Confessions of a High-Level Policy Maker: Brazilification is the Endgame

By Prof Náhům Lůbávíč
Feb 21, 2015


•Worked with oligarchs to expand global agenda
•What Neoliberalism has to offer is a global Brazil
•Bundas worldwide

Brazilification, eh? So what they need is automatons without any history to be easily organized into international groups without any conflicts?

Yes, it's just multinationals using their influence to establish and maintain a system that's mutually beneficial. I, for instance, was just a think tank writer who sort of started figuring out what the agenda seemed to be and writing white papers on how to pursue that agenda. I was rewarded for responding to the concerns of powerful people, and was assigned for jobs. The goal is to transform the nation-state into a local level of administration without primary sovereignty. In other words, the needs of maintaining global economic integration is primary, and national governments are local administrators who ensure that this primary objective is carried out. Nations cease having exclusive interests. This part: "people without any history to be easily organized in international groups without any conflicts" is quite accurate. Sectarian resistance is one of the biggest problems today. The ultimate goal is a global Brazil.

Why do you sound like a used car salesman peddling ethnic cleansing to us as an economic benefit?

Our motives are not entirely economic; the rich are already rich, we could close off US to the rest of the world and continue being rich, with more than enough resources and wealth to outlast the apocalypse, but there are certain internal threats that exist to our rule. Many oligarchs obviously fear another revolt against the rich, pogrom and have also been victims of Black physical superiority. Whites have a successful history of revolting against oligarchs, and Blacks are physically superior and can easily dominate and violently overtake the rich. Neoliberal, Norman Podhoretz expressed his concern of Black physical superiority in the essay "My Negro Problem – And Ours", in which he described the domination he felt from African-Americans as a child, and concluded by calling for a color-blind society, and advocated "the wholesale merging of the two races [as] the most desirable alternative for everyone concerned." The threat of domination from the superior characteristics of the lower class is a major problem for the elite, and we seek to dilute and weaken the differences in order to maintain our power. Although there is an ulterior motive, to make it palatable to the gullible masses, we frame our true agenda/objectives in terms of economics. We learned not to repeat past mistakes in fixing our problems, so if we don't like a certain race, we frame the racial problem in terms of cold, hard economics and promote various policies to achieve our "economic" objectives. For instance, in order to remove underdesirable elements, we claim a certain region/industry is impoverished/unproductive and would improve economically from gentrification/migration replacement. The targetted populace is thus effectively removed from their habitat and replaced with a more favorable group. You can see this in formerly White and Black areas, being replaced with Latinos and Asians. We also promote our favored ethnicites by framing their deployment as an economic benefit. They increase housing demand and increase housing prices. Our typical slogan is that they are hard-working, cheaper, and better than X lazy group. If Adolf framed his Lebensraum in terms of economics, he would have succeeded in his goals... after all, it's all about the free market, who could argue against that? Essentially it's stealth class warfare plus racial warfare all wrapped up into a neat little economic gift.

Thoughts on the Jaffe Memo?

No comment. I mean, I will lose my job. Let's just skip the Jaffe Memo and talk about this sensitive subject in terms of economics... makes things alot easier. This is how we avoid the heat, just frame it on economics. The rest of this interview will be in terms of economics, that's what I am trained for.

That sounds cray-cray. Who are you and what the fuck is going on?

I've written white papers for the United Nations, the Trilaterial Commission, and for the cosmetics industry on replacement migration and population integration. I did a lot of my work in cooperation with and for the cosmetics industry (I was basically a lobbyist). The goals I worked on there had to do with visual strategies of integration and how the cosmetics industry can participate. Effectively, the strategy had to do with the transformation of beauty and "sexiness" into several commodities of objective consumer goods. For example, instead of beauty being some subjective and uncontrollable attribute, beauty is to be directed into definable and acquirable commodities: breasts of a certain size, buttocks of a certain size and shape, a specific and universalized facial construction. We worked with advertising and entertainment to highlight this new conception of beauty. This would create a more egalitarian beauty that anyone can acquire regardless of their background, and it would obviously (why I got paid) increase the rate of cosmetic surgery. And this is how a lot of the work goes on: different industries lobbying for personal profit while serving a larger process of universalization of populations with the ultimate goal of uniform interchangeability aka Brazil. This is also why I brought up Brazil. The vast majority of our efforts were aimed at Brazil, which was a test case of sorts. The result was one of the highest rates of plastic surgery in Brazil (success). But a side effect, which is actually really interesting, was the explosion of transsexuality, because when female sexuality was transformed into several acquirable commodities, then men also became consumers of these commodities.

