Spybotics: The Nightfall Incident Walkthrough
My walkthrough assumes that you cannot use Bit-Man's Zero ability digging trenches makes winning any node far too easy. Whenever possible I avoid Bit-Man altogether.
On every node, there are many different ways to win. I tried to describe methods that are simple and straightforward. I also favored methods that are very fast (perhaps avoiding turbo and fiddle). My program selection favored cheap and readily available units. However, the methods described in the walkthrough are almost always overkill – strong enough to not lose any units during battle. As a result, you can often afford to make mistakes in implementation.
A note about the labelling system: the number before the dash indicates the Security Access Level, and the number after the dash shows the distance from the entrance. For example, a 1-3 node is at Security Access Level 1, but requires you to defeat two other nodes to reach it.
Part One of Four. SMART HQ to Warez 2 (Network City)
0-1 / SMART / S.M.A.R.T. HQ
A helpful tutorial movie, showing how to use the tactical map interface. (Uploads: 2; Enemies: 1x Sentinel)
1-1 / Warez / Leo's Shop
Warez shop containing Hack, Bug, Slingshot, Data Doctor, and Bit-Man.
(Grade:A) Hack is your generic assault unit and the backbone of most strategies, so you'll probably buy more.
(Grade:A-) Bug's high mobility makes it very useful in specific circumstances, and you won't regret buying several.
(Grade:D) I find that Slingshot's weak damage makes it hard to use effectively – there's a very big difference between 1 and 2 damage.
(Grade:B-) Data Doctor is a powerful unit if you know how to use it on the front lines (4 movement allows it to absorb up to 4 damage per turn), but I doubt you'll use more than 1.
(Obsolete:) Hack and Slingshot become obsolete at Warez 2. Bug and Data Doctor become obsolete at Warez 3. Bit-Man never becomes obsolete. Don't worry about buying obsolete units. Since you can make 1000+ credits by replaying old cash nodes, you can easily recover from any purchasing excesses.
1-1 / Lucky Monkey / Tech Support
Uploads: 2 | Enemies: 2x Sentinel | Credits: 400 |
Easy: (Hack + Slingshot)
One Hack can sweep through and kill both Sentinels.
Plot: Disarray reveals Warez 1.
1-1 / Pharmhaus / PR Database
Uploads: 2 | Enemies: 1x Watchman, 1x Guard Pup, 1x Sentinel | Credits: 1280 |
Easy: (Hack + Slingshot)
One Hack can sweep through and kill everything while gathering all the green credit squares. Since each enemy only causes two damage, you're not in any danger if you move your unit into two open squares each turn and avoid getting double-teamed (e.g. save Watchman for last – or take it out first). Collect all money before killing the last foe.
Plot: Spinner reveals Pharmhaus Government Affairs.
1-2 / Pharmhaus / Employee Records
Uploads: 3 | Enemies: 1x Watchman, 2x Guard Pup | Credits: 400 & Islands 2310 |
Easy: (Hack + Slingshot + Bit-Man)
One Hack can sweep through and kill everything, as long as you keep moving. For example, kill both Guard Pups before the Watchman gets within range. You need a Bit-Man if you want to gather the credits. To keep the node from ending early, nurse the last computer unit with a large fast unit (like Hack) while your Bit-Man slogs through cash.
1-2 / Cellular Automata / Memory Tower#43
Uploads: 4 | Enemies: 2x Watchman, 2x Guard Pup, 1x Sentinel | Credits: 400 |
Mild: (Hack + Slingshot + Hack/Bug/etc.)
Winning the node with a single Hack is difficult but instructive. Since you get four upload slots, throw everything you own into the battle and you shouldn't have trouble.
1-3 / Cellular Automata / Sydney Project
Uploads: 2 (+ Free Bit-Man) | Enemies: 3x Sentinel | Credits: 990 | Document Capture, Level 2 Codes |
Easy: (Hack + Slingshot) + Free Bit-Man
One Hack can sweep through and kill everything. Here's a sample walkthrough for you: put a Hack in the upper right upload slot and leave the lower right slot empty. On the first turn, move down 1 then right 1. On the second turn, move up 1 then right 1, and slice right to kill the size 2 Sentinel. Your size 4 move 2 Hack now handily cleans up on the remaining two size 3 move 1 Sentinels, since they're isolated from each other.
Plot: Level 2 Access Codes; Superphreak reveals Warez 2.
1-3 / Pharmhaus / Government Affairs
Uploads: 4 | Enemies: 8x Guard Pup | Credits: 1090 | Program: Clog.01 |
Moderate: (4x Hack); (2x Hack 2x Bug)
When two Guard Pups travel side-by-side, they escort each other – a single Bug can't take them out (unless you can split the dogs with a bottleneck or a nearby decoy). A single Hack can take out a Guard Pup pair, but if you aren't careful with timing, the next pair of Guard Pups arrive at range four (out of reach of your head) and defeat you. Use 4x Hack and send one Hack into each quadrant. Or use any mix of units but run them all in the same direction, so that they can work together. Make sure that your Bugs aren't expected to solo against a pair of fast enemy units.
Plot: Special Program Clog.01
(Grade:A) Clog.01's lag ability is grossly strong once you learn how to blockade and tangle enemy units. This unit is strongest in crowded and cluttered terrain, but still a welcome addition to almost any node. Clog.01 doesn't have any damage capability, so nodes take longer to clear when you use it in place of an attack unit.
2-1 / Lucky Monkey / Club Center
Uploads: 4 | Enemies: 4x Sentinel 2.0 | Credits: 600 |
Mild: (Clog.01 + Hack + Hack + Slingshot)
If you've earned the Clog.01, you can use it to paralyze one of the computer's central units, and then attack other units around it as they try to come through the bottleneck. Clog.01 has such long range that you can lag second rank units as well.
Plot: Wintermutant reveals Dr. Donut Supply Management.
