Dramacow Patrick Sean Tomlinson / @stealthygeek / "Torque Wheeler" / @RealAutomanic - "Conservative" sci-fi author with TDS, armed "drunk with anger management issues" and terminated parental rights, actual tough guy, obese, got a lien filed against him by Quasi, paid thousands to be repeatedly unbanned from Twitter


John Doe 37 of 60
Dec 18, 2019
"No, kiddo, I'm one of those actual, real-life tough guys who will spoon feed you your own teeth. "
BAMF Intro.JPG(A, L)image.jpeg(A, L)RABA.png(A, L)

conc 1 (1).png
(A, L)

Patrick Tomlinson is an insurance-salesman-turned-sci-fi-author who has been embroiled in Internet drama for years, even briefly attracting the attention of Mister Metokur (L), Porsalin (L), and Kiwi Farms users (L). Mr. Tomlinson has gained many supporters and enemies fighting, blocking, and threatening legal action across Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, YouTube, and GoodReads.

"I Never Lie, Child.”
Patrick Tomlinson is a man who never lies, and never has lied, child.
A Never Lie 1.jpg
(A, L)
A Never Lie 3.jpg
(A, L)
A Never Lie 6.jpg
(A, L)
A Never Lie 5.jpg
(A, L)
A Never Lie 4.jpg

A Never Lie 2.jpg

“And, No, Child. Still Not Fat. Still Never Was.”
Patrick Tomlinson, who took blood pressure medication in his 30s (A, L), has also never been fat--and not just by Wisconsin standards. This section may seem mean-spirited, but it tests the veracity of the never-lies claim.
B Never Fat.jpg
B beer and brats.jpg

(more on the alt account and half marathon later)
B Bump Stock.jpg
B COMBINE Sizzle Rental.jpg
B COMBINE Cauliflower.jpg
B big day.jpg
B COMBINE Dentist.jpg

B COMBINE Bike.jpg
B COMBINE blk.jpg
B COMBINE spread.jpg
B Packers censor.JPG

IMG_2538.JPG(A, L)53355976_583033285533752_4491556224718855583_n.jpg

"Actual Tough Guy."
Patrick Tomlinson is an unbreakable bar fighter, self-defense instructor, competitive marksman, and actual tough guy.
D Actual Tough Guy Preview.jpg
(A, L)
(A, L)

Sure, you've gotten angry, but have you gotten Scorponok-Desert-Battle-with-Powerman-5000-soundtrack angry...and stayed that angry?
D ANGRY Playlists.jpg
(A, L)

(A, L)

(A , L)IMG_0895.JPG(A , L)IMG_2150.JPG"One bar brawl, please."

D Bullets.jpg
(A, L)
Step Up.png
(A, L)
D Don_t Need Guns.jpg
(A, L)
all my barfights.png
(A, L)
Fighting ability.png
(A, L)
(A, L)
D No breaking point.jpg
(A, L)
D Can_t Do It Alone.jpg
(A, L)

Patrick Tomlinson is descended from fighters. 20 years ago, his father sat a 20-year-old Patrick on his knee and imparted the family mantra of "number sign DLTIW".
(A, L)

Patrick is as potent with fists as firearms. While an online search could not corroborate his claims of being a self-defense instructor or competitive marksman (A, L), it is known that Patrick never lies. Additionally, if he explains making war half as well as he depicts making love, one can be sure he is a top-flight instructor.
D connect to SD Instructor.jpg

"You pull the penis gun from the trousers holster and then shoot."