Are you pushing the communist global agenda?

First, the idea that "the global agenda" is leftist or communist or somehow related to the neo-Marxism of the Frankfurt school is misguided. The organizations I've worked for over the years see the number one priority as the maintenance of global economic integration and open markets. In collaborating with the intelligence community, I've found their goals to be extremely anti-left and very concerned with maintaining global commercial institutions.This is the reason the CIA worked so far to defeat communism; it was a threat to a unified global market. What many of you have picked up on is the New Left elements of the global agenda. But this is a misunderstanding. The system apparatus from 1945-1980 was the Keynesian welfare state, which successfully integrated potential opposition from the left and right into the system. The New Left (born out of the Frankfurt school) strongly opposed the welfare state, which they correctly saw as a method of ensuring the working class did not succumb to revolutionary tendencies, and mobilized identity activism against it (Women's Liberation, Black Power, etc.). The solution to this threat was the co-optation of identity politics, and the movement of economic administration to supranational institutions (WTO, IMF, World Bank, EU). That way this new mobilization would not threaten the global economy but could be allowed to manifest without state repression (as Nixon tried from 69-73).

Smells like communism.

This is extremely simplistic. What you're calling "socialism" is more akin to state capitalism on the global level. You're also picking up on the visual integration strategies of sublimating resistance to global capitalism. The left has been largely dealt with by focusing leftwing economic agitation into non-threatening identity activism. The right, and ethnic sectarianism especially, still poses a threat to global economic administration. Hence, the open borders and integrationist strategy of visual, sociological, and biological integration. The end result should be an outcome resembling Brazil (which ties into my work with the cosmetics industry, if you're curious), a neo-homogenous population of interchangeable human producer/consumer units that would be organized at a nation-state level, but be more easily integrated into international administration, lacking any pre-capital factors (race, ethnicity, history, religion, etc.) that could serve as the basis for nation-level democratic agitation against supranational institutions. The current wave of nationalism was unforeseen because many expected demographic change had already progressed too far and that leftwing elements had been too integrated into identity-based politics rather than economic populism. We are responding accordingly and advocating a framework of civic nationalism that can serve as a building block to international community by furthering the domestic task of visual, sociological, and biological integration of national communities. Civic nationalism, when successfully co-opted, will help further eradicate intra-national divisions and, coupled with pro-integrationist public-private advertising (propaganda), will progress the goals of creating a neo-homogenous, non-racial society.

Smells like NWO global conspiracy to control everyone through a global government.

It's just powerful multinational corporations and their international organization partners trying to ensure global economic integration, create a situation where there is no domestic-level resistance from pre-capital forms of identity and organization, and, lastly, to profit, as I helped the cosmetics industry do.

Why are traditional nations/ethnicities being attacked?

Right now, cultures are associated with peoples and their histories. You can't sell "whiteness" or "blackness" to someone who isn't of that race. But, if these racial/ethnic categories were to become blurred and eventually eliminated, cultures would become a consumable goods, i.e. non-racially definable people purchase their culture through consumer products.

People who love their nation/ethnicity/ancestry/traditions are the main threat to global capitalism?

Historically speaking, National Socialism was a bigger threat than communism because it combined economic resistance to global economic integration with ethnic/pre-capital sectarianism.

What's the deal with culture warriors and IdPol?

