OpenAI Playground Text Complete, Ace Combat 7




About Vinesauce


I'm Vinny of Vinesauce and I focus on variety streaming. I don't have a schedule and stream a few times a week, but you can expect full playthroughs, classic games, randomizers, corruptions, trash games and weird/forgotten games. More prerecorded videos are on my youtube.

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Hi, this is Vinny. I'm the founder of Vinesauce and I stream on this channel. I stream a variety of stuff; from the more interesting newer games, to the classics, to awful games no one should ever see, to corrupting games just to watch the world burn. I hope you enjoy your stay.

For the other streamers go to or our Twitch Team Page.

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Vinesauce Highlights

If you want to watch some of my full past streams, you can check them out on Vinesauce: The Full Sauce. All of my streams will be cataloged there going forward as Twitch deletes streams older than 60 days. You can also find some classic streams from many years ago there.

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-Every time we stream we post to twitter. Follow us, @Vinesauce, to see what game we're streaming and when.

-Or follow my personal twitter @vinnyvinesauce to see almost nothing of worth.

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Thanks for stopping by! We do have some chat rules, so be sure to read them when you get a chance. Rules

In regards to community issues, please click here.

I don't actually have a set schedule. I just stream whenever I can.

For FAQs and contact info go here: Vinesauce Contact

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Want to look like a jabroni in public? Yes? Click here to check out the store. Socks and plushies are also available with new items added periodically.

You can also access our old store for previous designs.

"This is a good shirt." -Jesus

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Subscribing to my channel is always appreciated, but not encouraged. If you really want to, you'll get some Vinesauce themed emotes and my thanks... That's about it really.

I don't take donations anymore, so save them for the charity stream.

-I'm sorry to say I don't read or call out subs live on stream. That doesn't mean I'm not thankful for them, but I'd rather not interrupt the stream with that stuff. It's 100% appreciated and 100% not necessary. Same goes for bits. Appreciated, but not read out loud or asked for.


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The broadcaster has indicated that this channel is intended for mature audiences.