An Interview With Mo Ibrahim: An NYC Based Writer Who Writes About Nympholepsy in Pop Culture

An Interview With Mo Ibrahim: An NYC Based Writer Who Writes About Nympholepsy in Pop Culture

October 10, 2021

MO Ibrahim is an NYC based writer, novelist and blogger. MO started his blog Mo The Writer in 2012, focusing on writing articles about art history, movie reviews, advice for writers, and nympholepsy. Throughout the years, Mo’s blog has accumulated over thousands of views and continues to be one of the most reputable blogs today. Soon after, MO went on to publish his first book, Katie, in 2014. Today, MO has written over 6 novels based upon nympholepsy and his upbringing in Chicago cabrini-green. He has sold hundreds of copies of his books to individuals worldwide. His latest book “Teens Love and Want to F*ck James Franco: A Study of a Life and Works” details the fansication that teen girls have for James Franco and the popularity of nympholepsy displayed in pop culture. MO is on the path to even bigger achievements as he continues to publish books and work on his blog.


Mo The Writer: I’m a New York City based writer, novelist and blogger.


What inspired you to become a writer?

Mo The Writer: I was inspired by stories and information that I felt were interesting to share.


How do you stay motivated as a writer?

Mo The Writer: I have so much information to share that I can’t imagine ever running out.

How do you stay consistent with writing?

Mo The Writer: One of the keys to being a consistent writer is to have a subject that you’re passionate about, because most writers are less passionate about writing, but they’re more passionate about what they’re writing about.


What is your definition of a good writer?

Mo The Writer: A good writer isn’t pretentious – he or she writes with a purpose.  


What book are you the most proud of writing?

Mo The Writer: I’m equally proud of them all. That’s like asking which child you're proud of the most.

What are some obstacles you had to overcome while writing books?

Mo The Writer: My biggest obstacle is time. I would love to be able to write six to eight hours per day, but due to a day job, I can only write about two hours per day except on the weekends and during winter, spring and summer breaks.


What do you think is stopping others from becoming a writer?

Mo The Writer: I think that they haven’t found a topic that they’re really passionate about. You have to have more passion for the topic than you have for say Netflix and chillin.


How can someone successfully start and finish a book?

Mo The Writer: If you want to write a novel, do a brain dump of everything you can remember that happened to you or you’ve observed. (Initially, don’t do any editing.) Then look for patterns that you can link into a story. Next use your imagination to turn that brain dump into a work of art.

What are your upcoming projects?

Mo The Writer: I’m writing a book on nympholepsy in Law & Order: SVU


What advice do you give to young and older entrepreneurs who want to develop their own books?

Mo The Writer: Find your (altruistic) passion (i.e., what do you feel that people need to know to make them and/or the world a better place.)

Check out more of Mo The Writer Instagram, Blog, Books


Update: Article was updated to reflect the correct dates of Mo's history as being an novelist.