The culture war-identity politics system collapsed over the course of 2015-2016, necessitating a transition to the new system of co-opted civic nationalism. Again, this is just starting to be said, and there are obviously many people too rooted in the old system to change, but it is a strategy with potential. The division you're talking about was coming whether it was orchestrated or not. If you think your average college professor isn't just a naive ideologue, you're mistaken. The solution to the agitation and division that came in the 1960s/70s was to (1) shift economic administration to the global level so it was no longer subject to domestic politics and fights between groups and (2) the co-optation of identity politics, sublimating it into non-economic concerns. The goal was to de-politicize the economy and to de-economize politics. The ultimate goal, however, is a global common market and the elimination of pre-capital identity. Identity is to become a collection of commodified consumer objects, where identity categorizations lose their racial/ethnic/racial specificity and become objects that can be assumed through voluntary consumption.

Culture war is a distraction?

Yes, they take economic concerns out of politics by channeling rightwing energies into "culture war" politics and leftwing energy into "identity politics." This way, politics does not threaten fundamental economic change. Then, economic administration was to be separated from politics through moving economic administration to the supranational level (WTO, IMF, EU, etc.) and through privatization.

What about hostile responses to Brazilification?

Interestingly enough, I addressed this exact issue in a paper I wrote for a marketing agency that helps produce television commercials and online ads. I helped conduct a study that showed that the portrayal of interracial relationships induces hostile responses in all racial groups. I recommended using racially ambiguous individuals and families, especially women, instead of relationships between clearly definable races. This way, marketing has a broad, non-racialized reach, but without generating the hostile responses that interracial relationships do.

Doesn't Brazilification lead to dystopia?

I have actually thought about this myself. The way that most of my clients have been operating is consumer-centric. They assume that production is a given that will continue as it is today and are focused on consumer-oriented strategies. It's sort of like a consumer eugenics. 20th century eugenics was producer-centric, focusing on creating ideal producers, and therefore emphasizing things like high intelligence, etc. But today, the entire focus of almost all my work is consumer oriented: creating the ideal consumer of marketable goods. They want to turn the world into India.

How can Brazilification be stopped?

If creating the ideal consumer undermines stable production, we could be in for a major crisis.

Neoliberals have turned the West into trash and will lose to Russia/Chin/India

Yes, you are pointing to exactly where the problems are. Neoliberal technocrats aren't gods. And as to Russia, yes, they are a problem. Other retrograde countries have largely been co-opted through their elites, like China, India, and Saudi Arabia. Russia, however, is pursuing its own national path, which is detrimental to the global system.

How the fuck is Chin/India/Saudi co-opted? You forgot 9/11? You are aware about subversive China's/India's jihad to invade and replace the West?

Well, right now they are playing along and working with Western oligarchs. Yes, they are using the West and attacking it, but the victims are not the oligarchs, the victims are the plebs, and we don't want the useless, vermin plebs. They can continue do the dirty work for us and replace the native Whites/Blacks for all they like, it only furthers our goal, and we still profit from global business partnership.

Aren't people rising up against Brazilification?

Yes, but this has all happened in the last couple of years, precisely when I'm admitting the system has been strained to the point of breaking down and necessitating an internal system transformation. Though neoliberalism will likely have to transform into something which placates nationalist energy. Look ahead to a wave of "moderate" nationalists, who will help direct nationalist angst into a more manageable direction. Trump was a completely unforeseen pariah, but he could point the way to a civic nationalist strategy for preserving the ailing neoliberal system.

Civic nationalism is another co-opt strategy?

Yes, for the most part. Also to use civic nationalism as a way of clamping down on ethnic nationalism by claiming it is no better than the leftist identity politics it has displaced. Likewise, change the narrative from "diversity" to one of "equality of citizens," wherein ethnic distinctions are legally erased and biological integration can more easily go forward. Civic nationalism as a way of changing the rhetoric of pursuing the same ends to make them palatable again. For instance, instead of the Reaganesque rhetoric of "cutting taxes so people can keep more of their own money," a civic nationalist rhetoric of "cutting taxes so our country is internationally competitive and we can bring jobs back home." The end goal is the same, but it's presented with a new argument. This can be applied in multiple ways and can ultimately be used to marginalize the very economic nationalism you're talking about as harming our NATIONAL economic competitiveness.

