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June 4th 2022, 9h00

Ismaili Centre, London

Countdown to LUSO 2022


The biggest event of the Portuguese academic and scientific community in the UK. 

We want LUSO 2022 to be the celebration of the Portuguese scientific diaspora in the UK by exploring the diversity of our community and by showcasing the social value of science.

Joins us in June!

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LUSO 2022 Topics

Explore the strenghts of our scientific community and science carried out alongside the wider community; Raise awareness to alternative paths outside of Academia.

Explore how science and culture impact each other; Address the connection between art and science through exhibitions and debates.

Explore the way communication is part of the researchers' job and how it impacts the society surrounding them; debate how science communication can give citizens tools to have science literacy.

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Opening ceremony

- Mahmood Ahmed (Aga Khan Foundation UK National Committee)

- Cristina Pucarinho (Portuguese Consul General in London)

- Karim Sacoor (The Anglo-Portuguese Society)

- Elvira Fortunato (Portuguese Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education)*

Community A: Impactful Jobs 
- Moderator: Inês Campos Matos (Office for Health Improvement and Disparities)
- Lígia Teixeira (Homelessness Impact)

- Miguel Herdade (Ambition Institute)

- Rita Casimiro (MAZE Impact)*

Communication A: Science education

- Moderator: Regina Duarte (Camões Institute in the UK and the Channel Islands)

- Ana João Correia (Ugni Lab)

- Ana Faro (Native Scientist)

- Anjum Halai (The Aga Khan University)

Coffee Break
Communication B: Science misinformation

- Joana Ramiro (Freelance Journalist)

- Joana Lobo Antunes (Instituto Superior Técnico)

Culture A: Art and Science

- Moderator: Lara Martins (Freelancer)

- Hugo Lami (Royal College Art)

- Thomas Moors (Sound Voice)

- Rebecca Marriott (Opera Makers)

Research Pitch (£500 Prize)


- Sandra Carito (The Anglo-Portuguese Society)

- Joana Lobo Antunes (Instituto Superior Técnico)

Community B: Citizen Science

- Moderator: Ana Rita Claro Rodrigues (King's College London)

- Claire Murray (European Citizen Science Association)

- Pen-Yuan Hsing (University of Bath)

Culture B: Science and Faith

- Moderator: Filipe d'Avillez (Freelancer Journalist)

- Carlos Fiolhais (Universidade de Coimbra)

- Arif Babul (University of Victoria) *

- Ali Asani (Harvard / Institute of Ismaili Studies)

Coffee Break
Closing ceremony

- Diogo Martins (PARSUK)

- José Paulo Esperança (Vice President FCT)

- Nuno Brito (Ambassador of Portugal to the United Kingdom)

Networking reception

- In collaboration with Agência para o Investimento e Comércio Externo de Portugal (AICEP) & London Business School (LBS)

The following sessions, in addition to Opening Ceremony, Research Pitch and Closing Ceremony,  will be live streamed and available for participants who join the event remotely: 

- Impactful Jobs 

- Scientific Misinformation 

- Science and Faith  

* Speakers who will be remotely present

These sessions will be livestream


The LUSO 2022 ticket includes:

- welcome pack Luso 2022 (with exclusive merchandising)

- conferences and lectures

- coffee breaks and lunch (with a Portuguese touch)

- research pitch

- other surprises that PARSUK has only for you!


Have a look on our social media to buy the ticket on time and at the best price!

Follow us on social media and don't miss any updates about the tickets for LUSO 2022.


Face to Face (€): April 28th until May 29th

Hybrid (€): April 28th until June 2nd

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*live streaming: Opening Ceremony, Impactful Jobs, Scientific Misinformation, Research Pitch, Science and Faith and Closing Ceremony 

Join our membership and have 20% discount. More information about the membership here.

Research Pitch

PARSUK is promoting a Research Pitch competition during LUSO 2022 sponsored by the Anglo-Portuguese Society. The aim of the Research Pitch is to promote effective Science Communication.


During the Research Pitch you will have the opportunity to describe your research project in 3 minutes. 


You have until 25th May to submit your application. The application can be done using the form that will be sent to you after registering to attend LUSO 2022. More information below. 

Research Pitch Guidance Notes

LUSO 2021 edition

Get to know more about LUSO here.


“As experiências de cada um
acabam por servir de exemplo e de
inspiração a muitos outros.”



“Expõe o Ensino Superior a redes

RTP Internacional


“Uma rede cujas pontas se
prendem a diversos pilares,
segurando quem se aventura por
aquele país.”



For media enquiries, please email


The Ismaili Centre, London, is one of a network of six centres worldwide and is a cultural, social and religious space for the Ismaili Muslim community. The building itself is a contemporary (modern architecture) building that internally express Muslim values, ethics and attitude through its design but is also in harmony with the surrounding historic, residential and commercial buildings. The Ismaili Centre London was His Highness The Aga Khan’s Silver Jubilee initiative.


Ismaili Centres are Ambassadorial buildings that encourage connections with global organisations, for intellectual engagement and reflection, and that promote understanding of pluralism, of civil society, of the Ismaili community and of Islam in a broader sense. Here we gather for congregational worship and spiritual contemplation, reserved for the traditions and practices specific to Shia Ismaili Tariqah (persuasion).

Our sponsors:

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