2-2 / Cellular Automata / Inventory Archives
Uploads: 2 | Enemies: 4x Watchman X | Credits: 1470 |
Easy: (Bug + Bug), (Hack + Bug), (Hack + Hack)
Two Bugs can each assassinate a Watchman X and then work together. Going into this battle with a lone Hack is surprisingly routine – travel diagonally toward the first enemy (such as the upper left) and work your way around the clock face, moving two empty spaces each turn. Remember that computer units activate left-to-right: if your closest foes activate first, they can shoot your tail out of range of more distant foes, saving you from death.
2-3 / Warez / Network City
Warez shop containing Hack 2.0, Golem.mud, Wolf Spider, Seeker, TOWER, Medic, and Turbo.
(Grade:A) / Hack 2.0 is an incredible improvement over Hack, and is strong enough to handle most assaults.
(Grade:B) Golem.mud is the first golem – this unit is powerful, but hard to use because of its slow speed.
(Grade:F) Wolf Spider combines the worst of Seeker and Hack 2.0. It is considerably weaker than both. I wouldn't recommend buying any of these (unless you're pulling something strange).
(Grade:A) Seeker is an incredible improvement over Slingshot, giving you a dangerous short-range artillery unit.
(Grade:B+) TOWER has greater damage and range than Slingshot, but no mobility. Combined with Turbo's enhancement, this unit is very dangerous. Without Turbo's help, Seeker is usually stronger.
(Grade:C) Medic is a ranged Data Doctor, allowing you to boost your units remotely from the back ranks. I didn't buy any, since I preferred Data Doctor for its faster movement and larger size.
(Grade:A-) Turbo is a very powerful buffing unit. I only used 1 since it quickly became obsolete.
(Obsolete:) Wolf Spider is already obsolete. Hack 2.0, Golem.mud, Seeker, TOWER, and Turbo all become obsolete at Warez 3. Strictly speaking, Medic never becomes obsolete, but its ranged growth abilities are rarely useful – in my opinion, Medic is effectively useless compared to Warez 3 (Data Doctor Pro and Turbo Deluxe).
Part Two of Four. Warez 2 (Network City) to Warez 3 (Ready to Ware)
2-2 / Cellular Automata / Communications Hub
Uploads: 5 | Enemies: 2x Guard Dog, 1x Warden, 2x Watchman, 1x Watchman X | Credits: 1390 |
Mild: (kitchen sink)
The first encounter is a pair of Guard Dogs racing forward. If you have enough firepower to destroy them, you should also be able to clean up the slow second wave without much trouble. Try out some of the new level 2 units. In addition, your Clog.01's tremendous range allows it to disable an entire army of Wardens and Watchmen from beyond their maximum range. Once a unit is frozen (move 0), any combat unit can destroy it (avoid the head of the frozen Warden and stay out of overlapping fields of fire).
Plot: Joana reveals Cellular Automata S.A. Archives.
2-3 / Lucky Monkey / Print Assets
Uploads: 2 | Enemies: 4x Warden | Credits: 2280-2450 |
Easy: (TOWER + Turbo)
Turbo enables any level 2 unit to plow through this node – use TOWER with Turbo for a bloodbath. Alternatively, Clog.01 can do the dirty work: freeze all the Wardens at range and let any combat unit do cleanup. Seeker or Hack 2.0 are good assault troops – due to the close-quarter fighting, small units like Wolf Spider, Bug, or Hack 1.0 will have to be played carefully during cleanup duty here.
2-4 / Lucky Monkey / Banane System
Uploads: 10 | Enemies: 10x Guard Pup 7x Sentinel 4x Watchman | Credits: ??? | Document Capture, Level 3 Codes |
Moderately Hard: (kitchen sink)
This node is the first of the massive brawls. The terrain is wide-open and the enemy units are staggered for overlapping defenses, so you'll have to conserve and protect your units. Run away from preponderances of force – if you kill Guard Pups quickly, you can run safely from other enemy units. On the positive side, you'll probably be able to dump everything you own into this battle. Buff and de-buff units (e.g. Turbo and Clog.01) can be used to great effect in large battles like this one.
Plot: Level 3 Access Codes; Superphreak reveals Warez 3.
2-1 / Lucky Monkey / Eastern Distribution Site
Uploads: 4 | Enemies: 7x Guard Dog | Credits: ??? | Document Capture |
Moderately Hard: (Clog.01 + friends)
If Bit-Man Zeros the narrow access tunnel, any ranged unit can murder all the Guard Dogs by firing across the gap. Once all the enemies are dead, Bit-Man can rebuild and gather the documents. Similarly, a Clog.01 program will slow down the attackers enough to enable even a Hack or Slingshot to outgun the node.
2-2 / Pharmhaus / Clinical Trial Database
Uploads: 2 | Enemies: 5x Sensor 1x Warden++ | Credits: ??? & Island: ??? | Document Capture |
Easy: (Seeker + Bit-Man)
Since the Sensor attack is so weak, the Slingshot is the only unit that can't stroll down the corridors and survive. A Seeker (or even a Hack) will be able to destroy all the sensors and capture the document. If you want to rob the vault, don't use your Bit-Man until Seeker has destroyed the Warden++ (lure it into a corner trapped between money and two walls). After the Warden++ is dead, Bit-Man can easily collect all the credits.
3-1 / Lucky Monkey / Toy Properties
Uploads: 2 | Enemies: 2x Attack Dog 1x Fire Wall | Credits: ??? |
Moderately Hard: (2x Bug)
The upload choice is pretty obvious – the Attack Dogs are a nightmare if you don't assassinate them on your first turn. After that, just stay at least (or exactly) three spaces away from the head of the Fire Wall and run around in circles. As general strategy advice, never sacrifice units when you can retreat safely. Wander around long enough and you'll discover how to cause the computer to stumble over itself. For example, the Fire Wall will walk on top of itself to get to a Bug near its tail.
3-2 / Warez / Ready to Ware
Warez shop containing Hack 3.0, Golem.clay, Black Widow, MandelBug, BuzzBomb, Fiddle, Seeker 2.0, Mobile Tower, Satellite, Ballista, Data Doctor Pro, Clog.02, and Turbo Deluxe.
(Grade:A) Hack 3.0 is another incredible improvement in speed and damage. The size 3 requirement of Dice increases to a size 4 requirement for Mutilate, but Hack 3.0's fast movement allows it to meet the size req in a single turn. This is the strongest all-purpose unit in the game.
