Sunday, May 22, 2022

Family and Friends(F.A.F.), and Kinsfolks and Friends(K.A.F.)—May You have a Very Good Day, and May You have a Very Good Evening.

And May You have a Great Day, and a Great Afternoon, and a Great Evening, Fellow Family and Friends(F.A.F.), and Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends(K.A.F.). And You might want to think about getting a Carbon Monoxide alarm, if You have Not already done so. And I am also Very Happy, and Very Glad that We have, for example, Our Trust Funds(T.F.), and Our Wealth Funds(W.F.), and Our approximately about 35(Thirty Five) Formal U.S.(United States) Government Copyrights. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course.---Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.). "There is No Real Time Traveling, of Course. And if there was Real Time Traveling, I would do that all over again, of Course, and approximately about every Word, Saying, and Gesture, and Walking, and Talking, and Laughing, and Smiling would, of Course, be done again by Fellow B. again, of Course, from approximately about the first One(1.) Minute to the first approximately about the first Second(2.) Minute from Our Creations, births, being born, Creations to approximately about the Present, and approximately about everything would be done and Completed by Fellow B. again, of Course. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course." "None of Our Fellow Organizations, and Our Fellow Species, and Our Fellow Militaries, and Our Fellow Groups, and Our Fellow Ethnicities, for example, and Our Fellow Civilizations, and Our Fellow Governments, and Our Fellow Tribes, were Annihilated, and Exterminated. You are Welcome. Today is 5-31-2022. And Yesterday was 5-30-2022. This is the year 2022(Two Thousand Twenty Two). And the year before this was the year 2021(Two Thousand Twenty One). And, of Course, Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate." "We have Not been Se.R. . You are Welcome. We cannot be Se. R. . You are Welcome. None of Us have been Se.R. . You are Welcome. You have Not been Se.R. . You are Welcome. You cannot be Se.R. . You are Welcome. None of Us can be Se.R. . You are Welcome. And for example. You are Welcome. None of Our Fellow Organizations, and Our Fellow Militaries, and Our Fellow Ethnicities have been Annihilated and Exterminated. You are Welcome. And, of Course, Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate." Happy Memorial Day, Fellow Family and Friends, and Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends. And I remember watching the Memorial Day Concerts in approximately about the year 2013(Two Thousand Thirteen), which was approximately about 9(Nine) years ago. And today is, of Course, the year 2022(Two Thousand Twenty Two). And May You have a Happy Belated Christmas, and Happy Holidays. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course.---Brandon Ryan Katrena. May You have a Very Good Day, and a Very Good Evening, Fellow Family and Friends, and Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends. And there are, of Course, Many Very Good Radio Shows, and Many Very Good Television Shows, of Course. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course.---Brandon Ryan Katrena. "Do You know what they will do to them? Do you know what will happen to them? Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate." "In addition, and Furthermore, My Fellow Person, and/or My Fellow Individual, and/or My Fellow Man also said, and/or also Stated, in Some of My Literature, and/or in Some of My Writings, Paraphrased, and Summarized and Abbreviated, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Perhaps for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example. Very Long Duration Time Management. Fellow Freeborne. Fellow Free Will. Fellow B. would be maybe Very Surprised. Fellow B. would be Maybe very Surprised Very Long Duration. Fellow B. would Not Very Long Duration be Extremely Surprised. Very Long Duration Time Management. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Perhaps for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example." "Maybe Vacuuming Later. Maybe washing dishes in the Dish washing Machine Later. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate." "Do You know what they did to them? Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate." And May You have a Very Good Day, and a Very Good Evening, Fellow Family and Friends(F.A.F.), and Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends(K.A.F.). And Today is 5-31-2022 (May Thirty First 2022), Tuesday, and Yesterday was 5-30-2022(May Thirty 2022), Monday, and Tomorrow will be 6-1-2022(June First 2022), Wednesday. Last year was approximately about the year 2021(Two Thousand Twenty One). And this year is approximately about the year 2022(Two Thousand Twenty Two). And You might want to Think about Getting a Carbon Monoxide Alarm if You have not already done so, Fellow Family and Friends, and Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends. And there are, of Course, Many Very Good Radio Shows, and Many Very Good Television Shows, of Course. And I am also Very Glad, and Very Happy, that We have, for example, Our Trust Funds, and Our Wealth Funds, and Our approximately about 35(Thirty Five) U.S.(United States) Government Copyrights. And I, of Course, Recognize and Acknowledge all of My Family, and all of My Kinsfolks. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course.---Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.). "And, in addition, My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man also said, and/or also Stated, in Some of My Writings, Paraphrased, and Summarized and Abbreviated, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Perhaps for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example. That is Very Easy for Me to do. That is Very Easy for Me to do, Very Long Duration. Not Very Difficult for Me to do that. Not Very Difficult for Me to do that Very Long Duration. And instead, Very Easy for Me to do that. And instead, Very Easy for Me to do that Very Long Duration. To read that. Or to Recite that. For example. That Fellow so-called Junk. Those Fellow so-called Bulk Energies. Those Fellow so-called Large Quantities of Energies. Maybe for example. Why wouldn't I do that? Why would I not do that? I am Very Long Duration Able Bodied. And I am Able Bodied. And I am Very Long Duration Able Bodied. Why wouldn't I do that? Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Those Fellow so-called Huge Amounts, and/or Large Quantities of Energies. Maybe for example. That Fellow so-called Wh. . That Fellow so-called Ba. . That Fellow so-called Ho. . That Fellow so-called Pi. . That Fellow so-called Sw. . That Fellow so-called Nu. . That Fellow so-called Wo. . H. . And Fellow Real Ins. . And so, if 'Gone' for approximately about 5(Five) days or More. And Fellow Real Ins. . And Fellow Extrapolation, and Generalization, and Inference. And Fellow Very Long Duration Huge Amounts of Energies. And Fellow Energy Workers. And Fellow Fen. . Shu. . Workers. And Maybe for example. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Perhaps for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example." "And My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man said, and/or Stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Good, and Excellent, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example. Fellow Copyrights. Fellow so-called Patents. Fellow informal Copyrights. Fellow informal so-called Patents. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Good, and Excellent, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example." "In addition, and Furthermore, My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man said, and/or Stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Good, and Excellent, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example. They are Not Capable of doing that. And You are Welcome. And they will Never be capable of doing that. And You are Welcome. And they never did that. And You are Welcome. And they are Not able to do that. And You are Welcome. And they will never be able to do that. And You are Welcome. And they never did that. And You are Welcome. Fellow Real Monopolies. And You are Welcome. Fellow Real Monopoly. And You are Welcome. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Good, and Excellent, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example." "My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man said, and/or Stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Good, and Excellent, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example. Originally maybe approximately about One in Two Chance, approximately about Fifty Percent(approximately about Half) a Chance, or else approximately about One(1.) in approximately about 383(Three Hundred Eighty Three) Chance. And then Maybe approximately about One(1.) in Seven(7.) Chance, approximately about Fifty Percent(approximately about Half) a Chance of that Particular approximately about One(1.) in Seven(7.) Chance, or else approximately about One(1.) in approximately about 383(Three Hundred Eighty Three) Chance. And Now approximately about One(1.) in Eighty Thousand(80,000) Chance, or else approximately about One(1.) in Millions, or Billions, or Quadrillions Chance. And You are Welcome. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Good, and Excellent, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example." May You have a Very Good Day, and a Very Good Evening, Fellow Family and Friends, and Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends. And there are, of Course, Many Very Good Radio Shows, and Many Very Good Television Shows, of Course. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course.---Brandon Ryan Katrena. "In addition, and Furthermore, My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man also said, and/or also Stated, in some More of My Writings, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "Brandon. Brandon. Brandon. We are Fellow Family. We are Fellow Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example. In addition, also Holding the so-called Line for approximately about 1,000(One Thousand) days and evenings to approximately about the present. For approximately about 3.2(Three Point Two) years to approximately about the present. And You are Welcome. And this is the year 2022(Two Thousand Twenty Two). And the year before this was approximately about the year 2021(Two Thousand Twenty One). Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example. Fellow Strong. Fellow Strength. Fellow Loyalty. Brandon. Brandon. Fellow Strong. Fellow Strength. Fellow Loyalty. Attack Group Formation. Fellow Avarice. Fellow Greed. 'Tis the Will of the Fellow Po. . Fellow Avarice. Fellow Greed. Attack Group Formation. Fellow Hold the Line. Ours Not to Reason W. . Exterminate them. Exterminate them. they were Exterminated. Good. they were Exterminated. Good. Good. Attack Group Formation. Fellow Press. Fellow Media. Fellow Press. 