In Patrick's nearly unattended Reddit AMA, he provided tough-guy workout details in response to questions he asked himself.
(A, L)

Really Real Tales of an Actual Tough Guy Who Never Lies and is Not Fat
Consoling a Japanese Veteran at the Pearl Harbor Memorial

OK, Patrick lied once in his life:
PH Lie.png
(A, L)
but it was to console a distraught Japanese veteran who tearfully begged his forgiveness for his role in the Pearl Harbor attack. Remarkably, the man served as both the gunner in a three-seat Nakajima B5N torpedo bomber (A, L) and the pilot of a one-seat Mitsubishi A6M "Zero" fighter (A, L) during the battle, an accomplishment sure to almost satisfy even the most demanding Asian parents.
D thathappened Shut Mouth PH.jpg
(A, L)

Pwning a "Brohemian" "Brototype" "Brotosaurus" Fat-Shamer at the Gym (Bonus Workout Lies Facts)
ThatHappenedGym.png(A, L)

Crime Fighting
D Thathappened Carjacker Story Mention Knife Story.jpg

Front-Door Fascist
D Thathappened.png
(A, L)

Half Marathon
Patrick participated in 2016 Brewers Mini (Half) Marathon, finishing with a time of 2:39:42, which earned him 136th place out of 147 male runners aged 35-39, and 1,570th place out of 1,831 total runners.
C 2016 Results.jpg
( L)

He also documented his training for the 2019 Brewers Mini Marathon on his Instagram, enriching the mosaic of his gym's location tag,
C Gym 3.png
C Gym 1.jpg
(A, L)
C Gym 2.jpg
(A, L)

the #runningmotivation hashtag,
C motivation.jpg
C motivation(1).jpg
(A, L)

and the #runnersofinstagram hashtag.
C runnersofinstagram.jpg
C Inspo 4.jpg
(A, L)

These posts led one of Patrick's more vocal critics, Carol Maxheinie, to accuse him of cheating in the 2016 race:
C Carol.png

C cheat map.jpg

Sadly, the photos no longer appear on the race page (L). However, Patrick did respond to these allegations by stating that he had suffered a high ankle sprain with eight miles left in the race.
C Sprain 2.jpg

C Sprain 1.jpg
(A, L)

Patrick could quash these rumors by providing pictures from around the time of the injury. He has documented other severe injuries, such as a sunburned arm (A, L) and ankle (A, L), and a cracked toenail (A, L) before and after the 2016 marathon.

Patrick completed the 2012 Brewers Mini Marathon in 2:18:27 (A, L), and the 2013 race in 2:15:38 (A, L). The difference between Patrick's 2016 time and 2013 time is 0:24:04. According to Patrick, he ran miles 1-5 at an average pace of 0:11:10 per mile; and miles 5-10, after having run 5 miles already, and suffered a high ankle sprain, ran at an average pace of only 0:12:37 per mile.

Patrick's pre-2017 Facebook posts were wiped, and his Instagram did not exist in 2016. So, image searches and YouTube videos were used to compare his physical appearance in the time between the 2012 and 2013 races, and around the 2016 race. From left to right: Unknown time in 2012, 5 months before the 2016 Brewers Mini Marathon (L), and 12 days after (L)
C 2012 combine.jpg

Patrick cancelled his plans to participate in the 2019 half-marathon.

Patrick vs. 62,984,828 Nazis

H Red Hat.jpg
(A, L)
H Don't Test Me.png
(A, L)
H All Bad.png
(A, L)IMG_2630.PNG(A, L)

Patrick Tomlinson understands that desperate times call for desperate measures, including beating women. Sometimes you really do need to beat women, but only if they are wearing a MAGA hat; then, yes, it is acceptable to beat women.
H beat em FB.png
H Beat Gatekeepers.jpg

Patrick later removed this post from Facebook, but uploaded it to his own site (A, L) in April 2019, and doubled down on Reddit (A, L) and Goodreads (A) in late 2019 .

Nazis accuse Patrick Tomlinson, a true conservative (A, L), of suffering from "Trump* Derangement Syndrome," but he knows that "TDS is just what traitors call patriotism, sweetie" (A, L). Hopefully, they have farms and will lose those farms (A, L), and maybe also get punched.

