Remote and hybrid work options sow discontent for the 60 per cent of workers expected to be on-site every day
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Have you seen the cost of gas? Im sure companies will compensate for the rise of gas prices.
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I can’t work remote cause of the nature of my job. I have zero sympathy for those that complain having to come back.
I’m with you. I don’t understand why people are becoming so sad that they truly feel being home is the better option. Socializing even while at work leads to better mental health. Common sense.
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I don’t care where people work but as someone who has to be on site everyday I definitely don’t want to hear those who are asked to do hybrid work complain that their workplace isn’t safe and that they’re going to get Covid.
I was at work every day and didn’t get it.
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I don’t feel sorry for people who’s job requires a physical presence. I feel sorry for those who can work remotely and are not allowed to. Small minded leadership in these 1950s style offices.
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I know not every workplace is possible to work from home…
But let’s be realistic here. So many offices aren’t actually needed. Working at an office is an old construct of management who feel they need to micromanage.
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Ontario gov is requiring boards to have Virtual School Option. Fine. However teachers who teach in the virtual school….have to be in a physical school to teach as to not “offend/upset” teachers who are in the classroom. Lol. It’s a virtual job FFS.
They have to be onsite to do their fair share of outside duty. They are all paid the same, whether in-person or virtual. Fair is fair.
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Office spaces are now for collaboration, not for someone to sit there 40hrs a week.
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Concerns could be addressed by WFH. Don't need hwys through farmland, don't need more transit lines, CO2 emissions drop, office real estate can be repurposed for housing.. Don't believe gov't gives a shit about any of these if they don't encourage companies to have WFH options.
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It’s not just hospitality, business owners R struggling 2 get staff if they don’t offer 5 days wk work from home, some businesses actually need employees in office & they R now suffering cause of this entitlement! Asking ppl 2B in office 2 days/wk is now considered bad employers
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I wonder if pay scales would be adjusted for those who can work from home to those who can't or won't.
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Divide and conquer is the ideology of the radical left. Vast majority of people I know, and those I work with are happy for those with the option to work from home.
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If you are discontent that your line of work doesn't allow the ability to work remotely.
Don't be. It's the career choice you chose.
If you want to change career paths; more power to you.
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You mean the people that have to get up extra early, sit in traffic, pay insane gas prices, deal with annoying people around them all day resent those who don’t?
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