was very simples: Ban those fuckers and problem solved, but since gamedev is the admin of .club, a simple solution is something impossible to achieve.
For some reason I decided to come back, even though I knew it deep down that it was over for the forum, but I guess I had some type of hope. Things would get worst when Gamedev put Mainländer as a moderator. If you want to know who Mainländer is, just read the link below.
In case you want a tldr: Mainländer is just a low T p&dophile, his whole personality is crying because he doesn’t have a teen girlfriend (even though I think he likes girls even more youngers, if you get what I am saying), basically just like personalityinkwell but less annoying. Mainländer likes to larp as a religious guy, but at the same time he wants the legalization of CheseePizza and also defends and worships Nathan Larson. He also calls himself a German-born Brazilian, but in the reality he is just a fat loser with a nasal voice that lives in Rio de Janeiro.
The first thing that Mainländer did when he became a mod was making a thread saying that was over for agecucks.
What is an agecuck? Basically is someone that is opposes with the idea of an older man (young adult or an adult) dating a young girl (usually a teenager). However keep in mind that those individuals use this term also to describe people that disagree with them.
He show his true color when he started a ban spree against those so called “agecucks”. I think his first victim was the user “Celinhell”. The reason of why Mainländer permabanned him was because Celinhell told him that he don’t like the idea of a 30 year old dude F#cking his 15 year old sister, but wouldn’t mind a 15 year old guy F#ck his sister (Well he actually say that he would remove a 30 year old dude from the realm of the living if he touched his sister, if you got my drill). This little comment was enough to make Mainländer angry!
As a friend said to me:
-The fact that Mainländer has banned some guy for preventing his own sister to becoming a hoe to some random 30 year old guy might prove that he has been there once.
He also banned another people for not sharing his world of view
Also, did you notice the phrase in the second screenshot above? “feminist agecuckoldry”! Calling someone a feminist, agecuck or bluepilled is the favorite activity of people like Pedoländer and his ncu friends. I have a lot of screenshots to prove this, but for now let’s focus in the fagländer butthurt saga.
When Mainländer was going with his ban rampage to appease his NCU overlords, I was feeling immensely burnout by out this shit. Club was not longer a fun place to hang out, it was a toxic wasteland! I contact gamedev about Bitchländer power trip and when he logged in the forum he unbanned all those users that SUSländer banned. I think that I don’t even need to say that Mainländer didn’t take this very well.
Those are his post in the congress; if you think he only cried in there you are deeply wrong! He quickly made a thread whiny about the fact that the evil agecucks are free to speak their minds!
I responded to Whinnyländer thread with this reply:
What was his response for my post, you may ask?
After that, if you still don’t think NCUländer was working together with the ncu gang to make .club in a NCU 2, either you are a fucking moron or just dishonest.
In case you want to read the whole thread I will give the link of the archives below:
Even though later on Mainländer and Gamedevcel reached an “agreement”, Twofaceländer left .club just to trash talk us in NCU.
Anyone with a half of a brain would remove Mainländer as a mod after this, but since gamedev has a brain with the size of a bean, not only he didn’t demoded Mainländer he also would beg him to come back later on.
Anyway, this is all I have to say about Mainländer betrayal arc. Next time I will talk more about those NCUtards, especially about the three Stooges: Personalityinkwell, JosefMengelecel and Draestyn.
I always laugh when someone bans me from a server or forum and thinks it will be the last time they will hear about me. Ban evasion it’s a great way to show those c0ck suckers moderators and those verminous hivemind users who is the boss.
I know that there is some sites that ban the registration with tor or vpns, but there is always a way to bypass this and give headaches to the jannys
One thing these NPCs need to understand is that they aren’t the ones who decide if I’m leaving their place… I’m the one who decides when I leave!
Daily reminder that “copyright law” is a social construct
Fuck all those fucking lawyers and corporations that push their fucking cuckright law in our throat, I illegal downloaded music, games, comics, mangas, anime, movies and archive them to later redistribute by download, and I don’t intend to stop.
Daily reminder that if you have to cite “studies” to try to prove your point of view, it just shows that you have no opinion of your own
A lot of those so called studies can be very well be manipulated to push some agenda. Think for yourself or just shut the fuck up!
Daily reminder that some people should not have the right to vote or to procreate
Not gonna bother to elaborate. The only thing that I have to say is that the majority of people are fucking morons that unconsciously seek their own destruction.
Daily reminder that if you don’t archive everything you like, participate in, work with or think is important to you, you’re an idiot
The mentality of “once you put something on the internet it’s there forever” is a fucking r&tard concept that helped create a legions of lazy humanoids that don’t archive anything thinking that it will be there forever or that someone will do it for you.
Daily reminder that democracy is nothing more than the dictatorship of the majority
Let’s suppose we make a vote for the legalization of mandatory horse shit at school children’s lunches. 51% vote yes and 49% vote no… there, your kids will now be obligate to eat horse shit on school, just because the majority of people are morons. What? You don’t like it? That is democracy my dude!!! Are you a facist?
