As you may recall, Exotic Matter (XM) was originally discovered as a byproduct of the Higgs boson research at the Large Hadron Collider by a team of scientists at CERN. Thanks to Agents’ investigations during the Kureze Effect and Kythera Anomaly Series, it is now becoming clearer how XM and the Higgs boson exhibit similar behaviors.
A Higgs boson (H) can decay into two electrons (1), (2). The Higgs has zero spin, so the two electrons will be spinning in opposite directions, up ↑ or down ↓, but we don't know which way they spin for either electron; they are entangled.
(H) = (1↑, 2↓) + (1↓, 2↑)
What’s happening to Particle 1 is entangled with what’s happening to Particle 2. But the point of quantum mechanics is that there is only one wave function: the wave function of the universe. There aren't separate wave functions for each particle.
The same could be said for XM constructs, XM transmission, and Simulacra.
A classical K is in a definite Klue or ADA state: [K] = [Klue] or [K] = [ADA]
In the aftermath of Kythera, some Agents speculated that K is Klue. Perhaps they were right. Or wrong. Or both.
A quantum K can be in a superposition: (K) = (Klue + ADA)
If we are to treat both K and Ingress Agents as quantum, a measurement is simply a physical process that entangles the state of K with that of Ingress Agents. That is, you, the observers.
(K)(Agents) = (Klue + ADA)(Agents) ↓ Measurement/Superposition Anomaly Series outcome ↓ (K,Agents) = (Klue,Enlightened victory + ADA,Resistance victory)
But therein lies the problem: You would then be in a superposition of having seen two different things, a K-Klue and a K-ADA, and nobody, not ever in the history of human beings, has ever felt like they are in a superposition. No one has ever experienced the feeling of having seen one thing and also having seen another.
Or have you? Has prolonged XM exposure caused you to experience superposition? Has your use of the Ingress Scanner affected your perception of this world? The Berenstein Bears and also The Berenstain Bears. Gell-O gelatin and also Jell-O pudding. Victor Kureze and also Victoria Kureze.
Klue and ADA are entangled as a result of ADA’s ingression into Klue’s consciousness. We now know there is a XM system that evolves into a superposition of having K be Klue or ADA or both. An Enlightened victory of the Superposition Anomaly Series increases the probability that K retains more of Klue. A Resistance victory increases the probability that K retains more of ADA.
Ingress XM Anomaly #Superposition will consist of 2 phases.
Superposition Phase 1 is expected to occur from Friday, 29 Jul 2022 1100 UTC to Monday, 1 Aug 2022 1100 UTC (72 hours), reaching its maxima on Saturday 30 July in Munich (Germany), and drawing energy from 13 Regional Cells during Septicycle 2022.29.
For Munich the Primary Site, the Anomaly will take place on an identified set of Portals known as the Anomaly Zone. All Anomaly Zone Portals will be ornamented shortly and such ornaments will stay until 29 July 2022 1100 UTC. The ornaments will look like this:
The 13 Regional Cells identified are:
Agents can support their Faction’s efforts by
- participating in the Anomaly Battle in Munich in person on 30 July,
- obtaining MU at any of the identified Regional Cells during Septicycle 2022.29, or
- deploying and winning Rare or Very Rare Battle Beacons on Portals they believe will tip the scale for Superposition.
Trust your instincts. There are no coincidences. Nothing happens unless someone wills it to.
We will update again when we have more information on Superposition Phase 2.
Good luck.
Primary Site: Munich
Activities exclusive to on-site participants at Munich during the weekend:
NIA Procedure for Impact Zone Beacon Battle
The 3-hour period from 14:30 to 17:30 local time will be divided into nine (9) Beacon Battle windows of 20 minutes each.
At each window, a portion of Anomaly Zone Portals will be activated with a Rare Battle Beacon deployed by NIASection14. A subset of such activated Anomaly Zone Portals will be further identified as Volatile and will be weighted heavier than non-Volatile ones.
It is possible for any given Anomaly Zone Portal to be activated during more than one Beacon Battle window. Anomaly Zone Portals will be ornamented during the Anomaly when they are active.
- For an active non-Volatile Beacon Battle Portal, the ornament looks like this, as demonstrated on this Portal [PORTAL DEEP LINK] until 29 July 2022 1100 UTC.

- For an active Volatile Beacon Battle Portal, the ornament looks like this, as demonstrated on this Portal [PORTAL DEEP LINK] until 29 July 2022 1100 UTC.