H Tags.jpg


(A, L)

F 0 Cloud.jpg
F 0 Child.jpg

Patrick is known for his use of "child" as an insult:
F Whoa.png

F One Thread.jpg
F Childs variety.png
(A, L)
F Author.png
(A, L)

Patrick, objectively better-looking than "child" DJ:
P.png(A, L)IG.png(A, L)P.jpg(A, L)

Even inspiring others to imitate him
F GR Childs.png

Why this insult?

Mother, Ex-Wife, Ex-Child, and Inconsistencies

Interestingly, it is confirmed that Patrick's mother was a school psychologist in charge of an entire district (A, L). She may have had a bit too much of a forest-not-the-trees approach with children's mental health, however.
F Parents Crop Probably.jpg
(A, L)
F Mother Psychologist.jpg
Patrick and his pregnant ex-wife divorced, only for her to quickly marry her current husband, with whom she has since had two more children. The jointly petitioned divorce occurred between July 19 2011 and December 13 2011 (A, L). In an August 2014 post on his blog (A, L), Patrick states that he entered a suicidal depression that led to him signing away his parental rights because:
For nine years, we were a model couple. We seldom fought, started building careers, dug ourselves out of debt, and settled in to start a family. We were the pair that our friends looked up to and wanted to emulate. I’d never felt so happy, loved, and secure in my life.

Then, two weeks after we became pregnant with our first child, she told me we were divorcing. She refused to participate in any counseling, and demanded that I sign the divorce papers or she would have me served. No warning, no signs of trouble, no money problems, no infidelity, nothing.

I pleaded with her, begged for the life we’d built together, and for the life growing in her belly. But if she heard any of it, she didn’t care. She told me that she had never loved me, had never been attracted to me, didn’t respect me, and didn’t trust me. It was a lie, of course. A lie she told to me, but more importantly to herself. A lie she continues to tell herself to this day.

There were no "signs of trouble," but there are photos of his ex-wife being very affectionate toward the man for whom she would divorce Patrick only two months later.

Body Language Contrast
image (1).jpegimage.jpeg


There are many other inconsistencies with these statements and those made by Patrick elsewhere. One surprising source for contradictory evidence to these claims comes in the form of Patrick's stand-up comedy.


(Excerpted from 13:00 Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKDKGlK7Dvg)

"So...I'm recently divorced..."

The divorce was finalized one year and nine months prior.

"The last...the last couple years of the relationship they were getting a little rocky, I'm not gonna lie. I mean they were...there wasn't a lot of intimacy. In fact, it was getting so bad that at one point I just started calling her my Bag of Witholding*. See...see, it's just like a Bag of Holding in that you can stuff all the candy and flowers and compliments and house chores you want into it; you just don't get anything back out of it again, but, you know, it's all right."
*a Bag of Holding is an item from Dungeons and Dragons that is basically a bag containing a portal to a pocket dimension that stores only those items that entered the bag.

Patrick claims in his blog post that "for nine years" he and his wife were "a model couple." They began dating in 2002 (A, L), meaning that there were no trouble periods. He reiterates that the divorce came with "no warning, no signs of trouble, no money problems, no infidelity, nothing." Did their marriage really sputter out over two years, with no amount of nice-guy tokens proving sufficient to earn sex?


(Excerpted from 11:53 Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kL4wzGg_3tI)

Patrick would again reference his ex-wife the following year, at the same event (GenCon). He first describes her as "a bloodsucking, disease carrying parasite." Patrick has never paid child support, and has terminated parental rights; it is unknown why he would refer to her as "disease carrying" when he claimed in his blog post that there had been no infidelity leading to the divorce and she quickly remarried the man to whom she is still married. He goes on to repeat the same joke as the year before, with the only difference that the inadequate intimacy lasted for "a few years" instead of a "couple."


(Excerpted from 4:52 Video: https://youtu.be/8yr7g1zVwN4)

Four years and three months after the divorce, Patrick would be back with a new bit about his ex-wife, repeating his claim that she left him "after nine years for no apparent reason" and "emotionally manipulated him" into signing away his parental rights. He would go on to say "I hate that woman. I...just...just hate her" and that he contemplated killing her for a week. It should be mentioned that this performance took place in her state of residence. It was all said purely in jest, though, one hopes.

