メーカー | ウィーシンク ジャパン(VeSync JP) |
型番 | LUH-A602S-WJP |
梱包サイズ | 34.1 x 31.3 x 24.5 cm |
色 | LV600S |
サイズ | 6L |
電源 | 電源コード式 |
騒音レベル | 28 dB |
梱包重量 | 3.04 キログラム |
電池使用 | いいえ |
お手入れ | クエン酸, 水で清浄してください |
メーカー保証 | 「Levoit安心保証2年」不具合の場合は、無料で新品交換または全額返金いたします。 |
ブランド名 | レボイト(Levoit) |
容量 | 6 L |
商品重量 | 2.7 キログラム |
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Levoit 加湿器 大容量 6L ハイブリッド式 加熱式×超音波式 100℃高温除菌 空気清浄 上から給水 28dB静音 スマホ・Alexa操作 自動的湿度調整 タイマー付き おやすみモード 25畳対応 最大60時間連続稼働 空焚き防止 スマート家電 寝室/リビング/会社用 おすすめ プレゼント レボイト LV600S ホワイト
色 | LV600S |
ブランド | レボイト(Levoit) |
電源 | 電源コード式 |
商品重量 | 2.7 キログラム |
商品寸法 (長さx幅x高さ) | 29.4 x 19.5 x 28.8 cm |
- 「超スマート·アプリ制御/アレクサ/Google Assistant対応」専用アプリVeSyncを無料でダンロードし、Wi-Fiに接続するだけで、電源オン/オフやモードの切り替えなどが、わざわざ動かずアプリで簡単に操作できます。タイマー/スケジュール/目標湿度などもアプリで簡単に設定できます。仕事からの帰宅途中や留守の際に、予めスマホで目標湿度を設定し、帰宅時には潤うお部屋でゆっくりリラックスできます。外出でも、部屋の湿度を管理できます。また、アレクサとGoogle Assistantにも対応し、猫の手も借りたい時に、一声かけるだけで加湿がスタートします!ご注意:2.4GHzのWi-Fiが必要です。
- 「超音波式と加熱式良いところ両立ハイブリッド式」ヒーターと超音波式を組合わせて、パワフル加湿、普通の超音波式加湿器より6倍以上速い、ただ30分だけ、乾燥な空気から逃がせます。ヒーターの高温で滅菌もできて、触れるぐらい温度のミストも安心に利用できます。ヒーターOFFの場合、動作音はわずか28db未満で、夜にも気になれないぐらいとても静か、仕事も睡眠も邪魔はしません。また消費電力も非常に低く、1時間の電気代は1円未満、お財布にやさしい!
- 「特別なタンクデザイン·ご使用もお手入れも簡単」6Lの大容量タンクを搭載し、1回の給水で最大60時間給水不用、水がなくなりますと自動的運転停止がしますので、長時間のご使用でも心配なくご使用いただけます。上から給水タイプで、蓋を開けるだけで給水できて、持ち運びの必要が無く、水滴が落ちることを防ぎます。また、タンクの排水バルブが特別デザインで、水漏れを徹底的に防止します。お手入れの便利ため、給水口が大きいデザインになっており、タンクに直接手を入れてお掃除できるので、タンクを常に清潔な状態に保つことができます。
- 「健康的な湿度管理·らくらく潤い生活」乾燥な空気から離れろ! 人体にとって健康的な相対湿度は40%~60%とされています。40%以下になると目や 肌、のどの乾燥を感じるだけでなく、ウイルスが活動しやすくなります。反対に60%以上になるとダニやカビ が発生するようになります。ひどい乾燥な空気の影響による辛い生活から逃がしたいか?自動的湿度管理でき、アロマ対応し、タイマーも付きこのLV600Sはあなたが探しているものです。この加湿器はすぐに悩みを解決し、数分だけてリラックスできます!
