Hello there !
First of all many thanks for your detailed test of RapidSpar against ddrescue/HDDSuperClone.
It looks like RapidSpar was able to do a better job than the software only tools and I guess that the capability to recover files and folders without having to image/clone the entire drive is very useful as well, and of course the same capability is present on any "decent" hardware based imaging/cloning tool.
It's interesting that ddrescue and HDDSuperClone did recover exactly the same number of directories and files but once again HDDSuperClone took more time to finish. Also the "Frequent loud clicking" while imaging is not something that I would consider to be a good sign ...
RapidSpar took less time to get more data. I didn't expect that RapidSpar would be able to get as many data as the other 2 tools as RapidSpar doesn't have multi-pass.
Looks like RapidSpar can be used with it's 3 cloning options on the same image so you can do a first image skipping bad blocks and then go back with option 3 and dig bads. This will cover all the drive.
I guess that you used the option 2 - Balanced - at least judging from the picture.

The fact that the drive didn't click while recovering the data with RapidSpar is a great sign as well but maybe that was caused by issuing some sort of Vendor Specific Commands like the Super-On.
Units like DDI4 can issue the Super-On VSC on IBM-Hitachi and Hitachi-ARM so that it will "help" with the Imaging/Cloning process. I remember reading somewhere that when a Hitachi-IBM is not detected properly by DDI one can still attempt to send the Super-On as a "last attempt" to get the drive to ID.
One interesting test would be for you to plug the Hitachi drive to an independent power supply and then run RapidSpar on it so that it would go to the RapidNebula to perform the firmware fix. Now without powering off the drive just remove the SATA connection to the RapidSpar unit and attempt to image/clone with either ddrescue and HDDSuperClone.
Do you have any change on the results ? Can you get more files after the firmware fix / optimization ? Does the drive still clicks ?
This way you would be sure that the fact that RapidSpar was able to retrieve more files was indeed because of it's cloning/imaging capabilities and not because it was able to issue something like some Vendor Specific Commands that were able to allow for the drive to work on another way that provided more data at the end.
This would be the same as attempting to image a WD or Seagate suffering from the slow issue / pending bug. Now you patch the firmware and you are able to image way faster and get more data. You didn't get to image faster because you changed tools but because you patch the firmware. Maybe something like that happen as well on Hitachi, who knows .... Only way to be certain is by testing.
But of course I might be completely wrong.
At any rate so far we have a winner. RapidSpar apparently beat ddrescue and HDDSuperClone ...
Now let's see how RapidSpar compares to other Hardware Based Solutions.
Once again many thanks for your review and this honest comparison.
Once again this thread shows the "superiority" of Hardware Based Cloning/Imaging tools against software only solutions, and let's not forget that RapidSpar is just way less powerful that DeepSpar professional solution DDI4. If RapidSpar was able to accomplish this results then one can imagine what a DDI4 unit would be able to make, unless of course the "key" for this success was in firmware patching via RapidNebula ...
Regards and keep on testing and sharing your findings !