(Grade:A) Golem.clay is large and lethal. Its only weakness is its relatively slow speed.
(Grade:C) Black Widow is a highly mobile melee Clog (with an additional damage capability). It is often harder to use than Clog due to its small max size and lack of range. (Dual-purpose unit.)
(Grade:A-) MandelBug is a huge improvement to Bug.
(Grade:D) BuzzBomb is a special purpose unit. Its unparalleled speed allows it to assassinate distant foes with its tiny sting (reach of 11 spaces on turn 1 when combined with Turbo Deluxe). Unfortunately, its suicide attack isn't any better than the cheaper Golem.clay. Usually MandelBug is a stronger asset than BuzzBomb – 1 damage every turn isn't as useful as 4 damage every turn after the first.
(Grade:B+) Fiddle is a top-level buffing unit. I only used 1.
(Grade:B+) Seeker 2.0 is a damage and size improvement over Seeker.
(Grade:C) Mobile Tower, Satellite, and Ballista make up a suite of speed 1 artillery units. (Since few enemy units cause only 1 damage, Ballista's max size 2 is as much a liability as an asset.) These slow artillery units are often most useful when buffed by Turbo Deluxe, Fiddle, and Data Doctor Pro. Since damage and artillery range cannot be buffed, these units are differentiated by their range/damage tradeoff. All of them are effective, so the best choice probably depends upon your playing style. Ballista's long range makes it the most distinct and obviously useful of these units – the others don't have enough of an improvement over Seeker 2.0. I found all these units to be a bit overpriced.
(Grade:B+) Data Doctor Pro is a top-level buffing unit. Megagrow is rarely useful – Surgery is the real key. Permanent speed is often more desirable than size (c.f. Turbo Deluxe, Fiddle), but Data Doctor's uniquely gigantic size and speed allow it to blockade and interdict on the front lines, unlike all other buffing units. I only used 1.
(Grade:A) A minor-looking but desparately needed upgrade (slow 2 instead of slow 1) allows Clog.02 to compete against faster computer units.
(Grade:A) Turbo Deluxe is the premier buffing unit. Since maximum speed caps at 10, you're unlikely to benefit from more than 2 of these.
(Obsolete:) Hack 3.0, BuzzBomb, Fiddle, Data Doctor Pro, and Turbo Deluxe never become obsolete. Golem.clay, Black Widow, MandelBug, Seeker 2.0, Mobile Tower, Satellite, Ballista, and Clog.02 become obsolete at Warez 4.
Part Three of Four: Warez 3 (Ready to Ware) to Warez 4 (Agora)
2-3 / Dr. Donut / Supply Management
Uploads: 6 | Enemies: 2x Sentinel 2.0 8x Sentinel | Credits: ??? |
Mild: (kitchen sink)
Watch out for the two Sentinel version 2.0s, but otherwise Sentinels are slow and susceptible to tangling. With six upload slots and access to level 3 programs, your army probably outmatches the computer.
Plot: Disarray reveals Dr. Donut Market Research.
2-4 / Dr. Donut / Franchise Office
Uploads: 5 | Enemies: 3x Warden 4x Sentinel | Credits: ??? |
Mild: (kitchen sink)
Another node where your army is stronger than the computer. All of the computer's units are movement 1, so they are easy to outmaneuver if you are cautious.
3-2 / PED / Off-Shore Transactions
Uploads: 3 | Enemies: 4x Watchman 4x Sensor | Credits: ??? |
Easy: (any)
Although you only get three uploads, your opposition here is very weak. There are many easy ways to get through this node: use ranged fire of your own (such as Seeker), use large damage sinks (such as Golem.clay), and/or use Turbo to speed up your units. If you're patient, Turbo is very strong against artillery forces, since you have plenty of time to buff.
3-3 / Pharmhaus / Vaccine Database
Uploads: 2 & 2 | Enemies: 3x Sentinel 3.0 & 2x Warden+ | Credits: ??? |
Hard: (2x Hack 3.0/Mandelbug & 1x Clog.02 1x Seeker)
One of my favorite nodes for learning how to play against the computer AI. Financial resources permitting, you'll want to bring in four high-power units. The three Sentinel 3.0s can be defeated by two combat units that can each ambush for four damage (Hack 3.0, Golem.clay, MandelBug, Satellite). Charge forward and kill two of the three Sentinels, then kill the third on your next turn. The two Warden+s can both be frozen by a Clog.02 and finished off by a ranged unit (or any combat unit if you clog carefully). Eventually you might discover that this node can be beaten by uploading only three units instead of four … then beaten uploading only two units – without ever getting hit!
Plot: Superphreak reveals Unknown Node.
3-4 / Pharmhaus / HMO Procedure Mgmt
Uploads: 3 | Enemies: 10x Sensor, 1x Sonar | Credits: ??? | Document Capture, Level 4 Codes |
Mild: (1x Turbo Deluxe 1x Data Doctor Pro 1x Any)
Buffing provides the only (non-Bit-Man) solution to this node. Just one extremely long attacker can destroy all the enemy units. For example, a size 10 BuzzBomb or a size 15 Bug or size 15 Ballista should be strong enough. Data Doctor Pro can use Surgery along the entry path and then Megagrow during the combat to protect your attacker. Fiddle also works well here. Bit-Man can dig straight up to the documents if you're lazy.
Plot: Level 4 Access Codes; Superphreak reveals Warez 4
3-1 / Dr. Donut / Market Research
Uploads: 4 | Enemies: 9x Watchman SP | Credits: ??? |
Moderate: (4x Hack 3.0/Golem.clay)
The computer's large long-range killers stay in tight packs of three. Your new high power units (Hack 3.0 and Golem.clay) can gang up on them, or you can use Clog.02 and/or Turbo Deluxe with Golem.clay.
Plot: Wintermutant reveals Lucky Monkey Film Properties
Not necessary, but an easy node:
3-2 / Dr. Donut / Flavor Evaluation Lab
Uploads: 1 | Enemies: 6x Sentinel | Credits: ??? | Document Capture |
Easy: (MandelBug)
MandelBug flies through this node. Almost any combat unit will coast to easy money (about 4000 credits). Sentinels are too slow and predictable to pose a threat.
