Early Planning


These are the early planning notes that I created shortly before the script-writing began.
Although it is numbered "Version 4.0", I simply continued to add notes to Version 1.0, and so there are no major changes. In some places, the names and designations may conflict, but I have left them as-is.

Digimon Tamers

Concept Planning Notes

Version 4.0

Chiaki J. Konaka

"Digimon Tamers" As A Term

The term "partner" has been used from Version 1.0, but we will now use the term "Digimon Tamer". Although it may differ from the game or the manga, it has very strong associations with it, and even if we do not use it as a series title, I think that this nomenclature should be used.

What Are Digimon

The past animated series' anthropomorphized digimon had the effect of being loved by children and gaining much popularity. However, if this double-edged trend continues, the monster-like spirit of Digimon (who evolve in order to fight) will be lessened, and the catharsis gained from the battle will be harder to gain.

In this third series, I would like to rethink what it is to be a digimon, and continue only the good traditions started in the previous series.

- Digimon are "primitive" programs created by humans - They are an artificial intelligence model, and can only exist in the digital sea known as "the network". - Their basic, main, and only raison d'etre was to battle other digimon, defeat them, and triumph.(Up to here, we are going back to the original concept of the Digital Monsters game, which existed before the anime.)

- The native nature of the digimon is as written above. However, they themselves do not have the moral understanding that battling is something that harms others. Whenever they face another digimon and are interested in the other, the only method they have for communication and understanding is"battle". The end result is not destruction of the enemy so much as digitally breaking down the opponent into data that they can then load. The digimon then evolve further using that data. This is their true native instinct. ... This is the basic concept of this series.

- Through unexpected events, real digimon appear in the Real World... These digimon interact with their own "tamer" and experience "digivolution"that they are not normally able to do (note: "digivolution" and "evolution"in this series are equivalent to maturation and growing up)... and thus, the"realized" digimon learn to interact with each other. Their method of communications starts out as battle, but eventually "evolves" into friendship.... This is the basic core of this series.

What is Evolution and Digivolution?

In the previous two series, the daily Digivolution sequence became a repeatedly used ace-up-the-sleeve. However, in this series, I would like to think deeply about what it means to"evolve".

Evolving to a Champion state, then losing strength and returning to an In-training state... can this truly be called evolution?

The Realized digimon who have become gigantic. How would such an entity be able to exist in modern society? How would the tamer protect their digimon?
I want to illustrate such drama.

As a result, it will be impossible to have Digivolution scenes in every episode from the first episode onwards. More importantly, from an emotional standpoint, I would like the Digivolution scenes to be an impressive climax, and so would like the digimon to Digivolve at important points in the plot and battle.

Is it then impossible to have repeated "ace up sleeve" scenes in every episode?I believe that this can be shown through the action of digimodifying through slashing the Digicard through the new Digivice, the calls to action, and the main characters' cunning choice of Digicards.

Regarding the Digivice As noted later, I do not wish to portray the idea that "Digimon shows are on TV", at least in the first half of the series. The background idea is that Digimon is very popular among children, and the card game is especially in vogue...

The new Digivice should be something that has recently been released in stores. The main character has one, but not everybody has one yet (so that it is not too far from reality). However, the basic concept is that both the cards and the Digivice should synchronize with the actual products or how the actual game is played.

The use of Digivice and card in the series should be as follows:For example, if Guilmon's opponent is a very fast-running digimon, then Takato himself would choose a Function Card that would have parameters that would compensate for the opponent's skills. He would choose this card, send the data, and Guilmon would power-up (need a special term for this). It would be very exciting if missiles and other hardware could be equipped on the digimon. However, I would like to limit the sending of a card with another Digimon on it to one time.

Blue Card (temporary name)
A card not sold in normal stores that has somehow been mixed in to the childrens' decks and is passed from child to child. It gives special skills to Guilmon...

** Regarding the birth of digimon, I think of it as something like the birth of Linux The origin of digimon themselves is that some research facility (similar to Palo Alto... although it's really WiZ) has created some primitive artificial intelligence. The source code for this has been made open source, and GNU-style, clones of these digital monsters have been created all over the world, evolving and changing in their own ways. Thus, blue cards, digimon cards, and the "programs" contained within them are created by humans. They have not caused the Realization of the digimon, or the advancing of the Digital World upon the real world.

