I'm a piece of shit.
I fucked up everything in my life. There's nothing i can do to put it all back together the way it was before I gave it up for sexual gratification. I lied just to be part of someone else's life who never cared about me in the first place, because all I do is take and take and take.
I don't want to be a piece of shit. I just keep being a piece of shit. I ruined my life. I should have never attempted to be close to people. I just hurt them over and over and over again and feel nothing. Now I'm stuck with my shitty life forever and ever. I should have stayed alone. It's all my fault.
Did I send people to the hospital because of all the shit I said? I didn't want to be that person. You guys told me I was a shit heel and I didnt listen because I don't listen to anybody but my own fucking mind. I shouldnt have a mind.
I'm screwed and there's nothing I can do to change any of it. But the thing is I'm not even poor so I don't have anything to be upset about. It's all my fault I'm screwed. I'm not from the south either. I'm part of the oppressive north and no respect for anybody. I'm callous and insensitive to poor people. Even when I don't mean to be I'm just that much of a piece of shit I can't who can't be on top of the world anymore because I fucked up so fucking hard I'll never be able to be a part of anyone's life again. I don't care about anyone but myself. And I can't be trusted because I'm a liar and a thief who can't be serious about paying off my debt to the people I hurt. I'm lazy I don't want to work, and I can't even love my own mother because I'm that much of a shitty fucking person. I'm shallow and always thinking about other people's dick sizes. I am not a good person. I never were because I care about fucking money more than my own family. People always put my interests above theirs and I never do the same for them. I have no self esteem. I'm not even traumatized by anything. I am just a bad person.
I have nothing to offer to anyone. I just copy other people to be a popular people pleaser, but I take and take and take. I can never be a people pleaser because I never had an actual relationship where I'm being trusted for a second. I'm part of the problem. I'm a rich, lazy, oppressive, cranky, weakling who'll never be a human because I only consider my own interests. I'm not even taking this seriously because I just don't care about anybody but myself. I'm keeping your money and rubbing your faces into my ugly artwork that don't put effort into despite you working hard to support my cushy stinky useless lifestyle of taking and taking.
I only talk about myself because I only care about my own emotional breakdowns that I have for attention. I'm not depressed. I'm not a perfect representation of mental illness I'm using it for sympathy because im too terrified to be a stinky, useless, heart stealer who can't be trusted even in my own head because I'm just that beautiful to myself I can't take my own advice and shut the fuck up about my problems.
I don't even respect your feelings for a second. You're just part of my fucking responsibility to hate on my taking and taking I can't feel a thing for anyone unless they like me enough to kiss my feet like I'm a cheery king. I will never be beautiful person again. I don't have a caring bone in my body to give to anybody because I'm not a beautiful person.
I can't even begin to explain. I just wanted to say I'm sorry about being this huge of a fucking asshole. Whoever comes into contact with me don't ever take a word I say seriously I'm a moron who can't even understand the US constitution icant even wipe my ass correctly. I can't understand people I'm not human because I'm a robot now. I'm a useless human being. I can't support my own life I can't support anybody that I can't try to replace . I can't even do that right because I have no idea how people work. I take myself too seriously and taking and taking is all I know how to do.
I'm not a human being I'm a worm and a parasyte with a "y" because of that movie I saw, but that's not even how it's spelled I'm just that stupid and I can't keep doing a regular job for more than 3 months because I don't want to eork hard on anything I can't jump out of in the middle. I can't remember who I've hurt, but being sorry beneath me because I'm a plucky, stinky, confusing, retarded moron who can't even take his own apologies seriously because I can't be a poser about how shitty I am as a stupid waste of your time.
I'm a poser who can't be genuine about anything that isn't my easy, cushy, stinky, peechy keen life. My politics aren't even my own. I'm not part of the American workforce yet and don't understand what you all are going through every single fucking day of your lives. Talking and talking is all I know how to fo, however I can't stand listening to other people talk because I have no empathy for normal people like you. I'm not poor I pretended to be to garner fake sympathy for my abusive fucking life story and I have nobody to blame but myself because I didn't listen to people who tried to help me get help but I liked being a victim it made me feel pretending I liked you all a whole lot not be so fucking stupid. I can't even take my time to read my own post unless it makes me feel good about how cool I am for saying something everybody else believes in about the world they live in. I can't listen to other people because I don't care other people who loved me but I fucked with the wrong people and the worst part is I'm not even a senior citizen to my own parents are amazing people who I hurt over and over again because I hate them for loving me too much and it's so inconvenient. So hand over all your money to me so I can crop all over your charity tithes to my spoiled rich ass. Keep away from me in the future I cannot be trusted.
Take me outside and shoot me because I will never able to sleep again for what I did to the wrong people I intended to hurt for my own sexual pleasure. I have no reason to be horrible yo people. I come from an upper class family I part of the problem and I always use people as a punching bag because they care about other people.