Patrick received over 4500 likes and 600 retweets bragging about having had nudes of his ex-wife, but delting them (A, L), and responded to criticism politely by his standards (A, L), though he did make sure to mention that she "broke e'ery bond" (A, L). He also shared that she deleted all of their pictures without asking

IMG_1927.JPG(A, L).

Patrick posts bitter tweets about the marriage to this day (A, L). His ex-wife continues to flourish in her professional and personal life (A, L), making no mention of him.

Divorced in 2011, the doting sperm donor "brought a child into the world in 2012" (A, L), which was a moment so beautiful it is surpassed only by... (A, L).
F Live in One Moment.jpg

Another questionable facet of Patrick's story is that he was so devastated by the divorce that he became depressed for months and even suicidal. Having finalized the divorce in December 2011, Patrick claimed in October 2019 to have been with his current wife for eight years (A, L), and that they moved in together in 2013 (A, L). He also claimed that, presumably before meeting his second, "better" wife (A, L), he never masturbated to his ex-wife's nudes because he was "buried in too much strange" (A, L) (not because he no longer had them) and that he "got laid" "so much more post divorce" that he was "like a vengeful old testament sex god" (A, L). Indeed, according to Patrick himself, his current wife was intended to be yet another of his one-night-stands (A, L). Patrick is quick to remind trolls that they still have sex (A, L; A, L) for some reason. Lastly, their relationship is so sound that Patrick feels free to share her depression and ADHD diagnoses (A, L) with his over 46,000 Twitter followers.

Speaking of which....

Building and Flexing an Online Following

While Patrick's Instagram consists largely of photos of him writing on his laptop in bars and getting his "hair did" for 2-12 likes,
E Drunk Writing 0.jpg
E Hair Did 2.jpg
(A, L)

Patrick has over 46,000 followers on Twitter, a fact he is quick to use as a cudgel against those with fewer.

E 7 followers.jpg

E 36 Followers Huh.jpg
(A, L)
E 19 followers hmmmmm.jpg
(A, L)
(A, L)
(A, L)
E 0 Followers Kiddo.jpg
(A, L)
E 11 Popular.jpg
(A, L)
E 10000x more child.jpg
(A, L)
E 10000x and O_A.png

E 11 Horde Again.jpg
(A, L)

Famous IRL:
FIRL.png(A, L)

Patrick built this following through viral tweets involving abortion (A, L), sexism against Hillary (A, L), Trump being bad (A, L), Trump and Fox News being bad (A, L), and encouraging youth to rise up against Trump (A, L).

Patrick's main account would later be banned for 10 months for harassment until it was reinstated without verified status, and for a cost of $5,000 in legal fees (A, L; A, L), though he engaged in the same behaviors on his ban evasion account, which would also be banned and then reinstated.
I Signal Boost Pre.PNG

I 11 Followers Recovery.png

A major contributor to this ban, and many other conflicts, will be discussed in the following post.

This private information is unavailable to guests due to policies enforced by third-parties.
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John Doe 37 of 60
Dec 18, 2019
Despite possessing the power to "unleash" a 46,000-strong Twitter "horde" (A, L), a chance encounter would plunge Mr. Tomlinson into conflict with a foe greater than any MAGA mom or frog memer. He would need help, legal help, in a harrowing life-or-death battle that, true to character, is in no part made up or wildly exaggerated.
J Selfie Time.jpg
(A, L)
"CAGoldbergLaw" may sound familiar because an attorney from her firm bungled a DMCA notice to KF (L).