'Tis the Will of the Fellow Po. . Ours Not to Reason W. . Fellow Hold the Line. We are Fellow Family. We are Fellow Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example." I was born and created many years ago. And there are many very long duration good signs and indications. Perhaps for example. And there is the very long duration absence of many very bad signs and indications. Maybe for example. Happens to be very obvious. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Very excellent, and good, and appropriate. Not for example. "Here is also a Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, Quotation from a Version or Volume or Edition of a Movie in approximately about the year 2001(Two Thousand One), that so-called Gladiator Movie, 'those Praetorian Guards.' " "Here is also a Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, Quotation from a Version or Volume or Edition of a Movie in approximately about the year 2006(Two Thousand Six), approximately about 20(Twenty) years ago, that so-called Good Shepherd Movie, 'Get out, Edward. Get out while you still have your soul.' " We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example. "And also that Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated Quotation saying, 'Those Sticks and Stones may Very Long Duration break My bones; however, those Words and Phrases will Never Very Long Duration Extremely Hurt Me." Very Excellent, and Very Good, and Very appropriate, of Course. Not for example. "And also that Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated Quotation saying, 'No Very Long Duration Extreme Harm, and No Very Long Duration Extreme Foul." Very Excellent, and Very Good, and Very appropriate, of Course. Not for example. Fellow Strong. Fellow Strength. Fellow Loyalty. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example. Good Evening, and Good Night, and Good Day, Fellow Family and Friends(F.A.F.), and Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends(K.A.F.). Today is 5-27-2022, Friday(Fri.), and Tomorrow will be 5-28-2022, Saturday(Satur.), and Yesterday was 5-26-2022, Thursday(Thurs.). And this is the year Two Thousand Twenty Two(2022). And last year was approximately about the year 2021(Two Thousand Twenty One). And, if You have Not already done so, You might want to Think about and/or Consider getting a Carbon Monoxide Alarm. And I am Very Grateful, and I am Very Thankful, for example, for Our approximately about 35(Thirty Five) Formal U.S.(United States) Government Copyrights, and Our Wealth Funds, and Our Trust Funds. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course.---Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.). "In addition, and Furthermore, in Some More of My Writings, My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man said, and/or Stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Perhaps for example. We have Our Species. We have Our Military. We have Our Ethnicity. Perhaps for example. We have Our Storehouses. We have Our Tables. We have Our Worlds. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example. Their government. Their military. Their intelligence agency. Their security agency. Their soldiers. Their troops. Their citizens. Their military. Their government. Maybe for example. Very Long Duration Time Management. Not Really for example. Not Really for example, of Course. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Perhaps for example. We have Our Species. We have Our Military. We have Our Ethnicity. Perhaps for example. We have Our Storehouses. We have Our Tables. We have Our Worlds. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example." "My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man also said, and/or also Stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, in some More of My Writings, "Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. it is Very Easy for Fellow B. And then it is, overall, Easy for Fellow B. . And Not Extremely Easy for Fellow B. , however, approximately about Half(approximately about 50(Fifty) Percent of the time) of the Time, Very Easy for Fellow B. . , and then overall, approximately about Easy for Fellow B. . And that is for Fellow B. . And that is for Fellow B. . And that is for Fellow B. . And other then for Fellow B., it ain't easy oftentimes, is it? It isn't easy oftentimes is it? Except for Fellow B., it is Very Easy, or Easy Nearly all the time, approximately about 100(One Hundred) Percent of the time. And for Good Reason. And for Good Reason it is Very Easy for Fellow B., and Easy for Fellow B. . Nearly all the time, approximately about 100(One Hundred) Percent of the Time, overall, and cumulatively, and holistically. And of Course. And You are Welcome. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example." "In addition, and Furthermore, My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man also said, and/or also Stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, in some More of My Writings, "Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Estimated at approximately about 1(One) in 8,000(Eight Thousand) to 9,000(Nine Thousand) to approximately about One in 90,000(Ninety Thousand) to approximately about One in Millions, and Billions, and Trillions, to approximately about One in 90,000,000(Ninety Million) to approximately about One in 100,000,000(One Hundred Million) to approximately about One(1.) in Trillions, and Quadrillions. And You are Welcome. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example." And May You have a Good Day, and May You have a Good Evening, Fellow Family and Friends(F.A.F.), and Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends(K.A.F.).---Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.). "My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man said, and/or Stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, in some of My Writings, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Very Long Duration Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example. These Fellow 'Freeborne' and/or these Fellow 'Freewill' Planets and Worlds, which are approximately about One(1.) Percent of the Fellow Planets and Worlds. Fellow Very Long Duration so-called Houseplants. Fellow Very Long Duration so-called 'Shut ins'. Fellow Very Long Duration so-called 'Staying inside Our Homes'. Fellow Doors. Fellow Windows. Maybe for example. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Very Long Duration Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example." "My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man said, and/or Stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, in some of My Writings, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Very Long Duration Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example. These Fellow 'Freeborne' and/or these Fellow 'Freewill' Planets and Worlds, which are approximately about One(1.) Percent of the Fellow Planets and Worlds. Fellow Very Long Duration so-called Houseplants. Fellow Very Long Duration so-called 'Shut ins'. Fellow Very Long Duration so-called 'Staying inside Our Homes'. Fellow Doors. Fellow Windows. Maybe for example. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Very Long Duration Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example." "And My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man also said, and/or Stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, in some of My Writings, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Very Long Duration Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example. Chances allegedly, if S.L. 3(Three) out of 3(Three) of 'Coming back' allegedly approximately about 1(One) in approximately about 1,000(One Thousand). Before approximately about 3.2(Three Point Two) years ago, allegedly approximately about 1(One) in allegedly approximately about 2,000,019(Two Million Nineteen) of 'Coming Back'. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Very Long Duration Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example." "And My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man also said, and/or Stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, in some of My Writings, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Very Long Duration Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example. Chances allegedly, if S.L. 3(Three) out of 3(Three) of 'Coming back' allegedly approximately about 1(One) in approximately about 1,000(One Thousand). Before approximately about 3.2(Three Point Two) years ago, allegedly approximately about 1(One) in allegedly approximately about 2,000,019(Two Million Nineteen) of 'Coming Back'. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Very Long Duration Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example." "And My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man also said, and/or Stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, in some of My Writings, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Very Long Duration Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example. Chances allegedly, if S.L. 3(Three) out of 3(Three) of 'Coming back' allegedly approximately about 1(One) in approximately about 1,000(One Thousand). Before approximately about 3.2(Three Point Two) years ago, allegedly approximately about 1(One) in allegedly approximately about 2,000,019(Two Million Nineteen) of 'Coming Back'. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Very Long Duration Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example." "That Fellow Person, and that Fellow Individual, and that Fellow Man, also said in some of My Writings, paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "We good Us. We are Us. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. maybe for example. We have Our Storehouses. We have Our Worlds. Perhaps for example. We have Our Militaries. We have Our Species. Maybe for example. very excellent, and fine, and appropriate. not for example. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Military. We have Our Species. We have Our Ethnicity. We have Our Military. We have Our Military. Maybe for example. We have Our Warships. We have Our Warspacestations. We have Our Storehouses. We have Our Fortresses. We have Our Worlds. Perhaps for example. Family and Kinsfolks, please know this--those foreigners enemy foreigners cannot se.r. You. those foreigners enemy foreigners have never se.r. You. and, those foreigners enemy foreigners were safely and soundly 'used up,' before they could ever se.r. you. You are Welcome. We are Us. those foreigners enemy foreigners are not Us. they are not Us. We good Us. We are Us. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. maybe for example. very excellent, and fine, and appropriate. not for example." “In addition, My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Man, and My Fellow Individual, also said, and/or Stated, in Some More of My Literature, and/or in Some More of My Writings, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "And, of Course, We are Family. And, of Course, We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Storehouses. We have Our Spaceships. We have Our Spacestations. We have Our Warships. We have Our Worlds. Perhaps for example. That Fellow 1(One) out of that 2(Two)—We are Family. You are My Son. You are My Child. You are My Dad. You are My Father. You are My Papa. Maybe for example. We are Kinsfolks. We are Family. That Fellow 2(Two) out of that 2(Two)—We have, for example, Our Military, and Our Government, and Our Soldiers, and Our Troops, and Our Workers, and Our Military, and Our Government. Maybe for example. We have Our Ethnicities. We have Our Militaries. We have Our Species. We have Our Governments. We have Our Corporations. We have Our Companies. We have Our Businesses. We have Our Nations. We have Our Countries. We have our Groups. We have Our Ethnicities. Perhaps for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example. And also, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, ‘We have gotten it already Bro. Already taken care of Bro. . Bro.. We already took Care of it Bro. . Bro., We got You Covered. Bro., We took care of that, Bro. . Bro., We are the Professionals. Bro., We are the Authorities. Bro, We are the Ones in Charge. Know Your Place, Bro. . If You know what’s Good for You, Bro. . We got it Bro. . We got You Covered, Bro. . We’re on it, Bro. We got 'em Covered, Bro. . We have it Covered, Bro. . We got it Bro. . I got it Bro. . Bro. Bro. Bro. He is also a J. . Bro. . He is also a M. . , Bro. . Yo, Bro. . Yo, Bro. . Right over Here, Bro. . Bro. . I got it Bro . .Bro. . don’t be Concerned. allegedly that’ And, of Course, We are Family. And, of Course, We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Storehouses. We have Our Spaceships. We have Our Spacestations. We have Our Warships. We have Our Worlds. Perhaps for example. That Fellow 1(One) out of that approximately about 2(Two)—We are Family. You are My Son. You are My Child. You are My Father. You are My Papa. We are Kinsfolks. We are Family. That Fellow 2(Two) out of that approximately about 2(Two)—We have, for example, Our Military, and Our Government, and Our Soldiers, and Our Troops, and Our Workers, and Our Military, and Our Government. Maybe for example. We have Our Ethnicities. We have Our Militaries. We have Our Species. We have Our Governments. We have Our Corporations. We have Our Companies. We have Our Businesses. We have Our Nations. We have Our Countries. We have our Groups. We have Our Ethnicities. Perhaps for example. We have Not become Exterminated. Today is 5-27-2022(the Month is May, and the Day is the Twenty Seventh, and the year is Two Thousand Twenty Two.) And the year before this was the year 2021(Two Thousand Twenty One). Within an Estimated approximately about 5(Five) days or evenings, or approximately about 6(Six) days or evenings, probably Not quite 7(Seven) days or evenings, if Fellow B. were to be approximately about that 9(Nine) out of that approximately about 300(Three Hundred), approximately about, unfortunately, 100(One Hundred) Percent of Our Populations will Very Likely Die, and will Very Likely be Dead, and Very Likely be Very Long Duration Dead, and Very Likely Very Long Duration Die, and Very Likely Very Long Duration Pass Away. And for example. And for example being Emphasized. And, if so-called Fortunate, approximately about every Fellow Organization, and every Fellow Group, and, for example, every Fellow Ethnicity, will be at, if so-called Fortunate and/or if so-called Lucky, approximately about that so-called S.L. 1(One) out of that so-called S.L. 3(Three). And Maybe for example. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Perhaps for example. Fellow Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example.” Family and Friends(F.A.F.), and Kinsfolks and Friends(K.A.F.).---May You have a Great Day, and May You have a Great Night. And Happy Belated Christmas, and Happy Holidays. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course.---Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.). "My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man said, and/or stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, in some of My Writings, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Tables. We have Our Homes. We have Our Worlds. Perhaps for example. We have Our Militaries. We have Our Ethnicities. We have Our Militaries. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example. Now, their gods and/d their creations allegedly gave those fo.oth.vas.go.go.moc.zo.gau., the ability to do that, approximately about 2(Two) out of 2(Two) times each, with certain M., and certain Mo. (approximately about 2(Two) out of 2(Two). their virility, and so-called their god-given abilities. approximately about 70(Seventy) to 80(Eighty) times from beginning, would allegedly be used up approximately about 98.3(Ninety Eight Point Three Percent) would be used up. And instead, they, the, who were approximately about 7,000(Seven Thousand) in Number(tiers One(1.), Two(2.), and Three(3.), were Safely and Soundly used up, approximately about 2(Two) years ago, dearheart. You are Welcome. That was approximately about that 1(One) of that Nine(9.), beginning approximately about 3.2(Three Point Two) years ago. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Tables. We have Our Homes. We have Our Worlds. Perhaps for example. We have Our Militaries. We have Our Ethnicities. We have Our Militaries. Maybe for example. Fellow Past. Fellow Present. Fellow Future. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example." Fellow Family and Friends, and Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends---May You have a Great Afternoon, and May You have a Great Night. And there are Many, for example, Very Interesting and/or Entertaining Movies, and Many Very Interesting and/or Entertaining Radio Shows. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course.---Brandon Ryan Katrena. "In addition, and Furthermore, My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man said, and/or stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, in some of My Writings, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Tables. We have Our Homes. We have Our Worlds. Perhaps for example. We have Our Militaries. We have Our Ethnicities. We have Our Militaries. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example. This is approximately about the year 2022(Two Thousand and Twenty Two). The year before this was approximately about the year 2021(Two thousand Twenty One). And the year before that was approximately about the year 2020(Two Thousand Twenty). And that We would get approximately about this Far in time with Our Accomplishments, and with that approximately about 9(Nine) out of that approximately about 9(Nine), and at approximately about this so-called 'Point in Time(P.I.T.)', approximately about 51(Fifty One) Percent (approximately that Half) to approximately about 72(Seventy Two) Percent, (approximately about Two Thirds, approximately about 2/3, approximately about Two Thirds). You are Welcome. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Tables. We have Our Homes. We have Our Worlds. Perhaps for example. We have Our Militaries. We have Our Ethnicities. We have Our Militaries. Maybe for example. Fellow Past. Fellow Present. Fellow Future. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example." "And My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Man, and My Fellow Individual, also said, and/or Stated, in Some More of My Literature, and/or in Some More of My Writings, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "And, of Course, We are Family. And, of Course, We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Storehouses. We have Our Spaceships. We have Our Spacestations. We have Our Warships. We have Our Worlds. Perhaps for example. That Fellow 1(One) out of that 2(Two)---We are Family. You are My Son. You are My Child. You are My Dad. You are My Father. You are My Papa. Maybe for example. We are Kinsfolks. We are Family. That Fellow 2(Two) out of that 2(Two)---We have, for example, Our Military, and Our Government, and Our Soldiers, and Our Troops, and Our Workers, and Our Military, and Our Government. Maybe for example. We have Our Ethnicities. We have Our Militaries. We have Our Species. We have Our Governments. We have Our Corporations. We have Our Companies. We have Our Businesses. We have Our Nations. We have Our Countries. We have our Groups. We have Our Ethnicities. Perhaps for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example. And also, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, 'We have gotten it already Bro. Already taken care of Bro. . Bro.. We already took Care of it Bro. . Bro., We got You Covered. Bro., We took care of that, Bro. . Bro., We are the Professionals. Bro., We are the Authorities. Bro, We are the Ones in Charge. Know Your Place, Bro. . If You know what's Good for You, Bro. . We got it Bro. . We got You Covered, Bro. . We're on it, Bro. We got 'em Covered, Bro. . We have it Covered, Bro. . We got it Bro. . I got it Bro. . Bro. Bro. Bro. He is also a J. . Bro. . He is also a M. . , Bro. . Yo, Bro. . Yo, Bro. . Right over Here, Bro. . Bro. . I got it Bro . .Bro. . don't be Concerned. allegedly that' And, of Course, We are Family. And, of Course, We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Storehouses. We have Our Spaceships. We have Our Spacestations. We have Our Warships. We have Our Worlds. Perhaps for example. That Fellow 1(One) out of that approximately about 2(Two)---We are Family. You are My Son. You are My Child. You are My Father. You are My Papa. We are Kinsfolks. We are Family. That Fellow 2(Two) out of that approximately about 2(Two)---We have, for example, Our Military, and Our Government, and Our Soldiers, and Our Troops, and Our Workers, and Our Military, and Our Government. Maybe for example. We have Our Ethnicities. We have Our Militaries. We have Our Species. We have Our Governments. We have Our Corporations. We have Our Companies. We have Our Businesses. We have Our Nations. We have Our Countries. We have our Groups. We have Our Ethnicities. Perhaps for example. We have Not become Exterminated. Today is 5-26-2022(the Month is May, and the Day is the Twenty Sixth, and the year is Two Thousand Twenty Two.) And the year before this was the year 2021(Two Thousand Twenty One). Within an Estimated approximately about 5(Five) days or evenings, or approximately about 6(Six) days or evenings, probably Not quite 7(Seven) days or evenings, if Fellow B. were to be be approximately that 9(Nine) out of that approximately about 300(Three Hundred), approximately about, unfortunately, 100(One Hundred) Percent of Our Populations will Very Likely Die, and will Very Likely be Dead, and Very Likely be Very Long Duration Dead. And for example. And for example being Emphasized. And, if so-called Fortunate, approximately about every Fellow Organization, and every Fellow Group, and, for example, every Fellow Ethnicity, will be at, if so-called Fortunate and/or if so-called Lucky, approximately about that so-called S.L. 1(One) out of that so-called S.L. 3(Three). And Maybe for example. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Perhaps for example. Fellow Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example." And May You have a Great Day, and a Great Afternoon, and a Great Night, Fellow Family and Friends, and Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends. And You might want to think about getting a Carbon Monoxide alarm, if You have Not already done so. And I am also Very Happy, and Very Glad that We have, for example, Our Trust Funds, and Our Wealth Funds, and Our approximately about 35(Thirty Five) Formal U.S.(United States) Government Copyrights. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course.---Brandon Ryan Katrena “And My Fellow Man, and My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man, and My Fellow Person, said, and/or Stated in Some More of My Writings, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "We are, of Course, Fellow Family. We are, of Course, Fellow Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Fellow Species. We have Our Fellow Military. We have Our Fellow Ethnicity. Perhaps for example. We have Our Fellow Storehouses. We have Our Fellow Worlds. We have Our Fellow Warships. Maybe for example. There is, of Course, No Real Time Travel. There is, of Course, No Real Going Back in Time. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example." “In addition, My Fellow Man, and My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man, and My Fellow Person, said, and/or Stated in Some More of My Writings, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example. We are, of Course, Fellow Family. We are, of Course, Fellow Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Fellow Species. We have Our Fellow Military. We have Our Fellow Ethnicity. Perhaps for example. We have Our Fellow Storehouses. We have Our Fellow Worlds. We have Our Fellow Warships. Maybe for example. Fellow H. Y. I. P. C. and/or Fellow H.U. Y.U. I. P. C. We are, of Course, Fellow Family. We are, of Course, Fellow Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Fellow Species. We have Our Fellow Military. We have Our Fellow Ethnicity. Perhaps for example. We have Our Fellow Storehouses. We have Our Fellow Worlds. We have Our Fellow Warships. Maybe for example.Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example." "In addition, and Furthermore, My Fellow Man, and My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man, and My Fellow Person, said, and/or Stated in Some More of My Writings, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "We are, of Course, Fellow Family. We are, of Course, Fellow Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Fellow Species. We have Our Fellow Military. We have Our Fellow Ethnicity. Perhaps for example. We have Our Fellow Storehouses. We have Our Fellow Worlds. We have Our Fellow Warships. Maybe for example. There is, of Course, No Real Time Travel. There is, of Course, No Real Going Back in Time. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example. The First approximately about One(1.) or Two(2.) minutes from Our Creations, Fellow B. Speaking and Talking, words sayings and phrases. Moreover, the First approximately about One(1.) or Two(2.) minutes from Our Creations, Fellow B. having Gestures, and motions, and movements. And the First approximately about One(1.) or Two(2.) minutes from Our Creations, and Fellow B. Walking and Resting. And You are Welcome. And Well, of Course. And Happens to be Obvious. You are Welcome. We are, of Course, Fellow Family. We are, of Course, Fellow Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Fellow Species. We have Our Fellow Military. We have Our Fellow Ethnicity. Perhaps for example. We have Our Fellow Storehouses. We have Our Fellow Worlds. We have Our Fellow Warships. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example." May You have a Good Evening, and May You have a Good Night, Fellow Family and Friends(F.A.F.), and Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends(K.A.F.). Today is 5-25-2022, Wednesday, and yesterday was 5-24-2022, Tuesday, and Tomorrow will be 5-26-2022, Thursday. This is the year 2022(Two Thousand Twenty Two). The year before this was the year 2021(Two thousand Twenty One). Fellow Family and Friends, and Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends, You might want to think about getting a Carbon Monoxide Alarm, if You have Not already done so. And I am Very Grateful, and Very Thankful, and Much appreciative, that We have, for example, Our Trust Funds, and Our Wealth Funds, and Our Movie Scripts(M.S.), and Our Television Scripts(T.S.), and Our approximately about 35(Thirty Five) Formal U.S.(United States) Government Copyrights. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course.---Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.). "And in some More My Writings, My Fellow Person said, and/or stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "what the heck. like a so-called tongue twister, so-called very long duration loss for words. very long duration, whatever. for good reason. often not very important. often not extremely important. that so-called three, 3. of that three, 3. And it isn't Real Mortal Sin(that One, 1 of that One,1). And it isn't Real Written on Typed Paper (that Exclusion) Real High Racial Treason, that 2, two, of that 2, two. And Maybe for example. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Perhaps for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example." May You have a Good Day, and a Good Afternoon, and a Good Night, Fellow Family and Friends, and Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends.---Brandon Ryan Katrena. "Maybe also that Very Interesting Information(Info.), and/or Perhaps also that Very Interesting News. Maybe for example." " Maybe that, "Definition of APPROPRIATE". [Appropriate.] Perhaps that, "especially suitable or compatible : fitting… See the [Maybe that Particular?] full definition". In addition, and Furthermore, Maybe also that Particular, "10 Rarest Monopoly Board Games Ever - [Maybe that Particular?]". [Maybe that Monopoly. Maybe for example. Perhaps that One of a Kind. Maybe that Rarity. Perhaps that One and Only. Maybe Very Valuable. Perhaps Extremely Valuable. Maybe Very Beneficial. Perhaps Extremely Beneficial. Maybe Very Good. Perhaps Very Excellent. Hopefully, Very Appropriate.] And in addition, and Furthermore, Maybe also that Particular, "Monopoly is one of the most played board games around the world. Over the years, hundreds of different editions have been released. Sometimes these editions ... Read more". [Maybe that Monopoly. Maybe for example. Perhaps that One of a Kind. Maybe that Rarity. Perhaps that One and Only. Maybe Very Valuable. Perhaps Extremely Valuable. Maybe Very Beneficial. Perhaps Extremely Beneficial. Maybe Very Good. Perhaps Very Excellent. Hopefully, Very Appropriate.]" "In addition, and Furthermore, and in Some More of My Writings, My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man said, and/or Stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "And, of Course. And Happens to be Obvious. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. And, of Course. And Happens to be Obvious. Maybe for example. We have Our Fellow Militaries. We have Our Fellow Ethnicities. Perhaps for example. We have Our Fellow Storehouses. We have Our Fellow Worlds. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example. Fellow Real Romul. . Maybe for example. Fellow Family and Friends. Fellow Kinsofolks and Friends. Perhaps for example. Much of Fellow 3(Three) of Fellow Five(5). Much of Fellow 4(Four) of Fellow 5(Five). Fellow 5(Five) of Fellow 5(Five). Fo.oth. And, of Course. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Fellow Militaries. We have Our Fellow Ethnicities. Perhaps for example. We have Our Fellow Storehouses. We have Our Fellow Worlds. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example." And May You have a Good Afternoon, and May You have a Good Night, Fellow Family and Friends(F.A.F.), and Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends(K.A.F.). Today is 5-24-2022, Tuesday, and yesterday was 5-23-2022, Monday, and Tomorrow will be 5-25-2022, Wednesday. This is the year 2022(Two Thousand Twenty Two). The year before this was the year 2021(Two thousand Twenty One). In addition, I am Very Grateful, and Very Thankful, and Much appreciative, that We have, for example, Our Trust Funds, and Our Wealth Funds, and Our Movie Scripts(M.S.), and Our Television Scripts(T.S.), and Our approximately about 35(Thirty Five) Formal U.S.(United States) Government Copyrights. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course.---Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.). "And that Fellow Person, and that Fellow Individual, and that Fellow Man, also said in some of my writings, paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "We good Us. We are Us. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. maybe for example. very excellent, and fine, and appropriate. not for example. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Military. We have Our Species. We have Our Ethnicity. We have Our Military. We have Our Military. Maybe for example. We have Our Warships. We have Our Warspacestations. We have Our Storehouses. We have Our Fortresses. We have Our Worlds. Perhaps for example. Family and Kinsfolks, please know this--those foreigners enemy foreigners cannot s.r. You. those foreigners enemy foreigners have never s.r. You. and, those foreigners enemy foreigners were safely and soundly 'used up,' before they could ever s.r. you. You are Welcome. We are Us. those foreigners enemy foreigners are not Us. they are not Us. We good Us. We are Us. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. maybe for example. very excellent, and fine, and appropriate. not for example." "In addition, and Furthermore, and in Some More of My Literature, and/or in Some More of My Writings, My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man said, and/or Stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Military. We have Our Species. We have Our Ethnicity. Perhaps for example. We have Our Storehouses. We have Our Worlds. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example. And also different Versions and Volumes and Editions of Movies, and Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "Our Forces will Overwhelm them and Exterminate them." "Madame. Madame. Tonight I think I die." "I do Not need Your Pity or Mercy." "That Priest from that Rome." "No. No. Madame. there is only One(1.) True Faith. there is only One(1.) True Path and Road. The Rest is Apostasy and Heresy." "that Holy Father." "that Holy War.' "Then Let that all be Done." "Our Forces will Overwhelm them and Exterminate them." And Not Really for example. Very Long Time Management. Not Really for example. Not Really for example, of Course. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Military. We have Our Species. We have Our Ethnicity. Perhaps for example. We have Our Storehouses. We have Our Worlds. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example." Very Good Morning, and Today is 5-22-2022(May, Twenty Second, Two Thousand Twenty Two). And the year before this was the year Two Thousand Twenty One(2021). And the year before that was the year 2020(Two Thousand Twenty). And Family and Friends(F.A.F.), and Kinsfolks and Friends(K.A.F.)—May You have a Very Good Day, and May You have a Very Good Evening. Many Very Good Radio Shows, and Much Very Good Music, and Many Good Books, Read aloud, or Not read aloud, of Course. Happy Belated Christmas, and Happy Holidays. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course.—Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.). “In addition, and Furthermore, in some More of My Literature, and/or in Some More of My Writings, My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man said, and/or Stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. And Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example. We were Not Exterminated. We were Not Annihilated. We were Not Exterminated. Our Fellow Organization was Not Exterminated. Our Fellow Group was Not Exterminated. Our Fellow Civilization was Not Exterminated. Our Fellow Species was Not Exterminated. Our Fellow Ethnicity was Not Exterminated. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. And Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example.” "And I am Very Glad, and Very Happy, for example, that I have Never been a Witness to a Crime, and that I have Never Filed a Civil Lawsuit, and that I have Never Sued anyone, and that I have Never Filed a Criminal Charge against anyone. And I am Very Glad, and Very Happy, of Course, that Our Fellow Family and Friends(F.A.F.), and that Our Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends(K.A.F.) are doing Well, and doing Good. And I am also Very Happy, and Very Glad, that We have Our Trust Funds, and Our Wealth Funds, and Our Copyrights. Very Excellent, and Very Good, and Very Appropriate, of Course.---Your Fellow Awards Winning Kinsfolks Member, and Your Fellow Awards Winning Family Member, and Your Friend, and Your Kid, and Your Son, and Your Child, Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.)." "That Fellow Person, and that Fellow Individual, and that Fellow Man, also said in some of My Writings, paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "We good Us. We are Us. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. maybe for example. We have Our Storehouses. We have Our Worlds. Perhaps for example. We have Our Militaries. We have Our Species. Maybe for example. very excellent, and fine, and appropriate. not for example. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Military. We have Our Species. We have Our Ethnicity. We have Our Military. We have Our Military. Maybe for example. We have Our Warships. We have Our Warspacestations. We have Our Storehouses. We have Our Fortresses. We have Our Worlds. Perhaps for example. Family and Kinsfolks, please know this--those foreigners enemy foreigners cannot se.r. You. those foreigners enemy foreigners have never se.r. You. and, those foreigners enemy foreigners were safely and soundly 'used up,' before they could ever se.r. you. You are Welcome. We are Us. those foreigners enemy foreigners are not Us. they are not Us. We good Us. We are Us. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. maybe for example. very excellent, and fine, and appropriate. not for example." Very Good Morning, and Today is 5-22-2022(May, Twenty Second, Two Thousand Twenty Two). And the year before this was the year Two Thousand Twenty One(2021). And the year before that was the year 2020(Two Thousand Twenty). And Family and Friends(F.A.F.), and Kinsfolks and Friends(K.A.F.)—May You have a Very Good Day, and May You have a Very Good Evening. Many Very Good Radio Shows, and Much Very Good Music, and Many Good Books, Read aloud, or Not read aloud, of Course. Happy Belated Christmas, and Happy Holidays. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course.—Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.). "And I am Very Glad, and Very Happy, for example, that I have Never been a Witness to a Crime, and that I have Never Filed a Civil Lawsuit, and that I have Never Sued anyone, and that I have Never Filed a Criminal Charge against anyone. And I am Very Glad, and Very Happy, of Course, that Our Fellow Family and Friends(F.A.F.), and that Our Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends(K.A.F.) are doing Well, and doing Good. And I am also Very Happy, and Very Glad, that We have Our Trust Funds, and Our Wealth Funds, and Our Copyrights. Very Excellent, and Very Good, and Very Appropriate, of Course.---Your Fellow Awards Winning Kinsfolks Member, and Your Fellow Awards Winning Family Member, and Your Friend, and Your Kid, and Your Son, and Your Child, Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.)." Family and Friends(F.A.F.), and Kinsfolks and Friends(K.A.F.).---May You have a Great Day, and May You have a Great Night. And Happy Belated Christmas, and Happy Holidays. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course.---Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.). “In addition, and Furthermore, in some More of My Literature, and/or in Some More of My Writings, My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man said, and/or Stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. And Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example. We were Not Exterminated. We were Not Annihilated. We were Not Exterminated. Our Fellow Organization was Not Exterminated. Our Fellow Group was Not Exterminated. Our Fellow Civilization was Not Exterminated. Our Fellow Species was Not Exterminated. Our Fellow Ethnicity was Not Exterminated. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. And Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example.” "And that Fellow Person, and that Fellow Individual, and that Fellow Man, also said in some of my writings, paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "We good Us. We are Us. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. maybe for example. very excellent, and fine, and appropriate. not for example. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Military. We have Our Species. We have Our Ethnicity. We have Our Military. We have Our Military. Maybe for example. We have Our Warships. We have Our Warspacestations. We have Our Storehouses. We have Our Fortresses. We have Our Worlds. Perhaps for example. Family and Kinsfolks, please know this--those foreigners enemy foreigners cannot s.r. You. those foreigners enemy foreigners have never s.r. You. and, those foreigners enemy foreigners were safely and soundly 'used up,' before they could ever s.r. you. You are Welcome. We are Us. those foreigners enemy foreigners are not Us. they are not Us. We good Us. We are Us. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. maybe for example. very excellent, and fine, and appropriate. not for example." "In addition, and Furthermore, and in Some More of My Literature, and/or in Some More of My Writings, My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man said, and/or Stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Military. We have Our Species. We have Our Ethnicity. Perhaps for example. We have Our Storehouses. We have Our Worlds. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example. And also different Versions and Volumes and Editions of Movies, and Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "Our Forces will Overwhelm them and Exterminate them." "Madame. Madame. Tonight I think I die." "I do Not need Your Pity or Mercy." "That Priest from that Rome." "No. No. Madame. there is only One(1.) True Faith. there is only One(1.) True Path and Road. The Rest is Apostasy and Heresy." "that Holy Father." "that Holy War.' "Then Let that all be Done." "Our Forces will Overwhelm them and Exterminate them." And Not Really for example. Very Long Time Management. Not Really for example. Not Really for example, of Course. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Military. We have Our Species. We have Our Ethnicity. Perhaps for example. We have Our Storehouses. We have Our Worlds. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example." And May You have a Good Afternoon, and May You have a Good Night, Fellow Family and Friends(F.A.F.), and Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends(K.A.F.). Today is 5-24-2022, Tuesday, and yesterday was 5-23-2022, Monday, and Tomorrow will be 5-25-2022, Wednesday. This is the year 2022(Two Thousand Twenty Two). The year before this was the year 2021(Two thousand Twenty One). In addition, I am Very Grateful, and Very Thankful, and Much appreciative, that We have, for example, Our Trust Funds, and Our Wealth Funds, and Our Movie Scripts(M.S.), and Our Television Scripts(T.S.), and Our approximately about 35(Thirty Five) Formal U.S.(United States) Government Copyrights. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course.---Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.). "In addition, and Furthermore, and in Some More of My Writings, My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man said, and/or Stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "And, of Course. And Happens to be Obvious. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. And, of Course. And Happens to be Obvious. Maybe for example. We have Our Fellow Militaries. We have Our Fellow Ethnicities. Perhaps for example. We have Our Fellow Storehouses. We have Our Fellow Worlds. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example. Fellow Real Romul. . Maybe for example. Fellow Family and Friends. Fellow Kinsofolks and Friends. Perhaps for example. Much of Fellow 3(Three) of Fellow Five(5). Much of Fellow 4(Four) of Fellow 5(Five). Fellow 5(Five) of Fellow 5(Five). Fo.oth. And, of Course. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Fellow Militaries. We have Our Fellow Ethnicities. Perhaps for example. We have Our Fellow Storehouses. We have Our Fellow Worlds. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example." "Maybe also that Very Interesting Information(Info.), and/or Perhaps also that Very Interesting News. Maybe for example." " Maybe that, "Definition of APPROPRIATE". [Appropriate.] Perhaps that, "especially suitable or compatible : fitting… See the [Maybe that Particular?] full definition". In addition, and Furthermore, Maybe also that Particular, "10 Rarest Monopoly Board Games Ever - [Maybe that Particular?]". [Maybe that Monopoly. Maybe for example. Perhaps that One of a Kind. Maybe that Rarity. Perhaps that One and Only. Maybe Very Valuable. Perhaps Extremely Valuable. Maybe Very Beneficial. Perhaps Extremely Beneficial. Maybe Very Good. Perhaps Very Excellent. Hopefully, Very Appropriate.] And in addition, and Furthermore, Maybe also that Particular, "Monopoly is one of the most played board games around the world. Over the years, hundreds of different editions have been released. Sometimes these editions ... Read more". [Maybe that Monopoly. Maybe for example. Perhaps that One of a Kind. Maybe that Rarity. Perhaps that One and Only. Maybe Very Valuable. Perhaps Extremely Valuable. Maybe Very Beneficial. Perhaps Extremely Beneficial. Maybe Very Good. Perhaps Very Excellent. Hopefully, Very Appropriate.]" May You have a Good Day, and a Good Afternoon, and a Good Night, Fellow Family and Friends, and Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends.---Brandon Ryan Katrena. "And in some More My Writings, My Fellow Person said, and/or stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "what the heck. like a so-called tongue twister, so-called very long duration loss for words. very long duration, whatever. for good reason. often not very important. often not extremely important. that so-called three, 3. of that three, 3. And it isn't Real Mortal Sin(that One, 1 of that One,1). And it isn't Real Written on Typed Paper (that Exclusion) Real High Racial Treason, that 2, two, of that 2, two. And Maybe for example. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Perhaps for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example." May You have a Good Evening, and May You have a Good Night, Fellow Family and Friends(F.A.F.), and Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends(K.A.F.). Today is 5-25-2022, Wednesday, and yesterday was 5-24-2022, Tuesday, and Tomorrow will be 5-26-2022, Thursday. This is the year 2022(Two Thousand Twenty Two). The year before this was the year 2021(Two thousand Twenty One). Fellow Family and Friends, and Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends, You might want to think about getting a Carbon Monoxide Alarm, if You have Not already done so. And I am Very Grateful, and Very Thankful, and Much appreciative, that We have, for example, Our Trust Funds, and Our Wealth Funds, and Our Movie Scripts(M.S.), and Our Television Scripts(T.S.), and Our approximately about 35(Thirty Five) Formal U.S.(United States) Government Copyrights. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course.---Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.). "In addition, and Furthermore, My Fellow Man, and My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man, and My Fellow Person, said, and/or Stated in Some More of My Writings, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "We are, of Course, Fellow Family. We are, of Course, Fellow Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Fellow Species. We have Our Fellow Military. We have Our Fellow Ethnicity. Perhaps for example. We have Our Fellow Storehouses. We have Our Fellow Worlds. We have Our Fellow Warships. Maybe for example. There is, of Course, No Real Time Travel. There is, of Course, No Real Going Back in Time. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example. The First approximately about One(1.) or Two(2.) minutes from Our Creations, Fellow B. Speaking and Talking, words sayings and phrases. Moreover, the First approximately about One(1.) or Two(2.) minutes from Our Creations, Fellow B. having Gestures, and motions, and movements. And the First approximately about One(1.) or Two(2.) minutes from Our Creations, and Fellow B. Walking and Resting. And You are Welcome. And Well, of Course. And Happens to be Obvious. You are Welcome. We are, of Course, Fellow Family. We are, of Course, Fellow Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Fellow Species. We have Our Fellow Military. We have Our Fellow Ethnicity. Perhaps for example. We have Our Fellow Storehouses. We have Our Fellow Worlds. We have Our Fellow Warships. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example." “And My Fellow Man, and My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man, and My Fellow Person, said, and/or Stated in Some More of My Writings, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "We are, of Course, Fellow Family. We are, of Course, Fellow Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Fellow Species. We have Our Fellow Military. We have Our Fellow Ethnicity. Perhaps for example. We have Our Fellow Storehouses. We have Our Fellow Worlds. We have Our Fellow Warships. Maybe for example. There is, of Course, No Real Time Travel. There is, of Course, No Real Going Back in Time. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example." “In addition, My Fellow Man, and My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man, and My Fellow Person, said, and/or Stated in Some More of My Writings, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example. We are, of Course, Fellow Family. We are, of Course, Fellow Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Fellow Species. We have Our Fellow Military. We have Our Fellow Ethnicity. Perhaps for example. We have Our Fellow Storehouses. We have Our Fellow Worlds. We have Our Fellow Warships. Maybe for example. Fellow H. Y. I. P. C. and/or Fellow H.U. Y.U. I. P. C. We are, of Course, Fellow Family. We are, of Course, Fellow Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Fellow Species. We have Our Fellow Military. We have Our Fellow Ethnicity. Perhaps for example. We have Our Fellow Storehouses. We have Our Fellow Worlds. We have Our Fellow Warships. Maybe for example.Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example." And May You have a Great Day, and a Great Afternoon, and a Great Night, Fellow Family and Friends, and Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends. And You might want to think about getting a Carbon Monoxide alarm, if You have Not already done so. And I am also Very Happy, and Very Glad that We have, for example, Our Trust Funds, and Our Wealth Funds, and Our approximately about 35(Thirty Five) Formal U.S.(United States) Government Copyrights. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course.---Brandon Ryan Katrena Fellow Family and Friends, and Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends---May You have a Great Afternoon, and May You have a Great Night. And there are Many, for example, Very Interesting and/or Entertaining Movies, and Many Very Interesting and/or Entertaining Radio Shows. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course.---Brandon Ryan Katrena. "My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man said, and/or stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, in some of My Writings, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Tables. We have Our Homes. We have Our Worlds. Perhaps for example. We have Our Militaries. We have Our Ethnicities. We have Our Militaries. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example. Now, their gods and/d their creations allegedly gave those fo.oth.vas.go.go.moc.zo.gau., the ability to do that, approximately about 2(Two) out of 2(Two) times each, with certain M., and certain Mo. (approximately about 2(Two) out of 2(Two). their virility, and so-called their god-given abilities. approximately about 70(Seventy) to 80(Eighty) times from beginning, would allegedly be used up approximately about 98.3(Ninety Eight Point Three Percent) would be used up. And instead, they, the, who were approximately about 7,000(Seven Thousand) in Number(tiers One(1.), Two(2.), and Three(3.), were Safely and Soundly used up, approximately about 2(Two) years ago, dearheart. You are Welcome. That was approximately about that 1(One) of that Nine(9.), beginning approximately about 3.2(Three Point Two) years ago. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Tables. We have Our Homes. We have Our Worlds. Perhaps for example. We have Our Militaries. We have Our Ethnicities. We have Our Militaries. Maybe for example. Fellow Past. Fellow Present. Fellow Future. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example." "And My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Man, and My Fellow Individual, also said, and/or Stated, in Some More of My Literature, and/or in Some More of My Writings, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "And, of Course, We are Family. And, of Course, We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Storehouses. We have Our Spaceships. We have Our Spacestations. We have Our Warships. We have Our Worlds. Perhaps for example. That Fellow 1(One) out of that 2(Two)---We are Family. You are My Son. You are My Child. You are My Dad. You are My Father. You are My Papa. Maybe for example. We are Kinsfolks. We are Family. That Fellow 2(Two) out of that 2(Two)---We have, for example, Our Military, and Our Government, and Our Soldiers, and Our Troops, and Our Workers, and Our Military, and Our Government. Maybe for example. We have Our Ethnicities. We have Our Militaries. We have Our Species. We have Our Governments. We have Our Corporations. We have Our Companies. We have Our Businesses. We have Our Nations. We have Our Countries. We have our Groups. We have Our Ethnicities. Perhaps for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example. And also, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, 'We have gotten it already Bro. Already taken care of Bro. . Bro.. We already took Care of it Bro. . Bro., We got You Covered. Bro., We took care of that, Bro. . Bro., We are the Professionals. Bro., We are the Authorities. Bro, We are the Ones in Charge. Know Your Place, Bro. . If You know what's Good for You, Bro. . We got it Bro. . We got You Covered, Bro. . We're on it, Bro. We got 'em Covered, Bro. . We have it Covered, Bro. . We got it Bro. . I got it Bro. . Bro. Bro. Bro. He is also a J. . Bro. . He is also a M. . , Bro. . Yo, Bro. . Yo, Bro. . Right over Here, Bro. . Bro. . I got it Bro . .Bro. . don't be Concerned. allegedly that' And, of Course, We are Family. And, of Course, We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Storehouses. We have Our Spaceships. We have Our Spacestations. We have Our Warships. We have Our Worlds. Perhaps for example. That Fellow 1(One) out of that approximately about 2(Two)---We are Family. You are My Son. You are My Child. You are My Father. You are My Papa. We are Kinsfolks. We are Family. That Fellow 2(Two) out of that approximately about 2(Two)---We have, for example, Our Military, and Our Government, and Our Soldiers, and Our Troops, and Our Workers, and Our Military, and Our Government. Maybe for example. We have Our Ethnicities. We have Our Militaries. We have Our Species. We have Our Governments. We have Our Corporations. We have Our Companies. We have Our Businesses. We have Our Nations. We have Our Countries. We have our Groups. We have Our Ethnicities. Perhaps for example. We have Not become Exterminated. Today is 5-26-2022(the Month is May, and the Day is the Twenty Sixth, and the year is Two Thousand Twenty Two.) And the year before this was the year 2021(Two Thousand Twenty One). Within an Estimated approximately about 5(Five) days or evenings, or approximately about 6(Six) days or evenings, probably Not quite 7(Seven) days or evenings, if Fellow B. were to be be approximately that 9(Nine) out of that approximately about 300(Three Hundred), approximately about, unfortunately, 100(One Hundred) Percent of Our Populations will Very Likely Die, and will Very Likely be Dead, and Very Likely be Very Long Duration Dead. And for example. And for example being Emphasized. And, if so-called Fortunate, approximately about every Fellow Organization, and every Fellow Group, and, for example, every Fellow Ethnicity, will be at, if so-called Fortunate and/or if so-called Lucky, approximately about that so-called S.L. 1(One) out of that so-called S.L. 3(Three). And Maybe for example. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Perhaps for example. Fellow Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example." Good Evening, and Good Night, and Good Day, Fellow Family and Friends(F.A.F.), and Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends(K.A.F.). Today is 5-27-2022, Friday(Fri.), and Tomorrow will be 5-28-2022, Saturday(Satur.), and Yesterday was 5-26-2022, Thursday(Thurs.). And this is the year Two Thousand Twenty Two(2022). And last year was approximately about the year 2021(Two Thousand Twenty One). And, if You have Not already done so, You might want to Think about and/or Consider getting a Carbon Monoxide Alarm. And I am Very Grateful, and I am Very Thankful, for example, for Our approximately about 35(Thirty Five) Formal U.S.(United States) Government Copyrights, and Our Wealth Funds, and Our Trust Funds. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course.---Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.). "In addition, and Furthermore, My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man said, and/or stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, in some of My Writings, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Tables. We have Our Homes. We have Our Worlds. Perhaps for example. We have Our Militaries. We have Our Ethnicities. We have Our Militaries. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example. This is approximately about the year 2022(Two Thousand and Twenty Two). The year before this was approximately about the year 2021(Two thousand Twenty One). And the year before that was approximately about the year 2020(Two Thousand Twenty). And that We would get approximately about this Far in time with Our Accomplishments, and with that approximately about 9(Nine) out of that approximately about 9(Nine), and at approximately about this so-called 'Point in Time(P.I.T.)', approximately about 51(Fifty One) Percent (approximately that Half) to approximately about 72(Seventy Two) Percent, (approximately about Two Thirds, approximately about 2/3, approximately about Two Thirds). You are Welcome. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Tables. We have Our Homes. We have Our Worlds. Perhaps for example. We have Our Militaries. We have Our Ethnicities. We have Our Militaries. Maybe for example. Fellow Past. Fellow Present. Fellow Future. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example." “In addition, My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Man, and My Fellow Individual, also said, and/or Stated, in Some More of My Literature, and/or in Some More of My Writings, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "And, of Course, We are Family. And, of Course, We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Storehouses. We have Our Spaceships. We have Our Spacestations. We have Our Warships. We have Our Worlds. Perhaps for example. That Fellow 1(One) out of that 2(Two)—We are Family. You are My Son. You are My Child. You are My Dad. You are My Father. You are My Papa. Maybe for example. We are Kinsfolks. We are Family. That Fellow 2(Two) out of that 2(Two)—We have, for example, Our Military, and Our Government, and Our Soldiers, and Our Troops, and Our Workers, and Our Military, and Our Government. Maybe for example. We have Our Ethnicities. We have Our Militaries. We have Our Species. We have Our Governments. We have Our Corporations. We have Our Companies. We have Our Businesses. We have Our Nations. We have Our Countries. We have our Groups. We have Our Ethnicities. Perhaps for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example. And also, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, ‘We have gotten it already Bro. Already taken care of Bro. . Bro.. We already took Care of it Bro. . Bro., We got You Covered. Bro., We took care of that, Bro. . Bro., We are the Professionals. Bro., We are the Authorities. Bro, We are the Ones in Charge. Know Your Place, Bro. . If You know what’s Good for You, Bro. . We got it Bro. . We got You Covered, Bro. . We’re on it, Bro. We got 'em Covered, Bro. . We have it Covered, Bro. . We got it Bro. . I got it Bro. . Bro. Bro. Bro. He is also a J. . Bro. . He is also a M. . , Bro. . Yo, Bro. . Yo, Bro. . Right over Here, Bro. . Bro. . I got it Bro . .Bro. . don’t be Concerned. allegedly that’ And, of Course, We are Family. And, of Course, We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Storehouses. We have Our Spaceships. We have Our Spacestations. We have Our Warships. We have Our Worlds. Perhaps for example. That Fellow 1(One) out of that approximately about 2(Two)—We are Family. You are My Son. You are My Child. You are My Father. You are My Papa. We are Kinsfolks. We are Family. That Fellow 2(Two) out of that approximately about 2(Two)—We have, for example, Our Military, and Our Government, and Our Soldiers, and Our Troops, and Our Workers, and Our Military, and Our Government. Maybe for example. We have Our Ethnicities. We have Our Militaries. We have Our Species. We have Our Governments. We have Our Corporations. We have Our Companies. We have Our Businesses. We have Our Nations. We have Our Countries. We have our Groups. We have Our Ethnicities. Perhaps for example. We have Not become Exterminated. Today is 5-27-2022(the Month is May, and the Day is the Twenty Seventh, and the year is Two Thousand Twenty Two.) And the year before this was the year 2021(Two Thousand Twenty One). Within an Estimated approximately about 5(Five) days or evenings, or approximately about 6(Six) days or evenings, probably Not quite 7(Seven) days or evenings, if Fellow B. were to be approximately about that 9(Nine) out of that approximately about 300(Three Hundred), approximately about, unfortunately, 100(One Hundred) Percent of Our Populations will Very Likely Die, and will Very Likely be Dead, and Very Likely be Very Long Duration Dead, and Very Likely Very Long Duration Die, and Very Likely Very Long Duration Pass Away. And for example. And for example being Emphasized. And, if so-called Fortunate, approximately about every Fellow Organization, and every Fellow Group, and, for example, every Fellow Ethnicity, will be at, if so-called Fortunate and/or if so-called Lucky, approximately about that so-called S.L. 1(One) out of that so-called S.L. 3(Three). And Maybe for example. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Perhaps for example. Fellow Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example.” "My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man also said, and/or also Stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, in some More of My Writings, "Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. it is Very Easy for Fellow B. And then it is, overall, Easy for Fellow B. . And Not Extremely Easy for Fellow B. , however, approximately about Half(approximately about 50(Fifty) Percent of the time) of the Time, Very Easy for Fellow B. . , and then overall, approximately about Easy for Fellow B. . And that is for Fellow B. . And that is for Fellow B. . And that is for Fellow B. . And other then for Fellow B., it ain't easy oftentimes, is it? It isn't easy oftentimes is it? Except for Fellow B., it is Very Easy, or Easy Nearly all the time, approximately about 100(One Hundred) Percent of the time. And for Good Reason. And for Good Reason it is Very Easy for Fellow B., and Easy for Fellow B. . Nearly all the time, approximately about 100(One Hundred) Percent of the Time, overall, and cumulatively, and holistically. And of Course. And You are Welcome. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example." And May You have a Great Day, and a Great Afternoon, and a Great Evening, Fellow Family and Friends(F.A.F.), and Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends(K.A.F.). And You might want to think about getting a Carbon Monoxide alarm, if You have Not already done so. And I am also Very Happy, and Very Glad that We have, for example, Our Trust Funds(T.F.), and Our Wealth Funds(W.F.), and Our approximately about 35(Thirty Five) Formal U.S.(United States) Government Copyrights. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course.---Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.). "In addition, and Furthermore, My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man also said, and/or also Stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, in some More of My Writings, "Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Estimated at approximately about 1(One) in 8,000(Eight Thousand) to 9,000(Nine Thousand) to approximately about One in 90,000(Ninety Thousand) to approximately about One in Millions, and Billions, and Trillions, to approximately about One in 90,000,000(Ninety Million) to approximately about One in 100,000,000(One Hundred Million) to approximately about One(1.) in Trillions, and Quadrillions. And You are Welcome. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example." "In addition, and Furthermore, in Some More of My Writings, My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man said, and/or Stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Perhaps for example. We have Our Species. We have Our Military. We have Our Ethnicity. Perhaps for example. We have Our Storehouses. We have Our Tables. We have Our Worlds. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example. Their government. Their military. Their intelligence agency. Their security agency. Their soldiers. Their troops. Their citizens. Their military. Their government. Maybe for example. Very Long Duration Time Management. Not Really for example. Not Really for example, of Course. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Perhaps for example. We have Our Species. We have Our Military. We have Our Ethnicity. Perhaps for example. We have Our Storehouses. We have Our Tables. We have Our Worlds. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example." I was born and created many years ago. And there are many very long duration good signs and indications. Perhaps for example. And there is the very long duration absence of many very bad signs and indications. Maybe for example. Happens to be very obvious. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Very excellent, and good, and appropriate. Not for example. "Here is also a Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, Quotation from a Version or Volume or Edition of a Movie in approximately about the year 2001(Two Thousand One), that so-called Gladiator Movie, 'those Praetorian Guards.' " We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example. "And also that Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated Quotation saying, 'Those Sticks and Stones may Very Long Duration break My bones; however, those Words and Phrases will Never Very Long Duration Extremely Hurt Me." Very Excellent, and Very Good, and Very appropriate, of Course. Not for example. "And also that Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated Quotation saying, 'No Very Long Duration Extreme Harm, and No Very Long Duration Extreme Foul." Very Excellent, and Very Good, and Very appropriate, of Course. Not for example. Fellow Strong. Fellow Strength. Fellow Loyalty. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example. "Here is also a Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, Quotation from a Version or Volume or Edition of a Movie in approximately about the year 2006(Two Thousand Six), approximately about 20(Twenty) years ago, that so-called Good Shepherd Movie, 'Get out, Edward. Get out while you still have your soul.' " "In addition, and Furthermore, My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man also said, and/or also Stated, in some More of My Writings, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "Brandon. Brandon. Brandon. We are Fellow Family. We are Fellow Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example. In addition, also Holding the so-called Line for approximately about 1,000(One Thousand) days and evenings to approximately about the present. For approximately about 3.2(Three Point Two) years to approximately about the present. And You are Welcome. And this is the year 2022(Two Thousand Twenty Two). And the year before this was approximately about the year 2021(Two Thousand Twenty One). Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example. Fellow Strong. Fellow Strength. Fellow Loyalty. Brandon. Brandon. Fellow Strong. Fellow Strength. Fellow Loyalty. Attack Group Formation. Fellow Avarice. Fellow Greed. 'Tis the Will of the Fellow Po. . Fellow Avarice. Fellow Greed. Attack Group Formation. Fellow Hold the Line. Ours Not to Reason W. . Exterminate them. Exterminate them. they were Exterminated. Good. they were Exterminated. Good. Good. Attack Group Formation. Fellow Press. Fellow Media. Fellow Press. 'Tis the Will of the Fellow Po. . Ours Not to Reason W. . Fellow Hold the Line. We are Fellow Family. We are Fellow Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example." May You have a Very Good Day, and a Very Good Evening, Fellow Family and Friends, and Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends. And there are, of Course, Many Very Good Radio Shows, and Many Very Good Television Shows, of Course. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course.---Brandon Ryan Katrena. "And My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man said, and/or Stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Good, and Excellent, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example. Fellow Copyrights. Fellow so-called Patents. Fellow informal Copyrights. Fellow informal so-called Patents. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Good, and Excellent, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example." "In addition, and Furthermore, My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man said, and/or Stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Good, and Excellent, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example. They are Not Capable of doing that. And You are Welcome. And they will Never be capable of doing that. And You are Welcome. And they never did that. And You are Welcome. And they are Not able to do that. And You are Welcome. And they will never be able to do that. And You are Welcome. And they never did that. And You are Welcome. Fellow Real Monopolies. And You are Welcome. Fellow Real Monopoly. And You are Welcome. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Good, and Excellent, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example." "And, in addition, My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man also said, and/or also Stated, in Some of My Writings, Paraphrased, and Summarized and Abbreviated, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Perhaps for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example. That is Very Easy for Me to do. That is Very Easy for Me to do, Very Long Duration. Not Very Difficult for Me to do that. Not Very Difficult for Me to do that Very Long Duration. And instead, Very Easy for Me to do that. And instead, Very Easy for Me to do that Very Long Duration. To read that. Or to Recite that. For example. That Fellow so-called Junk. Those Fellow so-called Bulk Energies. Those Fellow so-called Large Quantities of Energies. Maybe for example. Why wouldn't I do that? Why would I not do that? I am Very Long Duration Able Bodied. And I am Able Bodied. And I am Very Long Duration Able Bodied. Why wouldn't I do that? Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Those Fellow so-called Huge Amounts, and/or Large Quantities of Energies. Maybe for example. That Fellow so-called Wh. . That Fellow so-called Ba. . That Fellow so-called Ho. . That Fellow so-called Pi. . That Fellow so-called Sw. . That Fellow so-called Nu. . That Fellow so-called Wo. . H. . And Fellow Real Ins. . And so, if 'Gone' for approximately about 5(Five) days or More. And Fellow Real Ins. . And Fellow Extrapolation, and Generalization, and Inference. And Fellow Very Long Duration Huge Amounts of Energies. And Fellow Energy Workers. And Fellow Fen. . Shu. . Workers. And Maybe for example. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Perhaps for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example." "My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man said, and/or Stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Good, and Excellent, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example. Originally maybe approximately about One in Two Chance, approximately about Fifty Percent(approximately about Half) a Chance, or else approximately about One(1.) in approximately about 383(Three Hundred Eighty Three) Chance. And then Maybe approximately about One(1.) in Seven(7.) Chance, approximately about Fifty Percent(approximately about Half) a Chance of that Particular approximately about One(1.) in Seven(7.) Chance, or else approximately about One(1.) in approximately about 383(Three Hundred Eighty Three) Chance. And Now approximately about One(1.) in Eighty Thousand(80,000) Chance, or else approximately about One(1.) in Millions, or Billions, or Quadrillions Chance. And You are Welcome. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Good, and Excellent, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example." "In addition, and Furthermore, My Fellow Person, and/or My Fellow Individual, and/or My Fellow Man also said, and/or also Stated, in Some of My Literature, and/or in Some of My Writings, Paraphrased, and Summarized and Abbreviated, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Perhaps for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example. Very Long Duration Time Management. Fellow Freeborne. Fellow Free Will. Fellow B. would be maybe Very Surprised. Fellow B. would be Maybe very Surprised Very Long Duration. Fellow B. would Not Very Long Duration be Extremely Surprised. Very Long Duration Time Management. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Perhaps for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example." And May You have a Very Good Day, and a Very Good Evening, Fellow Family and Friends(F.A.F.), and Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends(K.A.F.). And Today is 5-31-2022 (May Thirty First 2022), Tuesday, and Yesterday was 5-30-2022(May Thirty 2022), Monday, and Tomorrow will be 6-1-2022(June First 2022), Wednesday. Last year was approximately about the year 2021(Two Thousand Twenty One). And this year is approximately about the year 2022(Two Thousand Twenty Two). And You might want to Think about Getting a Carbon Monoxide Alarm if You have not already done so, Fellow Family and Friends, and Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends. And there are, of Course, Many Very Good Radio Shows, and Many Very Good Television Shows, of Course. And I am also Very Glad, and Very Happy, that We have, for example, Our Trust Funds, and Our Wealth Funds, and Our approximately about 35(Thirty Five) U.S.(United States) Government Copyrights. And I, of Course, Recognize and Acknowledge all of My Family, and all of My Kinsfolks. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course.---Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.). "Do You know what they will do to them? Do you know what will happen to them? Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate." Happy Memorial Day, Fellow Family and Friends, and Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends. And I remember watching the Memorial Day Concerts in approximately about the year 2013(Two Thousand Thirteen), which was approximately about 9(Nine) years ago. And today is, of Course, the year 2022(Two Thousand Twenty Two). And May You have a Happy Belated Christmas, and Happy Holidays. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course.---Brandon Ryan Katrena. "Maybe Vacuuming Later. Maybe washing dishes in the Dish washing Machine Later. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate." "Do You know what they did to them? Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate." "There is No Real Time Traveling, of Course. And if there was Real Time Traveling, I would do that all over again, of Course, and approximately about every Word, Saying, and Gesture, and Walking, and Talking, and Laughing, and Smiling would, of Course, be done again by Fellow B. again, of Course, from approximately about the first One(1.) Minute to the first approximately about the first Second(2.) Minute from Our Creations, births, being born, Creations to approximately about the Present, and approximately about everything would be done and Completed by Fellow B. again, of Course. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course." "None of Our Fellow Organizations, and Our Fellow Species, and Our Fellow Militaries, and Our Fellow Groups, and Our Fellow Ethnicities, for example, and Our Fellow Civilizations, and Our Fellow Governments, and Our Fellow Tribes, were Annihilated, and Exterminated. You are Welcome. Today is 5-31-2022. And Yesterday was 5-30-2022. This is the year 2022(Two Thousand Twenty Two). And the year before this was the year 2021(Two Thousand Twenty One). And, of Course, Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate." "We have Not been Se.R. . You are Welcome. We cannot be Se. R. . You are Welcome. None of Us have been Se.R. . You are Welcome. You have Not been Se.R. . You are Welcome. You cannot be Se.R. . You are Welcome. None of Us can be Se.R. . You are Welcome. And for example. You are Welcome. None of Our Fellow Organizations, and Our Fellow Militaries, and Our Fellow Ethnicities have been Annihilated and Exterminated. You are Welcome. And, of Course, Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate."

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