
Uniqueness of Korean gene

When spring is in the air at Japan and iron storm by Russia are covering Ukraine, author have released several articles in this web site, basing on population genetics papers which clearly indecates uniqueness or strangeness of Korean genetic structure. It is at the heart of genetic research for an isolated and homogeneous ethnic population that analyzing of inherent variants and the frequency shall provide more information for promoting mental and physical health of the population.

However, to my regret, though it is not revealing at all in present population genetics, i conjecture that DNA of Koreans creates the mentality of Koreans whose feature are lies, scam and rage. While the mechanisms underlying human mentality has not been elucidated, at least i infer that DNA plays a pivotal role to mentality of humans.

Example of Koreans mentality (=lies and scam)

red uniform=Koreans, blue uniform=The Japanese. 2021/3/25 international friendship match Japan vs. Korea.

Koreans players are obviously intentionally hitting Japanese players, but Koreans players are trying to deceive with a caring gesture. And, Japanese people were deceived by a lie and scam that my arm accidentally hit him, despite the Japanese player's broken tooth.

Example2 of Koreans male mentality

Please strongly keep in your mind that the cited contents aren't wartime but peacetime !
As the natural result, buying a house in South Korea means buying a condominium for preventing "family destroying" such as the above.

Seoul, Korea. All buildings are condominiums, not commercial buildings.


According to the following genetics papers, genetic structure of Koreans are very strange and unique in the following four points,

1.Koreans have high percentages of non-synonymous variants compared with other ethnic population (The Japanese, The chinese etc)

2.As opposed to the other ethnic population (The Japanese, The Chinese, etc.), variants which are inherent to Koreans extremely biased to the parts of Koreans.

3.MAF(minor allele frequency) clearly differs from the other ethnic population (The Japanese, The chinese etc), therefore, many genes of Koreans are under more strong negative selection pressure combined with high ratio of non-synonymous variants compared to the other ethnic population.

4. The overwhelming majority of variants which are inherent to Koreans have relation to mental diseases, personality disorders and human mentality. Please visit for details.

Strange phenomenon in South Korea

Though there might be no relation, total fertility rate(birth rate) in South Korea is abnormal and lowest in the world, and suicide rate is the highest on the earth.


I don't know cosmetic surgery expenditure of BTS members(BTS=Bangtan Boys), but it is beyond all doubts that BTS members did plastic surgery.

Gender, Globalizationand Aesthetic Surgeryin South Korea
Ruth Holliday(proffessor in University of Leed) et ai.
This article explores the unusually high levels of cosmetic surgery in South Korea – for both women and men.
South Korean’ alleged ‘obsession’ with cosmetic surgery regularly hits headlines both in Asia and the ‘West’ because of its reportedly high take-up rate by both women and men.
Cosmetic surgery and skin treatment clinics are now commonplacein urban shopping malls, viewed much like nail and beauty salons in the UK, and providing procedures such as laser removal ofblemishes to 'walk-in’ customers.

There are no winners of all sixty-three famous scientific prizes in South Korea, despite of high education revel ratio and large population size.

  South Korea Japan
prizes winner 0 at least over 220
population size 50M 125M

Figuratively speaking, South Korea might be "huge mental hospital".
Please visit for details.

From population genetics paper

According to several population genetics papers, it is beyond all doubts that the genetic structure of Koreans is astonishingly unique and strange.
Believe it or not, the variants distribution of Koreans completely differ from The Japanese in spite of same East Asians, and needless to say, differs from other populations too, please see below cited contents.

1.Very large scale analyzing of whole exome region clearly indecates that nonsynonymous variants are a half of SNVs in exome region of human and a great majority of SNVs occurred at a minor allele frequency of ≤1%(=0.01).

Distribution and clinical impact offunctional variants in 50,726 whole-exomesequences from the DiscovEHR Study
Frederick E. Dewey et al.
Science; accepted 16 November 2016

SNVs=Single-Nucleotide Variants
[Cited from the above paper]
Deleterious variants are expected to have lower allele frequencies than neutral ones, due to negative selection. This theoretical property has been demonstrated previously in human population sequencing data

2. In the case of The Japanese too, overwhelming majority of of SNVs occurr at a minor allele frequency of ≤1%.

Human genetic variation database, a reference database of genetic variations in the Japanese population
Koichiro Higasa et al.
Nature Published: 25 February 2016

3. Contrastly, Koreans indecates more high ratio of nonsynonymous variants

Findings of a 1303 Korean whole-exome sequencing study
Soo Heon Kwak et al.
nature; Published: 14 July 2017

4. Astonishingly, in the case of Koreans, only 0.6579(65.79%) of of SNVs occurred at a minor allele frequency of ≤1%. In other words, deleterious variants spread over Korean, or Korean are under high negative selection pressure compared with other population.

Korean Variant Archive (KOVA): a reference database of genetic variations in the Korean population
Sangmoon Lee et al.
Nature Published: 27 June 2017

5.Interestingly, in the case of Koreans, minor allele frequency of ≤10% is a very high ratio compared with Chinese and Japanese as same East Asians.

Whole genome sequencing of 35 individuals provides insights into the genetic structure of Korean population
Wenqian Zhang et al.
Published: 21 October 2014
(Though Korean's genetics researchers tend to don't want to mention the above paper, the above paper was written by the FDA=U.S. Food and Drug Administration in fact, denying the fact in formal. Please visit for details. )

[Cited from the above paper]
In contrast with the SNVs common to other populations in HapMap and 1KGP, the Korean only SNVs had high percentages of non-silent variants, emphasizing the unique roles of these Korean only SNVs in the Korean population.