Not necessary, but an easy node:
3-2 / Lucky Monkey / Lucky Jungle Central
Uploads: 2 | Enemies: 4x Fire Wall | Credits: ??? | Document Capture |
Easy: (Black Widow + Golem.clay)
Fire Walls' weak damage makes them nearly harmless. They are perfect prey for paralysis by Black Widow or Clog.02. A heavy hitter like Golem.clay lets you tear down the Walls in a hurry.
3-2 / Dr. Donut / Beverage Subsidiaries
Uploads: 6; 4x Attack Dog, 4x Sentinel 3.0, 4x Watchman SP | Credits: ??? |
Hard: (Turbo Deluxe + Clog.02 + lots of Golem.clay/Hack 3.0) (Turbo Deluxe + 5x Golem.clay)
An impressive array of foes in an open arena yields another battle royale. Using Clog.02 on the middle Sentinels (and leaving them there) can tangle up the computer's units, but the real edge seems to be gained in splitting the damage from incoming Attack Dogs so that your units are wounded but never killed, and can fully heal on their next move. One Turbo Deluxe and five Golem.clays (or some Hack 3.0s) gives you enough firepower to crash through if you pick your enemies carefully (or get lucky). Hold back for a few turns to draw the innermost Sentinels and Attack Dogs well away from their ranged support. For example, your five attackers can kill three Sentinels and an Attack Dog in one turn (probably your third turn), leaving only one Attack Dog and one Sentinel in range – you'll probably lose only one unit total using this strategy.
Plot: Spinner reveals PED Privileged Accounts.
4-1 / Lucky Monkey / Assimilation Timetable
Uploads: 2; 1x Sumo | Credits: ??? |
Easy: (Black Widow)
Maybe Sumo was more dangerous during beta testing. Clog.02 or Black Widow will permanently freeze it in place. Freeze it, collect the credits, and then kill it.
Plot: Wintermutant reveals Pharmhaus Proprietary Research.
4-2 / Warez / Agora
Warez shop containing Golem.stone, Tarantula, HeisenBug, LogicBomb, Sumo, Seeker 3.0, Laser Satellite, Catapult, Clog.03, and Guru.
(Grade:A) Golem.stone is unbeatable – the best "slow" melee unit in the game.
(Grade:C) Tarantula is fun and powerful, but in melee I usually preferred the raw power of HeisenBug, Hack 3.0, or Golem.stone (depending upon my mobility requirements). When combat units are dishing out 4-7 damage each, the ability to slow an enemy unit (at melee-range) is usually extraneous. (Dual-purpose unit.)
(Grade:A-) HeisenBug is the top-tier Bug – a special-purpose fast assassin at a reasonable price.
(Grade:F) LogicBomb is interesting. It might have been worth considering at Warez 3 but it can't compete at this level. (Golem.stone has similar speed and damage and doesn’t die on its first and only attack.)
(Grade:D) Sumo has maximum size 12 but only heals 2 per turn. Sumo is better than Golem.clay, but is outperformed by Golem.stone (which has max size 7 and healing 3). Sumo's size pre-requisite to attack is another liability – even under the best of circumstances Sumo can't recover from 9 or more damage.
(Grade:A) Seeker 3.0 is an unbeatable close-range artillery unit – unlike other artillery units, it is large enough to absorb some abuse.
(Grade:B+) Laser Satellite is much slower, much smaller, and slightly less damaging than Seeker 3.0, but this is offset by its medium range. This unit performs well in conjunction with boosting effects (Turbo Deluxe).
(Grade:B+) Catapult is slow and weak, but is your best long-range artillery unit. Catapult works best with boosting from Turbo Deluxe and with front-line blockade units (such as Clog.03 or Memory Hog). Which artillery unit is easiest to use depends upon aggressiveness and playing style.
(Grade:B) Clog.03's ability upgrade lets it compete at the top tier, but its lack of speed and size makes it harder to use at this stage.
(Grade:B) Guru is too slow, but this can be fixed with a Turbo Deluxe. The Guru is a true dual-purpose unit like the Tarantula, but Guru is a bit easier to use (in my opinion) because of its ranged abilities. (Dual-purpose unit.)
If you like, you can wait on this branch until you reach Agora Warez at Security Access Level 4:
3-1 / PED / Fiduciary Node
Uploads: 1 | Enemies: 4x Sentinel 2.0 | Credits: ??? |
Mild: (Hack 3.0) or (MandelBug) or (Black Widow) or (Golem.clay)
Hack 3.0 heads toward 8pm and follows the map edge clockwise for four Mutilates in four turns without taking a single hit. MandelBug is also straightforward.
3-2 / PED / Re-Insurance Database
Uploads: 4 | Enemies: 2x Attack Dog, 4x Guard Dog, 4x Radar | Credits: ??? | Document Capture |
Moderate: (Golem.clay + Golem.clay + Turbo Deluxe/Fiddle + Black Widow/Clog.02)
This node is begging for Bit-Man trench warfare, if you're into that sort of thing. Assuming that you don't use Bit-Man, the vault can't be robbed using the currently available units – at least, not at their normal size & speed. The pair of center Radars inflict 4 damage to all but the fastest invading units. A Fiddle, a Data Doctor Pro, or a Turbo Deluxe will enable you to reach the vault using buffing technology. The Dogs are dangerous, and they might be easiest to handle using Clog.02 or Black Widow. Paralyzing the Guard Dogs (and leaving the Attack Dogs trapped behind) also gives you additional time to buff your units. In the early game, be careful of the left-center Radar's ability to nick your units in the dog kennel.
