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Mental health thread, please share any helpful advice.


Mental health thread, please share any helpful advice.

103 messages
77% Upvoted

The best advice I can think of is to use good hygiene, wear a mask, and have safe sex - just like without monkeypox. Go outside, get some fresh air and sunshine, hug your loved ones close and enjoy the day.

You needn't be more concerned about it than that.

Don’t become obsessed. There is nothing you can really do on a personal level except exercise the same precautions as coffee life said. We will soon find out the proper implications

Will it become a pandemic? I seriously can’t go through that again

Mindfulness meditation. Find an app or YouTube video and learn how to do it.

Breathing exercises. Find an app or YouTube video and learn how to do it.

Please at least get some low-effort dopamine by upping the number of happy posts in your reddit feed. Recommendations are or for those of you who enjoy schadenfreude.

It is hard to say whether it will become a full blown pandemic, depending on multiple factors

If anyone says it definitely will or won’t at this point, they’re wrong. The next few weeks will be telling

You should have at least a few weeks worth of non-perishable foods/meds/other essential consumables at home ALREADY just due to natural disasters. I once spent a week without power due to a hurricane and that was pretty miserable.

Don't panic but do remain rational, pretending something isn't happening is just as extreme as thinking its the apocalypse.



Lockdowns will only happen if there is a genuine need, which won’t be evident for a little while if at all

Disconnect and create for a few hours a day. It’s out of your control.

I don’t THINK it’s going to be anything bad at all… a lot of the same folks that first sounded the alarms on COVID in January 2020 aren’t nearly as pessimistic on this one- and I don’t think we should be based on vaccinations and whatnot. The US alone possesses enough smallpox vaccines for half of the world’s population, and if someone tests positive, an immediate vaccination can wipe out most of the risks. I really wouldn’t worry until some of the smarter experts tell me to do so.

Whether this becomes a pandemic is still in the air. However, outside of a hyper transmissible, vaccine escaping variant, there will not be another lockdown.

Why? Masks are abundant, vaccines are available. Even non monkeypox specific smallpox vaccines are effective. A portion of the population already have that vaccine.

What's going to happen next? Gov are going to push for masks and vaccine. Basically what they've been doing for the past 2 years. Outbreaks are going to happen in high density population centers first, then either die out or move to areas with lots of antivaxxers, depending on the transmissibility.

My best advice: it's okay to be worried. Yes, it's scary, I totally understand that. But don't panic about it, as we're still in the early stages of the outbreak. If you're getting that feelings, or other bad feelings from it, leave the subreddit and social media alone, and find some distraction.

Waves of different pandemics might be our ‘new normal’ I think the sooner we accept this the better it will be for our mh

There’s a good workbook linked below that helps to understand Distress Intolerance - we’ve all had a huge amount of negative emotions over the last couple of years and it can really build up and make it feel like we can’t tolerate even one more thing. It’s CBT based and while it does tend to use a lot of clip art the information is sound.

There are some other good workbooks at the site for dealing with anxiety and a whole group of issues.

As long as you’re not making physical contact with strangers daily, you almost certainly have nothing to worry about. Get fresh air and sunshine.

As someone who spent 2 weeks spending all day on Reddit doomscrolling about Covid near the end of February 2020… this is not worth it. Whatever happens is out of your control. I know it’s addicting to stay updated, but it makes no difference. Ultimately it will just make you more anxious and stressed. If it truly is serious, you’ll hear about it one way or another. No point of being constantly in the know.

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Terrorize members and sympathizers of the ruling class

Playing open world video games and video games with heavy mental stimulation have helped me detach for a bit. Also ymmv, but these games have helped me during some of my worst times due to their great attention to detail and out-of-nowhere insanely, comedic moments (yes I play a wide range of video games):

All of these games make you laugh, cry, and think about what’s most important in your life.

“What you resist persists” -Carl Jung. If you are having anxious thoughts about Monkeypox, try not to resist them. Let them come, sit with them for a bit, and let them go. It will feel uncomfortable but the feeling will soon pass and you’ll feel better.

Don’t start your day with monkeypox twitter and Reddit it will suck you down the rabbit hole. Hard to get out.



This is not COVID where it was a novel virus where at least there were no vaccines or treatments for it. Monkeypox has been known about for decades and there are vaccines and antiviral treatments for it ready to be used in case of an outbreak. The US actually had an outbreak back in 2003.

We're not going into lockdown again, especially during an election year where it would be met with political backlash. It's good to be aware, but not panic.

Do something new / different.

I decided that today would be a great day to do a quick hike and hopefully forage some mushrooms.
3 lbs each of morels and oysters later… I am feeling pretty good.

Separately, any type of exercise is going to be really good for you.
Doubly so if it puts you in a new place and triply so if it gets you into nature.
I enjoy running / hiking / biking / rollerblading among other things that don’t immediately jump to mind.

I don't know if this will be helpful for anyone, but I find that my mind goes in two directions with these things. First, I get anxious. But then, there's a second wave of calm that comes from thinking that disease, pain, death, are inevitable, and that I can't make myself suffer even more right now when I'm ok by worrying about them. That doesn't mean that I'm not going to take precautions, but just that these huge events can sometimes serve as a reminder of how small I am in the grand scheme of things and how little control I have, and that can be a comforting thought. It is for me, at least.