Brazil is your focus? What about Islam?

Yeah, I'm overwhelmingly focused on Latin America and the U.S., being centered in Texas and working with cosmetics. The Islam question is actually interesting, because most of the people I work with have the idea of some kind of debauch strategy, where the Middle East is Latin Americanized through the same techniques used in Brazil. But the oil industry has since the 1990s wanted to intentionally undermine nation-states in the region to establish a system of private oil access defended by private contractors. So there are plenty of disagreements, even between the interests of my own city.

Are you the mastermind behind all this?

The whole process is more akin to a shadow bureaucracy pushing in a general direction. There are businesses pursuing profit, think tanks strategizing, global organizations trying to ensure global open markets and free trade, domestic politicians and media trying to combat nationalism and, of course, win elections. As people have pointed out, I'm just a policy and marketing researcher for a think tank and the cosmetics industry. I did have a pretty crucial role on the current state of Brazil because I wrote the very first white paper on beauty commodification as an equalizing and marketing strategy and helped push advertising money in that direction. And those strategies are now being employed in the U.S., which is probably obvious. But, at the same time, I'm just an upper middle class guy living a comfortable life. Most of the people I've interacted with are at about my level of understanding the system, and we're all contributing different pieces to a larger process.

Do you think what you do is evil?

I don't really think in terms of "evil" or about the societal, moral questions you're talking about. Maybe that's why I've had the success I've had, but I just do what I'm supposed to. I think a lot about specific things; not much about the big picture. Maybe that's why I fit well into a bureaucracy, and maybe that's why the bureaucracy overall works like it does. I didn't force anyone to do anything. I participated in the marketing of certain consumer goods, and male consumers (though not the target demographic) freely purchased those goods. This was not the intent, but we found that "male beauty" was not as easily commodified as female beauty. Women respond negatively to male faces with perceived plastic surgery and put more emphasis on interpersonal familiarity, which is much harder to brand, market, and sell. So our marketing of female sexuality was so successful that men, without a commodity of male sexuality of their own to purchase, consumed female sexuality. The only thing I've been directly responsible for was the formulation and implementation of an advertising/entertainment campaign in Brazil to transform subjective notions of beauty into commodified objects of consumer goods acquirable through the cosmetics industry, which also has resulted in an explosion of transsexualism, and then the implementation of a similar campaign in the U.S. over the last 4-5 years. I just do research and provide potential strategies to help my clients pursue and achieve their objectives and get paid for it. It's just different powerful industries pushing the world in a certain direction because its good for business.

How did you join the darkside?

I impressed an undergraduate professor, who was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and employee of the Baker Institute for Public Policy. He wrote a letter of recommendation and got me an internship at the Baker Institute. He then helped me get into graduate school, where I studied political science and continued my internship during the summers. After getting my PhD, I got a job working at the Baker Institute as a researcher. Eventually, because of Houston's medical center, I started doing lobbying work for the cosmetics industry, and, with my connections to the think tanks, just got sucked into this world. With the medical center, the Baker Institute, and the oil industry, Houston is actually a big global powerhouse that people tend to ignore.

Why are you revealing all this?

Because of what's going on globally right now, no idea. Initially, I thought quite soon. The Brazil campaign worked extraordinarily fast, but the difference was that Brazil was already a diverse country with little potential for ethnically-based resistance to population integration and physical equalization through beauty commodification. The U.S. is evidently in a difference place, with a very real, and increasingly ethnically conscious, resistance, though the cosmetic aspect to the advertising campaign has worked just as quickly as in Brazil and produced the same transsexual response like clockwork. I'd actually be interested in doing research just on the transsexual response to beauty commodification, but that is too "basic research" to get any funding for and to controversial for any university to touch. Glad to have aired some of my thoughts. Ultimately, I do have doubts about the system's sustainability. In short, the rhetoric produced to preserve the system became semi-autonomous and now poses a threat to the system that helped create it

Visitor Comments

houston is the capitol of the ailing neoliberal capitalist system that promotes degeneracy, war, mass-immigration, genocide 

So you are able to compartmentalize thoughts of what you want and how it affects others so they never touch. That's sociopathic. You're whole view on society and human interaction is shockingly bereft of any humanity. Like your looking in on an ant colony to be tinkered with.