This is a preventative measure for a future time when it may be difficult to create the story using only commercial products.

** What are the changes between the currently sold CardDass CCG Digimon Cards and the new Digivice Cards?

The Main Character's Digivices
When Guilmon and Takato communicate during battle (or when they are physically separated), Takato's Digivice becomes their interface. In the beginning, it is only used for Takato to send Guilmon power and battle strategies, but gradually, Guilmon (who is evolving and maturing within) will repeatedly send information back through the digivice as feedback.

This is to gradually heighten the "synchronized" emotions and physical reactions of Guilmon('s Champion mode) and Takato when the battle has intensified.

** Should there be a special design for Takato's digivice? Markings? I would like a physical symbol that Guilmon's data is in there.

World View

The Year 2001 in real time. A TV series starting in this historical year should face this new millenium, and allow children to imagine a bright future for this century, and the coming century.

* At the beginning of the story, the story and human characters of the previous series have nothing to do with this series. As in this reality, digimon are something that children are deeply familiar with. However, they exist not just as digital creatures of the network, but a common concept among children (as a game, as partners).

- As cards, as games, and as toys, the characters of Digimon are deeply recognized by children.- Children's interaction with the network via the internet and cel phones should be close to reality.* We will not touch on the animated series "Digimon Adventures", or the manga comic series in the magazines at the beginning of the story.* However, the characters of "Digimon Adventures" seasons 1 and 2, whom children loved, will be the heroes of the children in their series, like mentors and idols. When the series has begun to turn, there may be some value in letting them appear.

The school should be near West Shinjuku, in a partly commercial district. This follows Hikarigaoka and Odaiba in creating a firm reality within the screen.

And in this series, digimon will be recognized as being equal to the real world. In other words...

This series will show the real world. Into this real world, Digimon will appear, and modern "NOT digi-destined"children, who seek their own digimon, will go on their own "adventure".

Addendum:- This metafictional concept will show its power (as well as having a sort of sense of oddness) in the first story arc, up to the midpoint. Once the concept of digimon entering reality has been recognized, the series will head in the same direction as season 1 and 2, i.e. a conventional adventure undertaken by children. However, the point of origin is different. A strong message must be sent to the children. In order for the children to accept and feel affinity for the characters'positive outlook, we will use this setting.

- Also, by abandoning the detailed "promises" and "understandings" of the previous series, I believe we can gain many merits such as reformatting Season 3 into its own shape.

- I have thought about introducing digimon, even characters from Season 1 and 2. The children in the audience would be very happy to see characters they recognize make another appearance, and at the same time we could make a strong impact on one of the concepts of the third season, that fiction, in the form of the Network (Digital World) is invading reality.

Things That Must Be Portrayed

- The Children are the ones who Choose
In Season 3, the main characters Realize the digimon out of their own will, and leap into adventure under their own will. This is something important that the children of today, who passively accept and enjoy what is given to them, need to gain from fiction.

- The Special Quality of Digimon
Strange animals that live alongside the characters in the animated series, as though nothing is out of the ordinary... In Season 3, I would like to re-investigate the fact that digimon are Digital Monsters, most unusual beings. First of all, the relationship between the main character, and the digimon that is to become their partner. I would like to firmly illustrate this in the beginning of the series. Digimon are monsters who do not "adorably" pander to humanity. There is no way that a person could understand them completely. Until he moves beyond this discommunication towards true "friendship", the main character cannot remain complacent. How will he actively change things? I would like to observe this point.

- Is Adventure The Same As Battle
Of course, this is an action series, and so it is vital that we show the kind of sweaty-palms-clenched-fists intense digimon battles as shown in previous Digimon series.

However, the original concept of an adventure should not just be "battling evil opponents". I would like to avoid showing the Four Holy Beasts (Sovereigns) and other enemies being brainstormed at present until the second story arc.

If the enemy is very clearly set up, then the "point" of the series becomes limited to battling the enemy, and the original "adventure" concept becomes left by the wayside.

Of course, fighting the enemy is one of the easiest ways of heightening excitement. However, if we allow ourselves to thusly grow slack, the"Adventure" part of "Digimon Adventures" is shamed. Even if I must wring out the last drops of genius from my mind, I would like to show an "adventure" undertaken by modern boys and girls.

