“Moreover, in Some More of My Writings, My Fellow Person, and My Fellow
Individual, and My Fellow Man said, and/or Stated Paraphrased, and
Summarized, and Abbreviated, "We are, of Course, Fellow Family. We are,
of Course, Fellow Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Very excellent, and
good, and appropriate. Not for example. I cancelled Y.t. for the second
time. Anything else recently cancelled by Fellow B.? No. Just that
so-called Y.t. Anything else planned to be Cancelled by Fellow B. .? No.
Non. Naye. No. Not Really for example. And We are, of Course, Fellow
Family. And We are, of Course, Fellow Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Very
excellent, and good, and appropriate. Not for example.”
“My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man said,
and/or stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, in some of
My Writings, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We
have Our Tables. We have Our Homes. We have Our Worlds. Perhaps for
example. We have Our Militaries. We have Our Ethnicities. We have Our
Militaries. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good,
and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example. Now, their gods and/d their
creations allegedly gave those
fo.oth.vas.go.go.moc.zo.gau.,moc.zi.lo.fu.h.moc.go.as. the ability to do
that, approximately about 2(Two) out of 2(Two) times each, with certain
M., and certain Mo. (approximately about 2(Two) out of 2(Two). their
virility, and so-called their god-given abilities. approximately about
70(Seventy) to 80(Eighty) times from beginning, would allegedly be used
up approximately about 98.3(Ninety Eight Point Three Percent)
fo.oth.vas.go.go.moc.as would be used up. And instead, they, the fo.oth.vas.as,
who were approximately about 7,000(Seven Thousand) in Number(tiers
One(1.), Two(2.), and Three(3.), were Safely and Soundly used up,
approximately about 2(Two) years ago, dearheart. You are Welcome. That
was approximately about that 1(One) of that Nine(9.), beginning
approximately about 3.2(Three Point Two) years ago. We are Family. We
are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Tables. We have Our Homes.
We have Our Worlds. Perhaps for example. We have Our Militaries. We
have Our Ethnicities. We have Our Militaries. Maybe for example. Fellow
Past. Fellow Present. Fellow Future. Very Excellent, and Good, and
Appropriate, of Course. Not for example.”
“In addition, and Furthermore, My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man said, and/or stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, in some of My Writings, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Tables. We have Our Homes. We have Our Worlds. Perhaps for example. We have Our Militaries. We have Our Ethnicities. We have Our Militaries. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example. This is approximately about the year 2022(Two Thousand and Twenty Two). The year before this was approximately about the year 2021(Two thousand Twenty One). And the year before that was approximately about the year 2020(Two Thousand Twenty). And that We would get approximately about this Far in time with Our Accomplishments, and with that approximately about 9(Nine) out of that approximately about 9(Nine), and at approximately about this so-called ‘Point in Time(P.I.T.)’, approximately about 51(Fifty One) Percent (approximately that Half) to approximately about 72(Seventy Two) Percent, (approximately about Two Thirds, approximately about 2/3, approximately about Two Thirds). You are Welcome. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Tables. We have Our Homes. We have Our Worlds. Perhaps for example. We have Our Militaries. We have Our Ethnicities. We have Our Militaries. Maybe for example. Fellow Past. Fellow Present. Fellow Future. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example.”
“And My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Man, and My Fellow Individual, also said, and/or Stated, in Some More of My Literature, and/or in Some More of My Writings, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "And, of Course, We are Family. And, of Course, We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Storehouses. We have Our Spaceships. We have Our Spacestations. We have Our Warships. We have Our Worlds. Perhaps for example. That Fellow 1(One) out of that 2(Two)—We are Family. You are My Son. You are My Child. You are My Dad. You are My Father. You are My Papa. Maybe for example. We are Kinsfolks. We are Family. That Fellow 2(Two) out of that 2(Two)—We have, for example, Our Military, and Our Government, and Our Soldiers, and Our Troops, and Our Workers, and Our Military, and Our Government. Maybe for example. We have Our Ethnicities. We have Our Militaries. We have Our Species. We have Our Governments. We have Our Corporations. We have Our Companies. We have Our Businesses. We have Our Nations. We have Our Countries. We have our Groups. We have Our Ethnicities. Perhaps for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example. And also, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, ‘We have gotten it already Bro. Already taken care of Bro. . Bro.. We already took Care of it Bro. . Bro., We got You Covered. Bro., We took care of that, Bro. . Bro., We are the Professionals. Bro., We are the Authorities. Bro, We are the Ones in Charge. Know Your Place, Bro. . If You know what’s Good for You, Bro. . We got it Bro. . We got You Covered, Bro. . We’re on it, Bro. We got 'em Covered, Bro. . We have it Covered, Bro. . We got it Bro. . I got it Bro. . Bro. Bro. Bro. He is also a J. . Bro. . He is also a M. . , Bro. . Yo, Bro. . Yo, Bro. . Right over Here, Bro. . Bro. . I got it Bro . .Bro. . don’t be Concerned. allegedly that Fo.oth.Unaffil.Ro.Bl.Br.Kr.as.Je.as.Br.N.Cou.Mo.N.Cou.as.’ And, of Course, We are Family. And, of Course, We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Storehouses. We have Our Spaceships. We have Our Spacestations. We have Our Warships. We have Our Worlds. Perhaps for example. That Fellow 1(One) out of that approximately about 2(Two)—We are Family. You are My Son. You are My Child. You are My Father. You are My Papa. We are Kinsfolks. We are Family. That Fellow 2(Two) out of that approximately about 2(Two)—We have, for example, Our Military, and Our Government, and Our Soldiers, and Our Troops, and Our Workers, and Our Military, and Our Government. Maybe for example. We have Our Ethnicities. We have Our Militaries. We have Our Species. We have Our Governments. We have Our Corporations. We have Our Companies. We have Our Businesses. We have Our Nations. We have Our Countries. We have our Groups. We have Our Ethnicities. Perhaps for example. We have Not become Exterminated. Today is 5-26-2022(the Month is May, and the Day is the Twenty Sixth, and the year is Two Thousand Twenty Two.) And the year before this was the year 2021(Two Thousand Twenty One). Within an Estimated approximately about 5(Five) days or evenings, or approximately about 6(Six) days or evenings, probably Not quite 7(Seven) days or evenings, if Fellow B. were to be be approximately that 9(Nine) out of that approximately about 300(Three Hundred), approximately about, unfortunately, 100(One Hundred) Percent of Our Populations will Very Likely Die, and will Very Likely be Dead, and Very Likely be Very Long Duration Dead. And for example. And for example being Emphasized. And, if so-called Fortunate, approximately about every Fellow Organization, and every Fellow Group, and, for example, every Fellow Ethnicity, will be at, if so-called Fortunate and/or if so-called Lucky, approximately about that so-called S.L. 1(One) out of that so-called S.L. 3(Three). And Maybe for example. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Perhaps for example. Fellow Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate. Not for example.”