Pat lays down the law:
J Jail for Crimes.jpg

(A, L)
K Death.jpg

(A, L)

What shadowy figure directs these criminals? You guessed it: Frank Stallone

Norm MacDonald
E 10000x and O&A.PNG
(A, L)

(note the violently suggestive imagery of the boiling pot)

In time, it became clear that the criminal cabal had decentralized leadership, and Norm MacDonald was only one head of the hydra, egging the others on from the cyberterrorist site Cameo.
K Norm Attack.jpg
(A, L)
K Norm Attack(1).jpg
(A, L)
Where were the others located?

The Opie and Anthony Subreddit
The O&A sub encountered Patrick under very strange circumstances. While its membership was still listed as being over 27,000, it actually had a rapidly dwindling active userbase of about 1,500. The show for which the sub was created had been dead for four years, and all successor shows proved to be major disappointments. r/OpieandAnthony would eventually develop a near total reliance on feuds for activity as weeks went on.​
Immediately before engaging with Patrick, the sub clashed with former O&A co-host Anthony Cumia and his brother Joe. The reasons for this are many, but mainly resulted from Anthony, who had relished the subreddit's attacks on his former co-host Gregg "Opie" Hughes, offering a $5,000 bounty to anyone who could shut down the sub after his poor performance at a roast, his murky involvement with a young trans model, and his fixation on girls as young as 13 became subjects of ridicule. The feud eventually resulted in Anthony being banned repeatedly from Twitter, and Joe making his Twitter private after having many of his tribute band gigs cancelled.​
Patrick and Anthony shared many similarities: boasting of higher follower count; an ability to dish it out but not take it; obsessive political posting; often tweeting well over 150 times a day; and laughably bad ban evasion attempts (with both LARPing as their cats at one point). Since Anthony and his brother were practically gone, the remaining members of the subreddit largely went idle until...​

Patrick's hot take on Norm, who had just criticized the MeToo movement, was seen.
M Norm Original.png

(A, L)

L Ant off Twitter.JPG

K Norm Suicide.jpg
(A, L)

Patrick's post elicited a multifarious response.

Trolling often involved adding backstories to Patrick pictures
Gym Thread, 1,400 upvotes - (A, L)
M Gym Thread.PNG
C Gym 3.PNG
My Sister (A, L)
M Lesbian Sister Gun Range Thread.jpg
NYC Lost (A, L)
M Subway Thread 0.PNG
M Subway Thread.JPG

iamverybadass, 18,000 upvotes (A, L)
M iamverybadass.JPG

M Street Art.JPG(A, L)


Pat Feeds the Trolls with Replies to PM's
M PM's 2.PNG
and Silly Gimmicks:
(A, L)


Ultimately, infighting, mass DMCAs from the Cumias and Patrick, and independent action by Reddit itself would drive out the O&A community
O Reddit.png(A, L)
Pat and Joe
O Pat and Joe art.JPGO Joe Idiot KP.JPG
O Joe DMCA find Pic.PNG
(A, L)
250 DMCAs to Reddit in 2 weeks (A, L), 1 to KF (L)
O DMCA Use Joe Pic.jpg
(A, L)
O Oopsie Doodles.jpg

P One Who Stings.jpg
(A, L)

Mr. Tomlinson also suffered losses
P Don't Care Paragraph, Picture, Die Angry.jpg(A, L)

Patrick's main, verified account was banned
P SocialBlade.jpg
Sweet Omission
(A, L)
Fuller Story: "realDonaldTrump Go fuck yourself with a pineapple."
P Fuller Story.JPG(A, L)
P Pineapple Sad.jpg(A, L)

Patrick sent a frantic appeal to Twitter that contained no bragging or lies. Already experiencing withdrawals, he made many spelling and punctuation errors, as well as an impressive 94-word sentence.
41296648_270010173841136_4218458982737444993_n.jpg(A, L)

Patrick vowed to fly to Twitter HQ with his "receipts":
P Unban.PNG

Name & Shame (A, L)

3 Year Fight: (A, L)
3 year fight.png

Leveling a New Account: (A, L)
P Back and Bragging.png

P Back 2.png
(A, L)
Alt Banned, Wendig: (A, L)
P Chuck Wendig and Mewler Time.PNG

Unbanning (A, L)
(A, L; A, L)
Patrick would spend $5,000 in legal fees to get his main account unbanned. He claims to have recouped this (A, L). His verified status was not returned, which remains a very sore subject.

