Community tabs on YouTube channels doesn't archive correctly; redirects to a specific post on the Community tab instead like this /5lUZU
fixed. (clicking on “expand“ buttons hit one wrong button)
Is the search function broken?
the index is rebuilding, it will be back in few hours
does archiving a webpage send the user’s IP address to the host site?
It was so in old version (before 2019) to get localized versions.
Now it is useless, because nowadays most of localizations are “this page is not for your country”, so the IP is not passed to the host site.
What is the long version of the url please. Wikipedia wants it to be to I get to it? Greg
Click on “share” button to see different forms of linking to a page.
For example
The Archive seems to be having difficulty archiving YouTube urls. What's going on?
youtube started showing captcha to the archiver
Has Roskomnadzor behavior or amount of removal requests changed since the start of the war?
No, there were no removal requests related to this conflict at all. Neither from Roskomnadzor nor from other agencies. Although the stream of requests about ISIS content goes as usual.
About the SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP in the previous question. This problem isn't on the DNS server, but on the Archive website (google it, many people complaining). I turnaround this error by adding your IP to my HOSTS
Your last sentence proves that the problem is exactly DNS server
Could you expand comments on nNUlG? Thanks!
No, `` does not expand comments, they are on another page; if I click on “expand comments”, the content disappears.
Підключення для цього сайту не захищено archive_dot_ph використовує протокол, який не підтримується.ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCHНепідтримуваний протокол Клієнт і сервер не підтримують загальну версію протоколу SSL або комплект шифрів. Від браузера не залежить. Через VPN все працює. Територіально - Україна.
Try to change DNS from to something else.
Can't you buy cards with crypto, or something like that? I'm sure some people would be willing to help with that.
That’s exactly the case of <<Some people, when confronted with a problem, think “I know, I’ll use regular expressions.” Now they have two problems.>>
1. Where to get crypto (a certain amount every month, with no skips) ? Donations are not enough and not stable. Brave browser stopped paying again (not enough anyway). Traveling to the towns trying to buy crypto for paper cash from shady people does not look like a sustainable plan. Getting a job with a crypto salary will not cover the demand too.
2. Cryptocard services are not reliable and prone to exit scam and regulatory risks. This will require supporting a redundant system on top of at least three of them, maintaining the necessary balances everywhere, tracking news and being prepared for losses.
On the other hand, advertising (and possibly paid features) allows to escape the money conversion hell and to tune cash flows in different currencies and on different sides of the Iron Curtain, to cover the local expenses.
Why are there ads on this site?
I already answered this:
Basically, money have become fragmented and hard to convert.
For example, I have no other way to top up PayPal except with donations (and there aren’t enough of them) or by showing a certain amount of advertising from an agency that pays there. Cards do not work, making new ones involves a trip to a different vaccine zone, etc.
do you plan to add any cryptocurrency methods as a donate option? considering that there are many people on the world other side who do not have access to a bank card with international payment capabilities (visa/mastercard etc), they can pay with the local banking system, local currency (cash, checkouts or some online payment system), and they can use cryptocurrency or any medium, or need to add support for so many payment systems (webmoney, JCB, wechat pay/alipay/unionpay, prepaid / gift cards
The site does not have any premium features available only to paid users, so there is no need to consider yourself penalized if you can’t pay.
One year later, how has the OVHcloud fire impacted the project? Are you able to participate in the Action Collective (Class Action) against the company?
No, all the equipment there was rented.
I have a suggestion. When a user archives a page, sometimes an error page is archived (ie, like archive "9UE0W"). When that user is shown the archive for the first time, they (and only that user) could be presented with a question, "Has this page been archived correctly?" If they respond "no", then the archive would be deleted, so they can try again. After a short period of time, this option no longer appears to the user.
Retry won’t help: the page address is invalid, it has “%3F” instead of “?”
Thanks for looking at the Telegram link preview issue yesterday. I'm afraid they still don't work. Note that you can test them, by re-scraping a page, using the @WebpageBot bot.
Yes, it works unstable, I do not know yet why :(
It is a different issue: the first was about /xxxx works and /xxxx/image does not. And it was reproducible on other previews (Twitter, …).
The second is Telegram-only and affected all pages.