Fear, Uncertainty, and Period Trackers

A vintage Tampax ad where a White woman smiles at the camera next to the phrase “Suddenly you make the decisions!”
The header of a Tampax ad from a February 1959 issue of Family Circle magazine. Scanned by clotho98 on Flickr, https://www.flickr.com/photos/clotho98/4254639801/in/photostream/.

But should I stop tracking my period?

  1. Follow the Digital Defense Fund guidance on protecting yourself if you believe you might be pregnant.
  2. Never consent to searches of your phone if it’s at all feasible for you to refuse — police are required to get a warrant! Consent searches are inherently coercive and should be banned.

Bonus: Why Period Trackers?

Attorney, general rabble rouser. (they/them)

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Kendra Albert

Kendra Albert

Attorney, general rabble rouser. (they/them)

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