Here is a sample walkthrough for you:
Left: Golem.clay
Left-middle: Hack 3.0
Right-middle: Turbo Deluxe
Right: Golem.clay
Turn 1:
left Golem.clay north 2 pass
Hack 3.0 north 3 pass
Turbo Deluxe north 2 south 2 megaboost rights Golem
right Golem.clay north 2 pass
Turn 2:
left Golem north 2 kills Guard Dog
Hack north 2 kills Guard Dog
Turbo north 2 south 1 megaboosts right Golem
right Golem north-north-west-north kills north Guard Dog (leaves right one untouched)
Turn 3:
left Golem north 2 kills size-5 Attack Dog
Hack north 3 kills (mutilate) Attack Dog
Turbo west-north-north megaboosts right Golem
right Golem south-4-north-4 kills Attack Dog
Turn 4:
left Golem or Hack kills last Guard Dog
Turbo moves and megaboosts right Golem
right Golem (10/6) enters tunnel but doesn't reach enemy attack range
Turn 5: right Golem kills lower right Radar
Turn 6: right Golem kills upper right Radar
Turn 7: right Golem races into vault
Turn 8: right Golem collects credits and kills Radar
Turn 9: right Golem collects remaining credits and kills final Radar, and then another unit collects document
Plot: Spinner awards 500 bonus credits.
3-2 / Cellular Automata / Sub-Station Gamma
Uploads: 4 | Enemies: 2x Attack Dog, 6x Sentinel 3.0 | Credits: ??? |
Moderate: (Golem.clay + MandelBug + Seeker 2.0 + BuzzBomb)
If the enemy units aren't allowed to grow or protect each other, your strong units like Golem.clay will overwhelm them. Here's a very crisp sample walkthrough using a variety of units (to maximize first-turn assassinations).
Turn 1:
Left upload: Golem.clay moves south-south pass.
Left-middle upload: MandelBug moves east-north-4 to assassinate north Attack Dog.
Right-middle upload: Seeker 2.0 moves north-north-east to assassinate Sentinel (upper northwest).
Right upload: BuzzBomb stings to assassinate south Attack Dog.
Turn 2:
Golem moves south-east to kill Sentinel (lower west).
MandelBug moves east-5 to kill Sentinel (upper northeast).
Seeker 2.0 moves south-south and kills last Sentinel in upper group (upper southeast).
BuzzBomb pulls back to gather credits (or kamikazes the lower east Sentinel).
Turn 3:
Wounded Golem kills lower central Sentinel.
If BuzzBomb hasn't killed it, the last Sentinel will be easily mopped up by MandelBug after you collect credits.
3-3 / Cellular Automata / S.A. Archives
Uploads: 4 | Enemies: 1x Fire Wall, 1x Sonar, 4x Watchman SP | Credits: ??? & Islands ??? | Document Capture, Program: Memory Hog |
Easy: (Bit-Man + Golem.clay + Golem.clay/Fiddle)
There isn't much to finesse here, although you can make clumsy mistakes. The Bit-Man needs to stay out of range of at least one of a Watchman SP pair (and the Sonar). An unbuffed Golem.clay can't spend too long wandering in range of multiple Watchmen SPs – it needs to heal up or kill them.
Plot: Special Program Memory Hog.
(Grade:C) Memory Hog works as advertised, but at this stage of the game the unit is more fashion statement than effect. Nodes where I won using the Memory Hog were usually easier to win with Data Doctor Pro. True to its name, the Memory Hog had an unpleasant tendency to crash my game.
Part Four of Four: Warez 4 (Agora) to Unknown Headquarters
The path from here to the game's finale is mostly linear.
4-2 / Dr. Donut / Recipe Database
Uploads: 4 | Enemies: 3x Warden++, 5x Sentinel 3.0 | Credits: ??? |
Easy: (4x MandelBug)
This is an easy node, although you might lose a unit if you miscount the distance to an enemy Warden++. Enemy units become trapped against credit squares and against each other. MandelBugs in particular will clean up here – you can kill the south Warden++ on turn one, and the other two Warden++s on turn two (after killing east and west Sentinels on turn one from their southern approach).
Grab this easy node for credits and a special program:
4-3 / Lucky Monkey / Film Properties
Uploads: 1 | Enemies: 2x Fire Wall | Credits: ??? | Document Capture, Program: Wizard |
Very Easy: (Golem.stone)
Fire Walls only cause 1 point of damage – a unit with two movement can step away and step back (healing up) and still attack the Wall. Even a basic Hack can slog through here; by comparison a Golem.stone races along. This is a quick run for a lot of credits.
Plot: Special Program Wizard.
(Grade:B) Wizard is a true dual-purpose unit, combining Data Doctor Pro's Surgery with a weak artillery attack. Wizard can fit a specialized niche where (due to limited upload slots) you need both artillery and endurance-buff in a single unit. (Dual-purpose unit.)
4-3 / PED / R&D Backup
Uploads: 4 | Enemies: 8x MandelBug | Credits: ??? |
Mild: (4x Seeker 3.0)
Hard: (kitchen sink)
The computer AI is poor but hard to understand. Size-1 computer units will always move at least 1 step (given room), so they won't hurt you if you start adjacent to them in a tunnel. The computer's units always try to move directly toward the head of your closest unit, but they're often smart enough (or lucky enough) to walk around an intervening wall if it's short. The MandelBugs' huge range and lethal damage make them dangerous – size 5+ units have a better chance for survival. Clog.03 can lock down all the enemies on one side of the map by freezing a single enemy unit in the bottleneck. Your Seeker 3.0s are perfect here, with size 5, speed 4 (to heal to full each turn), and a range 2 attack (enough to go over walls). In fact, four Seeker 3.0s (or even four Slingshots) can rapidly clear the node by moving out to the four corners of the map and killing bugs over the wall.
4-4 / Pharmhaus / System Core
Uploads: 4 | Enemies: 7x Watchman SP, 3x Sentinel 3.0 | Credits: ??? |
Mild: (4x Seeker 3.0) (1x Turbo Deluxe 1x Laser Satellite 1x Seeker 3.0 1x Golem.stone)
This node is an obstacle course – which hurts the computer far more than it hurts you. Since the computer's lead-off units are the painfully slow Watchman SPs, you have plenty of time to make good use of a Turbo Deluxe or a Fiddle (or a Wizard) to buff your units. On the other hand, you hardly need the help – your high-end units that inflict four damage should smash through the resistance (e.g., Hack 3.0, Seeker 3.0 with Seek&Destroy, Golem.stone, Laser Satellite). Your ranged units will have a particularly easy time on this map – pick off the front units while staying clear of Watchman SPs.