- In The Beginning, This Is Not A Group Drama
This is another radical, revolutionary idea. I envision the basic cast to be three young boys and girls, but I will not cement this detail. The very beginning of the series will focus on a boy named Takato and his partner digimon; the neighbourhood that he lives in; and how the Digital World exists right now. Part way through, various regular characters will appear, and by the third season I think that we make expand the unit into a "group" as in previous series.

- A Battle That Is Not By Proxy -- Union Through Mega Form
In the previous series, the climax of the battle was as follows:The DigiDestined would give "power" to digimon, and their function would be over as soon as the digimon Digivolved. After this, the battle would be between Digimon, and the children would only be shown reacting to the battle or cheering on the digimon.

In this series, for the hero-side digimon to become Mega form, the children must become part of the Digimon. This is the concept that I would like to add. Whenever they are attacked by an opponent, they are both hurt, and their passionate emotions are directly connected to the digimon's attack powers. Would this not be a more natural depiction of the emotions in this animation/drama?

** Characters (All names are temporary)

Takato Matsuda (age 10)

Home Environment- West Shinjuku, behind a city of skyscrapers, living in a slightly nostalgic neighbourhood. A child of the city.- His home is a handmade bakery.- This is not a fancy fashionable commercial district, but the kind of neighbourhood that still has a corner candy store. However, his parents are true craftsmen who still make their own bread.- Speaking of bread, we could have some sub-plots with Guilmon's appetite as a motif.

Personality The type who looks like a "good kid" from the parents, teachers, and adult's point of view. He has normal relationships with friends, and he smiles and laughs a lot. However, he sometimes show an emotionally unbalanced side, due to his extreme sensitivity.

- He loves Digimon and not only collects the cards, but also draws his own digimon in his notebooks (a slightly different way of expressing love for digimon, compared to other children).- His personality is not quite withdrawn, but he would never go against what his parents or teachers tell him to do, and he doesn't go out of his way to make friends. He hates seeing people fight or argue. He is naive and sensitive in this sense.- He is basically a "good boy", but is not always moralistic. If he finds that a certain way is easier, he is likely to Go With The Flow. - This kind of simplicity and lack of independence -- these are what make him child like. And the maturation from this state will be his own"evolution" as a human.- At first, digimon battles are the ultimate exciting "game" for Takato. However, as he is hurt alongside Guilmon and evolves alongside Guilmon, the series shows that true battles are no game.

* Guilmon/Takato's partner digimon*
Working from the design, I would like to show him as an instinct-driven, primitive "monster". Need to investigate how to add "digital elements" due to his nature as a digimon. As shown above, he is originally a native digimon, and that does not change with his Realization. In other words, his actions are beyond human comprehension, and his violent outbursts cannot be controlled.- However, Guilmon is a digimon that Takato imagined and drew, which has become real.

Jian-liang Lee (age 10)
The Second Digimon Tamer His father, who is a programmer, immigrated from [Hong Kong] (changed from the mainland of China), and married a Japanese woman in Tokyo. Jian-liang was the result. Both his parents work. (His mother is a graphic artist.)His appearance and speech is no different than any other Japanese child, but as he adventures with Takato, the differences in their values (what they hold to be most important) becomes clear. They will not learn that "everyone is the same"... they will learn that they must respect people who are different from them, as well as digimon.

Family Situation His five-member family lives in an apartment near Takato's home. He has an older sister and much younger sister. It is unlikely that there will be many scenes where he speaks Cantoniese, but if there is a scene in which he violently argues with his father, it would be unnatural to avoid using Cantonese (perhaps once in the series).

Personality He is large, and looks two years older than Takato, but his psychological development is also beyond Takato's. Because he has siblings, he unconsciously has an understanding of how to get along with others without causing conflict. In that sense, he doesn't necessarily open his heart and become friends very easily. However, he has a kind personality and lack of fear which will allow Takato to think of him as a "friend" easily enough. Because of his parents' influence, as well as his own innate skills, he is more accustomed to interfacing with the net and various programs, and can use them very well, but is by no means a "genius hacker". However, whenever there is something that he doesn't know, he is used to getting information for himself out of the net (in this sense, he may be portrayed as a hacker). His true personality should be best shown through his relationship with Terriermon.

