

Corporate information/ History

Corporate information

Company name MGC Filsheet Co., Ltd.
Establishment 'October 1, 2005
Number of employees 405 (as of April 1, 2018)
Address Head Office/ Tokorozawa Factory MAP
4-2242 Mikajima, Tokorozawa, Saitama 359-1164, Japan
Osaka Factory MAP
2-12 Kamishu-cho, Toyonaka, Osaka 561-0823, Japan
Shirakawa Factory MAP
QOL Innovation Center Shirakawa
1-8 Yanaigoya Toyochi Shirakawa, Fukushima 961-0005, Japan

Organization Chart

Organization Chart


History of former Osaka Plant of MITSUBISHI GAS CHEMICAL COMPANY, INC.

1930 Edogawa Industrial Limited, a limited partnership company, began as Osaka Plant.
1961 Began producing polycarbonate resin (Iupilon®).
1971 Began producing Iupilon® Sheets (PC sheet products).
2002 Terminated the production of polycarbonate resin materials associated with its consolidation with Kashima Plant.

History of former Fuji Kasei Co., Ltd.

1949 Fuji Kasei Co., Ltd. established and began producing urea resin molding materials in Shinjuku, Tokyo.
1954 Formed a business alliance with Edogawa Chemical Co., Ltd. (currently MITSUBISHI GAS CHEMICAL COMPANY, INC.).
1961 Plant moved to Tokorozawa, Saitama and began production in March of the following year.
1983 Began producing Iupilon® Film (PC film products).
1991 Began producing Iupilon® Pola (polarizing sheet products).
2002 Terminated the production of urea resin molding materials.
2005 Osaka Plant of MITSUBISHI GAS CHEMICAL COMPANY, INC. and Fuji Kasei Co., Ltd. merged and established MGC Filsheet Co., Ltd.

History of MGC Filsheet Co., Ltd.

2006 Began producing Iupilon® Film (PC film products) at Osaka Factory.
2010 Began the hard coating of Iupilon® Sheet (PC sheet products) at Tokorozawa Factory.
2012 Began the hard coating of Iupilon® Film (PC film products) at Tokorozawa Factory.
2017 Shirakawa Factory began operation in Shirakawa, Fukushima.

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