4-5 / PED / Executive Protocol
Uploads: 4 | Enemies: 4x Guard Dog, 2x Sumo, 2x Fire Wall, 2x Radar | Credits: ??? |
Moderate: (2x MandelBug 2x Golem.stone)
The channeled terrain makes this node quite predictable. To avoid the Radars, engage the computer on your side of the battlefield until the Guard Dogs and Sumos are destroyed (or frozen). If you advance to wipe out the center two Guard Dogs on turn one, retreat Hacks and Bugs fully from those Sumos on turn two. Golem.stones, meanwhile, can cripple Sumos on turn three – if your Golem.stone attacks a Sumo down to size 5 and then stands blocking advancement, the Sumos will sit helpless against you. Here's a sample walkthrough with mirror symmetry on the left and right halves of the map:
Turn 1:
Far left and far right upload: MandelBugs (or HeisenBugs) south-4 attack south (kill Guard Dogs)
Left-center and right-center: Golem.stones south-3 pass
Turn 2:
MandelBugs north-2 outward-3 attack south (kill Guard Dogs)
Move both Bugs first so they aren't blocked by your Golems.
Golem.stones outward-3 attack south (wound Fire Walls)
Turn 3:
Golem.stones inward-2 south-1 attack south (cripple Sumos)
Bugs outward-1 south-4 attack south (cripple Fire Walls)
Turn 4:
Golem.stones attack south (kill Sumos)
Bugs south-1 inward-2 north-1 attack north (kill Fire Walls)
Turn 5+:
Golems can collect the credits and kill the Radars.
4-6 / PED / Treasury Funds
Uploads: 6 | Enemies: 12x Guard Pup, 8x Sentinel, 6x Watchman | Credits: ??? & Islands: ??? |
Hard: (6x Seeker 3.0)
All computer units are entry-level – size 2 or 3, causing only 2 damage each. However, their sheer numbers pose a serious threat. Furthermore, the computer's starting arrangement is one of the best in the game. Parallel lines of like units reduce the computer's self-interference; all computer units converge on the center in the third turn. Due to the computer's unit composition, your units with odd size (3 or 5) have an edge here. Units that inflict massive damage (4 or more) provide you with no benefit. Some of the easier player strategies involve fleeing all of your forces to one side or corner, in order to minimize your exposure to enemy units. However, with six top-tier units, you're fine to attack in all directions at once, e.g.:
Turn 1:
NW Upload: Seeker 3.0 NWNW attack 2N (Guard Pup)
W Upload: Seeker 3.0 NNNN attack NE (Sentinel) – illustrates Deflection of N Sentinel, altho not crucial
SW Upload: Seeker 3.0 SWSW attack 2S (Guard Pup)
NE Upload: Seeker 3.0 NENE attack 2N (Guard Pup)
E Upload: Seeker 3.0 SWSS attack 2S (Sentinel)
SE Upload: Seeker 3.0 SESE attack 2S (Guard Pup)
Observe: All Watchmen have been stranded out of range. All Guard Pups have been absorbed (two per 5-life Seeker). Four Sentinels have been stranded out of range, and one has been deflected – only one will be absorbed.
Turn 2:
This is a sample – some of the computer's movement appears to be 50/50 (for example east or south), resulting in slightly different positioning.
N Seeker: ESWW attack 1N (Sentinel) – (illustrates clearing space if NW Guard Pup moved E first then S)
NW Seeker: ENNE attack 1E (Sentinel)
NE Seeker: WNNE attack 2W (Sentinel)
S Seeker: S attack 2E (Sentinel) – (illustrates clearing space if SE Guard Pup moved W first then N)
SE Seeker: ESWN attack SW (Sentinel)
SW Seeker: ESSW attack 2E (Sentinel)
Turn 3:
Kill 6 Guard Pups, staying beyond 1 past maximum range of all Watchmen.
Turn 4:
Kill any 6 more units – leaving only 2 enemy units alive.
4-7 / PED / Privileged Accounts
Uploads: 7 | Enemies: 10x Warden++, 8x Watchman SP | Credits: ??? |
Moderate: (3x Clog.03 1x Turbo Deluxe 2x Golem.stone 1x Golem.stone/Seeker 3.0/Hack 3.0)
Because the credit squares can't be crossed by computer units, the computer is forced through five bottlenecks. The computer can be beaten by paralyzing Warden++s on their way through the gaps. The preparation time allows you to build uber-units with Turbo Deluxe or Fiddle. Data Doctor Pro isn't as useful to you here, because space in your own territory is at a premium. In fact, the shrink liability of Turbo or Fiddle often provides you with useful room to maneuver. Golem.stones hasted to speed 7 are your unstoppable juggernauts … unless they stray too close to a Warden++ or four Watchmen SPs.
Turn 1:
I stayed out of range. For example, the NW upload slot held a Clog.03, that moved 1N to prepare to move 1E to freeze the Watchman SP at 3N on turn 2.
Turn 2:
NW entrance, W side: I lagged a size 2 Watchman approaching the gap.
Remember, your Turbo Deluxe can move out & back then boost to shrink itself from size 3 to size 1.
Otherwise, I held way back (except for a hasted Golem.stone racing east).
Turn 3:
NW entrance, E side: I lagged a size 7 Warden++ that was through the gap.
Center entrance, NW side: I killed a Watchman with my hasted Golem.stone.
Center entrance, SE side: I blocked movement with my hasted Golem.stone's body. By placing my Golem's head in the northwest, its body was wounded out of range of the late-attacking Watchmen to the southeast (who stood helpless).
SE entrance: I lagged a size 3 Watchman approaching the gap.
Turn 4:
Center entrance, NW side: I lagged a size 3 Watchman that was approaching the gap.
Center entrance, SE side: I blocked movement with my hasted Golem.stone's body.
