College Profile

Where we Come from

Makerere University College of Health Sciences was established in 1924 known as Makerere University Medical School, till 2007 when it became Makerere University's premier constituent College. It is the oldest medical training University unit in East Africa; having been in the business of training medical and health professionals for over 80 years. This history has earned it an enviable position in Uganda and the East and Central African region.

In 2008 Makerere University began a major institutional change that led to the creation of Makerere University College of Health Sciences (MakCHS) as the University's first constituent college.  This was an exploration of unchartered waters in the history of university governance in Uganda. MakCHS has experienced both exciting and challenging times but has set a pace for itself and the future is very promising.

Where we are Located

We are located on Mulago Hill within the Mulago National Referral and Teaching Hospital complex, Northeast of Kampala. The clinical teaching disciplines of the College of Health Sciences are currently integrated with Mulago Hospital.


Our Schools

The Makerere University College of Health Sciences is made up of four schools and over 40 units. The schools are;

  • The School of Medicine
  • The School of Health Sciences
  • The School of Public Health
  • The School of Biomedical Sciences

The Institutes and Centres under Makerere University College of Health Sciences include;

  • Infectious Diseases Institute (IDI)
  • Child Health and Development Centre (CHDC)
  • Centre for Tobacco Control in Africa (CTCA)
  • Regional Centre for Quality of Health Care


The College of Health Sciences Management is as follows:

Principal: Professor. Damalie Nakanjako

Deputy Principal: Associate Professor. Isaac Kajja

Dean School of Medicine:   Associate Professor. Annettee Nakimuli

Ag. Dean School of Health Sciences: Dr. Freddy Eric Kitutu

Dean School of Public Health:  Professor. Rhoda Wanyenze

Dean School of Biomedical Sciences:  Professor Moses L. Joloba 


Our Vision

A leading and transformational institution for academic excellence and innovation in health sciences in Africa


Our Mission

To improve the health of the people of Uganda through innovative teaching, research and provision of services responsive to societal needs


Our Values

  • Innovativeness and Adaptability to Change
  • Social Accountability
  • Diversity
  • Excellence and Quality
  • Equity and Social Justice
  • Professionalism


Our Core Functions

The College of Health sciences delivers within the mandate of Makerere University; teaching and learning, research and innovations and service to community.


Teaching and Learning

In this area of strategic focus, the College runs several Undergraduate and Post-graduate Programs. We also run several short courses tailored to address specific needs of people working in the health sector.  For more information about all out current programs please click the lick


Research and Innovations

The College of Health Sciences is a leader in health research in the East African region; working with both academic and other partners, both local and international. In a bid to conduct research that addresses actual needs of the Ugandan population, the College of Health Sciences went through a process to set its research priorities. These will form the core of the research work carried out at the College, although others areas are also considered.
Below is a table that shows the CollegeÔÇÖs five top priority areas of research.

Research area

Public health




Infectious and communicable diseases (including HIV, TB and malaria)





Maternal, Adolescent and Child health, sexual and reproductive health including behavioral research





Health systems





Professionalism, health professional education, ethics and medico-legal





Non-communicable diseases including mental health






Service to Community

The CollegeÔÇÖs Service to Community activities are conducted both as independently planned as well as, as part of research and teaching programs. These activities range from activities done by students under the Community Based Education Research and Services; medication and health education provided as part of a research project.
Independently planned community service activities and projects range from a few days (medical/surgical camps) to several years (community health service projects).

Service in the community


Teaching and Learning Methods
Our teaching and Learning methods seek to develop balanced professionals who will achieve personal as well as professional fulfillment at University, at work and in society at large. 
Our strong emphasis on self-directed study and research encourages individuals to maximize their potential, become problem solvers
We aim to build confident, pragmatic professionals, and to develop communication and leadership skills in our students who emerge as articulate young health professionals ready to contribute widely to the global community.

Our Teaching and Learning Facilities
The College of Health Sciences has several facilities; physical, technological and human, that facilitate top-notch teaching, learning and research for the students as well as faculty. These include libraries and book banks, computer and internet hubs, laboratories, seminar and lecture rooms, specialised equipment, content experts and Mulago Hospital.

Teaching and Leaning

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