“And in Some More of My Writings, My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man said, and/or stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Storehouses. We have Our Worlds. Maybe for example. We have Our Species. We have Our Militaries. We have Our Ethnicities. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Fine, and Good. Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound. And Not for example. Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, ‘Competing Narrative? No. Nah. Although that doesn’t really matter. Those Fo.oth.go.go.mi.or.gr.as were Very and Extremely Very Long Duration Strong. Strength. Powerful. The fo.oth.unafi.j.as got 'em? No. Nah. How would that have worked? And the fo.oth.unafil.hel.bac.b.ti.retar.ver.lon.dur.brethr.j.as. Fellow Matadors. Fellow Clowns. And that Fellow Time Managent. And You are Welcome. Fellow Laughter. Fellow Bliss. Fellow Happineses. Fellow Jokes. Fellow Satire. Fellow Parodies. And Maybe for example. Fellow Strong. Fellow Strength. Fellow Loyalty. And Not for example. And instead, lil’ ol’ often laughing and giggling, and smiling, lil’ ol’ Fellow B. got those Fo.oth.go.go.moc.mi.or.gr.Anh.Ext.as in approximately about 2(Two) of Three-about first 4 or 5 million years, and then until about 3 yr. ag. to ab. a mon. ag. Not joking. Not kidding. You are welcome. You are Welcome. Very Excellent, and Fine, and Good. Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound. And Not for example.”
“Moreover, in Some More of My Writings, My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man said, and/or stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Storehouses. We have Our Worlds. Maybe for example. We have Our Species. We have Our Militaries. We have Our Ethnicities. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Fine, and Good. Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound. And Not for example. Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, 'I have never been in Real Pain. I have Never been in Real Very Long Duration Pain. I have Never been in Torment. I have Never been in Real Very Long Duration Torment. I have Never been in Real Anguish. I have Never been in Real Very Long Anguish. And Maybe for example. Happens to be Very Obvious. Happens to be Very so-called Apparent. Happens to be Very a so-calle Given. Life if Very Easy. Life is Very Long Duration Very Easy. Life is Simple. Life is Very Long Duration Very Simple. That is Simple. That is Very Simple. That is Easy. That is Very Easy. I Never have, for example, Broken a bone. I have Never have, for example, needed a Cast for a Broken, bone, etc. I have Never needed a so-called 'Molding or Molded’ Cast for a Broken bone, et cetera, etc. I have never Really known a Real Setback. Today is 5-12-2022, Thursday. Tomorrow is 5-13-2022, Friday. Yesterday was 5-11-2022, Wednesday. This is the Month of May. And this year is the year 2022(Two Thousand Twenty Two.) The year before this was the year 2021(Two thousand Twenty One). The Month before this was April in the year 2022(Two thousand Twenty Two.) I have Never really been in Need and/or Want. I have Never for, for example, put in a Request for any of that Trust Fu. . Money. Not even once. Paraphrased, and summarized, and abbreviated, 'On the ph. with who? Oh, thank you, and much appreciated, however, No, and No I do not want any of that money. And I doing Good. We doing Good. She doing Good. And much appreciated for helping manage that Money and Stuff. We doing Good. Thanks anyway, much appreciated.’ And also, 'No, thank you anyway, 'Ma'am, don’t need or want Your resources or money, thank you anway, 'Ma'am.’ And for example. Fellow Stockpiles of Resources and Energies doing Very Well, and Very Good. And Maybe for example. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. We have Our Storehouses. We have Our Worlds. Maybe for example. We have Our Species. We have Our Militaries. We have Our Ethnicities. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Fine, and Good. Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound. And Not for example.”