Hello Hunter........It’s been nearly 10 years since I took over and shut down your despicable revenge porn site www.isanyoneup.com. Sometimes you need to be a bully to beat a bully and I’m the first to admit that I intellectually bullied the ever-loving shit out of you. Your main stated objective was to "ruin" young girls' lives. Even after they indicated that they were going to commit suicide if their unauthorized naked images weren't removed from your website, you laughed in their faces. Are you still laughing now? You tried to destroy their lives, but instead, I intellectually destroyed yours. You received a masterclass in the fine art of social engineering.
It was shocking that you were only sentenced to two and a half years in federal prison for your plethora of crimes. That wasn't nearly enough time for what you did to those girls. Just remember Hunter, revenge is never pretty, but when it's done meticulously, intelligently, and psychotically, it sure is a thing of beauty. Now, where's that $485,000.00 you owe me from that judgment out of Las Vegas? I still plan on donating every single penny I receive from that judgment towards battered women's shelters throughout the United States. Remember when you were arrested (again) for headbutting a woman in New York? You are the very definition of a coward.
Word on the street is that you were thinking about launching another revenge porn website called “anyoneup.com?” I heard some alleged psychopath swooped right in and intellectually bullied the shit out of you again. I don’t know about you, however, I’m really looking forward to seeing what www.anyoneup.com becomes. But the site that really caught my attention Hunter was www.isanybodyup.com. You had really big plans for that site! I heard that whoever owns www.isanybodyup.com was not happy when you threatened to rape his wife while his children watched. It’s simply amazing how many well-known publications kept referring to “isanyoneup.com” as “isanybodyup.com.”
Hunter Moore of “IsAnybodyUp” notoriety sentenced to 30 months in prison | Ars Technica
IsAnybodyUp.com founder faces up to seven years in prison | Rolling Stone
Despite all your rage, you are still just a rat in my cage.
#brainsoverbullies #bullyville #isanyoneup #semperfi
Radio interview where Hunter Moore threatened to rape BullyVille's wife while his kids watched.
Rover also discusses the rape threat made by Hunter Moore toward's his wife.
Anonymous Declares War against Hunter Moore - Part 1 #ophunthunter
Anonymous Declares War against Hunter Moore - Part 2 #ophunthunter
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