Robert Mewler
Before his main and primary alt accounts were unbanned, Patrick totally did not ban evade as his cat, Robert Mewler
43269064_920113878186056_1818966242991260252_n.jpg(A, L)

Q Mewler Claim.jpg
Q lol.jpg(A, L)
Q Follow.jpg
(A, L)

Follower Brag (A, L)
Q Follower Obsession.jpg
Screenshotting Mewler within 3 Minutes (A, L)
Posting about Trump (A, L; A, L; A, L), Hillary (A, L), and Guns (A, L)

Pat Reacting to Mewler Tweets:
Heh, Good One, Me(wler) (A, L)
Catservative (A, L)
White Guys Boo (A, L)
Poor Gullible Whites (A, L)

Mewler remains banned for ban evasion.

Book Reviews
O 27000.jpg
(A, L)

Patrick's troubles would migrate from Reddit to Goodreads
R GR Start.PNG
(A, L)

Head Point
R Head Point 1.jpg

R Head Point 2.PNG

GRTroll.png(A, L)

Escalation, Criminals
R Cri.png
(A, L)
(A, L)
R Lawyer.jpg

R lolsuit.PNG
(A, L)
R lolsuit 2.PNG
(A, L)

Impossible to Please
R Battle to the Death.jpg
(A, L)
R Fi.png
(A, L)

Patrick's Friends Get Unluckier
R GR Hard-Hitting Questions.jpg

R Mad.jpg(A, L)
R Friends Pics.JPG(A)
R Extent of Trolling.PNG
R MRM Signed Up.jpg
(A, L)

Impersonating His Greatest Enemy:
R Childs.PNG

Goodreads Cofounder (A, L)
R Founder Integrity and Trust.jpg


"Integrity and Trust"
If a potential reader finds Patrick's Gate Crashers on MacMillan Publishers, who own Tor Books, the publishers of Patrick's last two books, they will be presented with positive quotes from two authors, Kirkus Reviews, and a 5/5 GoodReads review from Patrick himself:
R GC Reviews.jpg(A, L)

Gate Crashers was released on June 26, 2018. Pat secured his first blurb from Max Gladstone, a much more successful author. They were friends on Twitter at least two years before Gate Crashers' publication (A, L), and having dinner together a year prior (A, L). Max also enjoys Pat's posts about Trump, Trump voters (A, L), and punching and kicking "Nazis."
R Gladstone Trump Zing.jpg
(A, L)
R Gladstone Punch and Kick Nazis.jpg(A, L)
Max also talked to Patrick during his bans (A, L) and welcomed him back afterward (A, L).

Patrick's second blurb was provided by Matt Forbeck. Matt and Patrick are also real-life friends (A, L), going back to at least 2012 (A, L), and did a Milwaukee writing workshop together in 2013 (A, L).

What about the editorial blurb from the prominent Kirkus Reviews?
R B&N Reviews.jpg

Kirkus reviews books that are deemed worthy, though they also offer paid reviews.
R Kirkus Pay 2.jpg(A, L)

If one reads the full review on Kirkus' website, it includes a synopsis, and the following:
(A, L)

Getting cupcake blurbs from your author buds is not that rare, and one is not required to include all negatives when extracting a blurb from a review, but cutting off a review mid-sentence ("...but that same quirkiness steals some of its impact") is extremely unusual.

Several of his 5-star reviewers have their profiles set to private or are one-rating accounts (A, L). Did the man who LARPed as his cat on Twitter until he was banned write any of these remews reviews?