Your posts here are a compelling argument in favor of aggressive nationalism.


Kay Chung:
so the powerful organizations contracted the brightest minds of the WASP-sphere to offer brown, impoverished, crime-ridden 3rd world brazil big assed transvestites?

forget about uplifting the general condition of a 3rd shit hole

and that is what you have to offer the world?

this is the reason why we should fight for your global domination?


They're creating a corporate-government world dominion and using conflict to weaken nations as you would clay before pushing them together one by one into a mass of placid mongrel dumbfucks.

but brazilians never erased their identity

brazil has segregated japanese, italian, polish, jewish, german, mullato communities all living in misery together and yearning to migrate to less chaotic lands

David Kaganovich:
your goal is already achieved, its called brazil and it sucks major balls

Brazil can not mount effective resistance, as they are all individuals and have no reason to oppose global capital domination as they have no biological purpose but only self interest which allows the capitalist system to work.

Jose Lopez:
So just to be clear your proposed solution to overpopulation, climate change and global inequality is consumerism?

I can't really argue that free trade has gone some way to making the world a more peaceful place. If you think about it, most wars since ww2 have been started by or involved the US and their pro-activeity in promoting liberalism (as in economic) around the world. But I also find it depressing, that consumption and increasing gentle guiding from TPTB is the best you think we can expect.

Actual sustainability (as in less consumption) and technological - and human - advancement seem much more noble goals.


Basically you want to turn the whole world into one homogenous 3rd world shithole where 99% live paycheck to paycheck, hand to mouth.

Got it

Jay Arabov:
If the capitalist solely lives for his belly and pleasure why not live in a drug dosed high?

Wladimir Levin:
have you guys seen the movie Dredd? it's unironically America's future

>vast concrete hellscape
>government selling drugs to their own people
>government turns around and kills own people for buying said drugs

like pottery

Lev Levyev:
When I think about California in the late 70s, 80s. and 90s. I can't believe the changes I saw, but essentially the state held a kind of status quo. Then the 2000s landed and every single last year after that the state became less and less desirable.

South America is like looking into the future of the US and Europe. Take a look out how nice Buenos Aires was in the 1920s compared to today.

 Globalist corporations decided to expand their market of possible customers by appealing to the widest possible customer base. They started in Brazil. all advertising de-emphasized race-specific beauty traits for race-neutral traits. Whites are a minority in a global marketing plan.female cosmetics were marketed in Brazil as the lab for the entire world. the advertisers were so successful elevating female products that they were surprised to see men buying those products. Homosexuality rose and then transgenderism. In 2008 they started the same program in the US and we see nu-males expousing feminine doctrines, we see a rise in homosexuals, and a rise in trannies. It all comes down to marketing for the greater world population of "people of color"...their fashion, their music, their values, their vanity...its why we see marvel comics colorfying their white heroes. its why we see bruce jenner trying to mainstream trannyism. today they add a slight masculine scent to the cosmetics and sell them to straight nu-males. its all about creating the international prototype of non-white consumers. it is ultimatley corporate globalism that is erasing white culture. nationalism is the only way to preserve what we have.

Clif Ton Goh:
We almost got there lads.

But, we traded away a technologically advanced future for useless refugees and darkies... well played!

have you read Society of the Spectacle? There's an argument to be made that the market itself distorts society in this direction without the need for conscious conspiracy. You yourself note that wealth redistribution in this model forms the basis of a cyclical market system which acts "outside" politics. If consumption is to be viewed as economic productivity, and humans as capital, then surely these forces of breaking down identity and community in favor of market-mediated forms are on some level inevitable, because people left idle by automation are a wasted resource, and profit can be derived by correcting this.

