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There’s something magical about getting lost in a book — our world disappears and we’re transported to different places where we meet all kinds of people. But what happens when we get so absorbed that we begin to lose sight of what’s fact and what’s fiction? Below, check out these hilarious signs you can’t separate books from reality.
1. You get embarrassed along with the characters.
2. A single book can impact your mood for the entire day.
3. When your favorite character dies, you feel as though you’ve lost a loved one.
4. In fact, you wish you could take their place.
5. Sometimes your favorite characters rub off on you.
6. You vent about what’s going on in books the same way you would current events.
7. You stop considering yourself single, because you have book boyfriends.
8. And your feelings towards said book boyfriend(s) are no joke.
9. Honestly, you may never get over them.
10. You’ve even become a pro at fending off naysayers.
11. And you talk about characters as though you regularly hang out.
12. You take it personally if someone insults them.
13. And you continue to think of them, long after the story ends.