Electromagnetic wave clinic

Human body is like electric device

■​ ​Human body is like electric device

The human body is moving with weak electricity, as you can see in brain fluid, electrocardiograms and electromyography. Therefore, it is strongly affected by the electromagnetic waves generated by the surrounding home appliances.

■​ ​Human body moves by direct current electricity

The human body actually moves by direct current electricity. AC electricity causes electromagnetic interference by interrupting the flow of DC electricity. If it is alternating, the EKG waveform looks like below.

■​ ​Human body is electric conductor

The human body conducts electricity. (Conductor) Therefore, it can be said that we are susceptible to the effects of electromagnetic waves

■​ ​Diseases cured by static electricity

How to reduce static electricity is an important issue in semiconductor manufacturing plants. It is said that static electricity destroys the semiconductor.
Static electricity also works destructively to the human body. Static electricity interferes with the flow of neural current and causes the brain to malfunction. In addition, it may cause blood flow disorder and stagnation of the flow of lymph fluid, resulting in abnormal immunity.

■​ ​Influence of magnetic field on human body

As the electric field waves move as if drilling with a drill, and it even penetrates human body. Moreover, there is a theory that this magnetic field would tear off genes. Magnetic fields can be said to be strong enough to cause fatal disorder to the human body.

■​ ​Electromagnetic wave disorder and electromagnetic wave hypersensitivity

I think that electromagnetic wave hypersensitivity and electromagnetic wave disorder are basically the same. In my case, I call the people who are not aware that their symptoms or disease are caused by electromagnetic waves, people with electromagnetic interference. On the other hand, People who know that electromagnetic waves are the cause of their symptoms and diseases, and the effects of electromagnetic waves are spreading throughout the body and people who are in panic are called people with hypersensitivity to electromagnetic waves. There is no doubt that both people with electromagnetic interference and people with hypersensitivity to electromagnetic waves are caused by exposure to electromagnetic waves, so we don’t think we need to separate. The symptoms that appear in people with electromagnetic wave hypersensitivity also appear in people with electromagnetic wave disorders. Here are the main symptoms of Dr. Zamir P. Shalita’s hypersensitivity to electromagnetic waves.

Main symptoms of electromagnetic wave hypersensitivity (from the book written by Dr. Zamir P. Shalita)
Frequent signs
1. Unusual fever, sunburn-like fever, inflammation or redness on the face
2. Starting from the face and moving to other parts of the body, feel tickling, itching and stinging pain
3. Thirstiness of upper respiratory area and dyspnea
4. Dried eyes and inflammation
5. Lack of concentration, sissiness, loss of memory and sense of direction
6. Mucosal enlargement (not an infection) and swelling of nose, throat, sinuses and ears
7. Feel as if symptoms of flu had started even though you are not infected with
8. Symptoms resembling thematic reactions associated with autoimmune disease

Not frequent but serious signs
1. Headache, nausea, feeling tired (headache is a typical symptom of electromagnetic wave. I think that it is better to put headache in the symptom that appears frequently)
2. Losing sense of skin
3. Aching tooth and jaw
4. Muscle aching and joint aching
5. Abdominal pressure or pain
6. Tachycardia or arrhythmia

More serious signs
1. Loss of consciousness
2. Cerebral hemorrhage

■​ ​Electromagnetic waves and static electricity

There is an inseparable relationship between electromagnetic waves and static electricity. That means that if there is a lot of electromagnetic noise, there will be a lot of static electricity, and if there is a lot of static electricity there will be a lot of electromagnetic noise.
If we take extra static electricity from our body, our illness may be significantly reduced or eliminated. Hay fever, which is sad to be a national disease as for instance. People who complain of itchy eyes whose symptoms of hay fever are so bad that they can not be cured even if they take medicine often visit to our clinic in spring. When those people put an earplug (with a built-in semiconductor) that has the function of removing static electricity into the hole of the ear, static electricity accumulated in the sinuses on the inside of the face is removed, itchiness may disappear. Either nose or both noses may be clear at the same time. There are some people who overcome the season without any symptoms of hay fever with no using any medicine but the earplug.
Hay feverstatic electricity and electromagnetic wavemild hay fever
There are many places where cedar trees are planted in shrines, and there are places where cedar trees are sacred trees. However, I don’t hear much about someone is going to have hay fever when they visit a shrine. That is because there is no exposure to electromagnetic waves when in a shrine grounds, and static electricity is also grounded to the ground. When it comes to itching of atopic dermatitis, when using something, itchiness of 80 to 90 % of people with atopic dermatitis may disappear within 3 minutes without using any medicine. The method is to remove the static electricity that is charged to people with atopic dermatitis. One may lose itchiness by using ear plugs that developed for pollen. Another one is applying aluminum around the neck and around scapula to remove itchiness. These two ways make your itchiness to be clear.

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