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Is the nuke the worst invention ever?

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- Is the nuclear bomb the worst thing ever invented? -  
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Is the nuke the worst invention ever? 
Author: mike_dee23 
Posted: 03/10 6:26 AM 
This is not to discuss the politics, or the historical need for the weapon... but the fact that we have a weapon that can kill all life on this planet, or that a nuclear sub can kill pretty much every living person in most countries, must bring up the question of whether there has been anything worse than the nuclear weapon.

(Reason for the question: I have been playing Fallout 3 and am watching a special on the nuke on Discovery.)

Author: stillmatic 
Posted: 03/10 6:28 AM 
nuclear warheads scares the living (bleep) out of me.

Author: REPPIN 818 
Posted: 03/10 6:32 AM 
All that it will take is one stupid country to launch it. Then, the recipient will fire back and other countries will get involved and the human race will take staggering blows. I just hope it doesn't happen in my lifetime.

It's just going to take one idiot to ruin our species. Is it the worst invention ever? Yes.

Author: mike_dee23 
Posted: 03/10 7:01 AM 
^ when you guys were going through elementary schools, did they do bomb drills and tell you to duck and cover in case of a nuke?

Look at this.

Author: The_Lakers_Show 
Posted: 03/10 7:26 AM 
You realize that it would take hundreds of nuclear explosions to cause worldwide extinction? While the amount of nukes is available the probability of several hundred nukes being detonated in such a small time frame seems unlikely.

Author: Fan0Bynum17 
Posted: 03/10 8:50 AM 
I believe there's a difference in the questions, "Is it the worst thing ever invented?" and "Is it the worst invention ever?" the latter implies the quality of invention, and the former implies a moral judgment of its existence.

Concerning the quality of invention ask yourselves these questions about it: What was it made to accomplish? How well does it accomplish it? Is it useful to society? Does it have a great influence on how we live? It was made to destroy things and cause fear of its potential use. Not only does it have the potential to take out entire cities (and then some with radiation poisoning and fallout), but it has caused great fear among people and altered the course of political and military history greatly since its invention. We've been killing each other and destroying what we've built for thousands of years, the bomb does that to an unpredicented degree. We've desired power and control over others and the fear of the bomb gives those who have it just that. It's made our world a lot smaller, and has given the whole human race a common fear/concern. Not many inventions have this kind of impact on the world, especially when so much of its influence is psychological. Just makes it even more impressive.

Author: SG_Kobe 
Posted: 03/10 9:35 AM 
Look at it from a different point of view. How many wars has its power prevented? One could argue that the Nuke stopped the Cold war from becoming an actual war.

Author: non-player zealot 
Posted: 03/10 1:33 PM 
SG_Kobe wrote:
Look at it from a different point of view. How many wars has its power prevented? One could argue that the Nuke stopped the Cold war from becoming an actual war.

This is probably more correct when chief protagonists have similar numbers of warheads. If not, one side can get nervy. In the case of the Cuban Missile Crisis, the weapon nearly instigated war, and Khrushchev's decision to put them in Cuba was basically out of fear that the Soviets couldn't withstand a first strike by the US.

Author: Omar Little 
Posted: 03/10 7:23 PM 
As a thing, yes, although biological weapons have the possibility of the same effect, worse actually, since a synthesized virus could conceivably spread to the entire populace.

But IMO, it is the social conventions we have established (based on race, creed, nationalism, greed, etc.) that are the root cause of such weapons being created in the first place, so they are in and of themselves more dangerous.

I won't be more specific out of respect for the TOS

Author: C M B 
Posted: 03/10 7:30 PM 
Third worst behind the laserdisc player and the microwavable burrito.

Author: Omar Little 
Posted: 03/10 7:35 PM 
C M B wrote:
Third worst behind the laserdisc player and the microwavable burrito.

Also up for consideration:

Fast food
Reality TV
Instant coffee
The must-have Christmas toy
Celebrities taking over the childrens' book category
Wal Mart

Feel free to add to the list.

