The purpose of this track is to showcase Open Science Hardware (OScH) contributions to education and sustainable development, by sharing projects and building collaborations. OScH promotes frugal science for everyone and decentralized development, and in the instance of the medical sector, OScH can make things more open and collaborative, in order to foster awareness that is needed for global collaboration on global issues. We hope to conclude this track by discussing challenges, bottlenecks, and where we go from here.
Session Breakdown
An open source MRI scanner to open up global healthcare – Meet OSI² ONE - Lightning Talk
13:00 – 13:20 UTC Gather Room 1
10 min + 10 min Q&A
Lightning talk: introduction to OScH, example case study of SI² ONE → OSH to support the global availability of medical devices and discussion of practical challenges for OSH businesses and how we address them
By: Martin Häuer
Open Science Hardware to Open Source classic methods of DNA Damage Detection: the Cheek Cell Chip- Lightning Talk
13:20 – 13:40 UTC Gather Room 1
10 min + 10 min Q&A
Lightning talk: Presenting the 'cheek cell chip' project, which allows biohackers anywhere to determine not only their baseline level of DNA damage but also see whether this can be affected by lifestyle choices. The main idea is to make people more aware of common risks to health that can be readily avoided and to use frugal science and especially open science hardware more generally, in community labs anywhere.
By: Rachel Aronoff
How OSH contributes to a resilient society and communities in Africa, specifically in Togo through the Maker Movement. Lightning Talk
13:40 – 14:00 UTC Gather Room 1
10 min + 10 min Q&A
Lightning talk
By: Ousia A. FOLI-BEBE
Panel on Bottlenecks and Challenges for OScH
14:00 – 15:00 UTC . Gather Room 1
Panel on bottlenecks and challenges faced by open science hardware practitioners and how to move forward.
Featuring: Martin Häeur, Rachel Aronoff, Ousia A. FOLI-BEBE and Julieta Arancio. Moderated by Paul Jerchel.
This track is organized and curated by Brianna Johns, Rachel Aronoff, Fernán Federici, Martin Häeur, Ousia A. FOLI-BEBE, Adrian Molecule and Paul Jerchel.
Find out more about the speakers and panelists:
Martin Häuer: Researcher and activist in the domain of open source hardware (OSH); chairperson of Open Source Ecology Germany e.V. (a non-profit conducting research, development and education for OSH) and active in a variety of OSH communities. Martin’s primary focus is the technical, legal and financial infrastructure in order to make OSH a mainstream phenomena. Among these activities he initiated and led the creation of DIN SPEC 3105, the first official standard for OSH and also the first DIN standard that has been released under a free/open license so that the general public can easier take part in the development of technical regulations. He recently joined the OpenSourceImaging Initiative and is now founding a company to distribute Open Source MRI scanners.
Rachel Aronoff is a molecular microbiologist, with broad international experience in basic research. Expert in science communication, genetics, imaging and biosafety, she is founder of the Swiss association, AGiR! Action for Genomic integrity through Research!, which focuses on public health and prevention through a big picture concept of 'genomic integrity.' This includes dynamics of molecular processes in cells, active RNAs and epigenetics, not merely static DNA sequences. Rachel is also president of the 'biohacker' laboratory association,Hackuarium, with whom she promotes open science and DIT (Do-It-Together) Research. Most recently spearheading the Corona Detective project, which became a key focus during the pandemic, Rachel looks forward to further work on her old 'cheek cell chip' project to 'open source' classic methods of DNA damage detection. Communication about scientific research and developments for all audiences is her long-term career objective, but current aims include contributing towards reliable yet inexpensive surveillance screening to help end the pandemic, making AGiR! known and Hackuarium sustainable.
Ousia A. FOLI-BEBE is a Togolese Maker, Founder of #EcoTecLab MakerSpace where he empowers youth through Tinkering and S.T.E.A.M Education. He designed The Molab, a S.T.E.A.M education Mobile MakerSpace with whom he shares his passion and sparks genius in kids village to village all over his country. He is a contributor to Maker riposte to the Covid-19 in his county and the "Miadé net" local network ( a local network project based on the Raspberry Pi and opensource tools.
Julieta Arancio is a postdoctoral researcher at Drexel University (US) and University of Bath (UK), and associate researcher at Centro de Investigaciones para la Transformación (CENIT-UNSAM, Argentina). Within social studies of science and technology, she is interested in the role of open infrastructure for democratising knowledge production. She co-organises the mentoring program Open Hardware Makers and co-founded the network of free technologies for science and education in Latin America (reGOSH).
*This Track is part of Just One Giant Summit: the first community science and innovation conference. For more details on the Summit, including date, schedule, location, etc., return to the main event page here.