Terriermon/Ryu's partner digimon
He will basically follow Gumimon from the movie. He looks cute, but has an incredible power... this will be the image that we project.- He has a habit of saying "mo man tai" (Cantonese for "No problem", "Take it easy")--> Lee has used this phrase with Terriermon a few times, and Terriermon thinks it's funny to use it.- Lee has taught Terriermon that he does not merely exist to battle. Terriermon's innocent, honest, pure personality are due to Ryu's feelings.- However... Lee must face the harsh reality that Terriermon is still a digimon.

Ruki Makino (age 10)
The third "digimon tamer". A young girl that belongs to a different school district than Takato. A cool, emotionally distant beauty who is most aggressive. At first, she appears as an enemy who attacks Takato and Guilmon, also Lee and Terriermon. Her background will not be apparent at first. Her inner self will be gradually shown through interactions with Takato's straight-forward attitude, Lee's words, and the "feminine side" brought out by Kululumon, and within the first story arc, she will become a member of the Digimon Tamers team.

Home Environment. Her mother is 27 years old and very young-looking, the object of attention from all the men. She has a tendency to want to treat Ruki as a friend rather than a child, and Ruki cannot stand this. Ruki's fashion is in direct opposition to her mother's feminine appearance.

Special Notes:Although Ruki is a masculine, aggressive digimon tamer, she does not use rough language, and she does not behave in an unruly or ill-mannered fashion. She is a young girl with a mystical side. When she first appears, she has a mysterious beauty to her, but as she opens up to Takato and Lee, her true nature as a ten year old girl becomes apparent. I would like to illustrate the drastic difference between the two images.

Lunamon/Ruki's partner digimon
- Very speedy. A merciless battle style-- because that is what Ruki wishes.- Extremely faithful to Ruki.- However, while interacting with the slightly grown-up Guilmon and Terriermon, she begins to have doubts as to what her true nature is.- Lunamon is a "digimon that has been specialized for battle"- Ruki is not cold-blooded, but during a digimon battle she becomes a merciless battle queen.- Believes that she can only express herself through battle and defeating opponents.

Kululumon, Wandering Digimon
A Realized Digimon without a partner. Appears from the first episode onwards, but around the fourth episodes, clearly demonstrate that it is a "Realized Digimon that doesn't have a partner" (also clearly state that it doesn't digivolve).

Although it is affectionate towards people, it has an odd tendency to distance itself from people. Very temperamental. Often disappears.

It goes out of its way to approach Ruki. It draws out the "girl" within Ruki, which she has done her best to stifle.

* Special notes Instinctively, Kululumon may understand what it is. As a result, it doesn't like being held by humans and other digimon, and keeps its distance, while continuing to talk. Part of its cuteness derives from avoiding the tendency to become a pet.

Kululumon has the catalystic potential to digivolve high level digimon. It is a very special "software accelerator" and the origin itself must be different from other digimon.

>From the moment it was born, it subconsciously understood something about humanity -- the Real World, language, perhaps even traditions and society. However, that does not mean that it necessarily follows these.

Even though Kululumon has no partner, he wanders around looking for fun things to do on his own.

- As noted in the production notes, it becomes apparent that when Kululumon is taken in as data, his limitless potential allows the digimon who loaded him to digivolve to a unclassified state... The reason that Kululumon does not try to have a partner is because on some level, he subconsciously recognizes this. (Well, this is a backstory.)In the mid-point of the series, the Four Holy Beasts (Sovereigns) will attack and attempt to kidnap Culumon, and Takato and Guilmon's defence will become the climactic battle.

** If the first half of the third series is to be the "Digital World Adventure Chapter", then it will probably transpire that Culumon has been kidnapped, and Takato and his friends data-fy themselves in order to enter the Digital World and rescue Culumon.

A trickster-digimon that is like a brat or street kid. He mocks and sneers at Guilmon, Terriermon, and Lunamon as "pathetic digimon who are used by humans"** However, when you think about why he has an independent prideful nature close to humans, his future as well as his backstory will be directed. He especially loathes Kululumon, who hasn't a trace of digimon-ness (cannot battle). In the first story arc, he appears, foretells the invasion of the Real World by the Digital World, or forecasts battle.- Impmon will super-Digivolve, and become a powerful enemy, and in the end, become a warrior who fights alongside Guilmon.

