The T2 Tanker Page

T2 Tanker Collage

Clockwise from top left: Esso Rotterdam, Fort Charlotte, Guadalupe, Hat Creek, Tomocyclus

October 2009 Update

The T2 Tanker Page has been moved to a new, cheaper host. My previous web host was very powerful and very solid, but was more like using a hammer to swat flies with. I was able to move the site to one that cost less than half as much.

Future development or expansion of this site is somewhat on hold. In fact, this particular update was only forced by my need to move the site to a more affordable host. I have not abandoned it, but I do find myself having less time to spare for it right now. I do have future plans to return to research and development here, but they are on hold for the present.

I no longer maintain a photo gallery of these ships! It has become difficult to maintain and I no longer have time to pursue this effort as diligently as I would like to, and I have discovered that Mr. Auke Visser has put considerable effort into gathering photos for his tanker website. At least or the present, I will not be rebuilding the photo gallery on this site. If you are looking for a photo of a ship, I highly suggest checking here: Auke Visser's Famous T - Tankers Pages

For comments and information, please contact me here at in Suffolk, VA.

Before contacting me to ask for photos or crew lists, please read this: Frequently Asked Questions

T2 Tankers by Builder

Click a button below to see ships built by that yard.

Other Pages:

A Brief History of the T2 Tanker

Frequently Asked Questions

Search for a T2 Tanker by name

T2 Tanker Page (old version)

National Bulk Carriers Ships

Arthur Whittaker, Merchant Seaman

Auke Visser's Famous T - Tankers Pages