Hiroshi: houston is the capitol of the ailing neoliberal capitalist system that promotes degeneracy, war, mass-immigration, genocide
Samantha: So you are able to compartmentalize thoughts of what you want and how it affects others so they never touch. That's sociopathic. You're whole view on society and human interaction is shockingly bereft of any humanity. Like your looking in on an ant colony to be tinkered with.
Your posts here are a compelling argument in favor of aggressive nationalism.
Kay Chung: so the powerful organizations contracted the brightest minds of the WASP-sphere to offer brown, impoverished, crime-ridden 3rd world brazil big assed transvestites?
forget about uplifting the general condition of a 3rd shit hole
and that is what you have to offer the world?
this is the reason why we should fight for your global domination?
Bronstein: They're creating a corporate-government world dominion and using conflict to weaken nations as you would clay before pushing them together one by one into a mass of placid mongrel dumbfucks.
Gottstein: but brazilians never erased their identity
brazil has segregated japanese, italian, polish, jewish, german, mullato communities all living in misery together and yearning to migrate to less chaotic lands
David Kaganovich: your goal is already achieved, its called brazil and it sucks major balls
Brazil can not mount effective resistance, as they are all individuals and have no reason to oppose global capital domination as they have no biological purpose but only self interest which allows the capitalist system to work.
Jose Lopez: So just to be clear your proposed solution to overpopulation, climate change and global inequality is consumerism?
I can't really argue that free trade has gone some way to making the world a more peaceful place. If you think about it, most wars since ww2 have been started by or involved the US and their pro-activeity in promoting liberalism (as in economic) around the world. But I also find it depressing, that consumption and increasing gentle guiding from TPTB is the best you think we can expect.
Actual sustainability (as in less consumption) and technological - and human - advancement seem much more noble goals.
Gulayeva: Basically you want to turn the whole world into one homogenous 3rd world shithole where 99% live paycheck to paycheck, hand to mouth.
Got it
Jay Arabov: If the capitalist solely lives for his belly and pleasure why not live in a drug dosed high?
Wladimir Levin: have you guys seen the movie Dredd? it's unironically America's future
>vast concrete hellscape
>government selling drugs to their own people
>government turns around and kills own people for buying said drugs
like pottery
Lev Levyev: When I think about California in the late 70s, 80s. and 90s. I can't believe the changes I saw, but essentially the state held a kind of status quo. Then the 2000s landed and every single last year after that the state became less and less desirable.
South America is like looking into the future of the US and Europe. Take a look out how nice Buenos Aires was in the 1920s compared to today.
Pendergast: Globalist corporations decided to expand their market of possible customers by appealing to the widest possible customer base. They started in Brazil. all advertising de-emphasized race-specific beauty traits for race-neutral traits. Whites are a minority in a global marketing plan.female cosmetics were marketed in Brazil as the lab for the entire world. the advertisers were so successful elevating female products that they were surprised to see men buying those products. Homosexuality rose and then transgenderism. In 2008 they started the same program in the US and we see nu-males expousing feminine doctrines, we see a rise in homosexuals, and a rise in trannies. It all comes down to marketing for the greater world population of "people of color"...their fashion, their music, their values, their vanity...its why we see marvel comics colorfying their white heroes. its why we see bruce jenner trying to mainstream trannyism. today they add a slight masculine scent to the cosmetics and sell them to straight nu-males. its all about creating the international prototype of non-white consumers. it is ultimatley corporate globalism that is erasing white culture. nationalism is the only way to preserve what we have.
Clif Ton Goh: We almost got there lads.
But, we traded away a technologically advanced future for useless refugees and darkies... well played!
Emma: have you read Society of the Spectacle? There's an argument to be made that the market itself distorts society in this direction without the need for conscious conspiracy. You yourself note that wealth redistribution in this model forms the basis of a cyclical market system which acts "outside" politics. If consumption is to be viewed as economic productivity, and humans as capital, then surely these forces of breaking down identity and community in favor of market-mediated forms are on some level inevitable, because people left idle by automation are a wasted resource, and profit can be derived by correcting this.