By now I'd lagged a bunch of Warden++ units as well. I used a Seeker 3.0 as my 7th unit, but during these turns, I'm still frequently Seek&Destroying the ground to shorten my Seeker (clearing space to move or pulling it out of range of an enemy). Since the computer has a lot of Watchmen, I'm also pulling Clogs back as they get hurt (frequent example: back-back over itself brings a Clog from size 2 to size 3, but the first wound will pull it out of range of all enemies). My biggest problem seems to be units getting in each other's way, preventing Turbo or Clog from fleeing the wrath of an advancing Watchman. Meanwhile almost all of the computer's units are hopelessly knotted up. The two hasted Golem.stones clean up. By working from the outside/tail inward (southeast to north, northwest to east), I was able to keep as many computer units trapped as possible during cleanup. A Clog.03 accompanies each Golem to hang any potential Warden++ threats.
Plot: Spinner awards 2000 bonus credits.
4-7 / Pharmhaus / Proprietary Research
Uploads: 4 | Enemies: 2x Attack Dog, 2x Sensor, 2x Watchman X, 10x Radar | Credits: ??? & Islands: ??? | Document Capture (Island) |
Mild: (Bit-Man + Turbo Deluxe + Wizard + Laser Satellite) (Bit-Man + Fiddle + Fiddle + Seeker 3.0)
The documents are guarded by four Radars, which means you're almost certainly going to have to lengthen and hasten your unit(s) to crash through. But you start on an island, which means that you have unlimited time to prepare. As a result, the node is quite easy – it is mainly a test of your patience. Some strategies are much quicker, but result in a greater chance of you losing if you make a mistake. The obvious (and effective) strategy is to enlarge your island to the rear (southwest) while buffing your own units. Really, the only other strategy decision is what unit mix to upload. To that end: (#1) You need to upload a Bit-Man to bridge to the documents. (#2) You need permanent growth to weather the Radar storm as you approach. Fiddle is the obvious choice for growth, although Wizard gives you firepower as well as growth. (#3) You need a combat unit. A unit like Seeker 3.0 or Golem.stone is closest to being "combat-ready" (e.g. size 11 speed 10), but a unit like Catapult or Laser Satellite offers longer range, which is a fantastic advantage. (#4) Permanent speed 10 is handy since you'll replenish your life each turn, so Turbo Deluxe is extremely desirable as the fourth upload. Of course, Fiddle works both jobs if you're patient enough. Another possibility for fourth slot is a combat unit, although it should probably be Golem.stone (almost ready to tank as is) unless you have unlimited patience. Since Bit-Man takes such a long time to create (and move clear of) land bridges, I was grateful for Catapult's ability to keep occupied shooting stuff over gaps. You could even upload a second Bit-Man as your fourth unit.
Plot: Level 5 Access Codes; Disarray causes apparent "Nightfall."
5-1 / Unknown / Disarray's Headquarters
Uploads: 10 | Enemies: 2x Sumo, 4x Watchman SP, 4x Attack Dog, 3x Warden+, 3x Warden++, 4x Radar, 1x Boss | Credits: ??? | Island Boss |
eg top: Golem.stone, Laser Satellite, Clog.03, Clog.03, Clog.03
eg bottom: Bit-Man, Turbo Deluxe, Fiddle, Wizard, Golem.stone
Northeast: Boss + Radars
Keep track of "Shutdown" range – 5 spaces from the lower left corner of the computer's island. Your units will take up to 9 (5+2+2) damage if they stray within 5 of the Boss and the Radars.
East: Sumos
The Sumos are easiest to take care of immediately. Golem.stone can whack the south Sumo down to size 3, eliminating it on the following turn (it can't attack). Clog.03 is a better choice for the north Sumo, so you can lag it at range avoiding the Boss' attack! In fact, a single Clog.03 can lag both Sumos on turns 1 and 2, if you need the other upload slot for something else.
North: Wardens, Attack Dogs, and Watchmen
Look carefully at the northern enemies. The top row is much more powerful than the bottom row. Where the top row has movement 4 damage 3 Attack Dogs on the outside and movement 3 damage 7 Warden++s on the inside, the bottom row has movement 1 damage 2 Watchman SPs and movement 2 damage 5 Warden+s. If you're able to paralyze or blockade the lower-center three Warden+s, the computer will have relatively little firepower available at any given time.
A Clog.03 hasted by Turbo Deluxe can paralyze the center Warden+ on your first turn, before it moves. The next two Warden+s can be paralyzed after they move south two spaces. Your eventual incursion can take place up the far left side of the map, encountering two Watchman SPs followed by dangerous units (such as Attack Dog or Warden++) one at a time. Meanwhile, the far right side of the computer's assault force is led by two Watchman SPs, which can be allowed to migrate very slowly southward, until they pass beyond protection of the Boss. At that point you can paralyze them, allowing you to run your entire cleanup effort from left to right. Note that using Fiddle to bring Clog.03 to size 5 gives you a big advantage when facing two Watchman SPs. A single movement 4 size 5 Clog.03 can single-handedly lock down the right side of the map.
So here's a rough sample walkthrough:
Top: Golem.stone, Laser Satellite, Clog.03, Clog.03, Clog.03
Bottom: Bit-Man, Turbo Deluxe, Fiddle, Wizard, Golem.stone
The Bit-Man gets out of the way and starts building additional real estate in the lower left. (Bit-Man's purpose is to build a land bridge to the Boss eventually. You don't need Bit-Man, since a range 3 Clog to the Boss will lock down its position, guaranteeing that its head stays within artillery range of the Laser and Wizard. So Bit-Man is primarily aesthetic. Of course, as I talked about at the beginning of the Strategy Guide, you could bring in 3-5 Bit-Mans and dig a huge trench across the north on the first few turns of the game, then shell the computer with Catapults with impunity. But that isn't very interesting.)
The left Golem.stone and Laser Satellite also get out of the way, although the Golem can shift left and make a line up the west wall. Golem's purpose is to invade up the left edge of the map … without dying. The Golem can arrive at size 6 or 7 to kill the western Watchman SP, absorbing an Attack Dog hit (3 damage) and a Watchman SP hit (2 damage) in return. Next the Golem runs away to heal! Make sure that Turbo Deluxe has helped the Golem speed up to 5 or more. One of the size 5 Clogs can hang the Attack Dog, leaving the situation static.
