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EPISD Central Office Relocation to Downtown El Paso FAQ
General Public
Why is EPISD moving downtown?
Currently, EPISD Central offices are located on 6531 Boeing Dr., on El Paso International Airport (EPIA) property. The District has been leasing land from the EPIA since 1963 for administrative offices. El Paso continues to grow and this land has become a valuable asset to the City of El Paso, which plans to capitalize on the value of the land’s proximity to the international airport. The district’s lease was originally set to expire in 2014, but the EPIA has granted EPISD an extension to allow the district ample time to explore relocation options.
When does the lease expire?
The lease with the City of El Paso will expire on December 31, 2019. The City of El Paso has been very accommodating and has worked with EPISD staff to ensure a smooth transition.
Why is EPISD moving downtown?
The Board of Trustees has made a commitment to be part of the city’s downtown renaissance. With so much going on downtown, the board felt that it would be important to place the district’s headquarters in the heart of the city, which also makes the location ideal and convenient for visitors and employees from all sides of the district’s boundaries.
What departments will be moving downtown?
Most administrative functions from the education center at Boeing will be relocated to the downtown main office. There will be approximately 400 employees moving downtown. The departments include the following:
- Academics
- Athletics
- Budget/External Funding
- Community Engagement
- Deputy Superintendents
- Facilities & Construction
- Finance and Operations
- Financial Services
- Health Clinic
- Human Resources
- Innovation Design and Development
- Internal Audit
- School Leadership
- Legal Counsel
- Mail Room
- Police Services
- Print Shop
- Risk Management
- Student & Parent Services
- Superintendent
- Technology Services
- Treasure Office.
Are other departments moving to other facilities?
Yes, Special Education will stay at Old Magoffin. A portion of the IT Department will move to the Highland Annex. The district is currently making various improvements to these facilities; this includes new parking areas, interior renovations, and landscaping improvements. All of Transportation and Operation Services will move to the new Delta Operations Center located at 2000 Delta; tentatively scheduled to be open in Summer 2019.
How much will the relocation cost?
The cost for acquiring the building at 1100 N. Stanton and the vacant lot at 1014 N. Stanton was $3.2 million. The cost for comprehensive renovations and construction of the new facility is still being determined and will be finalized once designs are complete.
How is the district paying for the downtown relocation?
The district is using Maintenance Tax Notes for the renovations and general bonds for the new construction.
Are any 2016 bond funds being used?
No. The 2016 bond funds will not be utilized for any expenses associated with the relocation. Those funds are earmarked for specific projects that include the various renovations and new construction at several campuses. For more information please visit: www.episd.org/episdbond2016
Who is the design firm for the new downtown buildings and how were they chosen?
Huitt Zollars was selected as the architectural firm to design the new administration buildings. A formal Request for Qualifications was issued by EPISD, followed by a review process, which determined that Huitt Zollars would be the best firm for the relocation project.
When will the relocation be complete?
We anticipate the newly renovated and constructed offices downtown to be completed as early as Winter of 2019. Departments moving to other facilities are expected to begin relocation as early as Spring of 2018.
What exactly will be built at the Stanton location?
In order to accommodate the various departments and employees currently at Boeing, the district needs approximately 120,000 square feet of office space. The existing tower locate at 1100 N. Stanton includes about 80,000 square feet. The project includes a total gut renovation that will accommodate various departments. The vacant lot located at 1014 N. Stanton will include an additional 40,000 square feet within a new building on three stories. This building will include the Superintendent’s offices, community engagement, district attorneys, the boardroom, among other uses.
The new building will also include about 2,000 square feet of neighborhood commercial uses; these may include a coffee shop, small grocery store, dry cleaners, a gym, and other relevant services that benefit employees and surrounding residents. The exact uses are still being determined.
Will there be plenty of parking?
EPISD plans to accommodate both staff and visitors at the new facilities. We also plan to take advantage of the new downtown location and new El Paso Streetcar. These amenities will give both employees and visitors multi-modal choices such as walking, public transportation and on-street parking options.
District Personnel
When should I begin packing for the relocation?
There is still time before we have to relocate. We estimate the new facilities downtown to be ready in October/November of 2019. However, Facilities staff recommends that you begin to think about the items you want to pack and the items you will need to dispose of; this can alleviate the pressure of having to pack everything at once.
How do I get boxes to pack up my belongings?
Several months before we know exactly when we will be moving, Facilities will provide each employee with boxes, tape, markers, etc. to help with the packing. We are aiming to have a green move where we provide reusable plastic boxes to employees; we will keep you updated on this process. It is always better to start cleaning out your office earlier rather than later, employees will not have access to the 6531 Boeing site once we move.
Will we have help with the transition?
Yes, we have hired a Logistics Coordinator to help with the move, the transition, furniture, and any other pertinent items associated with the move. We plan to make this as smooth and seamless as possible for our employees. However, please keep in mind that this is a major undertaking and we will ask for assistance, patience and good spirits. This is an exciting time for the district and our employees and we hope that employees recognize the value of having new offices, being downtown, and better amenities.
Where can I get more information?
You can utilize the EPISD, “Let’s Talk” communication tool. Also, Marisela Huerta, Logistics Coordinator and Mauro Monsisvais, Project Manager can provide further information.