Family, and Kinsfolks, and Friends, May You have a Very Good Day, and a Very Good Night.—Brandon Ryan Katrena.
May You have a Very Good Day, and May You have a Very Good Night.—Brandon Ryan Katrena.
“From their point of view, and/or from their perspective, they might have been, allegedly, Very Long Duration Extremely held back, and/or Very Long Duration Extremely so-called ‘Retarded’. And Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate.”
“We were Not Exterminated. Our Group was Not Exterminated. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate.”
“They are Not Us. They are Not We. The Obvious Motivation would have been this, allegedly, Very Long Duration Really Anti-Bri. . and/or Very Long Duration Really Anti-Eng. . Maybe for example. Their Group is Not Our Group. Their Nation is Not Our Nation. Their Organization is Not Our Organization. Perhaps for example. They are Not We. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate.”
“Fellow so-called Houseplants. Fellow so-called Shut ins. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate.”
“None of Our Fellow Organizations, and Our Fellow Species, and Our Fellow Militaries, and Our Fellow Groups, and Our Fellow Ethnicities, for example, and Our Fellow Civilizations, and Our Fellow Governments, and Our Fellow Tribes, were Annihilated, and Exterminated. You are Welcome. Today is 5-31-2022. And Yesterday was 5-30-2022. This is the year 2022(Two Thousand Twenty Two). And the year before this was the year 2021(Two Thousand Twenty One). And, of Course, Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate.”
“We have Not been Se.R. . You are Welcome. We cannot be Se. R. . You are Welcome. None of Us have been Se.R. . You are Welcome. You have Not been Se.R. . You are Welcome. You cannot be Se.R. . You are Welcome. None of Us can be Se.R. . You are Welcome. And for example. You are Welcome. None of Our Fellow Organizations, and Our Fellow Militaries, and Our Fellow Ethnicities have been Annihilated and Exterminated. You are Welcome. And, of Course, Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate.”
“There is No Real Time Traveling, of Course. And if there was Real Time Traveling, I would do that all over again, of Course, and approximately about every Word, Saying, and Gesture, and Walking, and Talking, and Laughing, and Smiling would, of Course, be done again by Fellow B. again, of Course, from approximately about the first One(1.) Minute to the first approximately about the first Second(2.) Minute from Our Creations, births, being born, Creations to approximately about the Present, and approximately about everything would be done and Completed by Fellow B. again, of Course. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course.”
May You have a Very Good Day, and a Very Good Evening, Fellow Family
and Friends, and Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends. And there are, of
Course, Many Very Good Radio Shows, and Many Very Good Television
Shows, of Course. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of
Course.—Brandon Ryan Katrena.