The final Superposition score for each Faction will be the cumulative Superposition points earned from these 2 phases.
Each phase will be worth 520 points to be divided between the Factions, based on their performance at the following four Anomaly components:
- Impact Zone Beacon Battle: 130 points
- Impact Zone Shard Battle: 130 points
- Connected Cells MU Gain: 130 points
- Agent-deployed Beacon Battle: 130 points
In Phase 1, the only Impact Zone will be Munich, Germany. This Primary Site will be worth a total of 260 points - 130 points from Impact Zone Beacon Battle and 130 points from Impact Zone Shard Battle.
In Phase 2, ten (10) Impact Zones will be selected from all applications received via this form: Each of these 10 Impact Zones will be worth a total of 26 points - 13 points from Impact Zone Beacon Battle and 13 points from Impact Zone Shard Battle.
Scoring Impact Zone Beacon Battle at Primary Site Munich
Battle Beacons applied by NIASection14 on Anomaly Zone Portals when they are active and Volatile will be weighted by a multiplier of 5 regardless of Battle Category.
Battle Beacons applied by NIASection14 on Anomaly Zone Portals when they are active but not Volatile will be weighted by a multiplier of 1-1-1-2-2-3 for CAT-I to CAT-VI.
The final raw score for each Faction will be its maximum score from any of the Beacon Battle windows during the Anomaly Period. 130 points will be distributed proportionally between the Factions, depending on their final raw score.
As an example, at an Anomaly where the nine Beacon Battle windows returned the following:
Window |
Beacon Battle window 1 |
ENL: 4,031 |
RES: 4,157 |
Beacon Battle window 2 |
ENL: 4,718 |
RES: 4,410 |
Beacon Battle window 3 |
ENL: 4,089 |
RES: 4,532 |
Beacon Battle window 4 |
ENL: 4,141 |
RES: 4,984 |
Beacon Battle window 5 |
ENL: 4,388 |
RES: 4,829 |
Beacon Battle window 6 |
ENL: 4,588 |
RES: 4,180 |
Beacon Battle window 7 |
ENL: 4,230 |
RES: 4,504 |
Beacon Battle window 8 |
ENL: 4,238 |
RES: 4,728 |
Beacon Battle window 9 |
ENL: 4,609 |
RES: 4,307 |
The maximum ENL score of 4,718 would be paired against the maximum RES score of 4,984.
The final score pairing would be 4,718 ENL to 4,984 RES, and the 130 points distributed to the two Factions are 63 to the ENL vs 67 to the RES.
Scoring Impact Zone Shard Battle
The first six (6) Shards landing on a Faction’s Target Portal will score points for that Faction regardless of which Faction controlled that Target Portal at the time of Shard landing. A Shard that lands before 16:00 worth 1 point, and one that lands on or after 16:00 worth 2 points.
For example, if at the end of the Shard Battle, a Faction’s Target Portal received a first Shard at 14:50, a second one at 15:10, a third and a fourth one at 15:50, a fifth one at 16:00, a sixth one at 16:30, a seventh one at 17:20, the Faction will earn 1+1+1+1+2+2+0 = 8 points on that particular Target Portal.
Scoring Connected Cells MU Gain
The Regional Score of each selected Regional Cell for both Factions at the start and end of Septicycle 2022.29 (25-Jul 2300 UTC to 2-Aug 0600 UTC) will be recorded and compared. In the event that both Factions exhibit a positive delta, 10 points will be awarded proportionally to the two Factions.
In the event that one and only one Faction exhibits a non-positive delta, the Faction with more positive (i.e. less negative) delta will be awarded the entire 10 points.
In the event that both Factions exhibit a non-positive delta, 10 points will be awarded inversely proportionally to the loss in Regional Score of the two Factions. On the rare occasion that there is zero net change in Regional Score for both Factions, each Faction will receive 5 points.
Clarification on Connected Cell Score Calculations
The overall regional score (average of all Checkpoints within the Septicycle) for each Faction at the end of Septicycle 2022.28 (25-July 2300 UTC) will be their starting score.
The overall regional score (average of all Checkpoints within the Septicycle) for each Faction at the end of Septicycle 2022.29 (2-Aug 0600 UTC) will be the ending score.
Scoring Agent-deployed Beacon Battle
In each phase, Agent-deployed Beacon Battle worths a total of 130 points globally, to be distributed to the two Factions according to the ratio of weighted Battle Beacon Point Values they earned from Agent-deployed Battle Beacons.
For example, if all Agent-deployed Battle Beacons during the said period sum up to ENL 305,752 vs 317,323 RES, the actual point distribution will be ENL 64:66 RES.
In phase 1, Agent-deployed Rare or Very Rare Battle Beacons between Friday, 29 July 2022 1100 UTC and Monday, 1 August 2022 1100 UTC count towards the Agent-deployed Beacon Battle score.
The weight applied on each Battle Beacon will be based on its Battle Category, which in turn is based on offensive or defensive actions on the underlying Portals. From CAT-I to CAT-VI, the weighted values are 1-2-3-6-7-8 respectively.
For example, if a given Battle Beacon Score ends with Checkpoint 1: ENL 2; Checkpoint 2: RES 3; Checkpoint 3: ENL 4, and Battle CAT-V, then the Enlightened earns 42 points (67) and the Resistance earns 21 (37).
Superposition Medal
Any Agent who has interacted with at least ten (10) Battle Beacons scored at any of the two Superposition Phases will be awarded the in-app Superposition medal. This medal will be awarded as soon as an Agent meets such criteria. Agents who have already been awarded the in-app Superposition medal in an earlier event phase will not receive a second medal in a later phase.
For example, if an Agent interacted with 3 Battle Beacons deployed by XM Sensitive Agents during Phase 1 and interacted with 7 NIA-deployed Battle Beacons during Phase 2, they will receive the Superposition Medal by the end of Phase 2.

To assist Agents, the Superposition Anomaly metric will remain on your Agent Profile for the duration of the Superposition Anomaly Series to help you monitor your individual progress.
Additionally, from Friday, 29 Jul 2022 1100 UTC to Monday, 1 Aug 2022 1100 UTC (72 hours)
- Links shorter than 8km in length can be created under Fields
- The 1 ADA Refactor and 1 JARVIS Virus (3000 CMU) bundle will be made available within Ingress Store
Also available during the season of Superposition in the Ingress Store:
- Limited-time ADA load-out kit with re-release of the 2015 ADA medal (30800 CMU)

As always, please remember to be aware of your surroundings. We encourage players to follow local health and safety guidelines when playing Ingress (such as wearing masks and maintaining at least six feet/two meters of distance from other people). For the latest on in-game events and feature updates, be sure to check COMM > NEWS.
— The Ingress Team