Author: Socks 
Posted: 03/10 7:41 PM 

American Idol

Author: Fan0Bynum17 
Posted: 03/10 7:46 PM 
24 wrote:
C M B wrote:
Third worst behind the laserdisc player and the microwavable burrito.

Also up for consideration:

Fast food
Reality TV
Instant coffee
The must-have Christmas toy
Celebrities taking over the childrens' book category
Wal Mart

Feel free to add to the list.

These are perceived as "destructive inventions" not necessarily bad ones. For example, the Beavis and Butthead episode where they bend a wire hanger into the Butt Scratcher 2000. That's a bad invention.

Author: ocho 
Posted: 03/10 7:49 PM 
The Snuggie
Cell Phone Ringtones
Chilli's Restaurant

Author: Omar Little 
Posted: 03/10 7:51 PM 
The Celtics
Mortgage derivatives

Author: ocho 
Posted: 03/10 7:55 PM 
Jimmy Dean Sausage Wrapped in a Pancake on a stick
Lars Ulrich

Author: Omar Little 
Posted: 03/10 8:13 PM 
ocho wrote:
Jimmy Dean Sausage Wrapped in a Pancake on a stick
Lars Ulrich

For real. I'm all for a gratuity for pleasant service, but how is it that restaurants got away with charging us full-bore for the food and then also got us to pay their employees directly?

Author: Fan0Bynum17 
Posted: 03/10 8:16 PM 
24 wrote:
ocho wrote:
Jimmy Dean Sausage Wrapped in a Pancake on a stick
Lars Ulrich

For real. I'm all for a gratuity for pleasant service, but how is it that restaurants got away with charging us full-bore for the food and then also got us to pay their employees directly?

Yup, quite the scam. So, in another sense it's quite the ingenius invention, they've got people who even oppose the idea greatly (like me) to be guilted into doing it. I guess that's the power they have when they handle your food.

Author: ocho 
Posted: 03/10 8:22 PM 
24 wrote:
ocho wrote:
Jimmy Dean Sausage Wrapped in a Pancake on a stick
Lars Ulrich

For real. I'm all for a gratuity for pleasant service, but how is it that restaurants got away with charging us full-bore for the food and then also got us to pay their employees directly?

It's BS. Instead of the establishment paying their waiters a better wage, they've shifted the responsibility onto the customer to supplement their income.

And if I go to a bar do I really need to give a couple bucks to the bartender for pouring me a beer? Grrr.

Nobody put it more eloquently than Mr. Pink:

Author: mike_dee23 
Posted: 03/10 8:22 PM 
ocho wrote:
The Snuggie
Cell Phone Ringtones
Chilli's Restaurant

Twitter is the most awesome thing since Facebook.

Author: ocho 
Posted: 03/10 8:26 PM 
mike_dee23 wrote:
ocho wrote:
The Snuggie
Cell Phone Ringtones
Chilli's Restaurant

Twitter is the most awesome thing since Facebook.

Twitter is what happens when the narcissism of social networking gets completely out of control.

"Hey everyone, I'm at the grocery store right now!"

"Man I'm tired. I want a nap"

"I'm going to eat a sandwich"

Great. Who gives a (bleep).

Author: Omar Little 
Posted: 03/10 8:27 PM 
mike_dee23 wrote:
ocho wrote:
The Snuggie
Cell Phone Ringtones
Chilli's Restaurant

Twitter is the most awesome thing since Facebook.

In and of itself pretty awful.

Author: frijolero01 
Posted: 03/10 8:42 PM 
wost inventions:

reality tv

Author: C M B 
Posted: 03/10 9:05 PM 
Lars Ulrich isn't an invention as much as he is an ejaculation with a name. The drumming on and before AJ4A was excellent though.

Tip Jars (even more obnoxious than standard restaurant tipping)
Halloween Parties
Softcore Porn
Space heaters - Hope you have fire insurance
Ranch Dressing
Safe childrens' toys

Author: DuncanIdaho 
Posted: 03/10 10:03 PM 
I'd say learning more about nuclear physics, and by extension nuclear weapons has been one of the greatest discoveries of mankind. We'd never get off this rock otherwise.

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