Daily reminder that banning someone on a discord server or forum is useless since vpn exists
I don’t need to elaborate more than this! I kow that exist some sites that block some ip adress of vpns or tor access but will be always a method to bypass it.
I already talked about people sperging about sims p&do mods, now I will talk about people sperging about fallout p&do mods, more specifically about the Fallout Frontier mod. For what I could gather, this mod is basically "The devs barely-disguised fetish" the mod. I don't really now what this mod is about neither do I care to know, what I know is that you can fuck anything in this mod. But is not the mod that I want to discuss, it's the people overreacting for the actions of one of the developers of this mod. "ZuTheSkunk" is a furry that was working on this mod, however he got pulled out of the team because
apparently he posted "animated p&dophillic content on his personal artist accounts"... what this "Animated P&dophilic Content" is, I make no idea, but judging by his art style and the fact that he draw mostly "My Little Pony" fan art, I can safely say that it must be no big deal. At least it shouldn't a big deal, but unfortunately this world is infested with idiots!
There are many videos talking about this subject, I'll just drop the most relevant ones:
There is also a podcast of almost 3 hours about this.
I honestly believe that no one is going to waste their time listening to this shit, neither do I blame them, but here is the link anyway:
After analyzing this situation, it became clear that ZuTheSkunk was nothing more than a scapegoat!
No, I don't think I'm super smart for coming to this conclusion, everyone with a half a brain came with the same conclusion.
source of those pics
This whole situation is so fucking ridiculous! I remember reading a comment saying that ZuTheSkunk should be in jail... In jail for what? For a drawing!? You people are no better than those terrorist that kill people over a drawing of their prophet.
Humanity never tires of surprising me with their idiocracy. Apparently NPCs were disgusted by the fact that there are mods that allow you to perform s&xual acts with kids on “The Sims” games. Keep in mind that these mods have been around for years, but it’s only now that people decided to be angry about it.
Anyway, here is some videos talking about p&d0 mods in sims
Here is a archive of a thread on twitter that is now deleted about this subject:
I don’t know what is more funny, the fact that people are overreacting about this or the fact that they are thinking that a petition is gonna resolve something!
Offensive content in mods or rom hacks are nothing new! Back when nes romhacks were still in their youth a lot of offensive romhacks were created. Many of these romhacks contained themes like racism, n@zism, r@pe and even ped0phili@!
You don't believe me? Well take a look in this romhack of the game little nemo
Warning: NSFW
As you can see, mods with questionable content are nothing new, just like NPCs disgusted by the existence of these mods.
Something that intrigues me, it's the fact that they are only angry about the fact that this types of mods are on sims games, but totally ignore the fact that games like Fallout, The Elders Scrolls, Stardew Valley, A Hat in Time and others games also have "C"heese "P"izza mods.
This is just my guess, but I genuinely think that these people are only concerned about the reputation of the franchise with the existence of this types of mods, and not the with the moral dilema involved in this matter.
Comments like these also reinforce my theory.
One thing that I would like to remind you guys, is that we are talking about a video game! If there are no real people involved in this, why all the fuss?
I also love the fact that when it comes to defending the integrity of fictional children, these retards are faster than light to do their pseudo-activism, but when it comes time to defend real children, these hypocrites don't move a finger.
None of you fuckers actually care about justice, morals or any other shit, you guys only wants to preach at people to feel superior, larping as a moral crusader while been such a degenerate like the creators of these types of mods.
I wonder where was these fuckers when I was being severely bullied and isolated at school? Hell, they would probably participated in mentally tortured me.
Now something that really infuriates me, is that this bullshit generated a typical discussion of the... "maybe we should regulate this!", and by "we" it's mean the "goverment".
Link of the article:
In the article in question, the "female" author... yes, this shit could only came of a women mouth... she start saying that her only problem is with p&d0s mods, but later on she said that "maybe we should take a look at violence mods, if it is too extreme and if trigger someone"... Ha! Are you guys seeing the danger?
Let's start banning this type of mods, and later on others types of mods, and later on any mod that offend someone should be banned!
So I have a question for you guys... what is allowed and what is not?
Oh yeah, before I forget, it looks like EA took note of this nonsense and said the following:
"These types of mods have deeply disturbing content, are not authorized by EA, and their use violates our User Agreement. If we detect players using this kind of mod content, they will no longer be able to play the game and will face permanent EA account bans."
Now, I really want to know how EA gonna detected if the player is using these types of mods. I believe this was just small talk to pretend that they are going to take action. Now let’s suppose that they have some way of detecting that the player has installed a “no-no” mod in his game… what will they do about people who have pirated copies of the game?
Well, anyway, it seems like this shit happened from January to February of this year, and it seems that there is no more news of this. I believe the those people got tired and turned their attention to something else.