[Name Undecided] The child(ren) to become Impmon's partner
After Impmon's appearance, their existence is hidden for quite some time. Aim for the surprise of an unexpected child being the partner. After Impmon learns Kululumon's secret, Impmon becomes the first digimon to cast off their human partner of his own will. Perhaps the child should be an exceptionally young child. Unlike Lee, they treat digimon (who are "battling digital data") as something completely different without even thinking about it. As a result, Impmon is tormented by the conflicts implicit in his existence, and has "evolved" into an entity with a twisted personality.

Ryo (WonderSwan game character)
This is a character well-known among the child audience, so introduce him as a "very talented digimon tamer" after the mid-point of the series, as a repeated guest character.

Different from the game, Ryo's priority as a TV series character must be heightened, and he must be given his own Partner Digimon. The digimon's power, strength, and heroism should make Ryo all the more attractive.

** How about Cyberdramon.....?

* Special Notes- Ideas at this point in time When the Digital World Invasion began (about half a year ago), a young boy who lived in Kyushuu disappeared without a trace. That was Ryo. Long before Takato and friends came to the Digital World, he Digitized himself and explored the Digital World. To a certain extent, he knows about the Digital World and can be guide Takato and his friends. => At the end of the Digital World Chapter, he returns to the Real World and goes back to his home in Kyushuu.

Children Other Than The Digimon Tamers

The students who go to Takato and Ryu's school appear as regular characters. Like the children who are the TV show's main audience, they love Digimon. However, as the series progresses, some of them gain their own partner digimon.

** Just because we limit the regularly appearing digimon tamers does not mean that the number of digimon who appear are lessened.

* Hiroki
A master at the digimon card game. Takato's best friend. An exciting style of game play. Takato's actions when he battles with Guilmon start out as imitations of what Hiroki does. The first child to accept a Realized digimon.

* Mishio
A female classmate. A person of the opposite gender that Takato has special feelings for. She sometimes comes to buy bread at Takato's house. Her parent(s) are in a sleazy line of business (prostitution) and so she is home alone at night, and must care for her young sister. She goes straight home from school.

The Digital World

The Digital World in this series is not the same as the Network (as we understand it), but is a world beyond the Network. However, as in previous series, the network lies between the connection between the worlds. I would just like to make the Network more realistic. Ideally, a mock "network" would be able to tie the child audience to the world of the TV series through toy products and special events.

Other Concept Planning Notes

Time Period Within the show, the illustration will be that of the year 2001. The relationship between the network and daily life, etc, should not be too far from that of reality. This is so that the unusual existence of digimon will be even more attractive.

That said, the new digivice (card slot)'s usage will move more towards a science fictional "gadget" as both humans and digimon "evolve" (mature).

Also, when the adventure to the Digital World is embarked upon, in order to make the Network itself interesting to the audience, it will have to be an"alternate dimension" of sorts.

The Origin of the Blue Cards
Before the Network was developed to this extent, digimon were created in local networks as artificial intelligence (program data). All over the world, young programmers competed for fun to make digimon an autonomous "evolving" program. The program data was written into a special media, the blue card. It is shaped thusly so that it can be slashed into the childrens' digivices. The Blue Cards are nothing more than a medium that encourages autonomous"evolution" among digimon, and it is not guaranteed that any digimon that loads this data will "Digivolve". However, it seems unmistakeable that they will gain some kind of power.

** Unknown whether the people will be introduced as human characters. An example of a model would be Linus Torvald, creator of Linux.

Network Administrators[Concept Plan]
The Internet was born in the 20th century, and as we enter the 21st Century it has become part of our daily lives, "another world" that we cannot do without". Through the Network, people communicate, project themselves into the virtual world, and save their own data.

In order to devise a plan for "Network accidents", the Japanese government set up an information control center. However, as the government feared that imposing control upon the essentially free network would be met with extreme resistance, and also as they were attempting to create a system close to the American NSA Net Observation system "Echelon" and the FBI E-mail bugging system "Carnivore", the existence of this center has been kept top secret.

The Information Control Center's Internet Observation System, "Hypnos"(still under development) noted that within the network, several unexplained packets (data0 were running around. These data appeared to follow an incomprehensible route to appear in the net, multiply, and run around autonomously...

** There are some impossibilities that arise when trying to illustrate the fact that abnormalities are happening in the Network from a child's point of view only.

Of course, the main characters (children) will be facing the problem themselves, but in order to communcate to the audience that they bear a terrible burden of fate, it is necessary to have these "adult characters". We can also increase suspense by introducing this set-up.