- 「世界中3,000万以上の家庭から厚い信頼・Levoitが選ばれる理由」Levoitはアメリカで創業し、アメリカ、ドイツ、カナダを含む9カ国で販売されているグローバルブランドで、東京にも事務所がございます。当ブランドは上場企業VeSync傘下の人気ブランドで、2020年には、おかげさまで総累計販売台数250,000台を突破しました!安心のため、該当製品は国内のPSE認証を完成し、出品する前に、厳しいテストと出荷検査をしました。Levoitの目標は高品質の製品と周到なサービスでお客様にいいショッピング体験を提供することです。
- 「交換用フィルター」交換専用のフィルターの購入用検索キーワードは B09YQ5FQG7 (10パックセット)です。フィルターの交換時期は、ご使用の環境にもよりますが、1ヵ月に1~2回程度が目安です。
小型家電 宅配リサイクル券 ( パソコン本体 レンジ 炊飯器 プリンター など対象)
- アイリスオーヤマ 加湿器 卓上 大容量 超音波 上から 給水 加湿量230ml/h タンク容量約3.0L UTK-230-W ホワイトAmazon.co.jpが発送する商品を¥0以上注文すると通常配送無料
- MILIN 加湿器 卓上 除菌加湿器 大容量 最新電解水除菌技術 超音波加湿機 アロマ対応 2時間自動除菌 上から給水 極細ミスト 最大20時間連続加湿 雑菌/乾燥対策 2L 10畳対応 ホワイト&グレーAmazon.co.jpが発送する商品を¥0以上注文すると通常配送無料最短で8月3日 水曜日のお届け予定です
- Levoit 加湿器 大容量 4L 卓上 アロマ Alexa対応 6-22畳対応 次亜塩素酸水対応 超音波加湿器 スマート家電 スマホ操作可能 静音 空焚き防止 お手入れしやすい 省エネ 人気ランキング 寝室/リビング/オフェス おすすめ PSE認証済み Classic200SAmazon.co.jpが発送する商品を¥0以上注文すると通常配送無料
- Levoit 加湿器 卓上 2.4L 大容量 24時間連続稼働 26db静音 しずく型 超音波加湿器 LEDライト 次亜塩素酸水対応 人気ランキング 6-17畳 空焚き防止 操作・お手入れ簡単 省エネ 360°ミスト方向調整 小型 BPAフリー 寝室/リビング/会社/在宅勤務 (ピンク)Amazon.co.jpが発送する商品を¥0以上注文すると通常配送無料残り13点(入荷予定あり)
おすすめ度 |
5つ星のうち4.0 |
Amazon 売れ筋ランキング | - 81,728位ホーム&キッチン (の売れ筋ランキングを見るホーム&キッチン) - 191位加湿器 |
Amazon.co.jp での取り扱い開始日 | 2021/11/23 |
●遠隔操作:Alexa・Google Assistant・専用アプリVeSync
交換専用のフィルターの購入用検索キーワードは B09YQ5FQG7 (10パックセット)です。フィルターの交換時期は、ご使用の環境にもよりますが、1ヵ月に1~2回程度が目安です。
適用機種型番:LV600S/Dual 200S/Dual 150(ホワイト・青)/Classic 300/Classic 300S(ブルー)。
新発売! Dual 150 | LV 600S | Classic 300S | Classic 200 | 加湿器専用スポンジフィルター | |
| 最大220ml/h | 最大630ml/h | 最大300ml/h | 最大300ml/h | — |
| アロマタイプ | 自動加湿機能 | 自動湿度調整 | うるおい | — |
| 上から給水 | 上から給水 | 上から給水 | 下から給水 | — |
| 3 L | 6 L | 6 L | 4 L | — |
| 超音波式 | ハイブリッド式 | 超音波式 | 超音波式 | — |
| ~約17畳 | ~約25畳 | ~約25畳 | ~約22畳 | — |
商品寸法 (長さx幅x高さ)
| 18.3 x 20.6 x 29.4 cm | 29.4 x 19.5 x 28.8 cm | 24.5 × 19.2 × 34 cm | 15.2 x 20.2 x 35.4 cm | — |
上位レビュー、対象国: 日本
翌朝、また使用した所 スイッチの表示部分の左下より水漏れが発生。
スイッチを消したが水漏れは止まらず置いてあった場所一面 水浸しになってしまった。
良いところをひとつ。音は静か。この商品が加湿器の3台目ですが一番静か。殆ど気にならない。 おしい。
Here’s a most detailed and in-depth review.
I wanted to really love this humidifier (LV600S — 6L cool/warm hybrid with WiFi), but honestly I cannot. For me, personally, it comes up short of that. I find that while it is very well intentioned and full of promise, it’s just way too over-designed and over-programmed — basically over-engineered. Too many bells and whistles don’t always equate to a better product or experience. Let me explain, using a classic pros and cons list…
- Fully featured controls and settings.
- Remote functionality using your own smartphone instead of yet another independent remote controller device cluttering your space.
- Very reliable, stable and user-friendly functionality — all with dependable accuracy.
- Large and very easy top-loading tank.
- Dual independently directional swivel misting nozzles.
- Built in hygrometer/humidistat protected by an enclosure with a vented opening preventing all droplet contact from occurring as opposed to a far less accurate sensor constructed onto the outside of its shell which would always be exposed to immediate droplet contact, creating terribly inaccurate readings.
- Highly effective humidification of it’s immediate environment.
- Very close to whisper quiet operation and on any setting really.
- Comes with a small startup supply of washable and reusable filters and absorption pads.
- Nice clean, sharp, uncluttered visual appearance.
- Appears to be of sturdy construction, albeit time will tell.
- Does, indeed, appear to possess required safety certifications as shown on its underside.
- Very clear, simple and understandable users’s manual with, finally, a very decent usage of the English language, which all too often is so horribly lacking and incomprehensible these days. In this regard, high kudos to Levoit.
- I bought this unit for close to $200CDN — way too expensive for basically something that any ‘under-$50’ vaporizer could accomplish and far greater ease.
- Way too many nooks, crannies, crevices to become mineralized eventually — creating a massive cleaning burden.