Therefore, we inferred that special attention should be made for the Korean population when treated for the above mentioned terms related diseases, since other populations did not carry those Korean only SNVs.

Therefore, we rationally conjectured that Korean only SNVs prevalent across many of the individuals would be more important for treating Korean differently from other populations in the personalized medicine

Based on our analysis, we hypothesize that Korean might have different responses to the above mentioned terms-related drugs, when compared to other populations.

6.Variants which are inherent to Koreans extremely biased to the parts of Koreans.

Korean National Standard Reference Variome database of whole genomes with comprehensive SNV, indel, CNV, and SV analyses
Nature Published: 04 April 2018
Jungeun Kim et al.

[Cited from the above paper]
Surprisingly, however, roughly half of the variants in ‘1000GP low frequency’ were classified as ‘frequent in KoVariome’.
This indicates that there exist a significant population specific biases for common and uncommon variants.

(1000GP=1000 Genomes Project
KoVariome=Korean National Standard Reference Variome)

Name: Kazuo Ueda
Country: Japan
DNA:The Japanese (Please note that residents whose DNA is Koreans are about 900,000 in Japan)

Please remember that Koreans genetic structure is very strange and unique !. That isn't racism but complete and scientific fact. Again, it is beyond all doubts that Koreans are very unique people from viewing of population genetics. All results and fact of Koreans completely coincide with their unique genetic structure. For instance,

1. Koreans have no winners of any of the 63 international famous science-related academic prizes, not to mention Nobel Prizes!
All humans around the world should know the fact above and should think the reason, maybe the cause would be Koreans unique DNA.

2.variants inherent to Koreans have a strong relation to mental diseases, personality disorders and human personality.
Geneticist except for Koreans should research Koreans very unique genetic architecture with all their might, like FDA(U.S. Food and Drug Administration)

I think that we human being should not deny scientific fact, under the name of racism. As a matter of fact, the ironic thing is that the most racist country in the world surely is South Korea, maybe you can't find a Korean female formally married with Blacks. In the event that you find a Korean female formally married with Blacks, please teach me, to my knowledge, it's very few compared with Japanese and Chinese.

The interaction between Koreans DNA (I. e. genetic factors) and the environment (I. e. sociocultural factors) created evil people in Korean peninsula like Korean movie and footage above.

bottleneck effect in the 13th century at Korean peninsula and slavery peculiar to Korean peninsula

The bottleneck effect itself is an extremely large scale of genetic drift that happens when the a population size is drastically decreased, and It is not known at all that bottleneck effect in the 13th century at Korean peninsula caused by invasion of Genghis Khan and his descendants. It is little known that peoples in Korean peninsula in those days resisted the invasion by Mongol for the long period of more than three decades when is the most long periods of resistance to Mongolia in the world at that time. And I infer that population in Korean peninsula decreased at least 85%-90% in the three decades, basing on the number of soldiers who were conscripted by Mongolia in Korean peninsula for invasion to Japan. Although genetic diversity wasn't lost from Koreans, I hypotheses that this historical incident surely and drastically altered Koreans DNA who is genetically isolated for long after the most strong impact to Koreans DNA in the past. And pleiotropic effects by bottleneck effect created the mental personality of Koreans like the examples mentioned hitherto.

It is very little known in the West that the number of surnames(=last name) in Korean Peninsula is about 270 only, meanwhile the number of family name(=last name) in Japan is estimated about 50,000, maybe, the number of family name(=last name) in china is at least over 100,000, and Koreans extremely and abnormally hate consanguineous marriages and endogamy as legal provisions that relatives within the 8th kinship cannot marry in Korea. (Until the end of the 20th century, marriage was prohibited in Korea by civil law for people with the same family name and same common ancestor region regardless of current residence.)

Thus, at least there is no doubt that Korean civil law and the number of family names(=last name) in Korean peninsula suggest the bottleneck effect in the past,

And historical records in Korea strongly suggest very large-scale decreasing of population size in Korean peninsula at 13th century.

The Mongol emperor demanded the Korean king that Korean soldiers be sent out to invade Japan with Mongolians at 13th century after complete surrender of Korean king. The above contents in Japanese are a record of the conversation between the Mongolian emperor and the chief vassal of the Korean king.

The Japanese in the red frame above means the following.
[There are many infants and boys, but they can't be soldier because many of them are 9-10 age]

After then, slavery was spread over the Korean peninsula, and it is estimated that 40-60% of the population was slaves called "Nobi" in 16th century Joseon Dynasty ( medieval Korea), according to Japanese researchers of Korean history. And, slave owner called "Yanban" could leave an overwhelming number of offspring. Neither then nor subsequently, until end of the 19th century (1894), this slavery peculiar to Korean peninsula continued and means that Korean people constantly wasn't "panmictic" population. (Needless to say, please note that random mating is an important assumption of population genetics. )

As the results, I hypothesize that deleterious variants were remaining in a higher ratio than the other ethnic population without being deleted from Koreans by negative selection or purifying selection. And principal component analysis of single nucleotide polymorphism, which is the overwhelming majority of human variants indicates that Koreans and Japanese completely differ each other.

Korean Genome Project: 1094 Korean personal genomes with clinical information
Science Advances 27 May 2020
Sungwon Jeon et al.

by author

by machine translation

by machine translation