Bruenig on Prostasia
What is fascinating about this is how much of it is out in the open. Also, pedophiles are better at organizing than the DSA.
Pedophiles are incredibly well-organized and the second wave of feminism was involved in pushing back against demands they were making. The first wave of LGBT activism had to do a lot of work to distance themselves from pedophile organizers, who were trying to use the same rhetoric. Read about NAMBLA and their history... they were waiting in the wings and dying to get out.
I’m pretty freaked out by this but I think it’s a case of overly clever sex nerds stepping on a rake, not a cover for an actual pedo ring or something.
But that also has to do with my moral outlook—I tend to be skeptical about demons under the bed but I do think people frequently rationalize themselves into doing abhorrent things, especially when they convince themselves they’re smarter than everybody else.
doesn't captain cragen go undercover to some pedophile group and come back and say to olivia or munch or someone, "you know what the difference between us and them is? these guys work together"?
Seems like if you’re an organization that truly means to help pedophiles not be evil (makes sense, probably necessary) you wouldn’t ever have a reason to discuss things like kink, “child sex workers”, and “youth liberation”. Seeing as those two areas have absolutely nothing to do with each other, if you’re not evil. I feel like that would be rule number 1 of running the good guy pedophile-help organization.
what coals. there are no more coals to rake him under. noah is going to keep slinking along.
The way I will interpret this is that I can simply consider all of bruenig's brainrotten critics as being pedophiles because it gives me dopamine to think of people I don't like as being pedos
I think it is good life advice to think of people you don't like as pedos lol.
For the love of God, never link to a Bruenig tweet, always screencap. They could disappear at any moment, and then whatever point you were trying to make is indecipherable.
Arthur Chu has now publicly broken with Berlatsky over this controversy:
Meanwhile, Michael Tracey is in full "I told you so" mode:
At least until recently, Prostasia hosted a "Minor Attracted Person (MAP) Peer Support Group" for people 13 and up — that is, for children 13 and older, as well as adults, with a sexual interest in children...effectively a chatroom for adult pedophiles...and kids.
she's against the death penalty, and i seem to remember there was a question whether thing 1 had raped the kid or not.
she's just trying to cover her ass
she was recently all about teaching children about "ethical consumption of pornography"
I just saw a thread here with people defending the US military to say doing porn is worse.
Even if you dismiss the outrageous amount of young women that experience rape and other sexual abuse in the army, a girl doing OF or whatever other adult content is not worse than helping oppress the global south on behalf of western capital.
lmao I feel like an idiot saying this obvious shit but it’s been getting weird here and dicksuckin the US military is not RS appropriate.
EDIT: no interest in debating politics really, just saying it looks retarded to hate porn so much it makes you simp for the army lol I’m not a Porn Defender
nothing--not therapists, not antidepressants--helped me overcome a significant portion of my GAD/social anxiety other than just being like. fuck it, i'm too old for this shit.
like being scared of ordering your own food is understandable, maybe even endearing, at like 14, but like at some point you really just have to get over that mental block and get out of that teenaged self-centered worldview.
like i swear realizing that i'm in my 20s and still paralyzed by normal everyday shit is so much more embarrassing than stuttering while making an appointment on the phone or whatever weird thoughts my anxiety convinced me would ruin my life
anyway point is ur brain is dumb and lying to you, let yourself go through the motions, and err on the side of functional no matter how bad it feels, it'll get easier with practice. love you all have a good weekend 💕
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