John Of God: Oprah Says Faith Healer's Surgeries Almost Made Her Faint (VIDEO)

John of God is a man with no medical degree and little formal education. Yet the controversial faith healer performs surgeries in an effort to help the sick and dying. In this clip from an episode of “Oprah’s Next Chapter,” John of God tells Oprah why he is able to cut into people’s bodies and how it feels when he does so.

Through an interpreter, John of God says that, as a spiritual medium, his body incorporates the spirits of deceased healers. These healers -- whom John of God calls “entities” -- are the ones performing the surgeries, he says.

“I kneel down in the earth and thank God for the opportunity to be able to do this,” he says through an interpreter. “I hand over my body to God.”

According to John of God, while his body is incorporated by the spirits, he conducts the surgeries -- surgeries that are so raw, they make Oprah feel faint just watching them. “What I just witnessed almost made me pass out,” she tells him.

“You weren’t feeling faint," John of God responds. “You were receiving a lot of energy that the entities were sending you.”

“I felt like I was going to explode," says Oprah. "I felt like there was so much heat and that I was going to explode.”

“That’s the power of God,” he tells her. “That’s what happens to me when I incorporate [the spirits].”

To watch the video, click here. Warning: Video contains some very brief surgery footage which some may consider graphic.

"Oprah's Next Chapter" airs on Sundays at 9 p.m. ET on OWN.

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