Female chess player database
Female throne, female Oui, female general, Fujihana Kurashiki
Kana Satomi Kana Satomi
Shogi player number | 33 |
Birthday | March 2, 1992 (30 years old) |
Birthplace | Izumo shimane prefecture |
Teacher | Keiji Mori 9-dan |
Articles on Kana Satomi
Title history
Seirei | 2nd period (1st period-FY2019/2nd period) |
The queen | 1st term (6th to 2013th) |
Female crown champion | 5th term (3rd term-2013, 6-8th term, 11th term) -Queen throne |
Female master | 12th term (36th term-2009-47th term) -Queen Master |
Female Oui | 7th term (23rd term-2012, 26-28th term, 30-32 term) -Queen Oui |
Female Family Officer | 8th term (32nd term-2010-34th term, 37-40th term, 43rd term) -King Queen |
Kurashiki Fuza | 12th term (16th term-20th term, 23rd term-29th term) -Queen Kurashiki Fujihana |
Total acquisition : 47th term
Seirei-sen: 3 times (1st term-2019, 2nd and 3rd term)
My Navi Women's Open: 4 times (6th-2013-7th, 12th, 15th)
Women's Championship: 7 times (3rd term-2013, 6th-11th term)
Female Master Battle: 13 times (36th-2009-44-48)
Women's Oui-sen: 10 times (23rd-2012-24th, 26-33th)
Female King War: 10 times (32nd term-2010-35th term, 37-41, 43rd term)
Kurashiki Fujihana Battle: 13th (16th-2008-21st, 23rd-29th)
Total number of appearances : 60 times
Shogi Grand Prize
The 34 th (2006) | Female Chess prize |
The 36th (FY2008) | Female Chess prize |
The 37th (FY2009) | Best Female Chess Prize |
The 38th (Fiscal 2010) | Best Female Chess Prize |
The 39th (FY2011) | Best Female Chess Prize |
The 40th (2012) | Best Female Shogakuya Prize / Name Bureau Award Special Prize |
The 41st (Fiscal 2013) | Best Female Chess Prize |
The 43rd (Fiscal 2015) | Best Female Chess Prize |
The 44th (Fiscal 2016) | Best Female Shogakuya Prize / Name Bureau Award Special Prize |
The 45th (Fiscal 2017) | Best Female Chess Prize |
The 46th (2018 fiscal year) | Best Female Award, Best Female Award |
47th (FY2019) | Best Female Award, Best Female Award |
48th (2020) | Best Female Award, Best Female Award |
49th (2021) | Best Female Award, Best Female Award |
Other awards
March 2007 | Shimane Prefecture Cultural Activity Special Encouragement Award |
March 2010 | Shimane prefecture meritorious recognition commendation |
March 2020 | Shimane Prefectural Honor Award |