Patrick was also given 5-star reviews by his wife
(A, L)
Trident's Forge (A, L)
Gate Crashers (A, L)
Starship Repo (A, L)
The Ark (Twice)
ark 1.png
(A, L; A, L)
Pat Like.png
(Can't Archive; L)

and Michael Underwood, NA Sales and Marketing Manager (A, L; A, L 23:45) of Patrick's Publisher at the time
R Underwood Reviews.png
(A, L; A, L)
R Underwood Reviews Like 2.png
(Can't Archive, L)
R Underwood Reviews Like.png
(Can't Archive, L)
who has an entire shelf for handing out 5-star reviews to the publisher's authors (A, L)
RIP Mewler btw:
(A, L)

Patrick supplements all of this with 5-star self-reviews

Starship Repo, which came after, but is not a sequel to Gate Crashers, reuses everything on MacMillan,
R GC MacMillan Get Starship Repo Too.jpg(A, L)
Amazon (A, L), Barnes and Noble (A, L), etc.

It even includes the Gladstone blurb on the cover:

This blurb is being reused yet again on his upcoming book, In the Black:
R - New Book Cover.png(A, L)

Barnes and Noble (A, L) admirably included Publishers Weekly's (A, L) impartial review of Gate Crashers, which, by employing the Kirkus and Starship Repo techniques, could be used to promote In the Black:
R Cobbled Review.jpg

Patrick is still...


Calling People Nazis
S Recent Nazi Tweet.png(A, L)

Vigorously, Humbly Debating
S Hush.jpg(A, L)
S Ratio.jpg
(A, L)

S Child's and Psych.jpg(A, L)
Bonus: (A, L; A, L)

On Reddit:
S TG Cringe.png(A, L)
r/drama: (A, L)

Feeding Trolls
1.png(A, L)

Writing for R/thathappened
thathappened.png(A, L)

Being Self-Aware (1 Day Apart)
(A, L)
Self-Aware 2.png
(A, L)

Not Suffering from TDS
Coup.png(A, L)


Will Patrick continue to "child" and block anyone with a shitty free-to-play twitter account who disagrees with him?

Will the non-child throw a tantrum if he doesn't get his way in...
358.png Untitled.png(A, L)

And, finally, are KiwiFarms' days numbered (A, L)?
conc 1.png

conc 2.png

Patrick in the Time of Corona
IMG_2603.PNG(A, L)
(A, L)

Mr. Tomlinson, who is not fat, braved the threat of deadly contagion to document voting in the Wisconsin primary, winning precious Likes, Retweets, thanks, and even interviews (A, L)
V.png(A, L)image.png(A, L)

SNMS.png(A, L)
Roll Credits

Patrick had already cast his ballot by mail, and became a potentially deadly disease vector in his hunt for attention.
Voted.png(A, L)Voted2.png(A, L)

Peak Activism
Untitled.png(A, L)IMG_2436.PNG(A, L)

New Tricks
Addicts Often Steal to Get Their Fix
(A, L)
(A, L)

Advanced Moves (Block, Unblock, Insult, Reblock)
RB.png(A, L)
Daigo Patrick Wins!

Ousting Trump
Lastly, tough guy Patrick is marshalling a Twitter army to deal with Donald Trump once and for all:
(A, L)
3.png(A, L)
1.png(A, L)
(A, L)

Twitter (A, L)
Twitter Alt (A, L)
Reddit (A, L)
Instagram (A, L)
GoodReads (A, L)
YouTube (A, L)
Personal Website (A, L)
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John Doe 37 of 60
Dec 18, 2019
Thank you for the feedback so far. I've never made a thread here, and this is an unusually huge one. I already see typos (like Pat's marathon time difference) and formatting errors. I'll get back to work once I'm home tonight. I'm on mobile until then.

I'll try to grab the reader's attention better early on. Giant blocks of claims with some picture spice obviously isn't cutting it for everyone.

Thanks again.