On this basis I would argue that the processes you describe have been occuring "naturalistically" since at least the 1920s or earlier due to the onset of mass production and mass media. We have come to a point now where the atomization of individuals is very complete, everyone feels that "something" has been lost, a
Jacinta: Some chink real estate company goes down the shitter.....Chinks sell off in panic. NYSE hits record high as everyone floods back into white man's economy. Ooops find it filled with niggers. NYSE hits record low as oligarchs seek ROI in selling unvaxxed organs to dying Jews. FEMA camps stock soar to new heights. Analysts call this the decade of concentration and offer suggestions on where to find up and coming companies that make quick kill tech that doesn't damage vital organs. Growth stock rally in the new sector.
Jacinta: He may not even realize it himself, but what he thinks are the noble goals of his endeavors are merely the justifications for stealing wealth and prosperity from the majority of the population so the elites can forevermore rule over slaves.
Nothing about this is genuinely good for humanity. Globalization is permanent slavery of mankind.
Do we have a population problem? You better fucking believe we do - but it's not in the west, it's not india, or china, or indonesia. It's in Africa.
Andreas Shmidt: I am Brazilian and Americans are crazy.
Imagine actually wanting to live in a country in which the police is TRULY ineficient.
Here in Brazil the police solves only 10% of murders (murders! Imagine other crimes...)
Believe me, you don't want the same thing in America. But you're gonna get it anyhow, because you're all so intent on the brazilification of your country.
Freight hopping on a train headed for Cali is what a lot of homeless used to do because the weather there is warm year around.
Maria: The solution to both problems is what I have outlines in parts. Someone mentioned the "destruction of the middle class," and this is partially accurate. I prefer to put it in terms of equalizing the global population into two group: population and managers. The population, who constitute the majority, which not produce anything but will consume based on credit. This credit will integrate them into a controlled economic apparatus. Debt will not be collected an money, which undermines the purpose of the system, but rather as lifestyle adjustments. In other words, once sufficiently indebted, "middle class" population will be transitioned into equalized population life. This population, then, will be transitioned toward more carbon sustainable living.
These transformation will be largely unavoidable because the credit-debt infrastructure will make cooperation with the credit distribution agencies necessary for their continued consumption at all. Wide-scale unemployment will ensure that the vast majority of the global population is integrated into the population category, with those who are not being integrated into managers who help preserve and administer the system.
Mike Stratis: Your way is nihilism. Turning the world into a bunch of dumb mutt consumers, never amounting to jack shit. The African population is expected to reach 4 billion by the end of the century, out of a global population of 10 billion. If you expect to eventually achieve homogeneity from that, future humans will be 40% sub-saharan African. We'll just be stuck on this rock buying crap until our inevitable extinction.
We should be trying to better humanity, pushing our species to create better humans and advancing our technology in space travel and eventual terraforming in order to colonize the universe and prevent extinction. That won't happen with a world full of mindless consumers, raised inside a ape-like culture. It will be an idiocracy.
The globo hegemony is falling apart
That’s really the underlying reason the elites are kvetching and screeching so much. They wanted to blame trump but he is just a symptom of the post ww2 system coming apart due to natural factors and all the people that make tons of money out of the system are in 100% panic mode.
The reason they say the “world is falling apart” when right wingers in the west question NATO or globohomo or International Finance is because it is the end of THEIR world
Gazmend Tairi: OWS was dismantled successfully by turning all the sub-groups against each other
identity politics was found to be the silver bullet to the problem of lower classes clamoring for more
notice how every socialist movement has been 100% subverted with the notion that they have to carry the problems of every defective, ugly, mentally ill human at the same time as the overall wealth distribution problem. they're fighting on 20 inessential fronts and losing ground on the only 1 that matters
so long as corporations celebrate gay pride and diversity and whatever else the left demands, they get a free pass on economic exploitation
pretty ingenious really
Rootless mongrels with no strong cultural identity who will live to consume low quality products, reproducing fast and dying young thanks to poor lifestyle so the government will never have to pay them retirement. Global brazil ruled over by secret society elite - forever.
HAA you must be a real loser to identify with your own people instead of the profit margins of multinational conglomerates