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May 2nd, 2022
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  1. "Allegedly, and maybe also very different spellings and/or pronunciations, 1(of that ten).) Countries and Nations. 2.) Jews. 3.) Jehovah's Witnesses. 4.) Catholics. 5.) Christians. 6.) Satanists. 7.) Adventists. 8.) Germans. 9.) Mormons 10(of that ten).) Dutch."
  3. "Allegedly, and maybe also very different spellings and/or pronunciations, 1(of that ten).) Countries and Nations. 2.) Jews. 3.) Jehovah's Witnesses. 4.) Catholics. 5.) Christians. 6.) Satanists. 7.) Adventists. 8.) Germans. 9.) Mormons 10(of that ten).) Dutch."
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