
A Short Interview with andymori

18/05/2010 2010-05-18 00:01:00 JaME Author: Non-non, Kay & Aurore

A Short Interview with andymori

Before their first tour in Canada, JaME had the opportunity for a very brief interview with the up and coming indie rock band, andymori.

© andymori
Indie rock band andymori has gotten a lot of attention lately. Not only have they gained a sizeable fanbase in Japan, but they have also been noticed overseas and have gotten the opportunity to perform four shows in Canada.Throughout May, andymori is touring with four other Japanese bands on the Next Music from TOKYO!!! vol 1. Before they left on their tour, the band spent a little time answering a few questions.

First at all, could you introduce your band to our readers who don't know you yet?

andymori: We are three good citizens living in Tokyo.

What does the name 'andymori' mean and how did you decide on it?

andymori: It's a combination of Andy Warhol and the Latin phrase "memento mori."

How did you meet together and how did the idea of a band come up?

andymori: We met in university, drank together and formed the band.

If you were to choose one word to describe your music, what would it be?

andymori: Piggyback fight.

Your PVs are all very interesting, especially the one for CITY LIGHTS with its special effects. How did you come up with the idea to do a PV in such way?

andymori: It’s the idea of a movie director, Mr. Fukazu, who is our colleague. If you are interested in it, please see him.

You've been around for about three years now and you've become very famous in a short time. What's the secret behind your success?

andymori: We sleep a lot.

What was one of the most memorable experiences you had as a band in the past three years?

andymori: Our Canadian tour.

How did the songwriting process of Fanfare to Nekyou go? Did you have any themes in particular in mind when composing it?

andymori: We thought of our home town.

One of your songs is called 1984. Does this date have a particular meaning to you?

andymori: It’s the year when we were born.

You usually sing in Japanese, but most of your song titles and the refrains are in English. What are the reasons for that?

andymori: We think English is better to put in our music.

Soon you will perform in Canada. How did this opportunity come about?

andymori: A Canadian doctor heard our music and liked us, so he invited us.

What are you expecting from this tour? Do you think it will be very different from touring in Japan?

andymori: We want to fish for king salmon and bake it wrapped in tinfoil.

Are there any artists you dream of sharing the stage with?

andymori: broken social scene.

The independent rock scene is growing in Japan - what do you think about the actual rock scene?

andymori: There is no rock scene in Japan.

What are, in your opinion, the advantages and disadvantages to being an indie band?

andymori: The good point is that we can work with nimble footwork. The bad point is that we are undistinguished.

Where do you see yourself in ten years? Do you have some special goals you want to reach?

andymori: We feel we've been moving very fast. Our goal is to seize the truth.

A message for our readers?

andymori: Let’s enjoy.

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