** The human characters should be like Mr. Renji Ishibashi in that drama series.

** The Hypnos System actually created a window for the digimon to Realize(materialize)... this detail is in my mind (under investigation).

Digital Field
The first half of the series is focussed on illustrating digimon in the real world in an attractive light, but there is no way that we can have battles in everyday life in front of many people. This is a plan for direction, but digimon who go from the Digital World to the Real World will pull part of the Digital World with them. This is the Digital Field, and within a certain area, it creates a unique visual "field"that is a warped version of real landscape. Whatever is happening in there is not visible from outside, due to the mist.

** However, when it comes to huge digimon, these will probably appear in a crowd.

Regarding the Narration
Before every adventure, there will be 20 seconds of narration to recap the previous episode. The tone of the narration should be different from the previous series, increasing tension and excitement and packing in information as much as possible.

Displaying the Name and Data of each Digimon Appearing In The Episode
We will enter the POV of the battling Digimon (Guilmon, Lunamon, Terriermon, etc) and scan the opponent digimon's data. In a screen-wipe, the data and text will appear, as each Digimon's tamer (Takato, etc) will use dialogue to"detect" the digimon's name, type, and digivolution level.These are the early planning notes that I created shortly before the script-writing began. Although it is number "Version 4.0", I simply continued to add notes to Version 1.0, and so there are no major changes. In some places, the names and designations may conflict, but I have left them as-is.

peaking of bread, we could have some sub-plots with Guilmon's appetite as a motif.

Personality The type who looks like a "good kid" from the parents, teachers, and adult's point of view. He has normal relationships with friends, and he smiles and laughs a lot. However, he sometimes show an e
Although it is affectionate towards people, it has an odd tendency to dis
Children Other Than The Digimon Tamers

The students who go to Takato and Ryu's se more towards a science fictional "gadget" as both humans and digimon "evolve" (mature).

Also, when the adventure to the Digital World is embarked upon, in order to make the Network itself interesting to the audience, it will have to be an"alternate dimension" of sorts.

The Origin of the Blue Cards Before the Network was developed to this extent, digimon were created in local networks as artificial intelligence (program data). All over the world, young programmers competed for fun to make digimon an autonomous "evolving" program. The program data was written into a special media, the blue card. It is shaped thusly so that it can be slashed into the childrens' digivices. The Blue Cards are nothing more than a medium that encourages autonomous"evolution" among digimon, and it is not guaranteed that any digimon that loads this data will "Digivolve". However, it seems unmistakeable that they will gain some kind of power.

** Unknown whether the people will be introduced as human characters. An example of a model would be Linus Torvald, creator of Linux.

Network Administrators[Concept Plan]The Internet was born in the 20th century, and as we enter the 21st Century it has become part of our daily lives, "another world" that we cannot do without". Through the Network, people communicate, project themselves into the virtual world, and save their own data.

In order to devise a plan for "Network accidents", the Japanese government set up an information control center. However, as the government feared that imposing control upon the essentially free network would be met with extreme resistance, and also as they were attempting to create a system close to the American NSA Net Observation system "Echelon" and the FBI E-mail bugging system "Carnivore", the existence of this center has been kept top secret.

e Information Control Center's Internet Observation System, "Hypnos"(still under development) noted that within the network, several unexplained packets (data) were running around. These data appeared to follow an incomprehensible route to appear in the net, multiply, and run around autonomously...

** There are some impossibilities that arise when trying to illustrate the fact that abnormalities are happening in the Network from a child's point of view only.

Of course, the main characters (children) will be facing the problem themselves, but in order to communcate to the audience that they bear a terrible burden of fate, it is necessary to have these "adult characters". We can also increase suspense by introducing this set-up.

** The human characters should be like Mr. Renji Ishibashi in that drama series.

** The Hypnos System actually created a window for the digimon to Realize(materialize)... this detail is in my mind (under investigation).

Digital Field The first half of the series is focussed on illustrating digimon in the real world in an attractive light, but there is no way that we can have battles in everyday life in front of many people. This is a plan for direction, but digimon who go from the Digital World to the Real World will pull part of the Digital World with them. This is the Digital Field, and within a certain area, it creates a unique visual "field"that is a warped version of real landscape. Whatever is happening in there is not visible from outside, due to the mist.

** However, when it comes to huge digimon, these will probably appear in a crowd.

To Digimontamers Top