LMS district considers 4-day school week

DeJanay Booth
Carlsbad Current-Argus

Loving Municipal Schools may consider implementing a four-day school week in the 2017-2018 school year to save money following state budget cuts.

Loving superintendent Ann Lynn McIlroy said although the district will not expect a significant amount of money saved from the change, the money that they are able to save would help keep the schools operating.

The district's budget was reduced by $79,324.42 in the New Mexico Legislative special session in 2016. An additional $103,324 was withheld in this year's regular legislative session.

Loving Municipal Schools.

"We've already seen about a 4 percent cut so far. We're going to be aggressive and proactive," McIlroy said. "Keep those cost cuts from affecting the students."

If implemented, students would attend classes Monday through Thursday. Loving middle and high school would extend their days by 30 minutes and Loving Elementary School would extend their days by a minimum of an hour to ensure compliance with state school calendar regulations.

McIlroy said discussion of a four-day week started last school year when she first heard recommendations from parents in the community. Since then, she has done some research and spoken to superintendents of school districts which operate on a four-day week.

She said those schools have increased teacher and student attendances and teachers are better able to develop lesson plans for students.

"What goes in the classroom is high quality. We don’t want to cut programs, travel or athletic things that are really good for kids," McIlroy said.

As an additional benefit to opting out of Fridays in the classroom, McIllroy said school athletes may be able to better prepare for game days.

Budget issues are not only putting pressure on the district's school calendar, but three open teaching positions have gone unfilled as it wrestles with funding.

McIllroy said switching to a four-day week may allow them to fill positions which would otherwise remain empty next year due to budget cuts.

"We still want to keep highly qualified teachers," she said.

Robert McEntyre, spokesman for the New Mexico Public Education Department, said school calendars are determined by the district and do not have to be approved by the state's education department. McEntyre said the department only sees a school's calendar when it is submitted with the district's school-year budget.

Any proposed changes to the school year calendar would have to be approved by the Loving School Board.

McEntyre said several New Mexico school districts operate on a four-day week. Some even operate on an interchangeable four-day, five-day week calendar.

"The only thing we (the Public Education Department) look at or monitor is whether the district is meeting the statutory required hours," McEntyre said.

According to NMAC, school districts on a regular or variable calendar must operate for at least 180 full instructional days per year. Excluding lunch period, students in kindergarten, in a full program, must be in school for a minimum five and a half hours a day. Students in grades first through sixth must be in school for five and a half hours and students in grades seventh through 12th must be in school for a minimum of six days.

However, districts operating under a condensed school calendar may operate for a minimum of 150 days. Kindergarten through sixth grade students must be in school for a minimum of six and a half hours per day. Students in grades seventh through 12 must be in school for at least seven hours and 12 minutes per day.

Gathering parents' input

The district will host a public forum for parents at 7 p.m. on Thursday at Loving Elementary School to discuss a four-day school week. McIlroy said she hopes that the forum will have a large turnout.

She said if parents are not in favor of having a four-day school week, the district may not consider the change.

Administrators will use the meeting as an opportunity to collect questions about the proposed schedule. Students and teachers are expected to present their findings and suggestions following conversations with outside school districts who operate on a four-day week.

"It’s important that the community is a part of the decision making process," McIlroy said. "We have to have community support. We are here to serve this community, we’re here to serve them."

DeJanay Booth can be reached at 575-628-5546, dbooth@currentargus.com and @DeJanayBooth on Twitter.