Business Journalist

5 minute read

23 May 2022

5:55 pm

MTI Bitcoin scam kingpin Clynton Marks skimmed R30m in two months

Ina Opperman

The fight between the liquidators of MTI and some of the kingpins is escalating with the liquidators saying the kingpins also defrauded the scheme itself.

Image: iStock

MTI kingpin Clynton Marks siphoned off more than R30 million during the last two months before the scheme crashed, according to the liquidators’ answering affidavit filed after Marks and fellow-kingpin, Henri Robert Honiball, applied to the court to stop the scheme being declared a pyramid scheme. The knives are out between the liquidators and Marks and his wife, Cheri and Honiball, with the liquidators saying that they “dug in their heels and are trying any trick in the book to try to hold on to their ill-gained profits”, after Mirror Trading International (MTI) imploded when the other kingpin, Johann Steynberg,...

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