This is my tentative outline:
Brief Background
Patrick in His Own Words
Never Lies
Never Fat
Actual Tough Guy
Pearl Harbor
Gym (versus Brotosaurus)
Half Marathon
Political Anger, Violent Posts, “TDS”
Cause of Anger
Mother, Ex-Wife, and Ex-Daughter
Inconsistencies in Story
Need for Attention
Norm MacDonald
Conflict with Opie & Anthony Community
Cause and Circumstances
Robert Mewler Reporting
Triumphant Return
Book Reviews
Questionable Endorsements
Recent Events and Looking Ahead

I have all of the screenshots and archives ready. I just have to plug them in and tie them together.
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Thomas Paine

Jameson® Irish Whiskey enthusiast
True & Honest Fan
Oct 5, 2017
Here's a sample for his horribly written "book" Starship Repo.

Starship Repo is a fast-paced romp through the galaxy from Patrick S. Tomlinson.

Firstname Lastname is a no one with nowhere to go. With a name that is the result of an unfortunate clerical error and destined to be one of the only humans on an alien space station. That is until she sneaks aboard a ship and joins up with a crew of repomen (they are definitely not pirates).

Now she's traveling the galaxy "recovering" ships. What could go wrong?
Top Review of his book:

Just by listening to the sample, I can tell you this was written on an eighth-grade level. His diction is bombastic and cliche. He breaks the 4th wall in every new paragraph.
The sample is especially golden for the last sentence, which I believe is a reference to the Cleveland Brown Show (Family Guy spin-off).

Burning Fanatic

Lvl. 12 Necroposter
Forum Staff
Global Moderator
True & Honest Fan
Jun 3, 2018
I mean hey, least he didn’t make the Xu race out to be hook-nosed goblins that control all the banks and financial institutions.
Thanks JK Rowling

Damn Near

It's lovely to be here, thank you for having me
True & Honest Fan
Jan 6, 2015
The opie and anthony spergs got butthurt about this boring faggot because he said something bad about norm macdonald or something like that, in case you were wondering if they were autistic homos


Nov 10, 2015
Borg Doros gee i wonder who that would be

Thomas Paine

Jameson® Irish Whiskey enthusiast
True & Honest Fan
Oct 5, 2017

Just edit the OP instead of having like 2 or 3 different posts.
And don't spoiler your introduction. It's the INTRODUCTION, people need to be introduced.

I deleted the dox
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John Doe 37 of 60
Dec 18, 2019
I'll remove almost all of the spoilers when I'm done. They make it easier to work on. I sputtered out for a week or so but he recently renewed my interest. I'm going to slash the amount of negative criticism and (bad) humor attempts too, leaving it shorter and letting things speak for themselves.

I would have worked on it more diligently but I assumed it was off everyone's radar.

Edit: I exceeded the character limit for one post. I have to have two, or I'll need to use pastebins or something. Alternatively, someone could take my materials and make a better thread. Wouldn't hurt my feelings.


John Doe 37 of 60
Dec 18, 2019
All right, I'm at the point that I could use more feedback.

I could drastically reduce the amount of material, but coming in under the character limit for one post would be rather tough.

Unless it's just fundamentally screwed up by being far too bloated, dull, or outside the KiwiFarms style, I feel like I'm nearly done with it.

Thank you for your time.

Return of the Freaker

What car does Keffals drive? Trans-MA'AM
True & Honest Fan
Jan 19, 2020
This guy isn't very interesting. The spergs at r/opieandanthony enjoyed trolling him for a while, but he's just your run-of-the-mill shitlib.
Listen, child. You don't understand what your dealing with. I open carry at all times cause you never know when a facist is going to attack because he found out you like getting pegged. Which. I. Don't. Because I'm an actual tough guy. I never lie, child. Don't have to. Not when #PissPlayPinochet executed 6 trillion Puerto Ricans with a hurricane and sabotaged the Iowa caucus with the help of his brownshirts in Kiwi Farms and gamergate. I will pistol whip your fucking mother and eat your dog because hatred=red hat=MAGA. Walk away child. Before I smash you into the ground like Thor smashed his hammer in Disney/Marvel Product #7530-a.