Disconnect from news and don’t surf social media looking for the answers. You gave no control over this and being glued to your screens hoping to find something new or better will only get you in a worse mental state. Limit the exposure time you spend looking reading and discussing the virus news

Stop focusing what media says, ask doctors directly or visit WHO site. Spend more time outside.

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At this stage there is still no epidemic. The first few cases got identified and reported. There is a probablity of containing the Monkeypox. Apart from that. Hand washing at times of the day is always at good bet !

It’s not dangerous. Certainly not life threatening.

Definitely worth being mindful of the fact that the coronavirus pandemic was very traumatic - it's easy to jump to the same conclusions about any future virus that shows up. It's being talked about a lot, in part because newspapers know it will generate a lot of engagement right now. Now is the time to be reasonably curious, not doomsaying

I don’t think I can mentally handle another .

I’m diagnosed with MDD and an anxiety disorder . I’ve been homeless and I’m more afraid of another pandemic , because it took 10 years to get where I’m at today . I’m exhausted , and my inner healing journey is being deminished because of the constant hell that this world has come to . WHY is life THIS HARD

For the sake of all of our mental health, can we ban the extreme mentally ill from posting here? We don't need r/conspiracy and qanaon nut jobs here. They're mentally ill and a problem

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My wife and I have our honeymoon planned starting later this week for 12 days total. We are going to Italy and Greece. Should I be concerned? Should I be cancelling? This thing really worries me.

Calling people "nut jobs" in a metal health thread is not nice. And conflating far right fringe with the mentally ill is pretty mean to other mentally ill people. I'm so sick of people using mental illness as an insult.

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Put time limit/self control on your laptop/ phone, with limits on when and how long you can use Reddit and news site, and have someone else set a password. Get enough sleep - limit caffeine after 16:00 and blue light after 22:00. Go outside. Work out. See humans in person. Do ethical, useful prep.

My ultimate advice from personal experience is to get really involved in an easy hobby community, like a mobile game or a genre of music. Join the subreddits and look at memes and discussions. Turn checking reddit from "covid.war.crisis.monkeypox" to "stardewvalleymemes.gottachecktodaysplaylosts.letsjoininonphotoshopbattles" - your news will appear intermittently - and for the most part, stay off specific doomly subreddits and only participate when they appear on your front page

You guys ever think nature wants us to die off?

I am trying to compartmentalize until there is a case in my county. Once that happens I will switch into high alert/change my behaviors.

Turn off the news you'll feel better

Li c k a b l i s t e r

Yh nature want to get less human

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tip of the day, exercising may not be a cure all but its easier to feel good when you regularly workout. stress is easier to handle. it's worth doing

I tried to stay positive at first when it was somehow contained to the UK and Spain but seing all these cases pop up everywhere (like the 15 cases in Québec) completely destroys any hope I had that we wouldn't end up with yet another pandemic. I know that I won't be able to deal with another round of lockdowns and anxiety over all this. I may regret these words one day and everybody can mock me all they want but I feel that I am ready to end it for me if we end up in another 2020 situation.

I would not cancel a full honeymoon for this. Just take the same precautions as you did with covid and you'll be fine! Wash hands with soap & water or hand sanitizer, mask up (FFP2 or better preferably) and you'll be good to go. Also, Italy so far only have 6 cases and Greece have none.

Hope y'all enjoy and have a great time!

during the height of covid I would sometimes have to call a friend to even have energy to do a little bit of yoga. but the moral of the story is, I did do a little bit of yoga and that's what counts. wins are wins even if you needed support.

I find that swapping bodily fluids helps in tough times. Anyone?

It’s not okay to be this afraid. Unsub and just live your fucking lives




That just means 50 base pairs. there was a 625 bp deletion in a 2014 study

If you haven’t been wearing a mask lately, get comfortable doing it on a regular basis again in the event mandates come back.

Other than that, I’d say it’s too early to start panicking. Live your life for now.

Wear a mask and gloves if you care that much, but honestly we all die someday enjoy life

Can you die from monkey pox? Does anyone know cuz I’m scared :o

As far as I'm aware, there have been zero deaths in developed countries. Monkeypox is endemic in west Africa and the Congo Basin. I have not researched the endemic locations' medical care/facilities so do not know if their death rate is comparable with your location.

Maybe consider getting a therapy monkey?

for anyone really worried: the way it's transmitted is by touching someone's lesions, and that's only with close physical contact. this causes it not to spread so quickly like covid, a respiratory virus.

Any tips on how to stay mentally healthy if we dont go into lockdown?

For any of you super sexually active people maybe you would want to check out VRchat if monkeypox gets bad.

in developing countries this particular strain has a 1 percent death rate but the Congo strain which is more serious has a 10 percent death rate. That being said that data doesn't translate to developed nations were because of treatments likely lower

As a gay man, I’m seriously scared about the LGBTQ community having to deal with homophobia and violence because of this virus, with the debate over whether it’s sexually transmitted.

Social conservatives are gonna have a field day with monkey pox.

If you’re truly that scared ab monkeypox to the point where it’s debilitating, there might be a mechanism available for you to get the new vaccine that’ll help fight it that isn’t super horrific like the older smallpox vaccine

but in consideration of working class people and considering the US economy probably couldn’t handle another lockdown, we’re likely not getting another one

We can stop the spread in 14 days guys

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Let's not panic yet. There are more members in this sub than active cases.




Created Jun 10, 2021