Northeast Asia Peace Initiative

Europeans Take Fact-Finding Trip to Japan

Tokyo, Japan - "Japan's Role in Securing Peace, Stability, and Human Rights in North-East Asia" was the theme of a European Leadership Conference and Fact-Finding Tour to Japan August 1-5.

Japanese diplomats spoke at sessions on relations among the countries of North-East Asia. Among them, Ambassador Tsuya Endo addressed "The Importance of Japan/Korea Relations in Resolving North-East Asia Geopolitical Issues." Dr. Mark Barry, N.E. Asia Geopolitical Consultant with the Summit Council for World Peace, moderated a session on relations between North and South Korea.

Human rights issues were a key theme of the conference, with sessions on human rights in North Korea and issues of forced de-conversion. Presenters included Europeans connected to Amnesty International and the Helsinki Monitoring Group.

The schedule included excursions to the Edo-Tokyo Museum, Asakusa, and the Tokyo Imperial Palace.

For background information on Northeast Asia geopolitical issues, click here.

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