On this basis I would argue that the processes you describe have been occuring "naturalistically" since at least the 1920s or earlier due to the onset of mass production and mass media. We have come to a point now where the atomization of individuals is very complete, everyone feels that "something" has been lost, a

Some chink real estate company goes down the shitter.....Chinks sell off in panic. NYSE hits record high as everyone floods back into white man's economy. Ooops find it filled with niggers. NYSE hits record low as oligarchs seek ROI in selling unvaxxed organs to dying Jews. FEMA camps stock soar to new heights. Analysts call this the decade of concentration and offer suggestions on where to find up and coming companies that make quick kill tech that doesn't damage vital organs. Growth stock rally in the new sector.

He may not even realize it himself, but what he thinks are the noble goals of his endeavors are merely the justifications for stealing wealth and prosperity from the majority of the population so the elites can forevermore rule over slaves.

Nothing about this is genuinely good for humanity. Globalization is permanent slavery of mankind.

Do we have a population problem? You better fucking believe we do - but it's not in the west, it's not india, or china, or indonesia. It's in Africa.

Andreas Shmidt:
I am Brazilian and Americans are crazy.

Imagine actually wanting to live in a country in which the police is TRULY ineficient.

Here in Brazil the police solves only 10% of murders (murders! Imagine other crimes...)

Believe me, you don't want the same thing in America. But you're gonna get it anyhow, because you're all so intent on the brazilification of your country.

 Freight hopping on a train headed for Cali is what a lot of homeless used to do because the weather there is warm year around.

The solution to both problems is what I have outlines in parts. Someone mentioned the "destruction of the middle class," and this is partially accurate. I prefer to put it in terms of equalizing the global population into two group: population and managers. The population, who constitute the majority, which not produce anything but will consume based on credit. This credit will integrate them into a controlled economic apparatus. Debt will not be collected an money, which undermines the purpose of the system, but rather as lifestyle adjustments. In other words, once sufficiently indebted, "middle class" population will be transitioned into equalized population life. This population, then, will be transitioned toward more carbon sustainable living.

These transformation will be largely unavoidable because the credit-debt infrastructure will make cooperation with the credit distribution agencies necessary for their continued consumption at all. Wide-scale unemployment will ensure that the vast majority of the global population is integrated into the population category, with those who are not being integrated into managers who help preserve and administer the system.

Mike Stratis:
Your way is nihilism. Turning the world into a bunch of dumb mutt consumers, never amounting to jack shit. The African population is expected to reach 4 billion by the end of the century, out of a global population of 10 billion. If you expect to eventually achieve homogeneity from that, future humans will be 40% sub-saharan African. We'll just be stuck on this rock buying crap until our inevitable extinction.

We should be trying to better humanity, pushing our species to create better humans and advancing our technology in space travel and eventual terraforming in order to colonize the universe and prevent extinction. That won't happen with a world full of mindless consumers, raised inside a ape-like culture. It will be an idiocracy.

The globo hegemony is falling apart

That’s really the underlying reason the elites are kvetching and screeching so much. They wanted to blame trump but he is just a symptom of the post ww2 system coming apart due to natural factors and all the people that make tons of money out of the system are in 100% panic mode.

The reason they say the “world is falling apart” when right wingers in the west question NATO or globohomo or International Finance is because it is the end of THEIR world

Gazmend Tairi:
OWS was dismantled successfully by turning all the sub-groups against each other
identity politics was found to be the silver bullet to the problem of lower classes clamoring for more
notice how every socialist movement has been 100% subverted with the notion that they have to carry the problems of every defective, ugly, mentally ill human at the same time as the overall wealth distribution problem. they're fighting on 20 inessential fronts and losing ground on the only 1 that matters
so long as corporations celebrate gay pride and diversity and whatever else the left demands, they get a free pass on economic exploitation
pretty ingenious really 

Rootless mongrels with no strong cultural identity who will live to consume low quality products, reproducing fast and dying young thanks to poor lifestyle so the government will never have to pay them retirement. Global brazil ruled over by secret society elite - forever.

HAA you must be a real loser to identify with your own people instead of the profit margins of multinational conglomerates