The Laser Satellite provides considerable assistance (especially after a speed boost), but be careful not to move it within range of Watchmen or Radars (or the Boss) – unless it's going to kill them.
The Turbo Deluxe and the Fiddle both boost the Clog who'll run up the very center on the first turn. (Boost speed and size.) Wizard can stretch another Clog. The Turbo Deluxe should work on hasting different Clogs for several turns, and Wizard or Fiddle should bring them to size 5. After that, the Golems need speed and length. In my opinion, it is inferior to move your boosting units more than the minimum necessary (i.e. move Fiddle once so that it doesn't die!) Space is very important to allow your Clogs and Golems to flow about, and your boosting units don't need the extra life.
Your Clog on the center line moves north-4 on turn 1 to freeze the center Warden+. Your far east Clog moves east-1 or east-2 to use chug on the north Sumo. On turn 2, your two north Clogs hang the left and right Warden+s who've moved 2 south. On any two consecutive later turns (perhaps 4/5 or 3/4), you can Clog the two right-side Watchman SPs – first left, then right – to shut down any avenue of escape. You'll probably need to keep the left Clog flexible to take care of situations on the left side of the board. Also, the Clogs can't stay active every turn, since they need to be able to move to stay alive, which sometimes means retreating their head from the range of battle.
The lower-right Golem.stone goes east-3 on turn 1 to cripple the Sumo. Sidestep back and down and attack to kill the wounded Sumo on turn 2, then march across the bottom row of the board to attack the other Sumo from behind its head (also outside the range of the Boss). Be careful – you can't kill the Sumo with the Golem until it has enough life to survive bombardment from the Boss.
If Bit-Man creeps along a new lane below the south edge of the board, the right Golem can follow it on the land bridge to the Boss' island. Bit-Man will need some length before invasion is safe … usually I wait until all of the mainland enemy units are destroyed. Remember to bring a Clog and freeze a safe part of the Boss' body, so that the Boss won't start to grow again when it's close to death.
You have enough firepower overall for you to destroy everything without taking any casualties.
Plot: The game's over!
Incidentally, if you fail this node, Superphreak will lift the Nightfall for you, and you can shop & run other nodes before returning to the final battle.
Note that in this final node's walkthrough, the horde of Clogs essentially function like Bit-Man, building an impenetrable barrier against the computer. A far more interesting challenge is to assault the final node without uploading Bit-Man or any paralyzing units (Clogs or Spiders of any kind). For example, Memory Hog suggests itself as one possible resource, although due to the lack of territory for a memory reservoir you'll probably do just as well with Data Doctor Pro.
Appendix. Complete List of Nodes (with their flag ordering from node_list in the save file)
I put them in the order that makes sense to me, but the number in the "Flag" column shows when they appear in your save file.
Flag | Node | Icon | Name | Info |
| | | | |
1 | 0-1 | SMART | S.M.A.R.T. HQ | Tutorial |
2 | 1-1' | Warez | Leo's Shop | Warez |
3 | 1-1 | Lucky Monkey | Tech Support | (to level 2a, Warez 2) |
5 | 1-1 | Pharmhaus | PR Database |
6 | 1-2' | Pharmhaus | Employee Records |
7 | 1-2 | Cellular Automata | Memory Tower#43 | (to level 3b, Warez 3) |
10 | 1-3' | Pharmhaus | Government Affairs | Program: Clog.01 |
8 | 1-3^ | Cellular Automata | Sydney Project | Level 2 Access Codes |
| | | | |
4 | 2-1 a | Lucky Monkey | Club Center |
11 | 2-2 a | Cellular Automata | Inventory Archives |
12 | 2-3' a | Warez | Network City | Warez |
| | | | |
13 | 2-2 a | Cellular Automata | Communications Hub |
15 | 2-3 a | Lucky Monkey | Print Assets |
16 | 2-4^ a | Lucky Monkey | Banane System | Level 3 Access Codes |
14 | 2-3 a | Dr. Donut | Supply Management |
23 | 2-4 a | Dr. Donut | Franchise Office | (to level 3a) |
| | | | |
9 | 2-1 b | Lucky Monkey | Eastern Distribution Site |
17 | 2-2 b | Pharmhaus | Clinical Trial Database | (to level 3b, Warez 3) |
| | | | |
18 | 3-1 b | Lucky Monkey | Toy Properties |
19 | 3-2 b | Warez | Ready to Ware | Warez |
20 | 3-2 b | PED | Off-Shore Transactions |
22 | 3-3 b | Pharmhaus | Vaccine Database |
21 | 3-4^ b | Pharmhaus | HMO Procedure Mgmt | Level 4 Access Codes |
| | | | |
24 | 3-1 aa | Dr. Donut | Market Research |
25 | 3-2' aa | Dr. Donut | Flavor Evaluation Lab |
26 | 3-2' aa | Lucky Monkey | Lucky Jungle Central |
27 | 3-2' aa | Dr. Donut | Beverage Subsidiaries | (to level 4, Warez 4) |
| | | | |
31 | 3-1 ab | PED | Fiduciary Node |
32 | 3-2' ab | PED | Re-Insurance Database |
33 | 3-2 ab | Cellular Automata | Sub-Station Gamma |
34 | 3-3' ab | Cellular Automata | S.A. Archives | Program: Memory Hog |
| | | | |
28 | 4-1 | Lucky Monkey | Assimilation Timetable |
29 | 4-2' | Warez | Agora | Warez |
30 | 4-2 | Dr. Donut | Recipe Database |
42 | 4-3' | Lucky Monkey | Film Properties | Program: Wizard |
41 | 4-3 | PED | R&D Backup |
39 | 4-4 | Pharmhaus | System Core | (to level 5) |
38 | 4-5 | PED | Executive Protocol |
36 | 4-6 | PED | Treasury Funds |
37 | 4-7' | PED | Privileged Accounts |
35 | 4-7^ | Pharmhaus | Proprietary Research | Level 5 Access Codes |
| | | | |
40 | 5-1^ | Unknown | Disarray's Headquarters | Finale |
| | | | |
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