- Regarding the note above, I owned an earlier model to this one with the same basic internal design and no amount of cleaning with vinegar (as they direct) ever got it thoroughly cleaned. Their stated instructional method never, ever worked. And I don’t have a hard-water problem in my home, so it was never a thing where there was just too much buildup. It’s just that vinegar and water has never been an effective cleaner for anything really in my opinion. So the point here is that this should have been designed with different materials so as to allow for the use of harsher more effective cleaning solutions. But alas, it wasn’t.
- Their stated direction to use only distilled water is so totally ‘out-to-lunch’ and ridiculous that I can’t even hold back my utter disgust at that notion. I mean, really? Are they actually kidding me?! Not a freaking chance in h&@* will I ever adhere to that most useless piece of advice. Look folks. if you use this device even just minimally on a daily basis in Canada during the winter months, and if you have a typically average square footage of living space, it will very thirstily swallow up close to 8 liters of water every 24hrs. I’m not even exaggerating. And since the most inexpensive distilled water you can find is around $1/4L then you’re talking about $60 monthly or $240 - $400 seasonally (depending on your geography) to get any proper use out of this thing. And the expense is just about the same if you just use your own filtered water, but with far, far more inconvenience. So the long and short of it is this… no one is doing this, or at least not for very long. So how ‘bout designing a machine that is ok with tap water?!?!
- A simple under $50 vaporizer, plugged into a cheap smart plug, then operated through any smartphone’s home automation app, wirelessly paired with a cheap humidity sensor could easily perform exactly the same as this unit does, and for under $100 total, but with the massive added benefit of never needing to clean the vaporizer since their top-inserted electrodes never need de-scaling and can last for decades in this manner. I still have two perfectly functioning vaporizers from 30 and 40 years ago which have never been cleaned other than a simple wipe-down of their reservoirs — and those devices require the constant use of salt to function correctly — yet still no corrosion, scalings or blockages. I’m confident there’s absolutely no way this modern unit will even last beyond just 10 years.
- While this humidifier allows for either cool or warm mist, the reality is that you really ought to just use the warm mist since it’s more hygienic. Cool mist is most certainly not. Now that said, the problem with that is that its warm mist never actually remains that warm at all upon exiting its nozzles. You can hear the water boiling deep inside the chamber but by the time it exits, it’s barely noticeably warm anymore. It’s actually quite laughable that they warn you many times in the instructions to be careful of the potential of burning oneself near the heat of the escaping steam. Believe me it’s nowhere near that hot or even overly warm. So less so that I can even hold my hand steady in its flow right near the nozzle with no issues. It’s definitely not anywhere similar to the steam coming out of a kettle for example or even out of an old vaporizer. It is warmer than the cool mist but not by much. This is an important distinction since true warm mist would evaporate into the ambient environment far more easily and quicker than cool mist, thereby preventing moisture buildup onto the floor or nearby objects, as it would already have humidified the surrounding air. Cool mist is pretty much useless since it settles onto everything by succumbing to gravity prior to evaporation. The best way I can characterize the two is this… True warm mist is really a vapor which actually humidifies the invisible environment, whereas cool mist is really nothing more than diffused water droplets which only dampen physical structures and objects nearby. And so since this unit doesn’t really produce a true warm vaporized mist, but rather, a warmER mist than its cool counterpart, then you can understand where I’m going here.
- While this particular model is the most recent incarnation of Levoit humidifiers and does come packaged with 3 water sponge filters and absorption pads, etc, at this point it is still not possible to purchase a stock of these supplies as they are simply not yet available anywhere I’ve searched. The good thing, however, is that these filters and pads are easily washable and reusable, so there’s no need to be concerned for the time being. Something I’d like to note here is that this unit does have a very convenient built in and independent module for using essential oils, etc, also coming with its own supply of reusable pads, but I personally will never use them as I have pets. I’ve recently learned that most scented oils, sprays, incense sticks, candles, plug-in diffusers, etc, etc, are actually very highly toxic to animals. So, unfortunately, this is a feature I haven’t used or will ever use. Therefore, I cannot report on its functionality.
- I have found that its WiFi connectivity is unreliable. I had a very difficult time getting it to initially connect, and then it wouldn’t stay connected for long. That said, this issue is very likely due to it needing a 2.4g connection. If you’re running a 5g or dual 2.4g/5g device then you will have problems. This is a major problem since in this day and age there’s almost no 2.4g-only routers out there. And the issue is that 2.4g-only devices need to have a 2.4g-priority when trying to connect — meaning if you’re running a dual-band router, it will almost always prioritize its 5g mode, leaving the poor 2.4g-only device trying to connect to it out in the cold. And then, of course, if you only have a 5g non-dual-band router, then forget it, don’t even bother trying. The trick is to either separate the two bands on your dual-band router using two separate passcodes allowing you to choose one over the other as an independent network, or just do as I’ve done and use an older 2.4g WiFi extender which would show up as its own network as well.
As I said up top, this is indeed full of potential and promise, it’s just that it’s cons slightly outweigh its pros.
Nice . I love it!! 5 stars for sure